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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : where angels fear to tread

sea girl
23-06-2010, 08:32 PM
مســـــــــــاء/ صبــــــــــــــــــاح الخير

انا حبيت انزل موضوع عن رواااية ان شاء الله تستفيدون منها لان انا بالبديه دورت عنها اي شي مالقيته بس فرجت ولله الحمد بنزلها بالتدريج ان شاء الله:smile (81):

راح نبداء بال
themes :

The theme of development:
In where angels fear to tread Forster handles the theme of development to show that there are some characters agree to change and develop while there are others who are close minded and stubborn for so they refuse to change and develop.
Philip`s character undergoes many changes during his journey to Italy .this journey is not only a physical journey but also psychological and spiritual. At the beginning of the novel, he is described and criticized for being detached from the Italian and Sawston culture. He stands faraway and looks at the scene as a spectator. He pretends that he is smart and mature but in reality he is not. He always talks about the beauty of Italy and pretends that he knows everything about Italy because he travelled to it.
Even whatever he believes in isn`t really what he practices. He , as an English man , looks down to Italian . he used to obey his mother`s orders blindly .he always says "my mother said" which shows that he is very passive.
Later in the novel, his personality starts to develop, especially when he goes back to Italy to prevent Lilia's from marring Gino, the Italian fellow. When he reaches there, Lilia was already married to Gino. We see him friendly with Gino as well as he became more understanding person with Lilia because he realizes that it is Lilia's right to choose what she wants. This is considered to be a change in his character.
His develop also seen in the opera scene in Italy when he was with his sister and miss Abbot both his sister and miss Abbot were surprised when they saw the Italian audience shouting and talking loudly during the performance. Such behaviors are not found in the English theatre , but Philip realizes that this is the nature of the Italians. He became aware of the cultural differences.(his sister Harriet is an un develop character because she is a closed mind and rigid religious person.
Another evidence of Philip`s development appears when he starts to criticize his mother`s attitude towards the Italian. He also starts to criticize her for giving orders all the time and for excessive attention for her appearance more than anything else. He doesn't approve of Harriet's stealing to the child. He became aware that his mother id hypocritical and insincere. He also became honest with himself.

Miss Abbot also is considered as a developed character. At the beginning of the novel , she shows that she is a weak tool in the hand of Mrs. Herriton . Miss Abbot was the watcher or the protector of Lilia in Italy. Like the Herriton family, she looks down to the Italians. She also doesn't trust Gino.
But later on, when she returns to Italy to take lilia`s son after her death in order to bring up him in better place. she realizes the real love between Gino and his son .this paternal love of Gino and his son makes her realizes that right place for the baby is with who loves him.
Her development appears because she is not any more looking to Gino as an un trusted and inferior person who can`t bring up his own son.
Another develop of her character is when Mrs. Herriton blames her for not stopping Lilia`s marriage from Gino . she defends Lilia by asking Mrs. Herriton "have you ever let her choose". She accuses Mrs. Herriton for being a controlling person. She told her mother that Lilia marries a man she doesn't communicate or love but to assert herself. She wants to feel that she is capable of taken a decision alone without the custody of any one.
Gino is also considered to a developing character . he shows that his character is developed after becoming a father. Before, we saw him irresponsible and un trusted person but with his care and love to his son he changed completely.

