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الموضوع: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

  1. #1
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    ♥Saudi National Day♥

    Tomorrow, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will celebrate its National Day, marking the 80th anniversary (according to the Hijra calendar) of the foundation of the Saudi state by King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud in 1932.

    The National Day in Saudi Arabia is a celebrated event which holds an important place in the History of Saudi Arabia. It is indeed among the most significant events of this century and symbolizes the genesis of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    The National Day in Saudi Arabia represents the identity of the nation and is greatly associated with the unification of the country by the late King Abdul Aziz al-Saud

    Saudi Arabia, A brief History

    THE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia traces its origins to the state established in Arabia in 1750. At that time, the country's ruler Muhammad bin Saud, joined forces with an Islamic reformer, Muham-mad Abd Al-Wahhab, to create a new political entity. Over the next 150 years, the fortunes of the Saud family rose and fell several times as Saudi rulers contended with Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, and other Arabian families for control on the peninsula.

    In 1902, Abdul Aziz Bin Saud captured Riyadh, the Al-Saud dynasty's ancestral capital, from the rival Al-Rashid family. Continuing his conquests, Abdul Aziz subdued Al-Ahsa, Al-Qatif, the rest of Nejd, and the Hejaz from 1913 to 1926. On January 8, 1926, Abdul Aziz Bin Saud became the King of Hejaz. On January 29, 1927, he took the title King of Nejd. By the Treaty of Jeddah, signed on May 20, 1927, the United Kingdom recognized the independence of Abdul Aziz's realm, then known as the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd. In 1932, these regions were unified as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and gained recognition worldwide as a sovereign state. may God bless his soul – he has raised the bases of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the guidance of the Holy Koran and the Sunna of Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon Him .

    Since its foundation, the Kingdom has seen tremendous progress, especially after the discovery of oil in March, 1938. For Saudis and, indeed for many of the states that have close relations with the Kingdom, Saudi National Day celebrates one of the most important events of the 20th century for a nation that has taken great strides economically and in its relations with major countries

    Saudi Arabia Today

    King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz is one of the world's most respected 10 leaders .His wisdom and policies have brought tremendous progress in KSA in all fields. His special interest in Education, Health and Finance is excellent and will bring the Saudi Youths forward in their field and for their country

    In Education

    When the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932, education was not accessible to everyone and limited to individualized instruction at religious schools in mosques in urban areas. These schools taught Islamic law and basic literacy skills. By the end of the century, Saudi Arabia had a nationwide educational system providing free training from preschool through university to all citizens.

    The primary education system began in Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. By 1945, King Abdulaziz bin Abdelrahman Al-Saud, the country's founder, had initiated an extensive program to establish schools in the Kingdom. Six years later, in 1951, the country had 226 schools with 29,887 students. In 1954, the Ministry of Education was established, headed by then Prince Fahd bin Abdulaziz as the first Minister of Education. The first university, now known as King Saud University, was founded in Riyadh in 1957.

    Today, Saudi Arabia's nationwide public educational system comprises twenty eight (28) universities, more than 24,000 schools, and a large number of colleges and other educational and training institutions. The system provides students with free education, books and health services and is open to every Saudi. Over 25 percent of the annual State budget is for education including vocational training. The Kingdom has also worked on scholarship programs to send students overseas to the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia and other nations. Currently thousands of students are being sent to higher-educations programs every year

    Health Care

    The health care technology is continuously modernized in KSA. The Kingdom has its own facilities to trained physicians, nurses, and others of work force working in the field of medical care, these services extended to include remote areas in the Kingdom. During the last few years, the private sector started to have active role in the health care service, as it runs number of highly and successfully hospitals and clinics.

    The main hospitals service all type of sophisticated treatment to include open heart surgery, kidney transplant, and cancer treatment, as well as the Kingdom possesses one of the biggest qualified eye hospitals in the world. While for the health care insurance program in the Kingdom, it is available with a reasonable cost

    Saudi Youth

    Young people represent the real wealth of the kingdom, where they represent more than 60% of the population, at the same time they need a lot of efforts to pave the way right in front of them and provide appropriate opportunities to assume different positions of work and responsibilities.

    Therefore, the General Presidency for Youth Welfare take cares of different cultural aspects in all sectors of creative intellectual, literary, cultural and artistic, as well as social aspects, in order to integrate young people in community service.

