المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الحلم

03-05-2010, 04:37 AM
السلام عليكم
ارجو المساعدة في مادة الكتابة
الدكتورة طلبت برجراف عن الحلم ( واقعي او خيالي)

:smile (57):

:lost lady:
03-05-2010, 05:35 AM
How do you write a good paragraph about a scary dream in a story?
Start the paragraph with no introductory paragraph. The dream should begin (as all** dreams do) out of nothing - the awakening mind reacting what residual stuff is in the dreamer's head.

Write the paragraph as a Stream of Consciousness - as that is the way of dreams. Do not try to structure it or apply logic.
Imagery and symbolism should be applied thickly. Weird stuff is allowed to happen.
The emotions of the dream should progress from pleasant to disquieting to horrific. Never in the reverse. Dreams only get worse never better.
What is happening in the real world can intrude into dreams as the dreamer awakes. The last thing that someone/something says in a dream are usually what someone is saying to the dreamer, or the sounds they hear, or the violence done on their body (shaking, not real violence).
هذي المعلومات راح تفيدك حتى تكتبين حلم مخيف بنفسك

وهذا مثال على حلم....يمكن يساعدك في الكتابه..
When i was younger I use to have terrible bad dreams, I use to dream that our house was going on fire and that I could not reach my mother and father, I use to wake up crying and driving everyone else in the house potty. This went on for a very long time until one day I visited my uncle in the hospital and I mentioned it to him and he told me that before I go to sleep I should make up a story in my head and in no time at all I would go to sleep and believe me it worked, every night I would make up imaginary stories and as my uncle said before long I would be asleep, my family were delighted but not as much as me. That was about 23 years ago and believe me I still do it up to this day. I have formed a very good imagination and I believe that it is from making up my stories, I have to children and to be honest I have not read them any books I tell them stories that I have made up in my head and they love them and sometimes they bring their friends around to listen to them, they all probably think that I am mad but I do not mind. I am so grateful to my uncle as he was a great man and always use to give us great advice. My sister was having trouble remembering things and she had her exams coming up and he showed her a way of remembering things which she says to this day helped her pass her exam. As for bad dreams I am not saying that I have never had one but not many and it great to get a good nights sleep. So if there is people out there like me then you should give it a go as it really helps you relax and not think about what might be so go ahead and give it a go

:lost lady:
03-05-2010, 05:54 AM
هذا مثال ثاني ..يمكن تستفيدين منه في الكتابه..When I was younger all i used to do was dream. They amused me like stories, it was like a film in my head and the images in my head were so vivid I can remember them still. Yet my older sister used to be adament that she never dreamt. We used to have many an argument over the subject. She now admits that she must have had dreams but just forgotten them the following day. but isn't it odd the way i could recall my dreams in such detail and my own sister could not.

I have been considering this in much more detail of late; the way dreams appear to people and also the way some people can choose what they want to dream. Recently I have been reading many books on the subject of dreams and the fact that they may be reflecting what's going on in a persons day to day life. They all seem to come to similar conclusions as well. Such as for a dream I had just before I turned 18, I was on holiday and looking in a book shop when all of my teeth fell out. This supposedly means that i was wanting to become more independant and in search of knowledge, but also that I had anxieties about growing up. All of which was quite true. However I suppose that was quite general and everyone is always scared of growing up. But i like to think that things are related. Dreams can indicate to us what our subconcious knows to be true so that we can bring it forwards to become genuine knowledge in order to enable us to tackle these things in day to day life. The fact that some people don't remember their dreams suggests to me a person that may already know themselves fairly well, and therefore they have little need to remember their dreams in such detail.

Another thought I have had on the subject of dreams is based on the idea of dejavous. I have had many moments of that kind where it seems so much like something that has happened before. So I have considered that maybe time, when asleep, is not actually a straight chronological line like is so often thought. This would mean that it could be possible to experience something that maybe about to happen in an unconcious state. This would mean you would be very unlikely to remember it, but would recognise it slightly when the event actually occurs.

Anyway, whether dreams truly do have any meaning at all or not, I love them. I will always stay in bed longer than I need in the hope that I can carry on with the adventures of my dreams, because the events of them are so much better than real life. Everybody dreams, so lets make the most of it.

