المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تعليقات لمسرحية ADolls house

Tfoq Alwasf
22-09-2010, 01:48 PM
يسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بليز سآعدوني

ابي التعليق لصفحه 83 وبرضوا صفحه 42 ومقاطعهم

من مسرحية ADolls House ؟؟؟

22-09-2010, 02:13 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ممكن تضعي النص الاقتباسي بالضبط علشان نساعدك بالتعليق!


do it
22-09-2010, 04:07 PM
هلا حبيبتي تفوق الوصف
أنا درست هذه المسرحية
وافهمها جيداً،،

إذا لديك أي استفسار فيها فأنا جاهزة

Tfoq Alwasf
22-09-2010, 05:33 PM


لو سمحتم ابي التعليق يكون شآمل لآنه الدكتور بالمره دقيق وابي يكون فيه برضوا Key word يعني الكلمات المهمه في المقطع ووش تعني في المسرحيه ووش ترجع عليه ووش توضح ؟؟؟

جبت معاي المقطع الاول وبكرا ان شاء الله بنزل مقطعين الله يوفقكم يارب ابيكم تتواجدوان اليوم وبكرا اذا نزلت المقطعين : (

اختبار قريب مره مره :( ومره حايسه

هذا المقطع الآول

A room furnished comfortably and tastefully, but not extravagantly. At the back, a door to the right leads to the entrance-hall, an other to the left leads to HELMER:'s study. Between the doors stands a piano. In the middle of the left-hand wall is a door, and beyond it a window. Near the window are a round table, arm-chairs and a small sofa. In the right-hand wall, at the farther end, another door; and on the same side, nearer the footlights, a stove, two easy chairs and a rocking-chair; between the stove and the door, a small table. Engravings on the walls; a cabinet with china and other small objects; a small book-case with well-bound books. The floors are carpeted, and a fire burns in the stove. It is winter.

A bell rings in the hall; shortly afterwards the door is heard to open. Enter NORA , humming a tune and in high spirits. She is in out-door dress and carries a number of parcels; these she lays on the table to the right. She leaves the outer door open after her, and through it is seen a PORTER who is carrying a Christmas Tree and a basket, which he gives to the MAID who has opened the door.]

22-09-2010, 09:04 PM
مــــرحباً من جديد

التعليق ::

The opening scene of A Doll's House is preceded by a description of a room in the house in which the two main characters, Nora and Torvald Helmer, live. "A comfortable room, tastefully but not expensively furnished". This description represents the Helmers' place in society. They are middle class, not extremely wealthy, but with enough money to survive comfortably on. Middle class society in Norway in this time was quite patriarchal. There were strict social edicts about a woman being a good wife and mother. Women who tried to find independence, or were forced to work like Nora's best friend Mrs Linde, were often seen as lesser beings. This first setting description sets the scene for the entire play and supports the controversial main theme of the play, Nora's rebellion against this rigid society in her final decision to leave her husband when she realises she needs to make something of herself and find independence.



Tfoq Alwasf
24-09-2010, 05:33 PM

ابي التعليق لهذا المقطع ي ريت يكوون التعليق شآمل الله يوفقكم : (

Helmer:you are awife amother .They come first
Nora:Idont think so.Not any more>Ithink thatfirst Im ahuman being the sameas you.Or at least that Ill tryto be one >Iknowthat most peoplewould agree with you الـــــــــــــــــى I must decide

المشرفين ادمجوا الموضوع :( سوري

24-09-2010, 07:58 PM
In these lines both Nora and Helmer are talking. Nora speaks these words, which express the truth that she has gleaned about her marriage, Torvald’s character, and her life in general, to Torvald at the end of Act Three. She recognizes that her life has been largely a performance. She has acted the part of the happy, child-like wife for Torvald and, before that, she acted the part of the happy, child-like daughter for her father. She now sees that her father and Torvald compelled her to behave in a certain way and understands it to be “great wrong” that stunted her development as an adult and as a human being. She has made “nothing” of her life because she has existed only to please men. Following this -realization, Nora leaves Torvald in order to make something of her life and—for the first time—to exist as a person independent of other people.

الشرح بالاعلى وافي

اذا حابة اضافات تفضلي ::

Nora is a dynamic character in this play. Meyers quote is stating that Ibsen has characters who struggle with their "authentic identity." Nora is clearly an example of one of these characters. She goes through many changes and develops more than any other character. Nora, at the beginning and throughout most of the play, is "inauthentic character." An inauthentic identity is when a person believes their personality is identical to their behavior. However subconsciously they know that it is not true. Nora was inauthentic because her situation was all that she was ever exposed to. She is a grown woman that was pampered all her life by men. Nora was spoon-fed all of her life by her father (http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=father) and husband. She believes in Torvald unquestionably, and has always believed that he was her god or idol. She is the perfect image of a doll wife who revels in the thought of luxuries that she can afford because she is married. She is very flirtatious, and constantly engages in childlike acts of disobedience such as little lies about things such as whether or not she bought macaroons. Nora goes through life with the illusion that everything is perfect


الحان الاشتياق
04-03-2011, 10:25 PM
مرحبااااا الله يعافيكم اللي فاهم مسرحية a dull of houseيشرحلي باتفصيل المملل والف شكرررر
بلييييييييييييييييييييييي يز ساعدوني

05-03-2011, 07:18 PM