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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Filthy Important!!

05-01-2005, 05:38 PM
[im a new member here ,a new kin n da block :D i would love ta join in startin with this short article on a very so not impressin things i v seen so far.dunno if u guys have been thru the same situation? :confused: i v found that evaluatin teachers aint no good nor is it fair in some ways.
for example, many a time , u would run into a very brilliant green teacher who possesses a whole lot of reative treats and bright ideas , but... still would be underestimated by their supervisors for the simple fact that they r new!!GIMME A BREAK!! :rolleyes: !!
on the other hand, u would meet a teacher who has worked for quit a while but who has so many mistakes...i wonder y its is so around here?!! aand who is to blame it on!!

05-01-2005, 09:12 PM
what the hill is that
what are talking about
could you please explain
your language is slang

ابله منى
06-01-2005, 09:09 PM
mistakes happen every where even in your article

07-01-2005, 12:31 AM
!!!!!! ????? new language

07-01-2005, 02:51 PM
i agree with you ,mona and shooshoo and mr.zahrani.
my language might be new to u, it also, is sorta slang, but thats how it is spoken i guess if yr familiar with it.

as for your comment mrs. mona, i wholeheartedly agree with ya in that mistaks are bound to happen but how about "deliberate mistakes"??

yr right , in my note theres a lot of spelling mistakes but would that be the same as misjudgement?
im sure you get my point, i mean im not against any supervisor in the least , im against unjust treatment, though.

in my book, its so important to give a teacher a chance before evalutaing her. one should not follow their intinct or pre-conceived notions when evaluating a teacher.

it is also very important that we focus on how to get our thoughts across to our students in new creative ways instead of clinging to old useless ways that have lead students to a very low level of speaking english.
i think just as language is NOT rigid, our methods should not be RIGID. we must implement new ideas and
benefit from other peopls experiences.

this is what i am against and thats what im for. i hope now that i have made my self clear to all of you folks.
anyways, im so happy to have joined and heard - i mean read from you people. i hope we keep up this good work and keep being open-mindd to each others viewpoints.


16-01-2005, 01:02 AM
يا شباب كل واحد يصلح سيارته

17-01-2005, 11:47 PM
Your English is good but you know what being abroad I have not heard the real American or British writing like this I am sorry I am not saying you are wrong . Your talk is alright no objection but what i am trying to say is don't let others who may not understand your language make fun of you i can tell you are good person but sometime we can't change everything at a time well i hope you understand me calm down my dear and tell me for how long you have been teaching??

ghost sonata
29-01-2005, 04:16 AM
we are in a deep deep .......
from my previouse knowledge i think this is a hindi language
so we need a hindi person to solve the puzzle

am kidding
no hard feeling a gainst u Mr.S somaya
M.R zahrani please stop your religiouse (.......)s

Um Ali
30-01-2005, 02:31 AM
Dear Somaya
Your English langauge is great. But could you please use the formal one. You know honey that the language you are using is the spoken one. And to be honest with you, it is not easy to be understood if you did not study or at least lived in U.S.A

11-07-2005, 12:19 PM
Dear Um Ali, thanks or your concern to even read my txt and send back a nice feedback. i will try to clarify my language ,inshallah, may Allah reward you sis.

11-07-2005, 12:27 PM
salam alaikum sis Aish, its good to know you are abroad at the momet. sorry couldnt get back to you earlier , but i dont quite get your point , i mean what do u mean by our language.. haven't heardthe real american or british writing like this, i dont really get u sis cuz this is the type of language I usually use with my contacts and im not having any problems, it could be slangy but not wrong ....correct me if im wrong sis by the way ,we can get together on yahoo messenger and have a ittle chat if u dont mind.
my id is : ajlanina_n@yahoo.com :p :p :p

11-07-2005, 12:50 PM
salam alaikum sis Aish, its good to know you are abroad at the momet. sorry couldnt get back to you earlier , but i dont quite get your point , i mean what do u mean by our language.. haven't heardthe real american or british writing like this, i dont really get u sis cuz this is the type of language I usually use with my contacts and im not having any problems, it could be slangy but not wrong ....correct me if im wrong sis by the way ,we can get together on yahoo messenger and have a ittle chat if u dont mind.
my id is : ajlanina_n@yahoo.com

14-07-2005, 04:35 PM
Ok let me start first by saying that Somaya's language is great even if some of us couldn't understand it. As to the so-called slang phrases, I dont think they are a source of trouble. In fact, I heared senior American politicians use them a number of times.

