المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الله يرزقكم ضعف ماتتمنون ,,,اآآمين,,ابغى مساعدتكم,,help me<<

عزف الامنياات
07-03-2011, 04:17 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تحيه معطره بالورد والزيزفون,,

ارجو منكم يالغوالي مساعدتي لكتابة مقال بالانقلش عن المحرقه اليهوديه
essay about holocaust

والله احترت من وين ابتدي وكيف اقدر اتكلم عنها,,والتسليم حيكون بكره وهذا الشي اللي قاهرني,,:smile (97):

واللي قاهرني اكثران الاستاذه شددت:smile (24): بانو يكون من خارج النت يعني مو مقاله الاقيها احطها واطبعها وعندها برنامج للكشف عشان كذا اللي عنده موهبه في التعبير والكتابه يساعدني الله يرضى عليكم,,

فارجوا من لديه المساعده ان يساعدني اليوم,, عشان التسليم بكره,,:smile (30):

وماراح انساه من دعائي,, شاكره لكم,,
من فرج عن مسلم كربه......
ارجو ارساله لي ع الخاص ,,,والله يوفق الجميع,,

عزف الامنياات
07-03-2011, 05:50 PM
ياجماعة الخير فيه احد بيساعدني,,؟؟

بليز اللي بيساعدني يردلي خبر,,وبعدين نبدأ الاساي,,

09-03-2011, 04:08 AM
حبيبتي انا اسفه بس وربي ماقريت طلبك الا توني وثاني شي ماأعرف لهاالموضوع
بس ماحبيت اطنشك
الله يوفقك

عزف الامنياات
15-03-2011, 07:37 AM
يالبى قلبك بيرونا ربي يسعدك ويجبر بخاطرك,,

ومشكوووره يالغلا ع المرور,,

عزف الامنياات
15-03-2011, 07:44 AM
طلب اخييييييييييير,,
جبت الاساي,,

وابغى احد يساعدني في تصحيح القرامر والموضوع اذا فيه تكليجات ينبهني بليييز ,,

وهذا هو الاساي,,


Western historians Fired on the policy adopted by the Nazi Germans against the Jews of Europe, who have been subjected to their rule in the Second World War (1939 - 1945) a number of terms; first genocide Genocide, and the second is the Holocaust or Holocaust Holocaust, while called historians of the Jews by the name of the fork Sho&#225;h or Hurban Hurban the modern Hebrew; but this means the destruction or the systematic killing of millions of Jews and others by Nazi Germany and wrap, wrapped in the Second World War.

Most of the regions European in its history has known a tendency hostile to the Jews after the settlement numbers of them in Eastern Europe and Western alike, especially in the early Middle Ages, appeared this trend in the ethics of Europeans and their culture to the point where the word Jew is synonymous with often both personal qualities bad Kaljca and greed and lack of fulfillment and other ..., and the greater the resentment of those to the extent that some European Jews took up the causes of many of the disasters caused to them, and this was characterized by treatment of the Jewish communities living in their midst than the contempt and provocation and infringement.

That this treatment, though brutal, was more merciful than the Germans practiced by the Jews of the areas that have been subject to them in World War II, Jews have suffered the exercise of coercive organization based on the theory of racial superiority of the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler [t] A. Hitler, which, including his famous book « Mein Kampf »Mein Kampf, and in the introduction to this theory Download Hitler's Jewish historical responsibility that they were behind the defeat of Germany in World War I [t]. Has responded to this theory, a number of German intellectuals and leaders of the Nazi Party, led by Heinrich Himmler H. Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich R. Heydrich and Heinrich Mueller, H. Müller and Adolf Eichmann A. Eichmann. And everyone started planning for the confirmation of His Highness the Aryan race, the rest of the races and get rid of the Jewish race after them, the lowest in the social structure of the human.

And began preparations for the salvation of the Jews in Germany, according to a program designed after one month of receipt of Adolf Hitler rose to power 30/01/1933, when the government issued a series of decisions deprived German Jews of their political, economic and educational; in order to reach to justify their disposal and they are legal, and followed it with the issuance of the Nuremberg Laws Nuremberg in 1935, which prohibits trading with the Germans or Jews marry them or any dealings with them. While most Jews understand the message; Vhagroa outside Germany (Palestine, and especially the American continent) the remaining section of them refused to leave, and endured a lot of harm in the hope of a quick demise of the Nazi regime, which antagonized most of the world. That the success of claims of the Nazi Party against the Jews led to the accelerated movement hostile to them in Germany, authorities have as individuals to the destruction of their temples and the burning of their books of religion in most German cities, especially in Berlin, the capital, amounted to this work culminated in the «Kristallnacht» Kristall nacht on 9 -11.10.1938 when he was arrested demonstrators backed by the state about 30000 of the Jews, and admitted to prison.

The success achieved by the policy of anti-Semitism in Germany, and the massive publicity which promoted; has quoted the leadership of the fascists in Italy this policy, and issued a fascist leader Benito Mussolini [t] in September 1938 the law of anti-Semitism, and suffered both from Austria, Czechoslovakia, before Romania .

