المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسئلة لمسرحية تاجر البندقيه

● خٌ ـرًآفٍيـًﮧ
30-07-2010, 04:50 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ..
ممكن تساعدوني بحل هالاسئله لمسرحيه تاجر البندقيه لـ ويليام شكسبير ...
اذا ماعليكم كلافه ابي الفواصل تكون فيه وابغى شرح واافي الله يخليكم ...
وهذي هي الاسئله ...

with detailed reference to the text of the play ,describe the conflict between antonio and shylock .

do you agree that partia is the most important chracter in the play ?

discuss the friendship of antonio and bassanio. is there enough information in the play to account for it ?

:smile (101):

30-07-2010, 08:26 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته

اختي للاسف مااخذت هذي المسرحيه اتمنى ان احد يفيدك

كمان رح احاول اقراها يمكن اطلع بنتيجه



30-07-2010, 12:16 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاتة


اهلا و سهلا بكٍ معنا في سعودي انجلش ^_^


30-07-2010, 12:23 PM
with detailed reference to the text of the play ,describe the conflict between antonio and shylock

Antonio and Shylock are two of the main characters in the Merchant of Venice. One of the main plots is to do with the conflict between these two. The main thing that causes these two to argue is their religion, Antonio is a Christian, and Shylock is a Jew. In Shakespearean times there was a huge conflict between these two religions. The Jews were less common making them the minority group and were usually the victims.Antonio didn't like Shylock because he was a Jew, and he let Shylock know his feelings. However, two wrongs don't make a right. In other words, just because Antonio hated Shylock and spat in his face, there's no reason why Shylock couldn't just show Antonio love or just stay away from him. Shylock chose to get revenge, so he probably would be viewed as a villain.

Shylock, in particular, keeps babbling on and on about those precious ducats of his, as if they could actually be more important than his own flesh and blood (and, considering his daughter's deviation, they probably were). As for Antonio, he was one who loved money, but, in a different way than Shylock. He seemed to love the power that comes along with having money, for he seemed to get more of a buzz out of loaning/giving it to others than out of hoarding it. Nevertheless, he certainly felt an incessant need to have it, as demonstrated by his appeal to deal with the cunning Shylock. Unfortunately, Shylock's cunning didn't match up to his greed, as he was bested by that pesky Portia, who helped destroy the Jew's empire.Portia, disguised as a man of law, intervenes on Antonio’s behalf.Shylock is ordered to convert to Christianity and bequeath his possessions to Lorenzo and Jessica.

طبعاً المقصود بالسؤال ايش الصراع اللي بين اليهودي شايلوك و انتونيو و انتي تشرحية بمعرفتك مع الاشارة الى امثلة من الرواية يعني انا حطيت الصراع و انتي اكتبي الامثلة يعني في شابتر ثلاثة شايلوك فعل كذا و قال كذا و هدد بكذا و أي مساعدة انا حاضرة :)

30-07-2010, 12:29 PM
do you agree that partia is the most important chracter in the play ?

Yes I do agree

because Portia is one of Shakespeare's most memorable and most admired characters. Portia is the most important and the most intelligent character in the play. There are several incidents that she displays intelligence and importance. The wittiness she displays in criticising her suitors, the marriage lottery, rescuing Antonio and the trick she plays on her husband.

30-07-2010, 12:31 PM
Question: Discuss the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio. What does their
friendship reveal about their characters?

Antonio and Bassanio’s friendship is a very close one. Bassanio consider Antonio his best friend. I also think that Bassanio is also Antonio’s best friend because Antonio lent
money to Bassanio so he can pay his debts while living the high and fun life. Antonio
even sacrifice his own life to Shylock so that Bassanio can have three thousands ducats to woo Portia, a rich heiress from Belmont. I think this part really says that Antonio does care about Bassanio and in a possible way he loves him like a brother. Antonio also Bassanio that all the money that he needed to pay Antonio that Bassanio did not need to pay him the money that he borrows a long time ago. Antonio is really a nice and kind friend and Bassanio is really lucky to have him. This part shows that Antonio is really kind and would sacrifice everything so his friend’s happiness would be fulfilled.

