المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شــرح درس

دنيا التعب
05-03-2011, 06:55 PM
السلام عليكم الله يجزآكم الجنة .. بكرى عندي تطبيق واخترت درس ,,
< عندي شرح بمدرسة اجنبيه واطفال مدري كيف اتعامل معهم ؟

الموضوع ريدينق
والكتاب غريب يعني بحثت وقلت مالي الا انتم
تكفون الله يسلمكم

هذه القصة /
Kevin and the bear

one summer, Kevin visited his grandfather, who lived in a
cottage at the edge of forest
the first morning ,Kevin jumped out of bed and looked out the cottage windows (the forest is so beautiful) he cried out (i can not wait to explore it)
(do not go too far from the cottage ) grandpa warned him ( bear lives in the forest . be careful )
after breakfast ,Kevin joined the squirrels and chipmunks and rabbits .
he happily followed them as they ran through the thick forest of maple trees and evergreen
Kevin did not realize how far he had gone .suddenly ,a bear growled in the distance .without thinking ,Kevin turned and ran toward the cottage .
the cottage was not too far .just in time , Kevin reached the cottage and slammed the door
suddenly , Kevin saw the bear at the window. He noticed grandpa big mirror .he grabbed it and held it up in front of the window.
the angry bear thought he saw another angry bear ! he turned back and never returned.
grandpa had been out chopping wood. when he came in ,Kevin told him all about the bear.
(good thinking) said grandpa.(you scared that bear away for a long time)

ابي له شرح وكيف اطرح الأسئلة ببدآيه الكلاس
وابي اعرف نقآط /
* study the character‘s action .what does the character do?
* why the character acts that way?
*think about what you would do ,Was there a differnt way to act?
* Look at the result of the character‘s action Did the action hurt or help ?
Make judgments / should kevin have gone into forest?*
ًWas his decision to hold up the mirror agood one? explain your answers

ساعدوني والله ما اخليكم من صالح الدعوآت
بليز بكرى الشرح

دنيا التعب
05-03-2011, 10:19 PM
وينكم ...


دنيا التعب
05-03-2011, 10:36 PM
وينكم ...


ܟjust E
05-03-2011, 10:58 PM
و عليكمـ السلآم و رحمة الله ~..

يآ هلآ فيك خيتوو ~

بمآ أنهم أطفآل و درسكـ قصة حلوو بيسهل عليك ^^

حآولي تعرضي لهم مقطع مشآبه للقصه أو جمعي كم صورة منآسبة لقصتك يعني تكون قصة

مصورة و بهآلطريقة يسهل عليهم الفهم ~

و اشرحي القصة و أنتي تعرضين الصور Simultaneously
بعد ما تأكدين من فهم الكلاس ابدئي إسألي أسئلة الفهم ( وهي اللي تبين هل وصلتي القصة للبنات وفهموها أو لا

إسألي مثـلآ ::

؟Why did Kevin's grandpa prevent him from going out

؟Was the bear calm

؟Did he obey him

؟Did he confront a difficulty

و بآلتوفيـــق ^^

متأملة خير
07-03-2011, 07:26 PM
الله يعطيك العافية,, استفدت من ملاحظاتك

انا بربريز
07-03-2011, 11:50 PM