المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أى من هذه الجمل هو الصحيح - و لماذا

09-02-2010, 12:54 PM
ملاحظه : اختر و اذكر السبب

* I am tall , amn't I ? i

I am tall , aren't I ? i

*Why did he not come ? i

Why did not he come ? i

* How tall is that tree ? i

How high is that tree ? i

* The criminal was hung

The criminal was hanged

Good Luck To All

The tolerant
09-02-2010, 02:58 PM
* I am tall , amn't I ? i
tag q
Why did not he come ? i
n q
How high is that tree ? i

The criminal was hung past participle

الشامخ 9
09-02-2010, 03:05 PM
يعطيك العافية ام يزيد 90

09-02-2010, 03:11 PM
Umm Yazeed

I appreciate your reply


Can you give it another try

Why not

You may discover something new

:smile (48):


09-02-2010, 05:30 PM
اين بقية الأعضاء

معقوله الأسئله لهذى الدرجه صعبه

:smile (87):


:lost lady:
09-02-2010, 05:46 PM
I'm not sure
correct our mistakes and tell us the reasons
let me see
aren't is better>>>I have no Idea why but may be it is easier to pronounce lool
I think tall is better( in this sentence) because we use high with the tree when we want to measure it or may be both are correct

Why did not he come ?
I think this is the correct one loool
the last one >>>>>I'm not sure about it
it is a try

The tolerant
09-02-2010, 06:27 PM
my answers r wrong

09-02-2010, 06:33 PM
Why do not we wait for more answers

By the way

This does not mean that your answers were

not correct or accurate

It is just a chance for more participations

And for you to think of the fourth one

Thanks indeed for your passing

And continuous support


The tolerant
09-02-2010, 07:07 PM
all of them r right
regard to the speaker if he is american or british
don't say no please
because am going to give up:smile (78):

09-02-2010, 07:17 PM
all of them r right
regard to the speaker if he is american or british
don't say no please
because am going to give up:smile (78):

please do not give up
By God ' s Willing
Tonight I will write the answers
and the the explanations
Thank you for your esteemed effort
:smile (40):.

:lost lady:
09-02-2010, 07:20 PM
all of them r right
regard to the speaker if he is american or british
don't say no please
because am going to give up:smile (78):

um yazeed
U make me laugh
Don't give up loooool
Sir>>>>we don't have the whole day
I'm sure my answers are wrong but I wanna see um yazeed's Answer

Prime Rose
09-02-2010, 07:20 PM
I am tall , aren't I ?

هذي بحثت فيها السنة الماضية لإني ما استسغت الجواب الثاني..

فمتأكدة من جوابها..

Why did not he come ? i

How tall is that tree ? i \

The criminal was hanged

لانها مبنية للمجهول

هذي اجوبتي..


09-02-2010, 07:55 PM
راح ابدأمن السؤال الاخير

هذا الفعل hang له تصريفين

واحد غير منتظم hang - hung - hung
ويكون معناه بالعربى يعلق - يدلى - يتدلى
وهو ليس المطلوب هنا

المعنى الثانى لنفس الفعل هو يشنق
او يعدم شنقا
وهنا يختلف تصريف الفعل ويعتبر فعل
hang - hanged -hanged
ومعنى الجمله ان المجرم اعدم
اذا الأختيار الصحيح هو الجمله الثانيه
The criminal was hanged


مزيد من الشرح

4 (hanged, hanged) to kill sb, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way: [vn] He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. [v] At that time you could hang for stealing.

kill/be killedpast tense and past participle hanged [intransitive and transitive]SC to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck, or to die in this way, especially as a punishment for a serious crime
be hanged for something
He was hanged for murder

09-02-2010, 08:02 PM
my turn

those are the correct answers

I am tall , aren't I ?

because i have never heard of amn't I thing lol

Why did not he come ?

we can't say Why did he not come? is it hindi or what?

How high is that tree ?

high is the right and perfect discribtion . as we can't say her hair is tall, we say instead her hair is long

The criminal was hanged

as sirhassan answerd above ^^

The tolerant
09-02-2010, 08:09 PM
you know something i know that the verb hang has 2 forms but i didn't remember that
but thank u very much u make me think and read new information am wating for the rest

09-02-2010, 08:58 PM
طيب خللوني أجرب حظي

والله أدري بحظي

:smile (56):

بس يالله أجرب

:smile (73):

am tall , amn't I ? i

I am tall , aren't I ? i

طيب هذا صيغة تاج كويسشن
هكذا يكون

*Why did he not come ? i

Why did not he come ? i

هذا ترتيب غريب الحقيقة الأصح هو

Why he did not come?i
يعني كأن الصيغتين كللها غلط بس نفترض ان الثانيه هي الأصح

* How tall is that tree ? i

How high is that tree ? i

الصيغتين صحيحة لأن اختيار الكلمة على أساس
مدى الإرتفاع ان كانت الشجرة صغيرة أو شاهقة الإرتفاع

* The criminal was hung

The criminal was hanged

وطبعا هاذي تم ذكر سببها

أتمنى ان اجابتي تكون صحيحه

ولا أحد يغش مني



:smile (77):


للجمييييييييييييييييييييي يع

:smile (35):

10-02-2010, 12:29 AM
اشكر الجميع على مشاركتهم واثرائهم للموضوع

الحقيقه الكثير جاوب اجابات صحيحه ومنطقيه

و لا حاجة لذكر اسمائهم فمشاركاتهم تدل على ذلك

السؤال الرابع جاوبت عليه سابقا

اما السؤال الأول

Why did he not come ? i

Why did not he come ? i

القاعده تقول

Uncontracted negative questions are usually formal

الأولى رسميه اكثر من الثانيه - وكلاهما صحيحه

السؤال الثانى

I am tall , amn't I ? i

I am tall , aren't I ? i

الجمله الصحيحه هى الثانيه والسبب

Am not is only normally contracted in questions to aren' t


I' m late , aren't I

السؤال الثالث

How tall is that tree ? i

How high is that tree ? i

يعتمد على الفرق بين tall - high

شوف الشرح

high or tall?
In many cases, where the meaning is ‘measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top’, either word can be used.
However, they are most common in these collocations:
a high mountain/cliff/peak/wall ◇ (a) tall building/tower/tree/grass .
Tall is not used to talk about sth which is at a level a long way above the ground,
it only refers to the distance between the top and the bottom of sth:
The room has tall windows ( = the windows stretch from the bottom of the wall to the top ) . ◇
The room has high windows ( = they are at the top of the wall, near the ceiling ) .

اذا الاختيار الأول هو الصحيح

مجددا اشكر للجميع مشاركتهم وانتظروا القادم
سيكون نوعا ما أصعب
:smile (40):
