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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Compair between The Glass Menagerie and a Death of a Salesman

07-04-2010, 01:24 PM
:smile (35): السسسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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مقارنه بين مسرحيتين

Compair between The Glass Menagerie and a Death of a Salesman

و اتمنى تساعدوني و يكون ردكم باقرب وقت :smile (87):

و مشكووورين مقدما ..... :smile (7):

N teacher
07-04-2010, 03:40 PM
Characters in the Glass Menagerie and Death of a Salesman

The twentieth century produced multitudes of powerful literature of all kinds from many different authors, of which two prominent playwrights are Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams.

Williams and Miller produced works that dealt with the reality of Americans and their dreams with The Glass Menagerie and Death of a Salesman being two of their more influential works. Although the characters of The Glass Menagerie and Death of A Salesman have distinct qualities, they also have similar archetypes and personalities.

Dreams and delusions maybe different from story to story but their presence in the characters of The Glass Menagerie and The Death of A Salesman is one of several links between the two plays. Amanda and Willy are two such characters who mix dream with delusion and have trouble separating fantasy from reality. Amanda pushes her children and hopes to rel relive her youth through her daughter which clouds her ability to truly see Laura for who she is. Willy is much the same in that he believes his sons to be better than everyone else and builds up their egos in an attempt to boost his own. He has trouble visualizing his sons as failures due to the fact that it might reflect his failure as a father. Both of these characters retreat into their false realities in which their children are successful and a cut above the rest. However, a key difference between the two characters is their love for their families. Amanda shows her willingness to sacrifice for the ones she loves by taking a job for the sole purpose of increasing Laura’s marriage possibilities. While Willy on the other hand shows a blatant disregard for his family through his affair, even though his wife remains loyal and supportive throughout their marriage
The elder child in each of the plays, Tom and Biff, have personalities that are parallel in many ways and yet dissimilar. Both must deal with an overbearing parent who doesn’t always see true reality and creates insecurity and detachment in their children. Each has his own ambitions which deviate from their parent’s plan for them. Tom and Biff both materialize their insecurity and detachment in their respective plays, the key difference is the manner in which they manifest such insecurities. Tom embodies his anxiety through drinking, watching movies, and reading literature; all are attempts to escape the monotony of his life. Biff instead reveals his vulnerability with his kleptomania and inability to hold a job. Even though their expressions of anxiety are different, a unifying ideal is their desire to escape with Biff wanting to head West and Tom wishing to become and adventurer.

Another comparison that can be made between the two plays’ characters is that of Laura and Linda. Both of which are secondary characters who are integral to the plots of each play. Laura and Linda have the role of the emotional backbone of their plays and are more open about showing their sorrows. Laura weeps for her brother’s dissatisfaction with his life despite her own problems. While Linda must put up with Willy’s growing detachment from reality and later cope with his death. The two share the role of “the doormat” character where they just standby and allow things to happen with rare intervention into the happenings of the play. However, a key distinction between the two is their own misconceptions of reality, with Laura stuck in her own world of glass animals and Linda blind to her husband’s infidelity and lack of appreciation.

The differences between the characters in Glass Menagerie and Death of A Salesman create unique story lines but their similarities establish a connection between the two plays. Due to both plays’ comparable themes the characters that are created as a result of developing those themes have many traits in common. Williams and Miller forged stories around characters who weren’t in touch with reality and although the plots differed between the plays, their characters are astonishingly similar

07-04-2010, 03:41 PM
جزاك الله كل خير وبارك الله فيك

N teacher :)

07-04-2010, 03:47 PM
N teacher :)

الله يعطيك العافيه و يفرج لك كل هم

مشكووره خيتو

N teacher
07-04-2010, 03:47 PM



هنا فيه مقارنة بين ثلاث خذي االثنتين اللي مطلوبة..
Reality vs. Illusion in The Glass Menagerie, The Death of a Salesman, and A Raisin in the Sun

All three stories are centered on lower income families in urban settings. Each story has one main dreamer with other characters being in various states of reality. Amanda Wingfield, Willy Loman, and Walter Lee Younger are all living on pipe dreams. Amanda dreams of her days on the front porch surrounded by her gentleman callers. Willy is the all time king of pipe dreams bouncing from past to future with imagining how everything would have been different if he had gone to Alaska (or Africa) with his brother Ben or will be different when Howard makes him showroom salesman at the home office or Biff gets ten (fifteen) thousand dollars for his new business idea. Walter Lee is a smart hard working man but he is so eager to be financially successful that his common sense is blurred and he allows con man Willie Harris to take him for the families ten thousand dollars.

Amanda's reality check comes from another dreamer, her son, Tom who is totally annoyed by Amanda's nagging and domineering, he thinks that everything will be better if he can just get away. Amanda and her family go on living their fantasy lives.

Willy gets it from all sides; primarily his conflict is with Biff but also Charley, Howard, and Bernard. He is an average man who truly believes he is better than those around him, and that his sons, especially Biff, are greater still, but people, he has very little respect for, are all more successful than he is. Biff starts out like Willy perhaps but comes to the realization that being an average man is okay. Willy never comes to that conclusion; in fact he decides he is more valuable dead than alive.

Walter Lee probably has the best grasp on reality and the highest hill to climb of all the dreamers in these stories. This story could probably only take place in a northern city in the United States at that time. His reality check comes from Lena Younger, his mother, a highly spiritual woman with a strong sense of what right and wrong is. Lena has raised Walter Lee to be a good man but he is eager to find a shortcut out of the ghetto and be treated with respect. Walter Lee's wife Ruth who is not as powerful as Lena but a good woman who is not afraid of hard work supports Lena. In the end Walter Lee sees that there are more important things than money.

All stories dealing with very real working class family struggles made still more difficult by the varying Illusions of the different family members. Each story has come to a different solution. The Glass Menagerie goes on in illusion. Tom goes off to follow in his father's footsteps. Laura goes back to her glass and her victrolla. Amanda, I'm sure goes on being exactly the same. The Death of a Salesman ends in tragedy, Willy is dead and Hap is going to be just like him. Biff like Walter Lee does grow up through his conflict. A Raisin in the Sun ends in a family in victory, they are standing up to prejudice and Walter Lee has come through to take his place as the head of the family

03-06-2011, 04:09 PM
i study 2 plays w 3nde Exam :( and i wanna a comparison between them please..... funny house of negro by Adrienne Kennedy and Back of the throat by Yussef El Guindi...... and i really like the previous comparison between G.M and D.O.Sm ...thank ya

زياد الشمراني
03-04-2012, 06:11 PM
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