Bassanio on the other hand sometimes takes Antonio for granted. Bassanio even told
Portia that Antonio is his best friend and he is the kindest and nicest man in Venice. Portia replied that she would like to meet him. But there is a scene where Bassanio wasn’t gold – digger always that he also cares about Antonio too. Bassanio told Portia that he needed to save Antonio’s life from the Jewish moneylender, Shylock. He said that he needed to save his friend’s life first before marrying Portia. This part also shows that he is truthful to his friend. When Bassanio gave the ring, that Portia made him swear never to give it away, lose it or anything, to the lawyer who was actually Portia to reward the lawyer for helping to save Antonio’s life. He was even willing to give the ring that his future wife gave it to him to show that he belongs to Portia and her wealth.

Bassanio also felt worried when Portia told him that she had to sleep with the lawyer to
get the ring back. This was the part that Bassanio showed that he was in love with Portia and not only with her wealth. But Portia eventually told Bassanio that she was the lawyer and Nerissa was the lawyer’s clerk. Bassanio felt relieved and fooled by his wife. This part also shows that Portia’s beauty also matches her brains. Bassanio also told the lawyer that he love Antonio more than his wife and the lawyer replied that you and your wife will argue if she were to hear this. This shows that Bassanio could not control his mouth and can not keep secrets.

Antonio on the other hand also showed that he was easily gullible to think that Bassanio
care for him but in fact Bassanio only wanted money. Although Antonio is kind, I also
think he is too trustworthy. He trusts so must on his ship. He was very confident that his
ships will return safely to land. But later rumors spread that Antonio’s ship sank and it
turned out to be true. I also thought that Antonio is a lonely man and have no self
confident. But this part shows that he has a small spark of it in him. Antonio also told
shylock that he was a dog, a non- believer, critic on his Jew clothes and more horrible
things. This shows that Antonio can be a mean and unkind person to the Jews.

I believe that through out the trial, Antonio and Bassanio characters have many sides. Bassanio turned out to be a nice man after all and Antonio can also be a horrible man after all. Their friendship had revealed some new characters about them .

30-07-2010, 12:35 PM
ترجمة المسرحية


مواقع تفيدك:


What is the relationship between antonio and Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice? (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_relationship_between_antonio_and_Bassa nio_in_The_Merchant_of_Venice)


دعواتك لي :)

● خٌ ـرًآفٍيـًﮧ
31-07-2010, 04:26 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته

اختي للاسف مااخذت هذي المسرحيه اتمنى ان احد يفيدك

كمان رح احاول اقراها يمكن اطلع بنتيجه



الله يسعدك ياااارب وييسر لك كل امر عسير ويوفقك ...

● خٌ ـرًآفٍيـًﮧ
31-07-2010, 04:30 AM
اللهم وفق M.o_o.N و أعنها على ذكرك و شكرك و حسن عبادتك اللهم وفقها لما تحب و ترضى اللهم فرج كربها ويسر امرها اللهم أحسن خاتمتها و أجعل قبرها روضة من رياض الجنات
اللهم ارحمها و ارضى عنها و ارزقها الجنة التي وعدت عبادك الصالحين
والله ماتدرين قد ايش مستحيه منك الله يخليلك من تغلينهم ويخليك لهم خلاص ماعقب مساعدتك اسئله ... تسلمين والله ..والله دعيت لك من كل قلبي وماراح انساك بدعاء ظهر الغيب ان شاء الله

31-07-2010, 02:44 PM
الله يبارك فيك يا أختي

دائما مبدعه ومو غريب عليك

31-07-2010, 02:57 PM
ياجعلك تسلمين و الله دعواتك تشرح الصدر و تطيب القلب
جزاك الله خير و لك مثل ما سألتي لي بإذن الله

اخوي فيصل بارك الله فيك وبلغك رمضان أنت ومن تحب بصحه وعافية