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الموضوع: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

  1. #1
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Sm121 Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    انا دايما ملاحظه انه فيه بنات كثير يدورن على مواضيع للبرزنتيشن
    انا رح اعطيكم افكار ورح اعطيكم مواضيعي ومواضيع زميلاتي بالقسم
    الكل يعرف جهاز العرض "البروجكتر"
    عندنا في الجامعه اشترينا انا وزميلاتي قماش ساتان اسود وزينا فيه الشبابيك خليناه كانه ستاره
    المهم عندنا مادة المسرحية وفيها ندرس مسرحية هاملت
    انا جبت فلم هاملت اللي مثل فيه ميل جيبسون
    وعملنا عرض للفلم وخلينا العرض على كامل الجدار والفلم كان روعة كأننا بدار السينما

    وبالنسبة للبرزنتيشن
    طبعا انا عملت عن الديناصورات وكل البنات عجبهم الموضوع
    وأول شي قلته

    Good morning girls, how are you today
    In this presentation I will talking about the Dinosaurs , I hope that you like it

    وطبعا البنات ما قصرو يعطيهن العافيه جاوبن وتفاعلن معي
    بعدين قلت مقدمة عن الديناصورات

    مقدمتي كانت
    We all wondering about the Dinosaurs ..we didn't see it but we just heard about it .
    Did you ask yourself or ask other or even search on the Internet or books about Dinosaurs ?
    There are many movies produced that talking about Dinosaurs...how it lived / and how it died
    Like ...JURASSSIC PARK ...did you see it ?l
    I will Show you a small part of this movie

    وبعدين عملت لهم عرض عن الفلم وطبعا كنت حاطه سماعات خارجيه علشان الصوت
    وشغلت المقطع

    علشان تلقون مقاطع لأي عرض عاملينه تلقونه في اليوتوب أنا طبعا شغلت المقطع اولا
    هذا مقطع الفيديو http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bim7RtKXv90

    وانا رح اكتب لكم اللي مو موجود بالعرض علشان يكون فيه تناسق يعني مو كل شي يعتمد على العرض ومو كل شي يعتمد عليكي علشان تاخذين الدرجة كاملة
    يعني مو بس تقرين من الورقة ولا من جهاز العرض لازم يكون فيه تنويع
    المهم انا نوعت
    وكملت وقلت

    Dinosaurs is a mysterious and wonderful creatures

    So I will show you some important information about these creatures
    وبعدها شغلت العرض
    وبعد الشريحة الرابعة قلت

    As you know …..It is very difficult to predict how the Dinosaurs look like , how they behaved , what color they were , or even male or female was …. NO ONE KNOWS …
    وكملت العرض
    وبعد الشريحة 14

    T-REX is a short name of Tyrannosaurus Rex
    وكملت العرض
    وبعد الشريحة 23 قلت

    The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet "30 meters" long

    And up to 50 feet " 15 m " tall like

    طبعا مع عرض الصور
    1- Argentinosaurus 2- Seismosaurus 3- Supersaurus

    The smallest Dinosaurs like Compsognathus

    were about the size of a chicken . Most Dinosaurs were in between

    وبعد الشريحة 31 قلت
    The only three dinosaurs known at that time are
    1- Megalosaurus 2- Iguandon 3- Hylaeosaurus

    وبعدها كملت باقي العرض
    طبعا العرض انا عاملته على البوربوينت
    عباره عن 39 شريحه
    وفي كمان بور بوينت ثاني عملت فيه بس الصور حقت الديناصورات
    ووزعت على البنات بطاقات مرقمه كل بطاقة كتبت عليها اسم الديناصور ومعلومة بسيطه عنه
    وخليت كل بنت تقرا البطاقة اللي معها وانا اعرض صور الديناصورات اللي في البطاقات بالترتيب
    16 كرت مع 16 شريحة

    واللي انا كتبته على البطاقات هو
    1-Albertosaurus  was smaller than T.REX " 30 feet" 9 meters long

    2- Allosaurus  the biggest meat-eater in North America during the late Jurassic period

