المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ملخص شكسبير+هاملت

شيخة الدارسات
01-07-2010, 10:41 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أتمنى تساعدوني الله يسعدكم..

الله يجزاكم خير أبغا ملخص وترجمة مسرحية هاملت لشكسبير

وملخص لشكسبير نفسة مترجم..

الله يجزاكم ألف خير ابغاه ضروري..

01-07-2010, 06:14 PM
ابشري يا اختي

دقايق واجيب الطلبات

01-07-2010, 06:22 PM
Shakespeare (1564-1616)

عائلتهWilliam Shakespeare's father, John Shakespeare, moved to the idyllic town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the mid-sixteenth century.

William Shakespeare was John and Mary's third child.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon .
His birth is unregistered, but legend places it on April 23, 1564 .

تاريخه التعليمي كما يتوقع من أعماله الأدبية
it is safe to assume that :
he attended the local grammar school.
and the King's New School, which was staffed with a faculty that held Oxford degrees.
as evidenced by the numerous classical and literary references in his plays.

حياته الاسريه
In 1582, at age eighteen, William Shakespeare married 26-year-old Anne Hathaway.
The have three children Their first daughter, Susanna and twins, Hamnet and Judith .

حياته الادبيه
Around 1589, Shakespeare wrote his first play, Henry VI, Part 1 .

At that time he moved to London, where he pursued a career as a playwright and actor.
by 1590, he become a popular playwright, With Henry VI, The Comedy of Errors, and Titus Andronicus.
But 1593 marked a major leap forward in his career. By the end of that year he garnered a prominent patron in the Earl of Southampton.
Venus and Adonis was published as the first of his known work and it gain a huge success .
The Rape of Lucrece was bublished next.
In 1596 he joined the Lord Chamberlain's Men,( a group of actors) and this group hange it name to the King's men .
By 1598 he was the '' principal comedian ''
By 1603 he was the '' principal tragedian ''
In 1596 Shakespeare penned:
Romeo and Juliet,
Love's Labour's Lost,
The Taming of the Shrew,
and several other plays.
Two of his greatest tragedies,
Hamlet and Julius Caesar,
followed in 1600 at the beginning of seventeenth century witnessed the debut performances of many of his most celebrated works:
Richard III in 1601,
Othello in 1604 or 1605,
Antony and Cleopatra in 1606 or 1607,
King Lear in 1608.
The last play of his to be performed was probably King Henry VIII, in either 1612 or 1613.

قصائده الشهيرة Sonnets
the majority of Shakespeare's sonnets were probably written in the 1590s.

وفاته ووصيته أين يقبر في قصيده
William Shakespeare died at the age of 52 in 1616 .

He was buried in the chancel of his church at Stratford. The lines above his tomb (allegedly written by Shakespeare himself) read:
"Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these stones
And cursed be he that moves my bones."

وفيه ملخص لمسرحية هاملت على صيغة بي دفي بش مو عارف كيف ارفع بالمنتدى

بس بحاول وان شاءالله ارفعه الليل لك

01-07-2010, 06:29 PM
هذا ملخص لــ أهم الاحــداث والشخصيات والمشاهد

اتمنى يعجبك ويساعدك

وفيه عندي القصة بالعربي كامله اذا تبينها

نوبروم لم

بس مره طويل

ودعووواتك والله يوفقك

j o r y
02-07-2010, 09:52 AM
بارك الله جهودك
وجزاك الله خير

03-07-2010, 03:39 PM
أهلن أختي....


هدا رابط لموضوع موحود بالمنتدى عن هاملت ...أحس أنه بيفيدك..
الموضوع قيم...أدعي للأخت الي شاركتنا فيه بالمنتدى...

hope u'll find it helpful..

LO butterfly LO
09-07-2010, 03:06 AM
عن شكسبير
MACBETH, Thane of Glamis and Cawdor, a general in the King's army - Macbeth is a basically good man who is troubled by his conscience and loyalty though at the same time ambitious and murderous. He is led to evil initially by the witches' predictions and then by his wife's goading, which he succumbs to because he loves her so. His obsession over the kingship shows a certain kind of egotism.
Macbeth: The tragic focus of this play. Originally a loyal and honest man, his descent into murder and betrayal is the tale of how ambition can tarnish even the purest of souls. Driven by loyalty to King Duncan, his own "Vaulting ambition," leads to him killing King Duncan to secure his own destiny. The man at the end of play is one we would barely recognize from the loyal Macbeth we meet at the beginning.
Macbeth, Thane of Glamis
Macbeth is a general in the king's army and originally the Thane of Glamis. As a reward for his valiant fighting, described in the opening scene, Macbeth is also named the Thane of Cawdor. Appropriately, the former Thane of Cawdor was a traitor to the crown who appeared loyal. At heart, Macbeth does not deserve the adjective "evil." To be sure, he commits regicide and eventually orders the death of women and children alike. But unlike Iago of Othello or Edmund of King Lear, Macbeth is not an explicitly malicious villain. His initial crime is a product of opportunistic prophecies, a weakness of character, his "vaulting ambition," and certainly the influence of Lady Macbeth. Thereafter, he is compelled to commit further crimes in an attempt to cover his tracks and defy the three witches' prophecy. After Duncan's death and the flight of Malcolm and Donalbain, Macbeth reigns as king of Scotland until his death.
Macbeth is introduced in the play as a warrior hero, whose fame on the battlefield wins him great honor from the king. Essentially, though, he is a human being whose private ambitions are made clear to the audience through his asides and soliloquies (solo speeches). These often conflict with the opinion others have of him, which he describes as "golden" (I:7, 33). Despite his fearless character in battle, Macbeth is concerned by the prophecies of the Witches, and his thoughts remain confused, both before, during, and after his murder of King Duncan. When Duncan announces that he intends the kingdom to pass to his son Malcolm, Macbeth appears frustrated. When he is about to commit the murder, he undergoes terrible pangs of conscience. Macbeth is at his most human and sympathetic when his manliness is mocked and demeaned by his wife (see in particular Act I, Scene 7).

BANQUO, Thane of Lochaber, a general in the King's army - Banquo serves as a foil to Macbeth, showing an alternate react to prophecy. Banquo retains his morals and allegiances, but ends up dying. He is brave and ambitious, but this is tempered by intelligence.

He is one of Macbeth's best friends. Banquo pledges allegiance to Macbeth as long as his reputation is not lost. Macbeth fears Banquo because it was propehsied that Banquo's offspring would be kings.
Banquo: Loyal friend of Macbeth. He bares witness to the initial prophecies made by the Three Witches. Though eager to learn his own destiny, Banquo serves as a counterpoint to how one deals with fate. Macbeth kills to reach his. Banquo is content to let destiny carve it's own path. Later killed to preserve Macbeth's status, he reappears as a ghost.
Banquo, Thane of Lochaber
A general in Duncan's army along with Macbeth, Banquo is also the subject of one of the witches' prophesies. Unlike Macbeth, however, Banquo does not act to fulfill these prophecies. He instead relies on his better judgement and morals. And true to the witches' words, his son Fleance escapes Macbeth's murderers to become a future king. Banquo is also important in that his ghost returns to haunt Macbeth, thus instilling a strong sense of uneasiness among Macbeth's servants

املي وامنيتي
22-02-2011, 10:57 PM
والله ماتقصر the majesty ا
الله يوفقك نزلها وان كانت طويلة احتاجها ضروري
بارك الله فيك

شيخة الدارسات
26-02-2011, 10:23 AM
زاكم الله عنا خير الجزاء وبارك الله في علمكم ونفعكم لاخوانكم