المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مقال عن الحريه

01-05-2010, 12:41 AM
السلام عليكم ..
الله يسعدكم من يقول أنا لها أبغى مقال عن هذا الموضوع
عندي إختبارات ومافضيت أكتب ومطلوب مني أجيبه..إلي بيكتب لي وربي لأدعي له من قلبي ..

If you are free you are lost
statement by franz Kafka

freedom of thought
freedom of expression
freedom of action

fear from the public opinion
expresses your speach and writing

01-05-2010, 05:30 PM

مجموعة مقالات عن الحرية لكن يبي لك تقرأيها علشان تتأكدي من توافر شروطك :)

Freedom and Responsibility:

With freedom comes great responsibility. This saying has been heard by generations of kids and has been said by generations of parents. Unfortunately people today don’t seem to be responsible in certain things they do. You see things in media today that make you wonder when you draw the line on things you say and do. William Golding the author of Lord of The Flies conveys this thought in the story of the boys stuck on the island where they have complete freedom to do whatever they want to do. They no longer had adults to tell them what and how to do things. The story just proves that when people are irresponsible and freedom gets abused that very bad things can happen.
We as human beings have been given free will by God. Although if me make choices based on our own free will we must be willing to take the responsibility for the effects that our decisions have on ourselves, on the people around us, and on society itself. Freedom, I believe, is the way in which people live or behave without others annoying or interfering in his or her affairs. People should benefit from freedom, equality and justice. Absolute freedom is sometimes very dangerous and may destroy the basic principles of the society
A lot of people believe that freedom means doing whatever you want, whenever you want. This is a dangerous belief because your freedom stops as soon as you hurt other people. Because of this there are regulations which prevent people from doing things which are harmful to other people. For example, you are free to listen to music whenever you want but as soon as you annoy other people you must stop listening. Constructive criticism is another kind of freedom which, must be encouraged because this criticism may prevent people from doing wrong things. But there are many people who criticize others because they are jealous of them.

01-05-2010, 05:30 PM

Freedom is the exemption from control by some other person, or from arbitrary restriction of specific defined rights like Worship, or Speech. Liberty is the sum of the rights possessed in common by the people of a community/state/nation as they apply to its government, and/or the expectation that a nation's people have of exemption from control by a foreign power. Freedoms are things that people “EXTRACT” from their government; Liberty is less derivative, more formative; a thing “granted” by the people to the people in common. The ability to assemble, for instance, while commonly thought of as a freedom, is really an aspect of liberty. Freedoms end when they encounter a contrary freedom of another person. You are free to smoke, until you encounter my freedom not to inhale your smoke. Liberty lacks that distinction: my liberty never contradicts or limits yours. Conservatives traditionally support Liberty, but they may tend to be pliant about certain freedoms, aware as they are to the potentional dissonance.
The First Amendment says: "Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the free exercise thereof [of religion]." However, the free exercise of religion is absolute only in terms of belief. There is no total freedom in regard to action. While law cannot establish belief, law can limit actions. Government does have authority to uphold law and order, otherwise society has social anarchy. On the other hand, government is limited in regard to making certain laws, otherwise society has total tyranny. One limitation placed on government prohibits laws for the mind. Thomas Jefferson said, "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man"(Encarta Encyclopedia ’99). Also, James Madison said, "The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man" (Encarta Encyclopedia ’99).

01-05-2010, 05:31 PM

By definition, censorship is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are “offensive,” it happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal, political, or moral values on others. Internet censorship is a controversial issue that requires careful thought in order to have a well-formed opinion. It has become a hot topic in the Media and countries that are currently seeking this type of censorship.
Many believe censoring the Internet is a violation of our rights. Perhaps, by sharing my thoughts and ideas I can shed some light on this subject. Internet censorship and the censorship tool known as labeling is unrealistic and unnecessary because it is a parent’s responsibility to know what their children are accessing and how to explain any difficult situations that may arise because of their children’s Internet use.
Labeling is a type of rating system that informs the viewer what type on contact lies ahead and is certainly not effective in screening people who are accessing a page. Many censorship classifications systems like labeling are now in use. In many countries the use of these systems is currently under scrutiny to see if they are necessary or even effective. This type of censorship is presumably intended to keep questionable material out of the reach of children. The way labeling works is on the first page of a domain; it informs the user of the type of material that is about to be accessed. To continue, one must agree to view the page by clicking the enter button. If the editor of each web page were forced to rate their sites, what or where would the criteria come from? Furthermore, if it was decided an outside source should rate each new page, how could they possibly sort through the thousands of new sites per week, or even the billions of WebPages that already exist. Internet Access Controls Without Censorship, also known as PICS, was developed for the purpose of blocking access to websites containing potentially harmful material on the Internet within government, schools, libraries, and workplaces. Their main objective is to develop a censorship system that can filter out material that is specified by the user. The purpose of a system like this is primarily to protect children. The problem with this type of censorship is this: where there’s a will there is a way, and I believe this holds true in the case. According to PICS, most children may be prevented from viewing restricted material at home but these restrictions would only be in effect on a computer that the software is installed on. Also, material that would undoubtedly be blocked by parents is easily obtainable from the nearest Barnes and Noble Bookstore. Internet censorship does not block all material that is available to today’s youth. Books, magazines, movies, and everyday experiences all contain potentially harmful material. Furthermore, information is still available to some people; Internet censorship is not really censorship because the material is not actually prevented from being published.
Censoring the Internet also negatively affects students in particular. Technology is becoming a necessity in everybody’s daily life by allowing easy access to information. Many students turn to the Internet for information when writing for class assignments. By censoring the Internet, students may find it difficult to research events from the past or even the present for that matter. All public schools and libraries are now federally regulated to have some type of Internet filter installed on their Internet server. American Journalism Review explained how these types of programs filter out key words, phrases, certain websites, and even news articles. Most of the time, users are not aware of the type of material that is being blocked. This is due to the fact that the “black lists,” a list containing the information to block, is stored on an outside server and are updated frequently. Students have the right to know the details about what they are writing, not just the bits and pieces filtering software finds fit. It is important to be educated on past events; no matter how unpleasant they may be. In order for young people to understand the complexities of life and gain a better understanding of the world around them they must have complete access to news, articles, online databases, and reference sites.
Some Supporters of Internet Censorship say that it is necessary because children could be adversely affected by material they see. If this were true, must we take actions to protest the teaching of History in schools? Children begin to learn about complex issues and events of the past at an earlier age. These issues are taught in public schools everyday. In my opinion, the answer to protecting today’s youth from interaction with unwholesome material is the responsibility of the parents.

01-05-2010, 10:12 PM
الله يجزاااااااااااك الجنه بغير حساب ولا عقاب

حليب بالعسل
06-05-2010, 08:47 AM
بليــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــز
الله يسعدكم ويوفقكم ويحقق لكم ما تتمنون
ابغى اي واحد من هذي الثلاث مقالات واحد فقط سوي له paraphrasing and summary

والله يجزاكــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــم الجنه يارب

حليب بالعسل
06-05-2010, 08:49 AM
الله يسعدكم او اي مقال تختاروه
سو له paraphrasing and summary

ولكم من خالص الدعـــــــــــــــــــــ ــــاء

06-05-2010, 01:09 PM
حليب بالعسل

المقالات متوفره فعليك تلخصيها بنفسك علشان تستحقي الدرجة
أحنا نساعد هنا بقد مانقدر بس ما نسوي واجبات