    3- Ankylosaurus  was the most slow dinosaurs

    4- Camptosaurus  was a plant-eater from the late Jurassic period

    5- Camarasaurus  was a plant-eater have a long necked , and long tail

    6- Ceratorsaurus  was a powerful predator that walked on 2 strong legs

    7- Chasmosaurus  it had 3 short horns on it's face

    8- Dryosaurus  it had large eyes , long and thin legs

    9- Elasmosaurus  lived in the open oceans and breathed air

    10- Gallimimus  was a fast-running dinosaurs

    11- Iguandon  was a dinosaurs that had a horny on each hand

    12- Kentrosaurus  it had 2 rows of spikes along back and tail

    13- Megalosaurus  was the first dinosaurs fossils discovered in England

    14- Nothosaurus  was breathed air but spent most of the time in the water

    15- T.rex  a huge meat-eater dinosaurs

    16- Zigongosaurus  a huge plant-eater dinosaurs

    وبالنهاية شكرت الطالبات على مجهودهن ومتابعتهن معاي
    اللي عليكم انكم تعملون نفس اللي انا عملته
    وان شاء الله بتحصلون درجة كاملة فيه
    لكن المطلوب منك هو
    1-اولا والأهم أسماء الديناصورات صعبة يعني لازم تتدربين زين
    2-لازم تكونين واثقة من نفسك انك تقدرين تعملين كل شي وما في شي صعب بيواجهك الا وتنجحين فيه وابتسمي ترا الإبتسامة تزيد ثقة الشخص بنفسة
    3-صوتك لازم يكون عالي وواضح
    4-حاولي قد ما تقدرين انك ما تتكلمين بسرعة
    5-لازم تستخدمين
    body languageيعني مثلا انك تأشرين على الصور
    6-ولازم تستخدمين نبرة الصوت كويس فمثلا لما تقولين
    a huge حاولي تعلين نبرة صوتك علشان تدلين انه قصدك من هالكلمة انه فعلا ضخم
    7-لا تنزلين نظرك بالأرض او بالورقة او تضلين تناظرين على الجدار او على عدد من الطالبات حاولي انك وانتي تشرحين تناظرين لكل البنات بالقسم وتعطين فكرة انك مهتمة ان البنات يفهمن موضوعك زين
    8- استخدمي كل الإمكانات المتوفرة عندك
    يعني مثلا لو بتعملين درس عن المواصلات جيبي من السوق لعبة سيارة وطيارة وحمار وخيل وجمل وسفينه وقطار واسالي البنات عن اسمائهن
    وطلعي من الإنترنت صوت السيارة والطيارة والجمل وممكن توزعين على البنات بطاقات عليهن صور للموصلات والافكار كثيرة والمواضيع اكثر
    يووووووووووو نسيت اقول قبل لا تبدين لازم تعرفين بموضوعك يعني تقولين
    taday I will talking about ……………

    من المواضيع اللي تقدرون تتكلمون عنها هي :
    الدين الإسلامي
    الخدع البصريه
    اللغه الإنجليزية او أي لغة سهلة عليكي
    الحضاره الكوريه وممكن أي حضارة اخرى
    أهمية الألعاب في حياة الأطفال
    الشاي الأخضر
    الأحجار الكريمه
    كيف تستعدين للإمتحان
    المجموعه الشمسيه
    كيف تربين أطفالك
    كيف تصنعين الروائح الطيبه
    زيت الزيتون
    وقت الفراغ
    التلفزيون وبرامجه
    الهدايا وكيفية عملها
    وفية مواضيع كثيرة

    واتمنى من اللي عملت برزنتيشن انها تعطينا فكرة كيف عملته واذا تقدر تحطه مشان الكل يستفيد منة
    وانا ان شاء الله كلما صار عندي موضوع جديد رح انزله لكم
    ملاحظة / يوم يكون العرض عليكي البسي افضل لبس عندك وافضل اكسسوار و اعملي مكياج وسوي شعرك زين لاني مجربة انه لما الوحدة تكون عاملة اللي يعجبها رح تحس انه ثقتها بنفسها كبيرة
    وبالأخير طولت عليكم وشكرا لكل اللي رح يرد على موضوعي واتمنى الكل يستفيد
    تحياتي للجميع

