المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : موضوع اليوم - هل تعرف الفرق بين هذه الكلمات - أعطى رأيك

10-02-2010, 12:59 PM
تذكر رأيك مهم لدينا

هذه 3 مجموعات نريد ان نبين الفرق بينها

فى الاستخدام و المعنى

اذا كنت لا ترى فرق

فهذا ايضا يعتبر رأى ونقدره

المجموعه الأولى

Test - Exam - Quiz

المجموعه الثانيه

Marks - Grades

المجموعه الثالثه

Present - Gift

ملاحظه : يفضل الشرح بالعربى والانجليزى

ليكن الشرح واضحا قدر الامكان مع الامثله


10-02-2010, 01:17 PM
انا بحاول اجاوبك عن المجموعه الأولى وهذا اللي أعرفه وان شاء الله...

تكون صحيحه..واذا فيها خطا ارجو التعديل..

Test -
اتوقع في الغالب..يكون اختبار على الورق...يعني اختبار قدره شيء او تحديد مستوى
How did you do on your maths test?
Exam -

هذا اللي اعرفه يكون الاختبار على الورق..
ويكون نهائي..
At the end of each level, you take an exam.


هذا النوع يكون عليه درجاات بس يكون اختبار سريع والدرجااات تكون قليله...

10-02-2010, 01:29 PM
I knew you could do it.

:smile (40):


The tolerant
10-02-2010, 02:15 PM
حقيقه انت رائع خليتني اقرا واتعلم
طيب انا حاجاوب على present and gift
present = لما تكون الهديه بين الناس العاديين يعني البسيط الى الغني
gift= من الغني الى الفقير من العالي في المستوى الى الاقل
والله اعلم

10-02-2010, 02:15 PM

Present - Gift

وحدة تكون بمناسبة يعني كتكريم بمناسبة حلول أو حدوث شيء معين

والثانية بدون مناسبة بمعنى أن تهدي لأجل الإهداء بغض النظر عن الهدف

يعني حب صداقة تعارف ود ابداء حسن النيه وما عدا ذلك

هذا اللي أعرفه

ان شاء الله تكون صحيحه

:smile (87):

10-02-2010, 02:58 PM
as far as I know

Grades can be A+ or B or C+ , and it can be 1= perfect ,2= very good , 3= good.

يعني كدرجات مثل الجامعه بالحروف أو كالارقام المهارية يعني "تقديرات"

Marks are numbers like 20-20 or 33/50

يعني درجه من درجه أصلية

10-02-2010, 03:12 PM
[QUOTE=Renoa;806180]as far as I know

Grades can be A+ or B or C+ , and it can be 1= perfect ,2= very good , 3= good.

يعني كدرجات مثل الجامعه بالحروف أو كالارقام المهارية يعني "تقديرات"

Marks are numbers like 20-20 or 33/50

يعني درجه من درجه أصلية

[COLOR="DarkGreen"]:smile (40):
كلام صحيح 100%
ماشاء الله
دائما متميزه
ويقولون دائما
مالها الا ......

:smile (93):

ننتظر بقية الاسئله

10-02-2010, 03:20 PM

Thank you , by the way " marvelous " topic and a great way to learn from each other. :)

10-02-2010, 09:01 PM
We still have one group to go


present - gift

Who can say the difference

The tolerant
10-02-2010, 09:10 PM
am disappointed

10-02-2010, 09:18 PM
am disappointed

:smile (40):
No Need For That
After all nobody knows everything
I recommend the following book
Without doubt , it is the best


The tolerant
10-02-2010, 09:51 PM
thanks my brother
realy it is useful

10-02-2010, 09:57 PM

Gift is more formal than present and is used especially in business contexts: a store will advertise its Christmas gift ideas ; the people who buy them will talk about the Christmas

presents they have bought for family and friends.

A present is usually given by and to an individual;

a gift may be given by a company ( a corporate gift ) and/or to an organization.

A present is usually an object, but a gift may be a sum of money, or sth such as the gift of love/life :
Especially in American English, however, gift is not always so formal and is sometimes used in personal contexts instead of present :
The watch was a gift /present from my mother

وهذا شرح اخر

Many of us tend to use the two words interchangeably in most contexts. Of the two, present is the more informal. The two words are used with things given to other people without expectation of return or compensation. It is not uncommon to hear people say, I gave him a gift/present on his birthday. Both the sentences are grammatically acceptable. Careful users of the language make a distinction between the two words. A Gift tends to be much more valuable than a present. It usually passes from the rich to the poor, from the high to the low. A present, on the other hand, passes between equals or from the inferior to the superior.

• The children brought a present for the Minister.

• I gave him a pen as a present.

• The foundation is planning to gift the land to the society.

• He made a gift of two million dollars to his old university.

The word gift is also used with the inborn talent or skill that one has. It is because God is believed to have given us these things. We are getting something from a superior being. Picasso had the gift of painting. M.S has the gift of singing, etc. We do not, in these cases, use the word present.


12-02-2010, 04:46 AM
مفييييييد جدا http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/4222/14159515ue7.gif