The theme of the conflict between cultures:
In where angels fear to tread Forster handles the theme of the conflict between cultures to criticize the snobbery of the English people. He also makes a clear comparison between the English people and the Italian.
Culture conflict appears in how the English see the Italian. They think that the Italians are below them. They don`t approve their manners and behaviors. Even Philip who pretends that he enjoys the beauty of Italy ,he and his whole family refuse Lilia`s marriage from the Italian fellow because they look at him down. They hide Lilia`s marriage from the sawston society because they were afraid that they will look down at them.
The conflict between the cultures also appears when Lilia wants to take a walk, Gino at first accepts that because he is aware that she is an English woman. Then, later he starts to stop her because he believes that she is married to an Italian man and she must to follow the Italian customs. Gino gives a lot of respect to the convention of her society. He doesn`t understand the nature of this convention . he just respect s it because he brought up on it.
Gino and Lilia`s marriage failed because of the culture conflict . in sawston people are free to socialize within limitation of the English norms , but with the Italian , it is not acceptable at all. The narrator of the novel comments on Lilia`s marriage by saying that Mrs.Herriton is right because she if the only one aware of this cultural differences. Gino and Lilia are un aware that the main cause of their misery is that they are from different cultures.
The manners in Italy are different from that in England . forster shows this differences in the way Gino is eat compared to Philip. Gino `s way of eating is very shocking especially for the English people. He eats the spaghetti in a very funny way. He took the fish and threw it from his hand . while Philip is eating in a very promoted way. Even in the theatre , both Harriet and Miss Abbot were surprised to see the Italian audience shouting and talking loudly during the performance . they were shocked because such behaviors are not found in the English theatre. Finally, Lilia`s birth of the baby symbolizes the mixture between the tow cultures , the Italian and the English, but his death proves that the two cultures will never meet.
The theme of maternity:

Forster, in where angels fear to tread, presents the theme of maternity in a negative way. Through this theme , he criticizes different types of mothers that found in English society. Mrs.Herriton is one of the types of the mothers who is insincere and hypocritic . she is very strong mother who brought her children in obeying her orders blindly. She foces each one of her children to fulfill her orders. She is a controlling person. She moves them as if they were puppets in her hand. She gives a great attention to her appearance in her society . she insist to take the custody of Irma and later on Lilia`s baby because she is afraid that the sawston will look down at her.
Lilia is also a bad example of a mother who left her daughter for marrying and changing her life. She does not contact with her . Irma is brought up by her grandmother because they don`t want her to grow up as vulgar as her mother. Lilia neglects her duty towards her daughter . even when she sends her a letter after her marriage , the grandmother takes it because she does not want any contact between them . the herriton`s family look down to Lilia for so they prefer that Irma is supposed to live away of her . yet as a mother Lilia is supposed to try to reach to her daughter but she does not.
The symbols:
Forster uses many symbols to present abstract ideas or concepts.
Peas scene is considered to be the first symbol in the novel . Mrs.herriton is very interested in growing peas. She asks Mrs. Theobald to cover the peas because she is afraid that the sparrows will eat them. Un fortunately , Mrs.Theobald forget to cover them and the sparrows hopped nearer and began to eye the peas" while Harriet reading Lilia`s letter. The peas symbolize Lilia because both of them are not taught to protect themselves.
The walls are another symbol.the house that Lilia and her husband bought has two wells. One is made of mud which is outside, the other which is inside made of stone . these two walls symbolize Gino personality the mud wall is soft and nice, Gino who attracted Lilia and made her think that she loves him. The stone wall is Gino `s inside personality that Lilia discovered after marriage she realizes that Gino is not a child but a man who possesses astrong personality . this was the reason behind her misory . she discovered that she looks onely to the appearance and she doesn`t look deep inside him.
Lilia`s birth of the baby symbolizes the mixture between the two cultures, the Italian and the English. The death of the baby also symbolizes the great conflict between the two cultures and the break of communication and understanding between the English and Italian.
The rail station that the novel starts and ends in it symbolizes that life is a journey and during this journey humans experiences many thing and these experiences may make some people develop or stay as they are.
Gino symbolizes the primitive land escape he lives in .Forster uses these symbols to make his reader get closer to what he wants to represent.

واذا فيه اي تعديلات مسموحين عدلوا للأستفاده


24-06-2010, 12:29 AM
sea girl

الله يجزاك الجنة حبيبتي ما قصرتي :)

بإنتظار البقية


sea girl
24-06-2010, 01:41 PM
وهذي التكمله دعواتكم..

