المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : turning point

rose rani
29-04-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi all

how are you?

I have seen this topic in a forum, but in Arabic language


I perfer to be in English in order to practice more

in this topic we have one guest
who will speak about the turning point in his or her life
out first guset is
.My lovely sister Moon :girl face (185):

and then she has a right to choose any member

29-04-2010, 08:09 PM
Rose Rani

Thank you my dear for picking me up in this lovely topic.

Well , in my short life :) I have three turning points . Yep don't laugh they are three ^^ .

first , when I graduated from high school and became a University student . It was a turning point because I lost the one whom I believed she is my best friend , I moved from my small town to the city and I learnt how to fail rather than how to success.

Second turning point when I became aunt and that was one year ago :D . It is a turning point indeed , that adorable kid changed the whole meaning of love . I am deadly in love with him . May Allah keep him for his parents & me :)

The third one is commmmming soon ^^ so one day I'll be here to tell it my dear friends.

Thanks again my dear friend . . Now I choose :::


Good luck

rose rani
29-04-2010, 08:57 PM
wow wonderful turning points

at high schools
many people think
that they have found their best friends
during this time
and if they lose them, they feel so bad
.but for me I have found my best friend
after that especially when I started my job

so thanks my lovely friend and sister for your
nice and fast responding to my request

I have enjoyed reading your turning point

29-04-2010, 09:08 PM
Thanks Rose And Moon

The turning point in my life was two years ago.
I lost many things :(
Well, I cannot speak a lot.
Pls, do not strike these sorrows.
All what I could say is "Life is very hard"
and I'm soooooooooo saaaaaaaad


sea breeze (http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/member.php?u=18400)

rose rani
29-04-2010, 09:15 PM
Thanks Rose And Moon

The turning point in my life was two years ago.
I lost many things :(
Well, I cannot speak a lot.
Pls, do not strike these sorrows.
All what I could say is "Life is very hard"
and I'm soooooooooo saaaaaaaad


Umm Yazeed

we do not want to make you sad
sometime even sad or hard time in
our life has become
turning point in our life
I am so happy because you are here
thank you for being here

sea breeze
29-04-2010, 09:30 PM
Hello girls

It's lovely topic

rose rani.. thanks for this idea

Moon.. I like your turning points

Lancaster.. don't be sad honey and depend on Allah

:small (37):

I'll be back tonight because I'll be outside

Wait for me

:girl face (185):

sea breeze
30-04-2010, 01:00 AM
hi there.. sorry for being late.. I have come home a few minutes ago

let's start

Well.. I have happy and sad events in my life

:happy turning points

first turning point, when I entered the college I specialised in English Language.. beacause it was my dream.. so, I thank Allah for this

second one, a new life

:sad turning points

first turning point, in the last summer, my grandmother was died.. therefore, I collapsed and became very tired because I lost a few Kilograms.. It was big shock for me beacause I love her and I sitll miss her so much

second one, it happend last year and I prefere to keep it for myself for it's bad memory for me and it hurts me

sorry dear for this words, but really I can't talk

:smile (97):

Ask me success and happiness

Good night

rose rani
30-04-2010, 02:50 PM
hi there.. sorry for being late.. I have come home a few minutes ago

let's start

Well.. I have happy and sad events in my life

:happy turning points

first turning point, when I entered the college I specialised in English Language.. beacause it was my dream.. so, I thank Allah for this

second one, a new life

:sad turning points

first turning point, in the last summer, my grandmother was died.. therefore, I collapsed and became very tired because I lost a few Kilograms.. It was big shock for me beacause I love her and I sitll miss her so much

second one, it happend last year and I prefere to keep it for myself for it's bad memory for me and it hurts me

sorry dear for this words, but really I can't talk

:smile (97):

Ask me success and happiness

Good night

Iam so happy to have you here

you have happy and sad truning points you have
I hope all these turning points the happy ones and the
sad ones have made you stronger than before
thank you sea for shining this page by your nice
turning points

