المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نقاش عن الممرضة ساعدوني ..

أنفآس تحتضر..}
04-04-2010, 01:52 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الأستاذة طلبت إني أكون معارضة لمهنة الممرضة من ناحيتين وهي

work hours -long ..إنها تعمل لساعات طويلة

وثاني شي subject of harassment موضوع المضايقات التي تتعرض له الممرضة

الله يجزاااااااك خير
حاولوا تحضرون لي أي شي أقوله للأستاذة يوم الثلاثاء وأكوون داااعية لكم

تحيتي وجزيل شكري .. في انتظاركم

04-04-2010, 02:21 AM
عن الممرضة بشكل عام

A nurse is a healthcare professional who, in collaboration with other members of a health care team, is responsible for: treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill individuals; health promotion and maintenance within families, communities and populations; and, treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses perform a wide range of clinical and non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care, and may also be involved in medical and nursing research.

04-04-2010, 02:22 AM
Nursing and Harassment

The American Nurses Association cites a 1982 study that reported that 60 percent of the nurses surveyed said they had experienced sexual harassment at work, though that included all cases, not just from patients. Still, nursing officials said it is clear that inappropriate behavior among patients is a widespread problem.

“I suspect that if you ask nurses if they’ve been harassed by patients, a majority would say yes,” said Belinda Heimericks, executive director of the Missouri Nurses Association. “Nearly every nurse will run into it at some time in their career.”

The harassment can run the gamut from offensive jokes or sexual comments to inappropriate touching. Sexual assaults are rare but do occur, nursing officials say. Some male nurses have reported being harassed, but the overwhelming majority of cases are between male patients and female nurses.

Such harassment creates tension for nurses, who must walk a fine line between meeting their professional responsibilities to the patient and protecting themselves.

Debbie Dougherty, an assistant professor of communications at the University of Missouri-Columbia, interviewed 29 nurses in four states to determine how they react to the harassment and how it affects their relationships with patients.

She found that nurses usually crack jokes or sternly reject the patient’s conduct. Most nurses said they continue to provide medical care, but the emotional support patients need from them sometimes declines, Dougherty said.

“It probably makes the relationship a little more tense because there is a feeling of uncomfortableness between the nurse and patient,” Heimericks said.

Dougherty’s study, which will be published in the spring issue of Management Communication Quarterly, found nurses are generally more distressed by harassment from co-workers or doctors. Heimericks agreed, saying patients come and go, while nurses have to see the co-workers every day.

Federal and state laws protect nurses from sexual harassment by patients, and the institutions’ written guidelines must reflect those laws.

In most cases, the harassment stops far before a lawyer has to be called in or charges are filed.

Nursing organizations say that if harassment from a patient continues, nurses can ask to have a second nurse stand by in the patient’s room, refuse to care for the patient, ask that the patient be transferred to another floor, or report the behavior to a superior. Doctors and administrators are sometimes called in to talk to the patient.

In extreme cases, institutions can “fire” patients and send them to another hospital, said Scotty Shively, an employment and health lawyer in Little Rock, Ark.

But medical institutions are constrained by certain legal obligations to care for patients, Shively said. For example, patients needing emergency care must be admitted. And dealing with harassment becomes more complex if the patient is mentally ill.

Andres said she has sometimes asked not to take care of a particularly troublesome patient. But usually, she said, “I just tell them that we are supposed to be professional here. I tell them we need to have mutual respect. Sometimes you have to talk to them almost like children.”

Dougherty’s study found that nurses receive little training in handling sexual harassment from patients. Andres agreed.

“It’s something you learn as you work,” she said. “I just try to keep the relationship professional. I call the patient ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’ whatever, and I expect the same thing from them. I don’t expect to be called pet names at work.”

عن المضايقات و التحرشات اللي تتعرض لها الممرضات بس المقال يتكلم عن امريكا بالذات

04-04-2010, 02:27 AM
Disadvantages of Being a Nurse

سلبيات وظيفة التمريض

- المسئولية و الضغوطاتResponsibility and Stress
2. The job of a nurse practitioner can be stressful. They have a great deal of responsibility in managing the health of their patients. They must be skilled at interacting with patients and their families, even when they're uncooperative. It's often difficult for nurses to deal with their own emotions in situations like death and abuse. Handling insurance and legal issues can also cause stress.

- المسائل القانونية Legal Issues
3. It's nearly impossible for some nurse practitioners to practice the way they want to because of legal issues. Each state in the United States has its own laws dictating the privileges that are extended to nurse practitioners. Some of them are more favorable than others. For example, nurse practitioners study pharmacology in graduate school. Most states allow them to write prescriptions, but others don't. Certified nurse midwives can't legally deliver babies in many states.

- البيئة و موقع العمل Geography
4. Although there are job openings for nurse practitioners, the types of positions available vary widely by location. Employment for some specialties is concentrated in urban areas, while others can be found in rural clinics. Because of this, advanced practice nurses often have to move in order to take a job. Some choose to relocate to a different state that has favorable laws and conditions for their specialty.

- تغيرات الحياة و المعيشة تبعاً لتغير اوقات الدوام Lifestyle
5. Nurse practitioners tend to work schedules that are similar to those of doctors. Many have on-call hours in addition to their regular schedules during which they must be prepared to drop everything and go to work if they're needed. This is especially true for nurse practitioners who work in hospitals. It's important to consider the potential impact on one's family and lifestyle before pursuing this career.

دعواتك لي :)

04-04-2010, 02:47 AM
الله يوفقكِ ويرزقكِ الجنة يارب يامشرفتنا

أنا ماأحتاج الموضوع أبداً بس مررت بالجوار لأتذكر مانسيته في دراستي للأدب الإنجليزي
ولقيت إنك تتعبين جداً في تنفيذ طلبات الأعضاء!!
جزاكِ الله خيراً

أنفآس تحتضر..}
05-04-2010, 02:19 PM

الله يجزااااااااك الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة ويسعدك دنيا وآخره
ويحقق لك كل آمالك وطموحتك ويفرج همك وغمك
وينصرك على من يعاديك ويرفع شأنك بالدنيا والآخرة
والله يعطيك ألف ألف ألف عاااااافية

بجد استفدت مما كتبتيه .. ولن أنساك من دعواتي بآخر الليل
تحيتي وخااااااااالص شكري وتقديري ..

06-04-2010, 04:11 PM
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