Under the cover of the Second World War broke out in 1939 by the Nazis in the regions Europe, which they occupied in turn collect the Jews in the camps (ghettos) Ghettos, and entrusted to overcome the second ten-year-old forced labor in the war factories, mines and mountain roads; while imposed on children who are over six years of age wear a yellow Star of David discrimination, and on the other part to the concentration camps as a prelude to finding a solution about them. The inability of the German authorities to secure the island of Madagascar as an alternative homeland to keep these to it, was sent to him from the detainees from disease and malnutrition to the death camps, or the so-called camps of the final solution Die Endl&#246;sung; a label launched by the meeting of the famous, which was held in Berlin on 20 / 1 / 1942 of a number of Nazi leaders under the chairmanship of the Director of Intelligence Nazi Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann, and withdrew the decision final solution to all regions that were under the control of the Nazis, or affected Bdawatha ethnic notably the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece and Russia.

Use the Nazis and their puppets in the European countries of a number of methods to get rid of the Jews, the most famous gas chambers and ovens, the methods were originally used for the disposal of cases of epidemic disease in many government hospitals European, but the Second World War known as a development surprising to use the ovens and gas chambers.

Reply Jews of Europe to these coercive measures a number of rebel movements; the most important rebellion in 1943 in »Ghetto« Warsaw in Poland, and remember the Jewish sources that when the Nazi authorities to send more than four hundred thousand Jews from Warsaw to detention final solution, he decided to fifty thousand of them resistance, which did not work more than removing the specter of death released for a period of less than thirty days, and when he decided to partition of the survivors of suicide decided to another section of asylum to the countryside, and managed a third access to the Allied forces that brought them to America or Palestine, and the Fourth Kism brought him Associations Dnmarkiyp popular boats to Sweden.

With the end of World War II, has made cultural institutions, many global attention to follow the events of the Holocaust based on the testimonies of some survivors and some of those responsible and which received at the Nuremberg trials (1945 - 1946), and concluded to blame all of the theory of ethnic Nazism and those responsible, especially Adolf Eichmann, and the omission of all the reasons that led to the emergence of such a theory. It was natural to publish the cultural institutions of Jewish news extended the outrage of the Holocaust, but it is not logical to overestimate the size of the Jewish victims as Thuili brought the number to six million victims, but to give the figure character of holiness and the Nile from each of the objected to by any arguments of a logical Whatever, for example, the Jewish institutions issued in her 5702 annual number for the month of September 1941 study show that the number of Jews in Europe under Germany, including Russia, reached 3.110.722 Jew, how annihilated six million of them?! Add to that resentment Nazism was resolved to the Jews only; but long-communists and humanists and opponents of the theory racist Aryan, as well as a number of patients epidemiological who were subjected to burn, add to that a number of witnesses the Nuremberg trials retracted their testimony after a period, such as the French historian Michel Bauer M. Poir Bembalgth who admitted in his testimony in a newspaper published in France Oeste 2-3/8/1986 as well as another drop in the number of witnesses in the newspaper Libération, in its issue dated 5.3.1979, has become the talk of the Holocaust skepticism and disbelief in many Western cultural circles, until the early twenty-first century by Zionist propaganda and disinformation; has led many Westerners are free to view their future intellectual, economic and social price for daring to criticize the accounts of the Holocaust, and on top of the French intellectual Roger Garaudy. As usual, the major events in history, and guilt felt by most Europeans towards their fellow citizens of the Jews; raced European countries concerned - in addition to some countries in the Americas - to the establishment of museums to show the extent of Jewish suffering, and was the most prominent museums in Germany and Poland as well as the occupied Palestine where he stayed with the Zionist entity after the rape of Palestine Holocaust Museum to remember, and still Jews in «Israel» celebrate the anniversary on 27 April according to the Hebrew calendar, and celebrates the Jewish community in the world of the anniversary on 19-20 April of each year.

عزف الامنياات
15-03-2011, 08:01 AM
استناكم بفااااارغ الصبـــر ويارب تيسر,,

عزف الامنياات
15-03-2011, 08:50 AM
:smile (83)::smile (83)::smile (83)::smile (83)::smile (83)::smile (83):

16-03-2011, 01:13 AM
اختي الفاضله على ما اعتقد ان اذا اردتي ان تتحدثي عن اباده جماعيه اول شي في المقال تتحدثي بسوره عامه ككارثه ثما تضعي فيها رايك وبعدها تطوري الفكره بضرب من الامثله وشرح اضرارها السياسيه بين الدول والشعوب وفي النهايه تضعي لها خاتمه

16-03-2011, 01:18 AM
Today i am going to write about holocaust .It is happened between to fight countries or more it is effected on the people , econimic, and borders of a country I think holocaust is effected in countries for many reasons
هيك خلصت المقدمه وبامكانك تزيدي عليها بعدين اذكري امثله عن العراق او ليبيا وسبب النزاع السياسي والنفطي..الخ