المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ابي تعبير عن اي حشره ^^

01-05-2010, 09:30 PM
حبااايبي بليز سااعدوني

ابي تعبير عن اي حشره

ابيه يكوون سهل وبسسيط مررره

وربي حايسه علي اختبار الاثنين ومالقيت
:girl face (105):


01-05-2010, 10:06 PM
جبت لك تعبير عن النملة


Ants are social insects who live in organized colonies. There are some 8,000 different types of ants in the world. They are found almost everywhere, but they are most common in hot areas.

Physical Features

Most ants have the same basic physical structure. They range in size from 8/100 to 1 inch (2 to 25 millimeters). They are usually yellow, brown, red, or black. The body of an ant is divided into three sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head is large, and the abdomen is slender and oval. The thorax, or midsection, is connected to the abdomen by a small waist. The mouth is an important tool for most ants. It consists of two sets of jaws, the outer pair and the inner pair. The jaws are used for fighting, eating, and carrying food and other materials.

Most ants have simple eyes, called ocelli, on top of the head, as well as a compound eye with many lenses on each side of the head. However, their vision is believed to be poor. More useful than the eyes are the antennae. The antennae are located on the top of the head and help in guiding the ant. They also act as an organ of smell and communication.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of the ant has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The larvae have no eyes or legs. After the larvae hatch out of the eggs, they shed their skin several times. Most of them spin a silken cocoon around their bodies and rest inside while they grow into adults. When a pupa is ready to break out of its cocoon, a nurse ant bites a hole at the end of the silken wrapping and helps the weak little ant free its legs and antennae. Then she washes and feeds it. Most ants live for 6 to 10 weeks, though some live up to 15 years.


There are different classes in the social organization of ants: queens, workers, soldiers, and males. The queen spends her life laying eggs. The workers are females and do the work of the nest; the larger females, the soldiers, defend the colony. At certain times of the year, many species produce winged males and queens. They fly into the air, where they mate. The male dies soon afterward, and the fertilized queen establishes a new nest.

Ants are very social creatures. They live in groups called colonies inside a nest. They make their nests out of many materials, including soil, sand, wood, and leaves. Some ants build anthills. The nest is kept very clean. If an ant dies, a worker carries it from the nest to a place that is a cemetery and a garbage dump. If the queen dies, however, the workers continue to care for her as long as her body is unharmed.

Ants are also capable of warlike behavior. Ants have different methods of defense. Some bite or spit out a disagreeable liquid. Others run away when under attack, “play dead,” or send sound signals to warn other members of their colony of danger.

موفقة يا أختي

01-05-2010, 10:07 PM
عفية عليك جولي ^^

هنا معلومات عن الفراشه ::

01-05-2010, 10:15 PM
ربي يعطيكم العااافيييه