    The Sea Pearl

    " الله لا يسامح اللي تنسب الموضوع إلها اذا نقلته لمنتدى ثاني"

    ما قدرت انزل ملفات البور بوينت لكن بنزلهن عن قريب إنتظروني

    وياريت الكل يرد لاني صراحة تعبت بجمع المواضيع الباقية من صاحباتي وبالكتابة وبتحميل الملفات مشان ترتاحوا وما تاخذوو هم المادة هاي
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة M.o_o.N ; 01-12-2009 الساعة 11:30 AM

  2. #2
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية onlyrose
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم ....."اتمنى نقله الى المكان المناسب له وتثبيته"..

    بصرااحه مووضوعك حلوو مرآآآ وتتطرقتي لنقااط مهمه جدا قد نجهلها من تشتيت الذهن والرهبه

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم ....."اتمنى نقله الى المكان المناسب له وتثبيته"..

    the sea pearl

    Masha Allah sweety great job :)

    عمل أكثر من رائع و جهد تشكري علية

    موضوع متكامل سيستفيد منه الكثير بإذن الله

    بارك الله فيك و ربنا يوفقك

    بإنتظار المزيد من الابداع والتميز ^_^

  4. #4
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    onlyrose & Renoa

    شكرا على الرد وموفقات إن شاء الله

  5. #5
    مميز الصورة الرمزية الشامخ 9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    يعطيك العافية على الجهد الكبير والابداع الرائع المتناسق
    صراحة وبدون مجاملة عمل تشكرين علية
    والله يسعدك
    تقبلي تحياتي

  6. #6
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    أبي أسألكم سؤال حجم ملف البور بوينت عندي
    واحد 71.0 م.ب
    والثاني 35.3 م.ب
    كيف ممكن أحملهن على موقع

    لاني حملتهن على مواقع كثير ورفضوهن لأنه حجمهن كبير

  7. #7
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية جاكوار2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    استغفرالله العظيم واتوب اليه

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    جربي موقع


    و إضغطيهم ببرنامج

    winrar ‎/‎ winzip

    أو انسخي نصف شرائح العرض الواحد ليصبح موضوع في ملفين بوربوينت و يرفع كل واحد على حده


  9. #9
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية فـيصـل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    my mother's heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    والله عمل..رائع

    وشغل متعوب عليه...

    بالنسبه للرفع فيه مواقع كثيره..للرفع..

    لو كتبتي بقوقل..اشهر المواقع العالميه..لرفع الملفات الكبيره

    ويطلع لك...مواقع كثيره

    ربي يوفقك

    وشاكر لك...جهدك
    من وجد الله فماذا فقد , ومن فقد الله فماذا وجد

  10. #10
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    الشامخ 9 > جاكوار2 > Renoa > faisal

    جاري التحميل & Renoa you help me alot thanx my sister

  11. #11
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    الموقع هذا رح يساعدكم كثير بمعرفة اسس البرزنتيشن الناجح

  12. #12
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    موووضووع مرة رروووووووووووووووعه وعلى الجرح ،، تسلمي ياااقلبي على هذا المووضووع والله يجعله من موازين حسناتك ويسهل لك دربك
    لوعت كبد المسكينه Renoa من الاسئلة ،، الله يعطيها العافيه ويجعله من موازين حسناتها العسل

    ندخل بالموووضووووووووع >> ياريت هع هع

    طلبت منا المس برزنتيشن عن (offbeat jobs) الوظائف الغير مألوفه او النادرة ،، بصراحة اعطيني Renoa الله يعطيها العافيه موضووعين اللي هم ( دليل بمتحف والنادلات ) وانا حوووست بالنت وطلعت ( مرشد سياحي وحفار قبور ) وعصرت هالمخ اللي عندي والحمدلله طلع اللي هو اني اقسم البرزنتيشن الى 3 اجزاء اولا :: لعبة بسيطه >> ذي الخطوة بالذات مو عارفة كيييييف اجيب امها ،، ثانيا :: معلومات بسيطة عن الوظيفة ،، ثالثا :: اعطي المس ورقة فيها سؤال ،، السؤال هو ،، ماهو رايك في المووضووع اللي هو الوظيفه ؟؟

