المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Renoa وجميع من هنا اريد مقالين عن الاول عن اهمية تعلم اكثر من لغة اجنبيه والثاني عن الطالب السلبي و

مخاوي الدمعه
02-04-2010, 11:19 AM
السلام عليكم جميعا
ارجوا المساعده في كتابة احد المقالين وهذه المواضيع الاول
"Is it important to know more than one foreign language?"
An active student and a passive student

ولكم من صالح الدعاء
بظهر الغيب
ارجوا ان لاتتجاهلو طلبي
اخوكم مخاوي الدمعه

N teacher
02-04-2010, 01:48 PM
هنا بعض الاشياء اللي تساعدك في عمل المقارنة ان شاء الله

An active student participates fully in his course, listening, asking questions, handing in all exercises well done and on time, does all the required reading plus some, and makes sure that he has revised everything before exams.( Sounds a pain, but actually, most students do this.)

The passive student sits, and sits at the back of the class keeping an eye on his watch till he falls asleep. NO. That's the indolent one.
The passive student will go through the motions with as little effort as possible and no intellectual engagement. Presumably, he will pass...just....and then only if he has had good teachers.

All students can't be the same. So if some student is more active than other due to the natural abilities is quite obvious. But beside the nature, the environmental factors are playing a very important role as well. So we are here to see that how can we help a student becoming an active rather than a passive student.

Characteristics of an active student:
First of all we will see that who actually is an active student. He is the one who is willing to participate in all the classroom activities. He wants to seek attention from the teacher and the peers. He wants to perform to his best and be appreciated for that. HE participates in the competitions, discussions and other co-curricular activities. He is alert, quick, competitive, energetic, passionate, leader, creative and a performer
Characteristics of a passive student:
A passive student is one who loves to be in his own world. He doesn't want to talk much and participate in the day to day activities of the classroom. He is not very social and hesitates to express his point of view in front of everyone. He is an introvert and needs a channel to vent out his feelings and thought. He wants to take a backseat in any kind of discussion or activities. At times he can be spotted out in the crowd as a lonely and a conscious being. In extreme he can be very dull and unwilling to learn.

Steps to make a passive student active:
Our main area of concern is to make a passive student active and after that we will see to the steps taken for the betterment of the active students. The first important
Task is to understand the psychology of the passive learner. Generally he seems to be passive physically but his mind is very active. We need to know the thought process going on in his mind and then find out the reasons for the same. There can be many reasons for the passiveness which depend upon the age-group and the priorities of the students. Sometimes the family environment or some incident might have an impact upon the child's mind and be proving a hindrance to his activeness. So the area of the problem be diagnosed first and then steps should be taken to help him fight with the situation.The following points should be considered while dealing with a passive student:
*He should be talked with
*Try to be very polite and generous to him
*Motivate him to perform
*Appreciate even the smallest effort coming from his side
*Try to be friendly and let him trust you
*Show that he is not alone and there are like-minded people
*Use a lot of teaching aids
*Try to find out his areas of interests and provide him with ample of opportunities
*Take help from active peers
*Make use of family support

Helping the active students:
Active students also need your help in polishing their talents. They should never be demotivated and suppressed with what they do. Their psychology also needs to be understood and worked upon accordingly.
*They need to be motivated from time to time.
*They should be given ample of opportunities to express themselves.
*They should be rewarded for their work
*They should be assigned project works
*They should be given platform to perform
*They should be given challenging work to keep them busy while attending to others

Thus it is seen that becoming an active student is more beneficial than a passive student. Especially the student life should be filled with a lot of enthusiasm and fun. There should be no worries at all and one should enjoy and be active in whatever they do.

N teacher
02-04-2010, 01:55 PM
Most of the time, a passive student does not even know they are passive. They usually sit toward the back of the room, talk with their friends when they should be doing work, and participate in class only when there is no other choice. All of these traits are issues that students deal with on a daily basis and for the most part are not even aware there is a problem. It is not up to the teacher to fix this problem; they have thirty other students to worry about. Instead this task is up to the parent
There are many ways to find out if your student is active or passive. First how are they doing with school with testing? Passive students tend to take more time, on tests, sometimes not even finishing. Are you able to get their attention while they are doing an activity? Passive students will be focused on something other than you, making it hard for you to get their attention. Do they seem constantly frustrated? Frustration is a normal state of mind for a passive student. The frustration seems to creep up when they lack sufficient time for an activity. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you may have a passive student.

What can be done at school to help a passive student? Have your child sit at the front of the room. This will give them a better view of the teacher and what they are writing on the overhead. This will also get them out of the back of the room. Passive students tend to hide in the back of the room talking to their friends. Lower their activity levels. If the student is involved with out of school activities and finding that they do not have enough time for school work, reduce their activities. Find out what they really want to do and give them a choice of a few. Children should know that school is the focus, not the basketball hoop.

