المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : the dear departedلو سمحتوا

29-04-2010, 10:29 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لو سمحتوا ابغى :girl face (105):conflict والسخرية في مسرحية

the dear departed by
William Stanley
الله يخليكم ضروري جداً

29-04-2010, 10:44 PM
The plot of the dear departed
This play tells us about afamily that consists of tow daoughters , their husbands ,their children and their father . The play opens with Mrs Slater and her husband in mouring and she shed tears becaus of the death of her father . She orders her daughter Victoria to wear ablack dress she cares about the appearance only . She is very greedy .She argued her husband to go upstairs and steal her father's bureau and his watch even his slippers before the comming of her sister Elizabith. They did that and when her sister Mrs Jordan came with her husband shr was not less greedy than her sister. Shebegan to say that her father gave his golden watch to her son before his death . They began querllir they were very angry because thier father did not pay the insurance sum . When Victoria go upstairs to fetch her grandpa"s will she was amazed because she found that her grandpa is alive . All of them shocked when they saw him descending the stairs . He said that he felt alittle headache and slept alittle . He began to ask about his slippers . Mr Slater gave it to him justfying this saying that was widening them for him . Then he saw his bureau and his watch on the wall he asked angry who did that . At this moment Mrs Jordan became very angry to discover the thief . She told her father the truth that thought he has did . The sister began to querrel . Everyone accuse her sister to be athief . Their father said to them don"t qurrel . I'll give all my money to the one who will stay with her and who will serve me . The two sisters began to querrel again but their father finally told them that he married this morning and he is going to live with his wife and give her all his money.

The Theme Of The Play
This play has avery important theme which is {Greedy} . The two daughters were very greedy . They wanted to take their father wealth . They didn't care about him ,his needs or his feelings . The only thing they thought about is his money . They have no pitty nor feelings . They are very selfish . The end of this play is agood end for the greedy and devil . They deprived from their father's money and love

29-04-2010, 10:51 PM
كمان افتحي الرابط هذا


راح تلاقينه على شكل ملف يشرح مجموعة قصائد

والقصيدة اللي تبينها في صفحة 13

أتمنى أكون أفدتك


29-04-2010, 11:47 PM
جزاك الله خير جولي

ايضاً اختي شوفي الرابط هنا::: السخرية في المسرحية


29-04-2010, 11:51 PM
مسرحية The Dear Departed للكاتب ستانلي هوقتون مترجمة إلى اللغة العربية


30-04-2010, 03:00 PM
حقا والله أخوة من ذهب !!

بارك الله فيكم إخوتي وأخواتي ..

هذا والله ما كنت منتظره منكم .
إسال الله لكم التوفيق والسداد والنجاح .:small (37):