النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: مساعده في الامتحان

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مساعده في الامتحان

    السلام عليكم

    عندي نموذج وعليه درجات اتمنى المساعده

    مع شكر وتقديري لكم

    Choose the right preposition

    1. There is an apple _____ the table.
    2. I have three gallons of milk ____ my refrigerator.
    3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith live _________ the street _____ me.
    4. The cat is sleeping_____ the bed.
    5. There is a big tree _____________ my house.
    6. The ceiling is _______ our heads.
    7. A mole builds a house ________ the ground.
    8. Jacky is sitting ____________ Phoebe.
    9. Shelly and Tom are sitting _________ Jim and Freddie.
    10. China is ______ the continent of Asia

    Choose the right verb to be contracted form

    I’m we’re
    you’re --------
    he’s they’re

    1. Michael has a cute little cat. in love with the cat.

    2. The cat eats a lot. by the kitchen door eating.

    3. Pablo and Quinn play outside. good basketball players.

    4. Maria sometimes plays with them. a good player also.

    5. Louis and I go to the mall. happy shopping.

    6. I can’t find my book. lost.

    7. Sam does not like his new clothes. too big.

    8. Peter, Paul, and Mary are wonderful people. a small family.

    9. I have five brothers. the baby of the family.

    10. My brothers live in Dominican Republic. very happy there.

    هناك خطأ واحد في كل جملة أعد كتابة الجملة مع تصحيح الخطأ

    Correct the errors. Rewrite the sentence with correction(s).

    1. Innsbruck is city in Austria.

    2. Cats is animals.

    3. A bee is a insect. It makes honey.

    4. The students are happy. They has a class now.

    5. Louis have two brothers.

    6. We are n’t sad. We are sick.

    7. My friends ‘re from Russia.

    حول الاسم من مفرد إلى جمع مع تغيير الجملة والعكس حول الاسم من جمع إذا كان مفردا
    If the noun is singular, make it plural. And vise versa.

    Example: The woman is a golfer. → The women are golfers.

    1. The pencil is sharp. → _________________________.

    2. The dogs are barking. → _________________________.

    3. The girls are intelligent. → _________________________.

    4. A Porsche is a fast car. → _________________________.

    5. A horse is an animal. → _________________________.

  2. #2
    شخصية بارزة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: مساعده في الامتحان

    1. on
    2. in
    3. on / next to
    4. near
    5. in front of
    6. above
    7. under
    8. beside
    9. between
    10. on

    1. she's
    2. it's
    3. they're
    4. she's
    5. we'r
    6. it's
    7. it's
    8. they're
    9. I'm
    10. he's

    1. Innsbruck is a city in Austria
    2. Cats are animals
    3. A bee is an insect. It makes honey
    4. The students are happy. They have a class now.
    5. Louis has two brothers
    6. We aren't sad. We are sick
    7. My friends are from Russia

    1.Pencils are sharp
    2.The dog is barking
    3.The girl is an intelligent
    4.Porsches are fast car
    5.Horses are animals

    * الخطأ وارد
    want to go back to the time
    When drinking meant chocolate milk
    When dad was the only hero
    When love was mom's hug
    When dad's shoulder was the highest place on the earth
    When goodbyes only meant till tomorrow
    And when apple and blackberry were just fruits
    اللهم اشرح لي صدري وسهل علي جُلًّ امري


  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: مساعده في الامتحان


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