    وش رايك ،، اذا عندك اي اضافة او حذف >> جامعة عزووووز ماقصرت خخخخ

    ياليت تقوليها لانووو بجد حايسه مو عاااااااااااااارفه ووش اسوي لانو اول مرة بحياتي اعمله

    ،، الله يستررررر

    ادعولي اني اجيب الفل ماااااااااااااااااااااااا اااارك فيه

  13. #13
    مميز الصورة الرمزية صدى الاحساس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2007
    عروس البحر الاحمر
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    يعطيكي العافيه ع الموضوع الرائع وشكلنا كلنا لنا نفس المشكله توي ادور ع موضوع مميز
    واذا خلصت باذن الله بنزله في المنتدى اتمنى دعواتكم

    العالم كلهـ آلة تصوير.... فابتسم لها من فضلك

  14. #14
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    أهلا وسهلا بك صدى الاحساس واشكر لكي ردك وانتظر موضوعك بفارغ الصبر
    وحبيبتي حلا جدة نورتي صفحتي و آسفة على التأخير بالرد أنصحك بموضوع مرشد سياحي لأنه هو اللي فعلا أحسه من الوظائف النادرة والجميله وحفار قبور خخخخخخخخخخخخ وين انتي عايشه البنات ما يحبن النوع هاذ من البرزنتيشن لأن الواحد اول ما يفكر بأن القبور فيها اعز الناس علينا الله يرحمهم ويسكنهم جنات النعيم
    فالشحص حبيبتي يبتعد عن هيك مواضيع علشان تقتنع المس والطالبات من موضوعك لازم يكون شيق لأقصى درجة
    وبالنسبة ليكي انا عندي أفكار كثيرة إلك انتي بس انتظريني ما رح أتاخر عليكي حبيبتي

  15. #15
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    و أخيرا خلص تحميل الملفات وإن شاء الله إني أكون حملتهن صح وهاي الروابط



  16. #16
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    حلا جدة
    زي ما قلتلك اعملي عن مرشد سياحي
    قلتي تقسمين اللبرزنتيشن 3 أجزاء ...............زحلو
    لعبة بسيطه ............ صعبة لو كان موضوع ثاني ممكن ...........زانتي ممكن تخلي الجزء الأول عبارة عن مقطع فيديو وتسألي البنات إذا عرفن مهنة الشخص في الفيديو وإذا ما عرفنها توضحينها لهن
    وأنا بدوري دورت لك على مقطع فيديو ولقيت هذا

    ثاني شي
    معلومات بسيطة عن الوظيفة ..............حلو معلومات عن Guided tour

    ممكن تضيفي صور عن أهم المعالم في الدول اللي يتكلم عنها المرشد السياحي
    مثلا تحطي صور برج ايفل وتقولي انه المرشد السياحي ياخذ السياح للبرج ويبدأ يشرح لهم عن تاريخ البرج
    و عندنا بالمملكة معالم تاريخية كثيرة ممكن تحطي صور
    وممكن انك تلعبي دور المرشد السياحي وتشرحي عن بعض المعالم وتخلي بعض من زميلاتك يلعبن دور السياح

    وزي ما قلتي ((ثالثا :: اعطي المس ورقة فيها سؤال ،، السؤال هو ،، ماهو رايك في المووضووع اللي هو الوظيفه ؟؟)) حلوه الفكرة
    وبالنهاية ممكن تسألي البنات اذا عاجبتهم مهنة المرشد السياحي
    وبكذا تكوني خلصتي البرزنتيشن أتمنى أكون أفدتك وإن شاء الله تجيبين الفل مارك حبيبتي

  17. #17
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    قبل شوي قاعدة أدور بالمنتدى ولقيت فلورندا "عضو بالمنتدى" كاتبه أفكار عن بعض المواضيع ورح أحط إلكم اللي هي كتبتة الله يعطيها العافية ويوفقها

    ((البرزنتيشن عن الكاكاو وطبعا انتي من عندج ييبي جلكسي ومارس وهالشغلات هذي عشاان تزيد حلاوة البرزنتيشن وييبي سله صغيره حطي فيها ميني سنيكر وميني مارس والحلويات الصغااار وقدميهم للبنات صدقيني بتأخذين فل مارك


    انا سويت عن الولايات المتحده الامريكيه

    انا سويت عن البسكوت والحلاو وحطيت صور بسكوت شكلهم حلو

    ومره سويت عن اشارات المرور وهم حطيت صور الاشارات الي بالطريج الفوق تحت الخ الخ ..

