المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب مناقشة عن Application of Sociolinguistics

08-05-2010, 03:17 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

بكرة الأحد ان شاءالله عندي دسكشن ليدر عن موضوع Application of Sociolinguistics

يعني ابي احد يساعدني فيه وش اقول فيه بحدود صفحه من تعريفه وانواع اذا كان فيه انواع وكلام موجز عنه شوي , ولازم الكلام مفهوم لاني بشرحه لمجموعه
وكمان بطبعه وراح تشوفه الاستاذه بكررره يعني لازم كلام موزون , وعليه درجااات طبعأ

عاجل ابي مساعده اليوم السبت 24/5 تكفوووون

تكفووون ساعدوني والله اني دااااجه فيه

08-05-2010, 04:37 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته

اختي اول شيء بالمناقشه لازم تعرفي معني Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguisticsis the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. Sociolinguistics differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the latter's focus is on the language's effect on the society. Sociolinguistics overlaps to a considerable degree with pragmatics. It is historically closely related to Linguistic Anthropology and the distinction between the two fields has even been questioned recently
It also studies how language varieties differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, age, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individuals in social or socioeconomic classes. As the usage of a language varies from place to place (dialect), language usage varies among social classes, and it is these socialists that sociolinguistics studies.

The social aspects of language were in the modern sense first studied by Indian and Japanese linguists in the 1930s, and also by Gauchat in Switzerland in the early 1900s, but none received much attention in the West until much later. The study of the social motivation of language change

ثاني شىء تذكري تطبيقاته

Applications of sociolinguistics

For example, a sociolinguist might determine through study of social attitudes that a particular vernacular would not be considered appropriate language use in a business or professional setting. Sociolinguists might also study the grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, and other aspects of this sociolect much as dialectologists would study the same for a regional dialect.

The study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determining language in its contextual environment. Code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations.

William Labov is often regarded as the founder of the study of sociolinguistics. He is especially noted for introducing the quantitative study of language variation and change making the sociology of language into a scientific discipline

هذي هي النقاط المهمه الي درستها عن هذي الماده الترم الأول


وكمان شوفي هذا الرابط حيساعدك



12-05-2010, 01:24 AM
الله يسعدك يارب ماقصرتي الف شكر
وابشرك اليوم شرحته وكان تمام
1000 شكــــــــر والله يجعله ف ميزان حسناتك ,,, ويرزقك مبتغاك .