*what are the motivations of both mrs.Herriton and Miss Abbot behind taking Lilia`s baby?
mrs.Herriton wants to take the custody of the baby for her appearance . she doesn't want the sawston`s society to look down on them because they have a child from an Italian father. Her motivation is not for sympathy or humanity but for appearance and hypocrisy.
Miss Abbot`s motivation is different from that of mrs.Herriton she wants to take the custody of the child because of her sense of guilt. She thinks that she is the cause of Lilia and Gino`s marriage. Therefore she is responsible to save the child.
The bathing scene:
The bathing scene is considered to be a very important scene in the whole novel. In this scene Gino invites Miss Abbot to participate in bathing the baby. This scene is a symbol of purification of Miss Abbot. By washing the dirt from the baby, she is also washing the guilty feeling within her. In this scene, she realizes the real love between Gino and his son. That makes her aware that the right place for the baby is with his father. This scene shows a part of her development. She is not any more looking to Gino as an un trusted person or inferior to them who can`t bring up his child. She changed her attitude completely.
What is the significance of the scene when Harriet `s sketch book was stolen and the bottle of ammonia in her trunk burst over her clothes?
In the second day , when Miss Abbot , Harriet, and Philip return to Italy to take Lilia`s baby, Harriet`s sketch book was stolen and the bottle of the ink burst over her prayer-book and her clothes. All these incidents foreshadow the baby`s death when Harriet steals him . Although Harriet is a religious person yet she agrees to steal the baby because she never knows what passion and love is because she never experienced it.
What is the similarity between Gino and Mrs. Hrriton?
Gino and Mrs. Hrriton have the same nature. The mother is always planning to reach to whatever she wants. The mother has the English cover. She always pretends that she is very nice and sweet but her intentions are always fearful. Gino is like the mother but he dosen`t plan. He is open to all the people around him. He has a strong head likeMrs. Herriton .
Mrs.Herriton`s character:
She is the matriarch of the herriton family. She is a very strong woman. She is in hold of everything. She used to order and others obey.she is always planning to reach to whatever she wants.she has the English cover. She always pretends that she is very nice and sweet but her intentions are always fearful . she is insincere and hypocritical person.she is a member in many charity organization for sake of the social image and not for humanity . she cares very much about her appearance . her main concern is her social image.
She uses all the people around her to fulfill her orders.
Philip realizes that all his life he had been her puppet. he realizes that his mother`s controlling character destroy Lilia`s, harriet ,and even his life. She is a snobbish character who looks to Lilia and the Italian down. Mrs. Herriton`s hypocrisy appears when she insists to take the custody of Lilia`s baby because she doesn't want her society to look down on them for having a son from an Italian farther.

24-06-2010, 03:50 PM
ربي يفرج عليك دنيا و آخره
و يجزاك خير بكل حرف وبكل مساعده لأخواتك واخوانك
ألف شكر

sea girl
24-06-2010, 04:26 PM
ربي يفرج عليك دنيا و آخره
و يجزاك خير بكل حرف وبكل مساعده لأخواتك واخوانك
ألف شكر

العفو اختي بس لاني ماابي يصير لاحد الي صار لي

وان شاء الله بنزل تحليلات لكل الروايات الي اخذتها قريب

24-06-2010, 05:40 PM
sea girl

جهد جميل
وتحليل شامل

يعطيك العافية
والف شكر

24-06-2010, 05:55 PM
Thanks a lot

25-06-2010, 07:15 PM
great effort 4 a wonderfull novel....

thank u sis ^^

26-06-2010, 01:10 PM
الف شكر حبيبتي

sea girl
27-06-2010, 09:02 PM
العفو اخواني وخواتي

staring smile
01-11-2010, 10:12 PM

how beautiful is this novel<<<<

I have great memories with ....

thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhanx honey