    اهما وايد سهليين وكلماتهم سهله وبسرعه ينحفظ ..


    انا العام سويت عن الورود ويبت صور تينن وكم وردة حقيقيه وتكلمت عن انواعهم وشلون نعتني فيهم والورد


    انا سويت موضوع عن السياحة بالعالم والمعالم السياحية المشهورة وكمثال تمثال الحرية والاهرامات وحديقة بابل وبرج بيزا المائل وكان حيل حلو

    ((( عبــــــــــدةالشيطــــــ ـــــــان ))) الله يكافينه هالاشكال المنحرفة ياااارب
    بس كنت ضابطه الموضوع على الاخر
    يعني تمكيجت مثلهم الحمرة السوده والظل البنفسجي الاحمر والاظافر سودة والملابس الاكسسوارات جماجم وكل شي يخطر في بالكم ويوم خلصت قمت اوزع حلاو اسنان مصاص دماء وعيون اللي تخرع جلي عرفتوها ودود وسوالف حلويات اللي مالت الهالوين
    بس ضرب الموضوع وكل المدرسة تكلمت عنه واخذت على قولت المدرسة لو في فوق الفل مارك عطيتج اياااااااة

    أنا بعطيكم رابط وااااااااااااايد حلو حق بحوث الإنجليزي يعني تحطين كلمة ( عنوان الموضوع مثل : food) ويحطلج كل الأطعمة وكل الأنواع ويحطلج كل الصفحات بالنت اللي فيها هالموضوع وراح يساعدكم واااااايد ، آنا وايد استانست على الموقع وفيه صور وتقدرين تآخذينها حق البحوث ...

    هذا هو الرابط : Searchme: Visual Search - Beta - rev. 2.0.2


    سوي عن الالوان وسوي لوحة وكتبي عليها اسم الون ولوني بلون ثاني اول شي اتقولين ان الدنيا موحلوة منغير الالوان وانا احنا ما نقدر انعيش منغير الالوان طبعا كل هل حجي بالنقليزي المهم اتقولين منو ايحب الون الصفر وتقولين الون الصفر يرمز انج بنت غيورة وخجولة مثل الموزة زالون الاجمر يرمز انج رمنسية والون الابيض انج صريح وشفافة والون الاسود يرمز انج غامضة والونالخضر انج اتحبين الطبيعة مثل الشجرة والون الازرق انج مرات اتصيرين هاديه ومرة غامضة مثل البحر والوحة مثل ماقتلج انج تكتبين الون وتلونينة بلون ثاني وتخلينهم يقولون الون من غير القلمة وشذي تستانسون وتلعبون وتتلخبطون وتاخذين فول مارك ان شاء الله

    انا سويت عن المكياج وحطيت صور فنانت وعرضت عينات مكياج وقلت لهم قصة طلعة المكياج وهم سويت عن قصص القرآن وفلت قصة يوسف عليه السلام كاملة وكنت راسمة رسومات تبين مواقف معينة مثل البير القافلة السجن ايادي تقع بالسكين من غير شخصيات لانه مايجوز والمواقف الصعبة كنت اشغل القرآن بصوت محمد البراك بصراحة كان عجيب والمس اشتكت علي عند المرسة الاولى لاني مااشتركت بالمسابقة بهالموضوع وسويت عن الكاكاو وعن الصداقة وعن الالكترونيات وعن الحضارة الفرعونية



    The bacteria are very small microbes . some bacteria are useful , othr are harmful . the useful bacteria are used for making vitamins . the harmful bacteria cause diaeases , they destroy our food . they live every where . we
    . can see them with a microscope

