المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : figures of speech

N teacher
04-04-2010, 10:56 PM

Metaphor :

The substitution of a word for a word whose meaning is close to the original word

Metonymy :

A noun is substituted for a noun in such a way that we substitute the cause of the thing of which we are speaking for the thing itself; this might be done in several ways: substituting the inventor for his invention, the container for the thing contained, an author for his work,
the sign for the thing signified, the cause for the effect

Synedoche :

Substitution of part for whole, genus for species

Irony :

expressing a meaning directly contrary to that suggested by the words

Metalepsis :

A double metonymy in which an effect is represented by a remote cause

Paradox :

A seemingly self contradictory statement, which yet is shown to be true

Oxymoron :
A condensed paradox at the level of a phrase

Anthimeria :

The substitution of one part of speech for another; for instance, an adverb for a noun or

a noun for an adverb
Litotes :

Deliberate understatement or denial of the contrary

Hyperbole :

Exaggerated or extravagant statement used to make a strong impression, but not intended to be taken literally


05-04-2010, 12:02 AM
important list indeed

Thank you sweety

05-04-2010, 01:24 AM
helpful summary
many thanks N.teacher


N teacher
05-04-2010, 09:48 PM

thanks sweety

05-04-2010, 10:07 PM

i only know the metaphor and the irony

<<<<the other things i didn't take yet
still freshmen:smile (87):

i hope i will soon know them

thank you so much