المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مرة أخرى مع Lift Off

10-06-2011, 01:33 AM
Choose the right answer:
1- He is (wearing – wear – wears) a blue jacket.
2-They (is – are – am) carrying bags.
3- (Salma – They – I) is buying shoes.
4- I'm wearing my new gloves. They are (hers – mine – yours)
A- Complete the sentences with a suitable possessive pronoun. Choose from:
1- I am reading my book. It is ……………………
2- They are cleaning their room. It is ……………………
3- He is washing his car. It is ………………………
4- We are carrying our bags. They are …………………
5- She is wearing a nice dress. It is …………………

Write the jobs under the pictures
Pilot – postman – shop assistant – vet – waiter - farmer

………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………

Choose the correct answer
1) She has breakfast with her family { at _ in _ on } 6 o'clock .
2) Maha reads Qura' an {at _ in _ on} Friday morning.
3) It is half past eight p.m means in the {afternoon _ morning}
4) In the morning , we eat { lunch _ dinner _ breakfast }
Choose the correct answer :
1_ There is [ some _ any _ many ] milk in the glass .
2_ There aren't [ some _ any _ much] carrots in the fridge .
3_ He is [ often _ never ] late for school .
4_ we [ always _ often _ never ] have bread with our breakfast .
5_ I [ always _ sometimes _ usually] pray in the mosque .
6_ Do you have [ not _ some _ any ] dates ?
7 _ Yes , I have [ much _ some ] .
8_ Faris ( have – has ) got a brown hair .
9- It has a color. (Its – Their – His - Her) color is yellow.
10- They have a house. (Our – Their) house is good.
11- We have a family. (Our – Their) family is big.
Put the words under the pictures:
parents father mother brother sister children

………………… …………………… ……………………… …………………… …………………… ……….……………
Choose the correct word:
1. My father’s father is my…………………….
a. uncle b. brother c. grandfather
2. My father’s brother is my…………………..
a. uncle b. brother c. grandfather
3. My father’s son is my……………………….
a. uncle b. brother c. grandfather
4. My mother’s mother is my…………………..
a. aunt b. sister c. grandmother
5. My father’s daughter is my………………….
a. aunt b. sister c. grandmother
6. My father’s sister is my………………………
a. aunt b. sister c. grandmother
7- (Was – Were – Is) Mariam at the clinic yesterday?
8- Winter is (cold, colder, the coldest ) season.
1- She has breakfast with her family { at - in - on } 6 o'clock .
2- ( In - On - At ) Friday I have breakfast ( in – at - on ) 8 : 00 ( on - in - at ) the morning .
3- Maha reads Qura' an { at - in - on } Friday morning .
4-. I (- pray – prays – praying) five times a day.
5- She (- go – goes –going) to bed early at night.
6- Ahmad (- likes – like – to like) to eat meat and rice.
16-I don't have (some- any-usually) eggs in my fridge.
17-Do you have ( some – any – is ) bananas ?
18- Are there ( any , some ) eggs in the fridge ?
19- There is ( a – an -Ө ) apple in the fridge.
20- I'd like ( a – an - Ө ) juice .
21- She wants ( a – an - Ө ) rice.

10-06-2011, 01:35 AM
آسف الصور لم تظهر مع الإدراج
أرجوا السماح

10-06-2011, 01:57 AM
جزاك الله الف خير على الاسئه
من المستحسن ادرج الاسئله في ملف ورد
ان شاء الله القادم اكثر

10-06-2011, 08:43 AM
شكراً اخي الكريم على طرح الأسئلة
والمفيدة للجميع

يعطيك العافية

نواف الخالد
11-06-2011, 11:14 PM

فاطمة وجدي
18-06-2011, 07:10 PM
الف شكر وتسم الايدي

الإسلام تاجي
23-06-2011, 03:31 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بارك الله فيك وجزاك خيرا وأسأله سبحانه

أن يظلك وأحبابك تحت ظل عرشه يوم لا ظل

إلا ظله.

أم فـهـد

سنين الصمت
11-11-2011, 05:22 PM
بالتوفيق للجميع