30-04-2010, 03:44 PM
sea breeze

Don't you ever be sad my dear sisters

what happened was Alla's fate , we all miss our dear ones indeed , lets pray for their happiness in heavens Inshaa Allah

and remember , they wouldn't be happy to see you sad :)

so smile whenever they come to your minds

30-04-2010, 03:44 PM
Rose Rani

You are next ^___^

sea breeze
30-04-2010, 06:28 PM
Oh, sorry sweetie

as Moon said

rose rani

you are the next

thank you my dear rose and moon for your beautiful words and encouragement

may Allah reward you

:small (37):

rose rani
30-04-2010, 08:56 PM

my first turning point is
when my father got sick and
need a kidney transplanted

the second one is my traveling to Jordan
this has made me a new person
this traveling has made appreciate
the education and made better student

the third one you may feel this

a strange when one of my calssmate
has Criticized
in fornt of my teacher and my classmates
that I have a weak personality
and I do not have any selfconfidence
during one of my presentations
and I do not have any selfconfednice

this criticise
has changed to better
were I to say millions thanks to her. it would not

thank you sea



30-04-2010, 09:42 PM
Thanks Rose Rani for your choosing me . You really surprised me by that . I was not in the least expected to be chosen . But since i was choose I must say that I lead a quite quiet
life with little or unknown truning points in the true meaning of the word . I consider my being an English Language teacher a milestone in my long striven life for excellency and self esteem and satisfaction .

My respect to all
I leave the choice to you Rose
So feel free and choose whoever you like


rose rani
01-05-2010, 01:04 PM
Thanks Rose Rani for your choosing me . You really surprised me by that . I was not in the least expected to be chosen . But since i was choose I must say that I lead a quite quiet
life with little or unknown truning points in the true meaning of the word . I consider my being an English Language teacher a milestone in my long striven life for excellency and self esteem and satisfaction .

My respect to all
I leave the choice to you Rose
So feel free and choose whoever you like


you are one of the English club memeber
and you are so active my brother
that is why I have choosed you

now it is
lost lady

:lost lady:
01-05-2010, 03:18 PM
what a wonderful topic dear sis
Many thanks for choosing me and I'm really sorry sweety
I've told you my own reasons

Allow me please to choose the next
My dear sis Anfas Oman

Thanks again Rose

أنــفاس عــمان
01-05-2010, 05:18 PM
First thanks a lot for the nice topic

Second, I passed through lots of tuning points in my life that
Changed me
Broke me

But it changed me to better
And it broke me to teach me a good lesson out of it

But the point that has a huge impact on me
Was the day when I lost her tender words that were continually comforting, encouraging and soothing me

May Allah Place The Soul Of My Grandma In Heavens

Next one our brother

Al Hatami


rose rani
01-05-2010, 07:51 PM
First thanks a lot for the nice topic

Second, I passed through lots of tuning points in my life that
Changed me
Broke me

But it changed me to better
And it broke me to teach me a good lesson out of it

But the point that has a huge impact on me
Was the day when I lost her tender words that were continually comforting, encouraging and soothing me

May Allah Place The Soul Of My Grandma In Heavens

Next one our brother

Al Hatami


First may Allah bless you grandma
and I am so happy to have you here

02-05-2010, 07:40 PM
Wonderful topic

And Nice to be here

Sorry of being late cuz I was little tired
:smile (95):
In short
:I can say that there are three major turning points in my life that are
( first ,Moving to the city from our quite and beautiful village (al-Hora
second, My college graduation
): third, the death of my best friend( Haza)

Thanx 4 choosing me

for all Accept my passing


my sis

pink–pen ^_^

02-05-2010, 09:32 PM
First of all I wanna thank you sister for the great idea

Also I would like to thank my brother 3lla'a for choosing me

Really appreciated bro

Actually my life is going well and thank to Allah for that. You can say I

encountered with different situations through my life whether they are

happy or sad. When I was in high school my ambition was to

be doctor just like my sister but that didn't happen. I entered science and

tried my best to get high percentage but at end of the second semester,

my level came down cause I didn't study well a result ,my

percentage was 93% and by this result I my dream to be doctor fed

away but I wasn't that so sad now I'm in university and I little bit

happy with my major which is Applied linguistics .ooh ^^ waiting for


:smile (83):


