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الموضوع: A Time Comes

  1. #1
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    A Time Comes

    Hi brothers and sisters ,

    I have read this piece of writing somewhere. I want to share its words with you. I hope you will like it. Thanks in advance.

    [mark=FF0000]A TIME COMES[/mark]

    [mark=FFFF00]A time comes in your life when you finally get it...
    when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity,
    you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out...ENOUGH!
    Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on.
    Then, like a child quieting down after a tantrum,
    you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes.
    This is your awakening.

    You realize it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change,
    or for happiness, safety and security to magically appear over the next horizon.
    You realize that in the real world there aren't always fairy tale endings,
    and that any guarantee of "happily ever after" must begin with you...
    and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
    You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and
    that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are... and that's OK.
    They are entitled to their own views and opinions.

    You learn the importance of loving and championing yourself...
    and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.
    You stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to you -
    or didn't do for you - and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected.
    You learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say
    and that not everyone will always be there for you and that everything isn't always about you.


    So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself...
    and in the process a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance.
    You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are
    and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties...
    and in the process a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.
    You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view

    You also learn that no one can do it all alone,
    and that it's OK to risk asking for help.

    You learn the only thing you must truly fear is fear itself.
    You learn to step right into and through your fears because you know
    that whatever happens you can handle it
    and to give in to fear is to give away the right to live life on your own terms.
    You learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom.
    You learn that life isn't always fair,
    you don't always get what you think you deserve
    and that sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good people...
    and you learn not to always take it personally.

    You learn that nobody's punishing you and everything isn't always somebody's fault.
    It's just life happening.
    You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.
    You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment
    must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you.
    You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted,
    things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about:
    a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.

    Then, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself
    and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never,
    ever settle for less than your heart's desire.
    You make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
    You hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind.
    Finally, with courage in your heart, you take a stand,
    you take a deep breath,
    and you begin to design the life you want to live as best you can.[/mark]
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة T.Sultan ; 18-08-2006 الساعة 06:21 AM

  2. #2
    كبار الشخصيات الصورة الرمزية ميس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    دارٌ فانية
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    & A convincing words
    remarakable phrases
    we're grateful for these words

  3. #3
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Reena
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    Lots of Thanx

    I was in need of such phrases

  4. #4
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    ميس ,

    Thank you so much. Your endless support makes me unable to write the suitable words about you. All I can say is you're made of gold.

  5. #5
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes


    You're welcome. I am happy that the post has appealed to you. Thank you for your kind reply.

  6. #6
    الدعاء لها بالرحمة والمغفرة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    "Then, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself
    and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself "

    I geuss, you an example for these lines& push others to do so. Thank you for being A BROTHER for all.

  7. #7
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية English Lover
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2005
    London in KSA
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes



    very well

    thanks T.Sultan

  8. #8
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية enigma
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    It's us and only us who choose to be a carbon copy of the environment we live in

    We cannot move forward unless we free ourselves from the ties of the past


    Why do we feel speechless when it's crucial to say something,cause right now I can't find a single word to express how thankful I am for summing up all the things that have been written about " Helping Oneself" in these beautiful lines
    عفوا ......!!

    حتى صمت العالم تبدد .......!!

    إلا صمتي في كل حين يتجدد .......!!

  9. #9
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    among roses&thorns
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are
    and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties...
    and in the process a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.
    You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view

    words of wisdom
    we really need to read it then
    thanks T.Sultan

    all regards

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
    - Lao-tzu

  10. #10
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    heblulu ,

    Thank you for your sweet words. I'm happy to see you participate in my topics. Please, have a nice day.

  11. #11
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes


    You're one of those who force others to respect them. Thank you so much for participating in my topic.

  12. #12
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes


    Your replies are always of help to all the members of the forum. Thank you so much.

  13. #13
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: A Time Comes

    emmie ,

    You're welcome. Thank you for reading the post.

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