تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Semantics

Just a Dream
31-12-2010, 01:31 PM
The definition of semantics

Branch of linguistic that study the meaning of words, sentence , phrase .

Semantics have two types of meaning

- conceptual meaning

it means the common meaning or the meaning of the word in the dictionary

and can be called " denotative meaning "

- assosciative meaning

it is the hidden meaning

for example when we say about someone

you are a needle

the assosciative meaning is she is painful person

and we can called it " conotative meaning "

Semantics Features

My cat studied linguistics

this sentence syntactically is true

but semantically is wrong because the cat can't do

the action .


animate +

human -

so in this case this sentence is semantically is wrong

Just a Dream
31-12-2010, 01:31 PM
Semantics Roles

- Agent

the agent is the one who do the action

for example

Mona hits the bug

Mona = is the agent

- Theme

the noun phrase used to identify the entity involved in or affected by the action of the verb in an event

for example

She hits the bug

theme = is the bug

- Instrument

what we use to achieve the goal or to do the action

for example

She hits the bug with the magazine

Istrument= the magazine

she use the magazine to hit the bug


it is a noun phrase used to designate an entity as the person who has a feeling

, perception or state .

for example

The boy feels sad

experiencer = is the boy

- Location

it identifying where the action is happen

for example

She saw a mosquito on the wall

Location = on the wall


where is the theme moves from

for example

Sara borrowed a magazine from Nora

Source = Nora

- Goal

where is the theme moved to

for example

Sara handed the magazine back to Nora

Goal = Nora

to be continued

01-01-2011, 04:38 AM
Just a Dream (http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/member.php?u=176881)
useful definition and examples

well done
many thanks

Just a Dream
01-01-2011, 05:28 PM
u r welcome bro =)

08-01-2011, 01:34 PM
السلام عليكم

ممكن افقضل كتاب في شرح السيمانتيك يكون شرح مييسر ورائع باللغه الانجليزيه طبعا ويطون الكتاب متوفر في السعوديه تكفون ابي هالكتاب

همس الم
08-01-2011, 03:11 PM
الف شكر على الشرح الجميل
0تذكرت ايام الجامعة والمادة اخذناها مع دكتورة مصرية بس للاسف كانت تدخل وتجلس على الكرسي طوال المحاضرة فكنا نحس بالملل

أم يعقوب
24-12-2011, 04:50 PM
أنا عندي السميستر الجاي المادة هذي ماادري كيف المادة يارب تكون أسهل من syntax لان بصراحه درستني مصريه لو تريح نفسها وترجع مصر أفضل لها ولنا
ياليت اللي درس المادتين يطمني ويقول أيهم أسهل؟؟

طالبة أدب
24-12-2011, 10:45 PM

ThaaanQ for this simple useful information

http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/images/misc/11x11progress.gif fofo4280 http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/images/misc/11x11progress.gif (http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/member.php?u=72487)

You can use The Study of Language by George Yule

It's so simple and clear

http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/images/misc/11x11progress.gif أم يعقوب http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/images/misc/11x11progress.gif (http://www.saudienglish.net/vb/member.php?u=72487)

=) Syntax and Semantics are easy, at least that's my opinion

BTW, Semantics talks about some terms like synonym, antonym, hyponym, homonymy and homophones


أبو سفيان
25-12-2011, 04:26 AM
Thank u very much