A second point that append to me was a good morning accident lool, I

mean I had an awful accident one year ago during my final exams

when I was with my brother going to my university, we encountered

with a car as a result the car damaged and I had a noise bleeding they

took me to the hospital and after half an hour that bleeding stopped. I

was hesitated to take that day exam I was afraid that all information

in my mind flew away lol but even though I took it. My result was A,

yuppy can you image that? But I was really sick for one week at that

moment ,I realized that death is very close to me .Any way thank to

Allah for everything


The last point was my best friend in the elementary school she had

blood cancer as a result she dead at age 12. I can't forget her never

ever. When that happened I didn't believe it I was so sad trying to

realize how that quickly happened. Always paring for her and which

her heaven


That's it

Thank you all for reading

ok i choose The Soul of hope

rose rani
02-05-2010, 09:39 PM


I am so happy to have you here
this topic bring back
firends to the English club

you have had great turning points
May Allah bless you my sister and brother

and I have enjoyed reading your both turning point

thank you again for being here

The Soul Of hope
03-05-2010, 07:00 PM
first of all, I want thank rose rani for this creative topic , and my sis Pink pen for choosing me.

Life is full of happy and sad moments , but I don't want to share with
u the sadness cuz I believe that sad memories reflect its negative emotions on the soul of others

One of the turning points was an advice of my mother . When I was in intermediate
school, she said that' Don't be proud of your father, your mother , or your
family name,Let them to be proud of you ."These words have a strong effect on me .They pushed me ahead and gave me the
fuel to do my best , to study and to achieve.I don't deny that my family is a little bit proud of me now , but
my ambition is increasing day by day.May Allah protect my mother and save her for me.

Iam happy to be here .
the next is

04-05-2010, 10:40 AM
First of all, I want to thank my sister The Soul Of hope

for choosing me

Second, the most important turning point of my life was

when I chose to resign from my job as a teacher and stayed

at home home for three months but the people around me

kept urging me and pushing me forward untill I had a sign from

Allah when my resignation wasn't submitted during that time

and I drew it back and continued my job as a teacher

That's what I have for now

Thanks everyone and thanks rose rani for such a wonderful topic

04-05-2010, 10:58 AM
Oh, I forgot to choose


rose rani
04-05-2010, 03:25 PM
the soul of hope

thank you for being here

you have agreat mother
to push you to be successful person

it is very nice turning point

rose rani
04-05-2010, 03:29 PM
First of all, I want to thank my sister The Soul Of hope

for choosing me

Second, the most important turning point of my life was

when I chose to resign from my job as a teacher and stayed

at home home for three months but the people around me

kept urging me and pushing me forward untill I had a sign from

Allah when my resignation wasn't submitted during that time

and I drew it back and continued my job as a teacher

That's what I have for now

Thanks everyone and thanks rose rani for such a wonderful topic

thank you lovel sister
for being here
It is good think that
you have not stopped wroking
as a teacher
the three months may have changed you

again honey thank you for being here
I am so happy

04-05-2010, 06:15 PM
Oh, I forgot to choose


First of all I'd like to thank rose rani who wrote this article, it's very interesting ana exciting in the same time.
second a bunch of thanks to BloumagrieT for choosing me

well, my turning point was in the year 2002 when I decided to take up teaching as a job.I gradguated from Damascus University in 1994 but due to finicial circumstances I didn't choose it or even think to join it.
I' ve dreamed of being an English teacher since 1979 when I was in grade seven. this nice dream was always visiting me day and night. from that year -2002- my life changed a lot. I'm looking for a second turning piont that is to have a baby boy one day after i had five admirable girls. I always prasing Allah for the gifts and ask Him to grant me with my request in order to help me when i grow older and to be a helping hand to his mother and sisters.