ويمكن فهمي للسؤال خطاء...
هل تقصدين بالحلم المنام...أو الحلم ..شي تريدين تحقيقه في المستقبل؟؟
على العموم اللي فهمته من الفيس اللي حاطته منام لووول
......وهذا مثال لبراقراف عن حلم تتمنين تحقيقه..
يعني حاولت اوفرلك تعبيرات للحلم كمنام...وكأمنيه

وهذا كأمنيه وكأشي ترغبين في تحقيقه.....
Have you ever dreamt about a dream in which seems so impossible that it’s buried within your heart? Many times people feel that a dream is more like a wish in which they can only pray upon. With any dream, no matter how big or small, it takes a lot of hard work yet in the end you accomplish a desired purpose. My dream belongs to my writing. I want to write an intimate diary for teen girls to read and be able to relate to. I would like to include private issues, personal thoughts, and many feelings that young girls may struggle with growing up.
We all have dreams and desires but if we don’t know how to obtain them, they are nothing more than a fantasy. With a clear plan in mind, we can go about achieving our most unknown dreams. Having an affirmative plan is very essential because you need to know what you want to do. It may take some time and searching in order to figure out what your deepest dream is. If you’re uncertain of what you want to do, then do some thinking first. Just remember that know one can tell you your dreams, they are your own.
When you think about wanting to do something and feel that you can’t, well that’s what will set you back from accomplishing your goal. With any dream you want to obtain, you have to believe in yourself. Believing that you can accomplish anything that you set out to do is the beginning of success. This nature of believing was instilled in me as a child. I was always told that I could fulfill my life with any accomplishment I desired.
So if you know your dream that you want to achieve, stay focused and don’t let anyone discourage you. There may be set backs and possible days in which you feel your heart is broken by the frustration, but remember to focus on what is important to you. Don’t let others tell you different, that it’s just your dream. It’s your life along with your future. Forget about the negative comments and fear. Don’t be afraid of achieving your most precious dream. Fear never accomplishes anything. Sometimes I feel that my dreams are too impossible but then I remember that life is for living and experiencing.
The question comes down to, what are your wants and desires? I know I have to sort through all the things in which I want and hope for, but there’s always the dream that stand out. With that I take it upon myself (which I advise you to do) and face the reality of my most desired dream. Once you figure out your desired dream, you can start by placing your thoughts on paper and making a game plan of obtaining your life accomplishments. Do you feel yourself thinking about what happens after you accomplish your dream?
Many times we, as humans, are influenced by the ones who love and care about us. Yet, they may influence what our dreams should be, such as what we should want and desire. That is a very important concept to understand. If I decide to accomplish my mothers’ dreams, then I wouldn’t be happy. That’s not what my most intimate desire is. As an example, if I were to strive with my own dream, I may struggle with the need of financial wealth, yet live with the complacence of my own desire of wealth. Your future would be fulfilled as a person with pursuing a desire of a dream.
Be not afraid to open your eyes and look straight ahead to the sky and know there’s no limit. When you awaken to the reality of what you want, know that your dream can come true when you reach out to see it. All along it was right there waiting for you to make it come true. In the end, dreams can come true it’s all

03-05-2010, 07:01 AM

Thank you Lady :)

04-05-2010, 04:37 AM
مرة نايس يسلموووووو ياقلبي على المجهود الرائع:smile (35):

04-05-2010, 05:18 AM
مررت لأشكرك
أختي الكريمة
Lost Lady
على مساعدة الأعضاء
جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك
ورزقكِ الله الجنة

04-05-2010, 05:57 AM
بصراحة ماعرف اكتب برجراف لو تكتبلي عن اي حلم في راسك لان اللي كاتبتو اماينفع عامة هي
تبغى حلم اناتحلمتوا مثال على ذلك
this is the dream of a40 -year-old businessman from chicago .he is married and has two children .he is visiting apsychologist because he feels anxious alot. the psychologist told him to write down his dreams. this is his dream from june7
inmy dream i wes in a large city.it was very big and very dark. the city seemed like newyork but it didnt look like the real new york.i was in a friends apart-ment.while iwas in the apartment iwas com fortabie after afew minutes i left it and went out on the street alone. i walked for a while.then i realized i was lost i couidnt find my friends apartment again. i started to feel uncomfortable and uneasy .i tried to return to the apartment but all of the streets looked uncomfortabie and uneasy. i tried to return to the apartment but all of the streets looked unfa-miliar and completely different and i didnt know my friends address ibegan to feel anxious
i kept walking i wanted to find someth familiar it was getting late. i decided to go home i knew my home was outside the city. on the street i saw buses but i didnt know which one to take.i couldnt find a way to leaf the city. there was away to get home.but ididnt know it. i asked for directions. the people answered but they didnt make any sense. all their directions. the people answered but they didnt make any sense.all their directions were very complicated and i couldnt understand them

suddeniy i was on aboat the boat was traveling across a very rough windy river. it was dark.the river was very dirty-there wasgarbage in it.i could not see the other side of the river and i was afraid i began to think. ill never get home. i uied to ask for help but no one listened to me.then i woke up. بس ابغى مختصر عشان اقدر احفظوا

06-05-2010, 03:20 AM
بليززززززززززززز ابغا ضروري لان حتجيبوا في الاختبار