Home is where the passive student is going to get most of their help. Reduce TV time. Let them pick a show or two but shut the TV off when that show is over. Have reading time. Pick a time in the evening and read. Reading is an activity that increases imagination and is far more active than just simply sitting in front of the TV. In addition read a book with them. If they don't want to read out loud, Read the same book that they are reading and have a discussion about the book after each session. The Twits' may not be the book for you, but it will only take an hour or less to read and will show the child that you are interested in what they are doing. Play a video game with them. Make sure that the video game is one where both players help each other to complete a task. Lego: Star Wars' is a good one. Last, revisit game night and play an older board game. Allow children to have their opinion and listen to them when discussing their activities.

Supervise them during homework coaching them to ask question and instill in them that it is okay to ask a question if they do not understand something. If you don't have time then that might be the issue, make time. You want them to be active, and in order for that to work be active with them. No law or law maker is going to make them more active. If you take the time to show them how an active person should behave they will pull themselves out of their passive shell and become the best student ever.[/COLOR]

N teacher
02-04-2010, 02:08 PM
Speaking more than one language has many advantages, such as slowing down the aging process of the brain, more job opportunities and makes worldly travel a breeze.

The Science Daily News website posted an article showing that people who speak more than one language may have a great benefit at an older age. Languages may create new links in the brain, slowing down its aging process.

Several researchers found that the higher a persons education, the better his or her cognitive state was. While the number of languages a person spoke contributed to the prediction of cognitive fitness beyond the effect of education alone.

Another important advantage of speaking different languages is potential em-ployment benefits. Multilin-gualism offers a wide choice of jobs in various fields. One can expect prosperous career opportunities in the all facets of: the retail sector, transport, tourism, administration, secretarial work, public relations, marketing and sales, translation, law and teaching. The opportunities are endless.

The Importance of Speaking More than One Language
by Francisco Rebollo
Read other essays by Francisco Rebollo
Since some years ago until now, to speak more than one language has become very important in society. Most of the schools around the world have different programs to help the children to start learning a new language when they are younger. Thus, when those children leave the elementary school they have a base in a different language. It may help them to get interest to continue studying deeply. I am in this situation right now. I have been studying English for seven months seriously. Even though I have had a lot of problems in the beginning I can feel more comfortable now about English. Moreover, one of my goals is to keep learning more and more English because I know how important it is to speak this language in our society. Sometimes it might be difficult nevertheless, it is amazing. To speak only one language may be compared to being in your own room without a window. It is safe and comfortable. Yet, it is small and dark. If you open the door and go out, you will see a new wonderful world. It will be brighter and bring you a lot of joy. Therefore, I shall do everything I can to improve my English everyday

Speaking more than one language also gives you freedom to travel around the world and access different cultures. Multilingualism helps one to appreciate a treasure of traditional and contemporary sayings, idi-oms, history and folk stories, music, literature and poetry in different cultures.

Many people have the capacity to learn another language. These days, spea-king more than one language offers more flexibility in thinking and helps train your ear for better listening. It also im-proves a person's understanding for the native language opening the doors to other cultures. So if you want the sky to be the limit for you, than you may want to consider learning a few new languages.

02-04-2010, 04:18 PM
The Importance of Speaking More than One Language

Since some years ago until now, to speak more than one language has become very important in society. Most of the schools around the world have different programs to help the children to start learning a new language when they are younger. Thus, when those children leave the elementary school they have a base in a different language. It may help them to get interest to continue studying deeply. I am in this situation right now. I have been studying English for seven months seriously. Even though I have had a lot of problems in the beginning I can feel more comfortable now about English. Moreover, one of my goals is to keep learning more and more English because I know how important it is to speak this language in our society. Sometimes it might be difficult nevertheless, it is amazing. To speak only one language may be compared to being in your own room without a window. It is safe and comfortable. Yet, it is small and dark. If you open the door and go out, you will see a new wonderful world. It will be brighter and bring you a lot of joy. Therefore, I shall do everything I can to improve my English everyday.


02-04-2010, 04:26 PM
ايضاُ ::

It is important to know more than one language?

Yes, but like Edison said, "...people who know more than one language really don't seem to be paid for it in the workplace UNLESS they got hired specifically for that reason." So why learn it if it doesn't benefit you money wise?

I took Spanish in high school because even at that time I could see it would be spoken by more than half of the country in the near future. I also thought it would help me advance professionally. I slacked off in college and am embarrassed by how well I speak Spanish now. I can hold a simple conversation and my vocabulary has always been excellent but as soon as someone starts talking fast forget it.
No one cares if you speak another language unless they want to pimp you out for the business world and then you have to speak it like a native. I've known plenty people who are ESL and they don't have to speak English like a native to get a job. I know English is the hardest language to learn but it kind of seems one sided. What gives?

و ايضاً :::

Foreign languages are very important in life

Nowadays, people often want to learn foreign languages. Why? Because foreign languages are very important in our life: In many jobs, businesses, carrers, travels and private contacts.

Today, we can notice the foreign languages play a key role in deciding the direction of development of each country in future.

