المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Away, away, ye notes of woe !

25-04-2010, 09:12 PM
"السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته"

كيفكم؟! ان شاء الله بخير :girl face (185):

بليييييييز إذا ماعليكم امر

أبي شرح لهذه القصيده


Lord Byron


Away, away, ye notes of woe !

Be silent, thou once soothing strain,

Or I must flee from hence --- for, oh !

I dare not trust those sounds again.

To me they speak of brighter days ---

But lull the chords, for now, alas !

I must not think, I may not gaze,

On what I am --- on what I was.

The voice that made those sounds more sweet

Is hush'd and all their charms are fled

And now their softest notes repeat

A dirge, an anthem o'er the dead !

Yes, "Thyrza" yes, they breathe of thee,

Beloved dust ! Since dust thou art;

And all that once was harmony

Is worse than discord to my heart !

'Tis silent all ! --- but on my ear

The well remember'd echoes thrill;

I hear a voice I would not hear,

A voice that now might well be still;

Yet oft my doubting soul 't will shake;

Even slumber owns its gentle tone,

Till consiousness will vainly wake

To listen, though the dream be flown.

Sweet Thyrza ! Waking as in sleep,

Thou art but now a lovely dream;

A star that trembled o'er the deep,

Then turn'd from earth its tender beam.

But he who through life's dreary way

Must pass, when heaven is veil'd in wrath,

Will long lament the vanish'd ray

That scatter'd gladness o'er his path.

26-04-2010, 03:27 PM
This will help you , my regards to you



26-04-2010, 08:39 PM
مشكــــــــــــــــــــــ وووور أخوي ع المساعده
يعطيك العافيه ..ماقصرت
وجزاك الله خير

02-05-2010, 12:12 AM

ممكن الـ Theme من القصيده

تكفون لاتردوني

02-05-2010, 03:20 PM
تكفون أبغى الـ Theme من القصيده بكرى بسلم بحثي :(