المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مسآعدهـ في كتابة مقاله..!

12-10-2010, 11:45 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااته

كيفكم إن شاء الله بخير

ابي منكم خدمه صغيرهـ الله يخليكم
ابي تكتبون لي مقااله عن اول يوم لك في الجامعه وكيف كان شعوورك وقت الي دخلتيها لأول مرهـ وش كان هدفك انك تتعلمي وش قررتي انك تتعلميه وايش هيه طريقتك في التعلم ياليت تضمنون فيها محاوره بينك وبين اي احد مثلا معلمه كنتي تسألينها ما مدى صعوبة هالقسم وايش هيه افضل طريقه للتعلم
طبعا المقاله بالإنقلش تكوون وياليت تكون كل المقاله تتحدث عن وحده توها داخله قسم انقلش

ومشكوورين مقدمااا ..!

12-10-2010, 11:56 PM
و عليكم السلام
تفضلي يا اختي

In the first day usually many funny things happen , but for me it was a very horrible day. I had a very bad time since I reached to the University. I didn't know where to go and what to do at that time.In addition to that, I had no friends with me in the same section.However, I sat all the time in the university thinking what to do and where to go till I saw my friend and asked him to help me, he didn't mind at all, that time I felt happy that I found someone at last to help me until I got home and o told my father about everything.

ولا تنسينا من الدعوات بظهر الغيب

13-10-2010, 12:00 AM
My First Day at The University

In the First Day at The University I was very happy because I became a university student that can wear any thing unlike the high school. I went by the bus coz the university is far unlike the high school that it was beside our house.I arrived to the university and i didn't know anyone in the department.when i reached to the studying room, I sat in the room without taking the subjects schedual or taking the names of the books that are required.
I was too innocent thinking that they will distribute the books like in the high school.When the doctor came to us, she started talking and explaining the purposes of studying her subject and asking us to prepare chapter one from the book.I was asking my self where is the book she wants us to prepare.I went home feeling of sadness and confusion.I did not know what to do and what to buy.i didn't have friends coz i was still new. I discovered that the community of university is totally different from the high school community. In the university, everyone should look for the information alone without helping unlike the schools system that you can find every thing in the books. .After that I adapted with the situation.What i want to say that there is a gap between studying in univesity and the studying in schools. This gap should be f illed through courses given to high school students talk about the rules and instuctions of studying at the univesity

13-10-2010, 12:40 AM
الله يعطيك حتى يرضيك
مشكوره الف شكر الله يجزاك الجنه ويرزقك كل الي تتمنين ويسعد قلبك يارب
ومشكوره مرآ ثانيه ()