المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ساعدوني في قصة A handful of Dates

29-04-2010, 06:02 AM
السلام عليكم,

بدي منكم حل هذه الأسئله لقصة A Handful of Dates
1- what the important characteristics of the little boy?
2- How does the grandfather look like?
3-Describe the relationship between the little boy and his grandfather. Do you expect it to change?
4- Who is Masood? How does the boy feel towards him?
5-What is more important: power or Kindness or both? Explain your answer
6- How can"Mercy" play an important role in the story?
7-Give examples of the boy's intelligence
8-What does "A Handful of Dates " refer to literally and figuratively?
9- According to the boy, What are the differences between the grandfather and Masood?
10-Why did the boy refuse to eat the handful of dates at the end of the story?

الله يخليكم ابغى الحلول قبل يوم السبت يعني اليوم او بكره لاااااااااااااااا تخذلوني

بس ابغى الأجوبه اكيييييييييييده اعرف غلبتكم بس مالي غيركم :girl face (105):

29-04-2010, 03:28 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

عزيزتي انا مادرست القصه بس اعرف انك لو بحثتي في جوجل راح تحصلي اغلب الاجابات بإذن الله