turning point = dream
so all of you may make Duaa for me to fulfil my dream

Now I invite


to tell us about his/her turning piont(s)

rose rani
04-05-2010, 09:12 PM
First of all I'd like to thank rose rani who wrote this article, it's very interesting ana exciting in the same time.
second a bunch of thanks to BloumagrieT for choosing me

well, my turning point was in the year 2002 when I decided to take up teaching as a job.I gradguated from Damascus University in 1994 but due to finicial circumstances I didn't choose it or even think to join it.
I' ve dreamed of being an English teacher since 1979 when I was in grade seven. this nice dream was always visiting me day and night. from that year -2002- my life changed a lot. I'm looking for a second turning piont that is to have a baby boy one day after i had five admirable girls. I always prasing Allah for the gifts and ask Him to grant me with my request in order to help me when i grow older and to be a helping hand to his mother and sisters.

turning point = dream
so all of you may make Duaa for me to fulfil my dream

Now I invite


to tell us about his turning piont(s)

wonderful turning point my brother
especially your children
May Allah bless them all
and make them good people

thank you for being here
I have enjoyed reading yours

thanks alot

04-05-2010, 11:58 PM
WoW .. Is There Such A Thread And I Don't About It
May Allah Keeps You Safe .. Our Teacher rose rani
And I'm So Greatfull To My Teacher muhamedr
For Choosing Me .. Made Me So Happy
Well, Where Should I Begin.
There Are So Many Turning Points in the past Days, time passes so quick You can't feel it.
But My Major TP was When I Changed My Specialty To Civil Engineering After two years in medicine. It Was a Hard Decision But Thanks to Allah For That.
The Most Important Is I'm Happy And Enjoying My Job.

God Bless You All

05-05-2010, 01:20 AM
Sorry, I went To The Ocean of My Memories
I Choose Our Teacher Faisal

05-05-2010, 01:44 AM
my dalring Glory...it's an honor to be with you here in this thread to share our turning points during Life. I can say that the turn point exactly began in the secondary stage. In that peroid, there was a teacher who told us alot about :self-improvment or development.To be honest,from that time i'm still keeping read about that field. All the time, i put in front of my eyes some other words like Dr. Ibrahiam Al-faqi

he was like the Light for me by his ideas ,that he tell us throughout his lectures.Absolutely that Teacher was the turn point in my life becasue no one from my local society help me or give me such a thing

thank u my dearest friend

and i Choose..let me see who's selected to aviod the wrong choice

05-05-2010, 01:50 AM


thank you

05-05-2010, 02:34 AM
hehe I already answered

I will say

Yesmeena ^^

rose rani
06-05-2010, 04:51 PM
WoW .. Is There Such A Thread And I Don't About It
May Allah Keeps You Safe .. Our Teacher rose rani
And I'm So Greatfull To My Teacher muhamedr
For Choosing Me .. Made Me So Happy
Well, Where Should I Begin.
There Are So Many Turning Points in the past Days, time passes so quick You can't feel it.
But My Major TP was When I Changed My Specialty To Civil Engineering After two years in medicine. It Was a Hard Decision But Thanks to Allah For That.
The Most Important Is I'm Happy And Enjoying My Job.

God Bless You All

it has been so difficult decision

thank you my brother for being here

i have enjoyed reading your turning point

rose rani
06-05-2010, 04:58 PM
my dalring Glory...it's an honor to be with you here in this thread to share our turning points during Life. I can say that the turn point exactly began in the secondary stage. In that peroid, there was a teacher who told us alot about :self-improvment or development.To be honest,from that time i'm still keeping read about that field. All the time, i put in front of my eyes some other words like Dr. Ibrahiam Al-faqi

he was like the Light for me by his ideas ,that he tell us throughout his lectures.Absolutely that Teacher was the turn point in my life becasue no one from my local society help me or give me such a thing

thank u my dearest friend

and i Choose..let me see who's selected to aviod the wrong choice

wow look who is here
It has been sooooooooooooo long time sice I have
seen you here

yes I do agree with you that
Ibrahiam Al-faqi

has amazing lectures

Also some teachers can
change a student's life to the best
May Allah make us like these teachers

thank you brother for being her
I am so gald to have you here