المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : محتاجتكم :(

اسيرة 80
29-04-2011, 01:58 AM
السلام عليكم

ممكن تساعدوني بليز الله يوفكم دنيا واخره..

هنا متى نستخدم would like or like do ? الحل باللون الاحمر
فهموني كل جمله وليه حطينا كذا

complete the sentences with would like (to do) or like (doing)and the correct form of the verb.
1- (a)what sort of books do you like reading (read)?
B i like reading biographies and thrillers.
2-A would you like to be (be) a teacher when you grow up?
B no. they have to work very hard.
3- A it is sophie is birthday soon.
B is it ? what would she like to have(have) for a present?
A well, i know she likes cooking (cook).
why do not you buy her a new cook book?
4-my daughter has a lot of pens and pencils.she likes drawing (draw).
5-my son is a very fast runner.he says that one day he would like to run (run) in the olympic games.

هنا ليه اخترنا بعضها ing وبعضها will متى نستخدمهم ؟ اشرحوا لي كل اختيار ليه اخترناه
l choose the correct form of the verb.
1-(A) why are you workig so hard these days?
B because i will buy\i am going to buy a car,so i am saving as much as i can.
2- (A) what will you buy\are you going to buy jill for her birthday?
(b) A cd.
(A)she has not got a cd player.
(B) oh. i will buy\ i am going to buy her a book, them.
3-(a) dad,can you mend this for me?
(B) i can’t, sorry.ask mum.she’ll do\she is going to do it for you.
4-(A) why have you got so many eggs?
(B) because i’ll make\iam going to make an omelette.
5-(A) what will you do\are you going to do today?
(B) it is john is birthday,so i will make\ i am going to make him a cake.
6-(A) i have an appointment with the bank manager this morning.
(B) why will you see\are you going to see him?
(A)because my husband and i will start\are going to start our own business,and we need some money.
7-(A)i have not got enough money to get home.
(B) i ’ll lend\i am going to lend you some, if you like.how much do you want?
(A) tow pounds is enough. i’ll give\i am going to give it back tomorrow.
.................................................. ...........
اخر شىء هنا متى نستخدم have to و should
complete the sentences with have to or should.make the verb negative when necessary.
1- you hair is too long. i think you should get it cut.
2-your clothes smell,and you have got a cough. you should not smoke.
3-i am going to bed. i have to be up early tomorrow.
4-i’d like to meet your cousin.you should invite him round.
5- i have to tell my parents where i am,then they do not worry.
6- you do not have to come with me if you do not want to.i’ll go on my own.
7-if you need some help with your homework,you should go to the library.
8- if you have got a ticket,you do not have to queue.you ca go straight in.
9-you should not tell lies, it is wrong.
10- geoof works too much, i think he should take it aesy.

الله يوفقكم ابي شرح وافي لان الامتحانات قربت
اللي يعرف لايبخل علي
الله يوفقكم دنيا واخره ..لاتردوني

egyptian guy
17-05-2011, 12:06 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بالنسبه للامثله المتعلقه ب like ,would like
فانه ياتى بعد like الفعل المجرد + ing بمعنى مثلا الفعل read هنا فعل مجرد (اى لا توجد عليه زيادات مثل s,es,ed,ing اى فعل فى المصدر) ووجود الفعل read بعد like يجعلنا نضيف عليه زياده وهى ing فيكون like reading
اما would like ياتى بعدها الفعل فى المصدر اى لا توجد عليه اى زيادات (s,es,ed,ing)
وهذا يطبق على باقى الامثله

شجرة اللبلاب
17-05-2011, 06:58 PM