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الموضوع: Time Management

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Time Management

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

    معاكم اختكم في الله اول سنه طب بشري ,, محتاجه منكم مساعده ,, والله مالجئت لكم الا بعد ماتقفل كل شي بوجهي ..

    بعد اسبوعين بالزبط عندنا فاينال اكزام ومطلوب مننا نسلم بحث بخصوص ماده عندنا اسمها مارات التعلم عن موضوع Time Management

    هوا مو بحث بحث يعني 10 صفحات , لا بس صفحه ونص =/ ( لو كانت بالوورد )

    مطلوب مننا 500 كلمة والتسليم يوم الاربعاء القادم

    (بحثت بالنت عن ناس تسوي بحوث باللغه الانجليزية كل اللي شفتهم مو حاطين طرق للتواصل ولما سججلت عشان ارسل ع الخاص يطلب عدد من المشاركات :( لقيت واحد وارسلتله مسج جوال ومارد )

    ...ومشكلتي هي اني في ليفل 2 وانا والله ميييح في القرامر وماعندي كمية مصطلحات وكلمات قويه وراح يشددون في هالشي القرامر والكلامات مايبغونها بسيطه

    1) we should NOT write a table of contents (it is cancelled, no need to write it)
    2) The date of submitting the 1st assignment has been delayed for one week (ajjalooh osboo3)
    3) The word count is between 500 and 600 words (you can exceed it, and you can only write around 500 words, it's all the same)
    4) You can choose any way to write your assignment (divide it to points, or not to divide it)
    5) We should write a simple introduction to the topic.
    6) In the first assignment, we can make the schedule about 7 days, or just 5 days, it's up to you.
    7) Write more about your opinions and your own experience, and don't write a lot about theoritical things
    8) The 3 important things in any assignment:
    A) show that you understand what the topic is
    B) show that you have applied what was in the topic
    C) talk about the difficulties you faced when you applied what was given in the topic, and write about what you have benefited from
    9) The words in the schedule are NOT included in the wordcount.
    10) You can make the schedule the way you like as long as it's about 5 or 7 days and includes hours in college and outside college.
    11) You have the choice to "decorate" your assignment the way you like... and it's ok if you don't decorate it at all

    وهذا نموذج منهم


    Good time management is essential to success at university, so I try to Plan my time to allow me to spread my work over a session, avoid a ‘traffic jam of work, and cope with study stress. Time can't be managed time is controllable, I can only manage myself and my use of time.
    The first step to good time management is to prioritize my tasks. In other words, deciding which task is most important and should be completed first.
    For example: in a choice between reading for an essay due in four weeks or preparing a seminar presentation in two weeks, I choose to prepare the presentation.
    I try to follow this 10 Tips for Managing my Time:
    1. Be realistic. Plan an acceptable balance of study and relaxation times.
    2. Set definite, attainable and reasonable targets in my study slots.
    3. Set early deadlines. Break large assignments into smaller, more manageable portions.
    4. Don’t worry over a huge workload. This will only make me feel miserable and guilty. Push myself to get on with studying. Take steps to overcome any work avoidance strategies.
    5. 90% of all my studying will be carried out in the last 10% of the time so try to study early on This will give me more free time and will make me feel better.
    6. Make lists of things that Ineed to do, prioritizing the list into absolutely urgent, important, and not urgent.
    7. It is better to have short study sessions short breaks in between several short sessions usually achieve more than long one also try to avoid interruptions. 8. Check what the task is worth and allocate a proportionate amount of time and energy to it.
    9.I should aim to do a good work, not a perfect one.
    10. Give myself rewards on completion of major stages in a task and this will keep me motivated.
    I should identify Common Time Wasters and try to avoid it as interruption, Meetings ,Tasks to delegate, Procrastination ,Acting with incomplete information, Dealing with classmates .
    I will try to tackle procrastination by Setting deadlines by which goals should be achieved
    For me: my problem is Feeling so overwhelmed and anxious about my workload that make me ‘freeze’, put things off and don’t get anything done. but after taking this session I will try to solve it as follow:
    1. Set priorities.
    2. Get started.
    Actually starting a task reduces my anxiety about it. List all the tasks I have to do in order of importance and urgency, and work through them one at a time

    ادري كثرت هرح بس والله مكتئبه من هرجة البحث وعارفه اني مارح اقدر اكتبه بالوجه المطلوب وعقلي مع الفاينال ..
    احد يقدر يساعدني فيه ويرسلو ليا ع الخاص ؟؟ وانا مستعدة ادفع المبلغ اللي تامرون عليه بالطريقه اللي تحبونها , زيكم زي اي شخص يعمل بحوث
    شكرا مقدما ومارح انسى اي شخص رد علي من الدعاء في ظهر الغيب ..

  2. #2
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: صباحكم خير ورضا,, ممكن مساعدتكم !!

    6) In the first assignment, we can make the schedule about 7 days, or just 5 days, it's up to you.

    وش قصدهم هنا ؟

    want to go back to the time
    When drinking meant chocolate milk
    When dad was the only hero
    When love was mom's hug
    When dad's shoulder was the highest place on the earth
    When goodbyes only meant till tomorrow
    And when apple and blackberry were just fruits
    اللهم اشرح لي صدري وسهل علي جُلًّ امري


  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: صباحكم خير ورضا,, ممكن مساعدتكم !!

    اذا قصدك على اول مهمه لانو فيه بعدها بشهر بحث ثاني

    واذا على الجدول مطلوب مننا نسوي جدول لأسبوع حالي مثلا أو جدول لأسبوع مر عليا
    لإنو لازم بعدين اكتب ايش اللأشياء اللي كويسة اللي فيه و ايش الصعوبات اللي واجهتها لما طبقته

  4. #4
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: صباحكم خير ورضا,, ممكن مساعدتكم !!

    مرا شكرا على وقفتك , واللله يجعله في ميزان حسناتك .. بس اخوي الرابط اللي ارسلته مايفتح :(

    والتسليم الاربعاء الجاي 23 nov

    (عذرا , مشاركاتي ماوصلت لـ 50 عشان ارد )

  5. #5
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: صباحكم خير ورضا,, ممكن مساعدتكم !!

    اتمنى الرد للي يقدر يساعدني لو بشي بسيط .. شكرا جزيلا

  6. #6
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: صباحكم خير ورضا,, ممكن مساعدتكم !!

    PrΛdΛ شكرا بحجم السماء واسفه حسبتك ولد من الاسم ,
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة M.o_o.N ; 21-11-2011 الساعة 09:16 PM سبب آخر: يمنع طلبات الايميل

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