    In the cultural field, it established literary clubs, now numbering in the Kingdom of nearly 15 clubs, and the Association of Culture and Arts and branches of the 13 branches. These cultural institutions are to take care of the talents of young artists and print production and organizing literary evenings to take their scripts and programming of their offspring technical and reassigned to attend out of country festivals and the publication of magazines specialized in arts and musical arts, photography, theater, and elite Saudi youth takes advantage of these cultural institutions. The rest are taken care of by 153 sport, cultural and social clubs scattered in all parts of Saudi Arabia, is in fact not competent to sports clubs, however, have the roles of social, cultural and artistic.

    At the social level controlled by the Department of Social Affairs and camps in the presidency on the different events aimed at integrating young people in their community and hone the skills of social work and interact with the international occasions, and camps for the public service, and recreational camps, scout camps and environment protection camps, in addition to national and international trips.

    It should also be noted that the presidency oversees the Saudi Arabian Society for Youth Hostels, formed by the Presidency and have opened more than two dozen houses in various parts of Saudi Arabia, and the number of beneficiaries of nearly two hundred thousand young people, as a venue for cultural and sports activities, and contains scientific centers for the development of skills of young people in design and invention

    Saudi Women in Society

    There's no doubt that Saudi woman has an important role in building her society which means that she looks for wider horizons in terms of development, a matter that leads to strengthen her existed national pioneer role which she is capable to practice nowadays, or facing serious problems and real crisis.

    The Saudi women start looking forward for more opportunities of sharing in the society development mainly in the feminine fields; also she becomes more stronger and tough in asking for her different rights as well in facing her various problems & crisis.
    The Saudi woman sharing in building, developing her country is not new and today, there are huge efforts for her sharing in work field and in various fields.
    today the woman is a teacher, a physician and a businesswoman but within the social traditions, Islamic religion customs, with conformity to the teachings of our religion

    And Saudi Arabia remains rapidly developing in all sectors and fields, where it managed to be one of the biggest and most important economical, cultural and intellectual countries..

    The National Day of Saudi Arabia is a day for jubilation and merry making, and also symbolizes the rich Culture of Saudi Arabia.
    May Allah bless and protect the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and The Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud


    May Allah bless KSA and its people

  2. #2
    مشرفة منتدى الثالث متوسط الصورة الرمزية نوافي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    thanks lost for this information

    it's nice feeling to celebrate in this day

    and every year and you are Saudi ^^
    thanks a lot

    سبحان الله وبحمده
    سبحان الله العظيم

  3. #3
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية الواثقة بالله
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    thanks alot

  4. #4
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة نوافي مشاهدة المشاركة
    thanks lost for this information

    it's nice feeling to celebrate in this day

    and every year and you are Saudi ^^
    thanks a lot

    Nice feeling indeed
    I like what did you say' Every year and you are Saudi loool' where did you get that from??lol ..:P:P
    Thanks for passing by
    I appreciate it a lot and happy national day
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة :lost lady: ; 22-09-2010 الساعة 07:33 PM

  5. #5
    مراقب الصورة الرمزية البـارع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    long life for Saudi
    long live for people of Saudi

    we're proud of our country
    I hope all dignity and prosperity for Saudi Arabia

    Lost Lady
    للبحث في المنتدى عبر google اضغط الصورة:

    signature designed by G L O R Y

  6. #6
    المشرف العام الصورة الرمزية سعودي انجلش
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    thank you for this great information
    and well done
    keep on
    اللهم اغفر لوالدي وارحمة وعافه واعف عنه واكرم نزله ووسع مدخله
    واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الذنوب والخطايا
    كــمــا ينقى الثـــوب الابيض مــن الــدنس
    اللــــهم واته بالاحسان احسانا وبالسيأت عفواً وغفــــراناً

  7. #7
    انجليزي خبير الصورة الرمزية قلم الرصاص
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    Wow really it's a great information

    Thank you so much

  8. #8
    مشرفة منتدى الثالث متوسط الصورة الرمزية نوافي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    so you like it!!

    it is the usual sentence that we say at national day in my family and friends

    and you are one of them ^^

    سبحان الله وبحمده
    سبحان الله العظيم

  9. #9
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية sarastar
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥


  10. #10
    مميز الصورة الرمزية prettyالسبهه
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    in the kindness land KSA
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ♥ ♥ The 80th Anniversary Of Saudi Arabia♥ ♥

    I am Saudi
    I love Saudi
    and I live in Saudi
    thanks allot+

    من جعل الحمد خاتمة النعم.... جعلها الله فاتحة المزيد


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