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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بليييييييييييييز ضروووري اليووم والليله اممم الحييييييييين اماانه الي في يده شي يسااعدني :(

06-01-2011, 12:13 AM
ياااااااا جمااعه سااعدوني في هالموضووع ابي اوصله لين 1000 كلمه

واحسه موو مترااااابط امممم خصووصا الثيسس ستيت منت

اممم تكفووووووون ساعدوني :(

To work as a judge is one of the most important, risky and hard careers that a person could choose as a profession .There should be some special details and features on the person who want to be a judge in the future so he could be a fair and equal judge. The most important and common information that should be known about judges is that there are a special characteristics for a judge.
According to that there are three kinds of judges each one of them has a special position depends on his roles in society . Also, judges life could have a dangerous side, with many privileges and benefits, but they may face different challenges on their career.

With the multiple needs of society and the diversity of the problems resulting from the diversity of peoples business, that leads to a wide variety of judges and courts disciplines. The types of the judges depends on the cases that they judge for is, Civilian judge gives their judgment on the matters of personal status, Administrative judges who look at issues of contracts and business issues. Criminal Judges resolve serious crimes like murders and the last one is Judges of Appeal who re-consideration of the foregoing provisions. Nowadays, there are many different kinds of courts depending on the jurisdiction of the Court. Some are courts that deal with simple things others are in courts that deal with more complicated things.

The first type is the "Supreme Court judges, these courts and one chief justice. The second is that the Appeals Court, these judges will help the judges of the Supreme Court and the third type is the" judges of the Supreme Court, the decision-making on cases involving major crimes

The career of a judge is as many other careers has many privileges, like the very high Wages especially on State of Qatar, they get around 150,000 Q.R plus the premiums, besides the judicial immunity, " Judicial Immunity is a form of legal immunity which protects judges and others employed by the judiciary from lawsuits brought against them for official conduct in office .The purpose of judicial immunity is twofold it encourages judges to act in a fair and just manner, without regard to the possible extrinsic harms their acts may cause outside of the scope of their work and it protects government workers from harassment from those whose interests they might negatively affect "( Meiners,2008). Although being a judge has these privileges, as will it has a dangerous side. “I know that at any time I can get killed,” that what the 60-year-old judge from Iraq said, as he sat behind a wooden desk in his courthouse office and rattled off names of fellow judges who had been killed ( Murder,2009). Judges could face the attempts revenge from the criminals that he judge on their case or from their families or the followers of their gang, also their life could be in a danger if someone try to attack them or their families and friends, and they might receive threats to force them to change their opinion about the case. An official from the US provincial reconstruction team told to REUTERS “All the judges here get threats. They call me on the phone or send me notes saying, ‘If you don’t release this person, then we’ll kill you or put a bomb in front of your house’.”( The Peninsula 2009).
Being a judge is not as easy as it might seem. Judges should have special characters and intelligent personalities, so that they could resolve the problems for the people in a professional way. While, there are many privileges judges enjoy they also may face some serious and dangerous problems that lead us to the challenges that judges may have on their life. The most effective challenge that effects on judges is the psychological stress, this kinds of stress may cause big problems on a judge's health . These are some sides of the judges life

فريق د. مُريد
06-01-2011, 06:55 AM
لو سمحت عشان اساعدك ...
علمني مألفها ولا ناقلها..
ليش تكملها ل100

06-01-2011, 08:42 PM
لا كاتببتهااااا اناا بس تعليق الدكتورررر عليهاا ان موو مترابط ولا هوو اضح

06-01-2011, 08:52 PM
[size="5"]انا اشوف ان الموضوع مترابط وواضح جدا بس لو يكو ن البرقراف الثاني مكان الاول برأي الشخصي راح يكو افضل كمقدمة ....

07-01-2011, 10:36 AM
ماعندي شي يفيدك انشاء الله يفيدونك الشباب

07-01-2011, 04:28 PM
يسلمووو مااا تقصرون والله امممم سلمه للدكتور والله يستررر