As to the idea of the article itself I think it is only natural that a new enthusiastic teacher would feel depressed about the comments made by his or her supervisor. I also totally agree that the teacher's evaluation should be based only on his performance not according to the number of years he or she spent teaching. However, having said that, I must also point out the if a teacher wants to escape the old methods of teaching, he or she should not jump into unknown territories just to invent new ways. Any new method the teacher would deem apropriate should be examined by both the teacher and his or her supervisor to be certain that it is apropriate to the studnets and the aims of the course.

Thank you for posting such a vital issue.

22-07-2005, 06:35 PM
Ok let me start first by saying that Somaya's language is great even if some of us couldn't understand it. As to the so-called slang phrases, I dont think they are a source of trouble. In fact, I heared senior American politicians use them a number of times.

As to the idea of the article itself I think it is only natural that a new enthusiastic teacher would feel depressed about the comments made by his or her supervisor. I also totally agree that the teacher's evaluation should be based only on his performance not according to the number of years he or she spent teaching. However, having said that, I must also point out the if a teacher wants to escape the old methods of teaching, he or she should not jump into unknown territories just to invent new ways. Any new method the teacher would deem apropriate should be examined by both the teacher and his or her supervisor to be certain that it is apropriate to the studnets and the aims of the course.

Thank you for posting such a vital issue.

Thank you Astro so much for supporting me. It's so nice of you to put in such good words about my language. for me , i know pretty well and im darn sure there is nothing wrong with it and if some people don't understand it , well, i can't help it. this is the language spoken in America and no daubt! but i understand that it is not well understood in most parts of our country for one reason which is many of us are taught saudi english which many westerners call Broken English.. just like Broken Arabic of those non-arrabic speaking people. this is an issue we should address and deal with. By studying spoken english closely,almost anyone can get a hold of it but we cant just go around making fun of pplz language simply cuz we dont know better! i have gotten to the point where i dont care what others say about my lang. because its thevery samre language used by all diffrernt social classes of society in America, so why bopther. As for my topic, i am not talking about totally new unexperienced teacher, im rather talking about those with good experience in the private sector, if u know what im saying.and for my self, i dont mean to brag, many forigners would love to hire me but im bound to government schools for several reasons. and the methods i use are well suitable for the students agegroup and mentality ,and you know what ? my supervisor herself likes it so bad and she is always amazed by how the students act and react to me in classs and how enthusiastic and learning and fun loving they are . they are so special, but still the superiority complex is there no matter what....it wouldnt make love my job any less nor wouldd their praise make me love it any more... all i care about is my students who get alot out of it... it pays off at the end..but the bottom line is, when there is something wrong, we have to talk about it ...and remember.. what goes around. comes around...

my best regards..

23-07-2005, 05:19 AM
Sis Somaya
Ur language is good but it is kinda weird for somea us
but keepr up
U r absolutely right sis. there is sometimes misjudgment about some competent
teachas, but that related to a set of satements are already put in an old fashion form with a set of marks for each statement and we are requested as supervisors
to estimate the teacha. As mentioning estamation so it is something related to the personality and to the mood of the supervisor. I have designed an evaluation form for evaluating teachers and sent a copy to the ministry of Education they donot even tell me whether they gor it or not!!

Who does not commet mistakes ? Even if using our motha laguage there alot of mistakes are committed.
Thank ya sis and thumbs up
I have not used this kind of language along time ago, thanks for refreshing my memo.
