النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6

الموضوع: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Awt12 لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

    اخواني واخواتي الاعزاء في منتدى سعودي انجلش ..

    هذه اول مشاركة لي في هذا المنتدى الفاضل ..

    والذي ارجو من الله العلي القدير ثم منكم مساعدتي ..

    الموضوع ببساطة هو اريد من اهل الخبرة والاختصاص ان يتأكد لي من صحة هذا الموضوع اي من ناحية تركيب الجمل

    والقرامر وتناسق الجمل واكون لكم من الشاااااكرين لكن رررررررررررررججاااااااااا ااااااااااء خااااااااص اريده يوم السبت

    ضرررررررررررررررروري << شحاد ويتشرط .. لاني في عجلة من أمري والله وحده يعلم الله يفرج همكم لاتقرون وتطلعون

    وهذا هو الموضوع بين يديكم .. واذا فيه اي اضافات او زيادات على الموضوع عادي لكنن اريد بأسرع وقت الله

    يسعدكم ..

    <<<*********************************************** *****>>>>>>
    The Great Woman

    When I was in a teenager age in intermediate school , I was listened to music so much ,and I watched the moves and mimesis the actress in their clothes ,haircuts ,tints ,hairdos. And I was prayed sometimes and others I collected the praying in one time.

    Then , mum observed what did I do ?she started to advice and guide me to take off from this silliness .And keep praying five time regular .''please mum I stall younger , I don't want to do anything from what you say ''.I said .Mum looked very sad for her younger daughter. She didn't know what should do from me !!

    However , in my school their was teacher her name is Nada . She is a nice woman , fluent , patient , modest and wise woman all girls were loved her . In her class hour we were listened clear for her explain .She knew I love listened to songs and noticed my hair cut like a boy . She said ,''Dear Logeen I want to talk with you after the class ''. I'm surprised '' Ok .. teacher '', I said .After the class , she took me in her own room ''sit down on my office '', she said .I'm really amazed I'm stall stand she repeated her speech again I couldn't believe my self!! .She took me from my hand and sit-down on her office and she asked me "What's happening for your hair ?'' ''Why you did thus ?'' you are excellent girl and younger why you look bigger than your age !!. Dear Logeen , listen to me from your mind carefully you're Muslim girl and no one mimesised the foreign people because they are spiting from all Muslims and want to be like dolls move anywhere .''Do you understand me lovely ?" she asked me ,I'm stall silent I couldn't answer her question . '' take care for your self '' , she said . Then , she stood and hugged me like mum and gave me a small box , without felling I'm cried ,I don't know why??

    After that , when I went to our home , mum surprised from my face what happened and I told her what happened she smile and said '' She's a wise woman my eyes saw it ''and I took mum in my arms ,just I cried without any word and she Calmed me "my sweety don't worry because she love you she talked with you "I stopped crying ,"I'm so sorry mum for anything happened I thought any girl must like my sooo very free . Then, I went to my room and
    opened the box , it has filled the sweets , and two tapes on for Al-sheik Aead Al- Garny ,it's name ''Happy People '' and other names for '' Groups of Singers without music it's name '' Walk on the Road ''I felt so happy because their persons take care for me .After two days I brought all the tapes of the songs and all the picture and broke it , in fact , it's difficult station if you loved things then it's lost from you .But I decided to go to school for the Holy Qura'an afternoon to memorized the Qura'n and forgot the bad way .

    Finally , I can't forget the great woman that change my live for the best .Thanks For Allah and thanks you teacher Nada .I will never forget other mum .Your sincere student Logeen .

    بلييييززززززززززززززززززز ردددددددددووووووو بسسسسسرررررعة بأنتظاااااااااااااااااركم بففففاااارغ الصبررررررررر... وانا حاسة ان الموضوع طويل وكمااااان ركيك لكن ما باليد حيله ..

