المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : have to say ur opinion

18-03-2011, 02:09 AM
Hi guys
this topic have been posted by my sis Sense befor , an' i choiced it to be my assignment in translation. really I thank her so much

I translated an' edited it in 15 minutes ,really wan ur comment an' correction if there is any mistake guys surelly there is, regarding that's my first translation ever .So i'll be happy if u comment on an' correcte it 4 me

plz guys be active coz I've to hand it in in saturday
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9nWfYzN41ME23u3FVvjVFpyzCOeBtt 9ZhJBa69tDgJ_AQUg1w


True forgiveness is probably one of the hardest things to achieve as a human being because it means both acknowledging that we have been wronged by another person
And understanding that it is better to let go for our sakes and theirs .

For some of us it is easier just to forget about it and get on with their lives .

Of course talking about forgiveness may be hard to swallow for those victimised by others .

What do you think

We bag our hatred and vengeful feelings and slang them over our shoulder for the rest of our lives …



Forget and actively seek ways of healing those wounds

your choice as a victim

To forgive ….. or To forget …..

there is my translation


التسامح الحقيقي تقريباً هو واحد من ْأصعب الأشياء التي تحققه كأنسان لأنه يعني كلاً من: معرفة أنه قد ظُلمنا من قبل شخص ما
و استيعاب (أو فهم) أنه من الأفضل ان ندعها تذهب لمصلحتنا و لمصلحتهم
لبعض منا\ هو أسهل فقط أن ننساه و أن ننسجم مع حياتهم
طبعاً الحديث عن التسامح قد يكون من الصعب كظمه لهؤلاء الذين خُدعوا من قبل الآخرين
ماذا تعتقد............
أن نأسر مشاعر الحقد و الأنتقام و نخدعهم لبقية حياتنا



المغفره و البحث بنشاط عن طريقة لشفاء جروحهم

أختيارك كضحية
أن تسامح أو أن تنسى

plz guys i feel that there is lots of mistakes in this terrible kind of translation

18-03-2011, 11:42 AM

Good morning sweetie

I moved your topic to the suitable section

cause te club forbides using Arabic

Tanks dear

18-03-2011, 05:59 PM
thanx honey
my regard sis