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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : fascinating facts about Identical Twins

استاذ انور
14-05-2010, 04:45 PM
There are lots of myths and misguided facts about multiple births. Here we un-pick some common tales and present some interesting facts we bet you never knew
1.Identical twins are sometimes born as mirror-image twins, meaning they are11 identical but their traits are reversed. For instance a left-handed twin would have a right-handed mirror-image twin.
2. Identical twins that are separated at birth often end up with similar personalities, jobs, opinions and interests.
3. The odds are a million to one but twins can appear to be of different races. Recently a child with mixed-race parents was born with white skin while her twin sister was born with dark.
4. There are 150 pairs of identical twins in USA which are married to other identical twins.
5. In rare cases twins can have two different fathers if a mother releases eggs more than once during her cycle. They will form in the womb together and have similar DNA due to the mother.
6. Identical twins may have the same DNA but they don't have the same fingerprints, as fingerprints are formed depending on the conditions of the womb.
7. There is no evidence that the likelihood of having twins skips a generation, it's just a common misconception.
8. Twins are nearly always born very close together but sometimes they can be born days or weeks apart. Twins were born two months apart in 2006, as one had to be delivered due to an infection in the mother's womb.
9. Twins sometimes have their own language which only they can understand, this is called cryptophasia. It happens quite often when twins are young children but sometimes continues for the whole of their lives.
10. The country with the most twins is Nigeria, nearly all coming from the Yoruba ethnic group. It is the only place in the world where identical twins are more common than non-identical twins.
A higher rate of twins (18-22%) are left handed compared to non-twins (10%).

14-05-2010, 05:00 PM
They are really interesting and strange facts about twins especially the one about
Nigeria .Many thanks to you for these facts . Happy to see here again

rose rani
14-05-2010, 05:34 PM
amazing facts

in my family there are alot

thank you for sharing us

:lost lady:
14-05-2010, 09:22 PM
A new information
Many thanks bro

استاذ انور
15-05-2010, 04:55 PM
Thank u all dear friedns I will never let u down I will write until the last drop of my blood and ink for the sake of my beloved forum!

rose rani
15-05-2010, 05:09 PM
Thank u all dear friedns I will never let u down I will write until the last drop of my blood and ink for the sake of my beloved forum!

we do like active members

we are waitnng

15-05-2010, 09:17 PM
i read once that two twince where seperated after they born and they raise in different countries . they never met but they wear the same colours , hate the same things , they even had the same habbits .

thanks alot for sharing us these interesting information