  2. #2
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    وووووووووووووووووووووووين كم يا أعضاااااااااااااااااااااا ااااء الفزعة ياأهل الخيررررررررررررر تكفوووووووووووووون ضررررررروووووووووووري بس ابغى اتأكد من صحة الموضوووع....

  3. #3
    مميز الصورة الرمزية RIAN
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    دايم انا ما احب اترجم للطلاب عشا الاغلبيه جاي يدور احد يحل له واجب
    بس تحت ضروف معينه اترجم للبعض اذا فهمت ضروفه

    لك انتي عدلته عشانك اولا حولتي تكتبين وكانت كتابت جيده
    واكيد عشا دعوتك ومامن في الاجابه

    هذي القطعه بعد اضافت التعديلات عليها يمكن يكون فيها بعض الاخطاء لني مو محترف

    وارح ارفق لك ملف وورد عشان المنتدى دايم يلخبط الفواصل والنقاط طبعا في رد خاص
    Beyond Words

  4. #4
    مميز الصورة الرمزية RIAN
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    When I was teenager in the middle school, I used to listen to music habitually. Also, I watched movies and I tried to imitate artists' clothes, haircuts, tints, hairdos. At this time, I did not usually pray on time instead I procrastinated it.
    When my mum noticed what I was doing, she started to advice and guide me to stop involving in this silliness. Also, she tried to make me pray five times a day. I said to her pleas mum I still young to do what you have said. My mum sadly looked to me. She didn't know what she should do to me.
    Nada was teacher in my school. She was nice, fluent, patient, modest and wise. This was why all girls in the school loved her. In her class we listened for her clear explanations. She knew that I loved listening to songs. Moreover, she noticed my hair style which looked like a boy cut. Therefore, she wanted to talk to me after her class. I was surprised and I said that I would come. After the class finished she took me to her own office and asked me to sit down, but I did not sit till she haled me to sit down. She asks me, "What happened to your hair ? and Why did you do this". She said, You were excellent young girl why did you make your self look older than you were!. Dear Logeen , listen to me carefully from your mind you were Muslim girl and no one imitated the foreign people because they were spiteful of all Muslims and they wanted us to be like dolls that they could move wherever they wanted . Did you lovely understand me?, she asked me. However, I did not talk to her since I couldn't answer her question. She says that, "take care of yourself". Also, she hugged me like my mum, and then she gave me small box. I started crying without thinking why.
    When I went to my home, my mum was surprised of my face. She asked me what happened ?. I told her what happened in school and she smiled, and then she says that, '' She is the wisest woman I have ever seen ''. After that I huagged my mum and I cried without saying any word and she tried to calm me by saying my sweet don’t cry, she talks to you as she loves you. I stopped crying, and then I said I was sorry mum for any thing happened. After that I went to my room and I opened the box which Nada gave to me. It was filled of sweet and there were two tapes one called "Happy people" by Al-Sheik Aead Algarny and the other one called '' Walk on the Road ''. I felt very happy due to people who take care of me .After two days I brought all of the song tapes and all of the pictures and I destroyed them. In fact, it is difficult to lose thins which you like. I decided to go to school that specialist for the Quran to memorize it.
    Finally, I can't forget the great woman that changes my live for the best .Thanks For Allah and thanks for my teacher Nada .I will never forget another mum called Nada.

    Student Logeen
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    Beyond Words

  5. #5
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية the master
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    في الصحراء التي اسودها
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    ريان .. جزاك الله خير اخوي

    مع اني لست مع حل الواجبات للطلاب .. ولكن في هذه الحاله لا بأس ان نصحح لهم

    شكرا لك

  6. #6
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: لــمــن يـــريـــد الاجــر ..

    جزاك الله خير وفرج الله همك ويسرلك امورك على المساعدة وجعل ما قمت به في ميزان حسناتك ..

    واااسفة على الازعاج .. واعذروني اذا سببت لكم اي احرااااج ..

    اختكم لوجين ..


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