المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : للخبير في كتابة البراغراف بالانجليزي الرجاء الدخول للتصحيح

Help me quikly
20-09-2011, 06:51 PM
البرغراف يدول حول التأخر في الوصول للمدرسة او الجامعة في يوم اختبار الإنجليزي. أنا كتبته لكن أريد عنوان مناسب وإذا يوجد في كتابتي اي خطأ الرجاء التصحيح

It all started last day when I woke up late at the english exam day. I was very sleepy. I didn't know form where I should start to get to college as soon as I can. Immediately, I jumped from my bed. I didn't have enough time to do my hair or eat my breakfast. I only washed my face, wore my clothes and went to my car very quickly. I drove my car very fast, but on the middle of my way I trapped on the traffic jam. At the moment, I was very nervous during that situation. I was praying to make my way more easier. After a few minutes, I was able to move my car and to complete my way to college. Finally, when I have arrived. I was confusing. I saw one of my class meats out side the building. I asked him If there is an exam today. He said it has been canceled. when I heard that, I was very happy and thankful to god

اذا الخاتمة ليست صحيحة الرجاء التكملة والتصحيح

أذا يوجد اخطاء في الفواصل والنقط الرجاء التصحيح


أحمد السبع
25-09-2011, 12:56 PM
on the English
to get the college
in the middle
I was trapped in the traffic jam
my way to the college
I was confused
if there was an exam that day
it had been canceled
Exam Day
Always pray when you have a problem
I hope that God helped me to help you properly

ثورة ثورة
25-09-2011, 03:37 PM
بالتوفيق ياصاحبي

08-10-2011, 03:52 AM
صـراحع مستواك حلو جدا في الانجليزية
اما بالنسبه لالاخطاء فاضمن لك ان شاء الله
انها ستختفي في فتره و جيزه من الزمن

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