المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كتابه مقاله

PѓїńcεѕЅ Ďŕēàмч
12-04-2010, 08:34 PM
مطلوب مني Homework بكتابة هذي المقاله ؟؟
بس احس اني ضايعه و مو فاهمه اي شي مطلوب ؟ والمس رافضه تفيدنا بأي معلومه :smile (56):


الله يجزاكم كل خير ويفتحها عليكم ماعاد معي وقت الاسبوع اللي بعد الجاي لازم اسلمه !!!!

وهذا هو المطلوب بالـ Homework :

1. In no more than 1200 words write an essay on the role of point of view in revealing the theme of “After Twenty Years, Thank You Ma’m” and “The Tell Tale Heart.”
Guide Notes: Before you attempt the TMA, read the stories under discussion carefully, then read Unit 5 on "Point of View" to understand it very well and to prepare you to identify the function of the point of view used in each of these stories. Discuss the point of view in each story and give your evaluation as to the perspective or angle from which the stories are told.
To help you come up with a solid and convincing thesis statement, the following questions give you a chance to brainstorm and analyze the topic:
• How many types of points of view are there in a narrative?
• What are the characteristics of each type of point of view?
• How does each point of view affect our reaction or response to the protagonist?
• Is there an ironic tone? A sympathetic one? A neutral one?
• Which is more dominant: the dialogue or the commentary?
• What is the role of each?
• What does the point of view tell us about the author’s attitude about the theme or character of the story?
• What is the purpose in using such a point of view? Etc…
Each of your ideas should be supported with evidence from the stories. Do not generalize.
Your essay should draw on at least 3 sources from the Reading Material maintaining proper academic representation (quoting or paraphrasing) of the information you use. The Peer Review Form in the Course Guide will enable you to assess the proper organization and content of your essay.
NOTE: Evidence of consulting e-library sources will be an added asset.

PѓїńcεѕЅ Ďŕēàмч
23-04-2010, 02:52 AM
ليش ما حدا راضي يساعدني ,,


دلع انجلش1431
23-04-2010, 02:58 AM
بصراحه مافهمت قصدها لانه شااااااامل مش محدد