المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جـــمــــل لتطـــوير مقالاتـكم باللغة الانجليزية -- Basic phrases to organize your es

دروب البنفسج
28-05-2010, 08:02 PM
هذي بعض العبارات والجمل اللي ان شاء الله تساعدكم في كتابة المقالات .. اتمنى تكون ترجمتي واضحة

This list is not exhaustive, but has been designed to give students the basic phrases that they can use to
structure their essays coherently. Do not overuse these phrases, and make sure that your essays have
plenty of interesting and relevant content.

هذي القائمة ليست حصرية ولكنها مصممة لان تستخدم من قبل الطلاب لتنسيق مقالاتهم التنسيق الصحيح .. ولا تقوموا بالافراط في استخدام هذه العبارات .. ويجب ان يكون المقال مليء بالمحتويات المثيرة للاهتمام وذات الصلة

Section 1: General Essay Phrases

A. Introductory remarks.
ملاحظات تمهيدية - مقدمة الفقرة

It is generally agreed today that...

In approaching this issue, one should...

Nowadays, it is scarcely possible to...

The business world offers us numerous examples of...

B. Developing the argument
تطوير الفكرة - الحجة

The first aspect to point out is that...

Let us start by considering the facts.

C. The other side of the argument
الجانب الاخر من الحجة

It would also be interesting to see...

One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.

Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of...

D. Balancing views
موازنة وجهات النظر

One should always remember that...

One should, however, not forget that...

We could perhaps go further and ask ourselves whether...

E. Conclusion

The arguments we have presented... suggest that.../ prove that.../ would indicate that...

From these arguments one must.../ could.../ might... conclude that...

All of this points to the conclusion that...

F. Ordering elements
ترتيب العناصر

Firstly,.../ Secondly,.../ Finally,... (note the comma after all these introductory words.)

If on the one hand it can be said that... the same is not true for...

The first argument suggests that... whilst the second suggests that...

G. Adding elements
اضافة بعض العناصر

Furthermore, one should not forget that...

In addition to...


H. Accepting other points of view
قبول وجهات نظر الاخرى

Nevertheless, one should accept that...

However, we also agree that...

I. Personal opinion
الرأي الشخصي

We personally believe that...

Our own point of view is that...

J. Others' opinions
آراء اخرى


... believe that

... say that

... suggest that

... are convinced that

... point out that

... emphasise that

According to some experts...

K. Introducing examples
تقديم الامثلة

Take for example...

To illustrate this point one need only refer to...

L. Introducing facts
تقديم الحقائق

It is... true that.../ clear that.../ noticeable that...

One should note here that...

M. Saying what you think is true
قول ما ترى صحته بوجهة نظرك

This leads us to believe that...

It is very possible that...

In view of these facts, it is quite likely that...

N. Certainty


One cannot deny that...

It is (very) clear from these observations that...

O. Doubt

All the same, it is possible that...

It is difficult to believe that...

P. Accepting other points to certain degree
الموافقة على بعض النقاط الى درجة معينة

The decision was a good one. Nonetheless,...

One can agree up to a certain point with...

Certainly,... However,...

It cannot be denied that...

Q. Emphasizing particular points
التأكيد على نقاط معينة

The last example highlights that fact that...

Not only... but also...

We would even go so far as to say that...

R. Moderating, agreeing, disagreeing
الاعتدال والاتفاق والخلاف

By and large...

Perhaps we should also point out the fact that...

It would be unfair not to mention that fact that...

One must admit that...

We cannot ignore the fact that...

One cannot possibly accept the fact that...

S. Consequences

From these facts, one may conclude that...

That is why, in our opinion, ...

Which seems to confirm the idea that...

Thus,.../ Therefore,...

T. Comparison

Some experts suggest..., whereas others...

Compared to...

On the one hand there is the firm belief that... On the other hand, many people are convinced that...

الواثقة بالله
28-05-2010, 09:27 PM
great work


28-05-2010, 10:02 PM

thanks alot

28-05-2010, 11:55 PM
دروب البنفسج

كل الشكر لكِ

مجهودات رائعة ومفيدة

يعطيك العافية

29-05-2010, 12:14 AM
موضوع مميز
شاكره لك اختي

29-05-2010, 12:51 AM
رآئـــــع مآ قدمتي..

جزآك الله خيـــــــــر..

30-05-2010, 12:01 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

دروب البنفسج

أسعد الله قلبكـ السخي يا سكرة

ونفع بكـ وبعلمكـ و فتح عليكـ وغفر لكـ

وجعل عطاءكـ مباركاً طيباً حيثما كنت

ياركـ الله وقتكـ و جهدكـ

كل الشكــــــــــــــر


03-06-2010, 11:48 PM