المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عندي اختبار مساعده محتاجه essay وربي بدعي لكم

15-12-2011, 04:59 AM
اول شي السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

كيفكم انشاء الله طيبين
تكففون ساعدوني طلبتكم عندي اختبار يوم الاحد
والدكتوره محدده لنا مقالين وتبي تجيب واحد منهم وااااحد

وربي بدعي لكم من اعماق قلبي قبل الاختبار وبعد الاختبار

محتتتاجه مقالين two essay ولاني عارفه كيف ابدا لان ودي اجيب الدرجه كامله
للمعلومه فقط :: المقال لثلاث برقرافات

الاول : the things I love in my life

الثاني : my Favorite personality

والرجاء منكم تخففونها شوي عشاني بحفظها كلها
وتكفون لاتطووووولوون علي لان لازم وقت عشان احفظها

والله يجزاكم خير
ويعطيكم العافيه وجعله في موازين درجاتكم

المقال من ثلاث قطع وحاولو تخلونه قصيره

15-12-2011, 05:54 AM
My Favorite Personality
استفيدي منه

شمعه معطره
15-12-2011, 06:59 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Short essay on the things I love in my life

The world is full of many wonderful and lovely things. Man has been trying to mobilize the resources of his intellect for making various types of inventions and discoveries and, thus, trying to make the things more lovely and worth enjoying. There is no end to it. As there are many beautiful and lovely things, it becomes a very difficult to pick and choose. Somehow, with the greatest care, I have selected five things that I love the most:

First of all, I have a great love for the nature. I am fed up with artificial and momentary pleasure which we derive in our city life. I am thinking of setting in some village where I will be able to enjoy the nature. I wish to make friends with the nature because it is a true friend and real guide of a man and it never deceives a person who loves it. I am very anxious to go and enjoy steep hills, greenery of open valleys, cool breeze on my face and all other natural objects

Secondly, I have a keen desire to read novels. Novels are the best pastime as they widen the doors of the knowledge. They give us insight into imagined situations of this world. Sometimes we are able to resolve many difficult problems with the help of knowledge obtained from novels.

Thirdly, I love my country. I can forego anything just for the honour of my country,Land of The Two Holy Mosques. I am fond of Saudi life, the food, my home, relatives and friends, so much so that it is not easy for me to leave them all the settle somewhere abroad. To the land which has given birth to me, I owe an irreparable debt.

Fourthly, I am very much interested in education. I feel very happy to find more educated people in Saudi Arabia . I want every young man and woman of my country to get educated. I am also fond of teaching; through it I would be able to serve my country in the best possible way.

Lastly, I love my sweet home. It is rightly said:( East or west,home is the best) A house is not small or big. It is by people who live in it.

I have selected above five things which are dearest to me and are the essence of my life and living

ربي يوفقك حبيبتي

15-12-2011, 08:41 PM
يعطيك العافيه برادا ماقصرتي
الله يخليك ويوفقك دنيا واخره جعله في موازين حسناتك

15-12-2011, 08:42 PM
وااااه يسلموووو شمعه
الله يطول بعمر ويخليك
وربي ماقصرت
لكن انا اشوفه طويل بالمره ابي اقصر لو سمحتوووو
الله يخليكم ساعدووووووني

شمعه معطره
15-12-2011, 09:29 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

حبيبتي المقال يجب ان يكون له شروط معينه واللي كتبتلك ياه short essay يعني مختصر وحفظه كتير سهل لأنه عبارة عن فكرة عامة وتحتها قائمة مكونه من 5 فقرات واستخلاص لنفس الفكرة بالأخر وعموما انا بحاول اختصرلك المقال بس الأفضل انو يكون ثري بالمصطلحات والأفكار

شمعه معطره
15-12-2011, 10:08 PM
Short essay on the things I love in my life

The world is full of many wonderful and lovely things. Man has been trying to invent new things to make life lovelier and worth enjoying but it is already worth. As there are many beautiful things, it becomes a very difficult to pick and choose. Somehow, with the greatest care, I have selected five things that I love the most:

First of all, I have a great love for the nature. I am thinking of setting in some village where I will be able to enjoy the nature. I wish to make friends with the nature because it is a true friend. I am very anxious to go and enjoy hills, green areas, cool breeze on my face and all other natural objects

Secondly, I have a keen desire to read novels. Novels are the best pastime as they widen the doors of the knowledge. They give us insight into imagined situations of this world. Sometimes we are able to resolve many difficult problems with the help of knowledge obtained from novels.

Thirdly, I love my country. I can forego anything just for the honour of my country, Land of The Two Holy Mosques.I am fond of Saudi life, the food, my home, relatives and friends, so much so that it is not easy for me to leave them all the settle somewhere abroad.

Lastly, I love my sweet home. It is rightly said :( East or west, home is the best) A house is not small or big. It is by people who live in it.

I have selected above four things which are dearest to me and are the essence of my life and living.

16-12-2011, 02:17 AM
سووووري شمعه وربي احرجتني بخدمتك لي
يعطيك العافيه على مجهودك وراح ادعي لك دعوه من ظهر الغيب

ياللله بحفظ لي يومين اللله يوفق الجميع يارب