Thanks to them we can exchange ideas, opinions, news and information among countries all over the world in many spheres and fields like: science, engineering, medicine, education, businesses, the environment etc. I feel strongly that qualified scientists and technologists, teachers, people of art and culture and many others should know foreign languages. Most people want to learn more than one foreign language so they can be great communicators. If you give yourself a chance and try to learn any language you will develop wings in many activities. You will be a perfect person who plays in the team called SUCCESS.

There are several different ways to learning foreign languages. First of all we have to concentrate on the grammar.

We should read each part of the grammar once or twice, maybe three times and then we should do practice exercises. At the same time we should read texts which are included in books for learning. Every time we must read the text carefully and try to understand it. From time to time we can read the text quickly and don't worry about words we don't know. Every time we should translatetexts correctlyand say something about the article we have read lately. Writing is also a very important thing. We should write many articles describing different matters and situation, for example: about schools in our country and in other countries, aboutyoung people- what young people like and dislike, about habits, different jobs, travels and interesting places, about places of our dreams, weather conditions, favourite sports, about the rich and famous and about holidays etc. But I thing that the most important thing in education( learning and remembering) of foreign languages is conversation in pairs or small groups on different subjects. It'd be absolutely fantastic to be able to improve a foreign language during disussion. We can say about different situations, compare ideas and opinions with a partner and achieve the better level of education. People learn best by doing practical tasks.

If we want to know a foreign language better and better and speak fluently we should also use means which affect our eyesight and the sense of hearing, it means:
computer programmes, internet
films in an original language
games (didactic games) etc.

There are a lot of methods of learning and teaching a foreign Languages. We can learn:
self-dependent (using books, films, computer, newspapers)
in groups (courses)

There are a lot of courses which are organized abroad by many schools. We can send a letter of application to a school or to the cultural exchange. It is a big chance to improve a foreign language abroad. At this moment we can check our knowledge. We have many possibilities to test ourselves.

In my opinion we should learn step by step it is very important. Learning step by step develops fluency in a spoken language and accuracy in the grammar and vocabulary and gives people theopportunity to practise the sounds and intonation. The first level of learning a foreignlanguage is an elementary level. The second is intermediate and the third is advanced. There is also a course for specific purposes. It is a new series designed to improve the communication skills of professional people involved in international businesses.

In my point of view it is very important to know a foreign language nowadays. Some people have problems and troubles when they want to learn a foreign language because they haven't predispositions and abilities to do it. In that time they can choose a special programme for them.

However, we can notice some advantages knowing a foreign language. We will get high-level educational qualifications and better chance of getting a good job. We will be able to participate in many interesting occurrences all over the world.

02-04-2010, 04:30 PM
What are the differences between An active student and a passive student?

An active student participates fully in his course, listening, asking questions, handing in all exercises well done and on time, does all the required reading plus some, and makes sure that he has revised everything before exams.( Sounds a pain, but actually, most students do this.)

The passive student sits, and sits at the back of the class keeping an eye on his watch till he falls asleep. NO. That's the indolent one.
The passive student will go through the motions with as little effort as possible and no intellectual engagement. Presumably, he will pass...just....and then only if he has had good teachers.

The first lives productively and the other exists.

02-04-2010, 04:33 PM
passive student

There is a common myth between many students. They will learn when they go for lectures. Notice that I mentioned the word 'go'. Asking many of the common JC students during my high school days, they all seem to think that going to lectures guarantees knowledge. I beg to differ.

In a lecture, there is a one-way transmission of information from the lecturer to the student. The lecturer can be considered as a constant. He has his own individual style that seldom changes. The student on the other hand is a variable. He can choose to adopt a passive learning attitude, or an active learning attitude. What is the difference you might ask?

Before we answer the question, let's do a quick analysis of how knowledge is gained. We can absorb content in two ways, either through our eyes by reading a book or looking at a screen, or by listening, in our case, listening to the lecturer. Once the content has entered our brains, we then have to process it with our minds, sort out the relevant knowledge in appropriate chunks to be stored. The final step is to use this new knowledge by studying examples and exercise. It is here where we assimilate the concepts and theories and at best, be masters in using it.

Okay, back to our lecture. We already know the lecturer is the constant so how much we learn depends on the variable of being passive or active. For the passive student, the learning stops after the first stage. Certainly, the content does enter the student's mind but he is caught in other affairs and so no content is processed into knowledge. It is these students who typically say, "I go to every lecture but don't gain anything".

For the active students, they absorb the content probably at the same rate as the passive students and then process it by thinking through the concepts and even question the validity of what is being taught. These students are the ones exiting the lecture hall feeling satisfied that they have learnt something.

Of course, be it passive or active students, no one should miss out the most important step - taking what you learn and practice it on questions. It is through such problem solving that the student questions the inner workings of what he has learnt and in doing so, mastered it.

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بالتوفيق اخوي

مخاوي الدمعه
02-04-2010, 10:42 PM
كل الشكر لك Renoa
وكذلك N teacher
الله يرزقكم الجنه ويسهل اموركم كله وويوفقكم فيما تريدون دنيا واخره... امين