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    برزنتيشن يديد و حلو و انا نفسي سويته عن (( خدود البنات )) و معاه صور بعد شتبوون اكثر

    (( Marshmallow ))
    Marshmallow is kind of candies and sweets. you all shoul like it because of it's nice look and taste . Marshmallow has many shapes and colors . You can eat marshmallow by many ways : you can eat it with out any additions , grill it or dip it in flavours like chocolate ,caramel and fruits . I'd like to show you great way to use marshmallow ...first step 1) you put marshmallow on a stick , 2) you dip it in chocolate , 3rd step ) then you dip it in buiskit , 4) finally you present the marshmallows in a nice dish . It's very delecius you will like it
    شوي طويل بس بالكلام ما راح تحسون فيه
    و هذي الصور

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    the united kindom lies in the northwest continent.london is the capital city.the biggest cities in the united kindom are leeds ,liverpool ,manchester ,bristol and london.the people are mixture of different nationalities and ethnic groups.the first rock and roll music is found in the united kindom.In britain school startabout nine o‘clock and finished about three thirty.At the weekend people there like going to the cinema,shopping or just staying at home .
    I hope that my presentation is good

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    People have enjoyed chocolate as a delicious dessert for over 1000 years, yet few of us know where this delicious dessert comes from. Chocolate comes from the cocoa tree. The Mayans and Aztecs were the first to make chocolate. They crushed the seeds of the cacao tree and added spices. Then, they added hot water. This drink was called Chocolatl, meaning warm liquid.

    This drink was given to royalty and Emperor Montezuma Chocolatl was thought to be healthy. Chocolatl was then treated like a drink of the gods. But now Chocolate is used all over the world, and eaten anywhere and anytime, whatever the occasion and People all over the world can enjoy this delicious treat. And chocolate will be remembered in a sweet way.
    by the end i advise you to balance between eating cacao or you will be a chocoholic

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    When some one dies, we cry .When a baby is born, we cry . When a dear person graduates, we cry .When we see people in trouble, we cry. We cry on different occasions the happy ones and the sad ones too. We cry for thousands of reasons , but no body knows really how we cry . Crying is a mystery .
    What is the true explanation for our tears? . What are tears ? How do they come ? Why do they coma ? Modern science doesn't have all the answers to these questions ..
    We know a few facts a bout tears. We know , for example, that all tears have salt in them . We also know that there are two kinds of tears : emotional tears and reflex tears . Emotional tears come from feeling like happiness . Reflex tears come when we get a piece of dirt in the eye or we peel onions ..
    William Frey, a scientist who is studying the chemistry of tears, said that there is more protein in emotional tears than in reflex tears ones, but nobody knows why there is that extra protein, and nobody knows where it comes from.. .
    Frey's study also shows that women cry more often than men . They cry four times as often as men . However the study doesn't tell why that happens. Is because of biology? Or is it ok for women to cry in our society unlike men..
    Frey has a theory about crying , but it hasn't been proved yet. He says that stress and pressure produce poison chemicals in the body . Crying is people's way to remove these poison chemicals out of the body..
    Psychologists also believe that crying helps reduce stress that can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and other serious disease. For our health, it may be good for all of us, men and women, to have a good cry more often..
    Thanx for u for listening

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    Natural Gas

    Natural Gas is found in the ground .It is not easy to get it.First, the ground is photographed from planes.Then , satellites send geographical maps.Scientists examine the rocks.They drill deep holes.Gas comes to the surface.It is taken to a refinery in pipes.Unwanted substance are removed.

    Finally, pure gas such as butane is produced.


    Today, a very advanced telephone system has been developed in Saudia Arbia.The system is managed by the Ministery of Posts,Telegraph and Telephone ( PTT ) .It has grown a lot in a short time.Since 1970 A.D. The number of lines offered by the telephone service has increased almost 33 times.

    A very advanced Postal service has also been developed.It is also managed by ( PTT ).The quality of mail handled by the postal service has increased almost 9 times

    The Najed Supermarket

    TheNajed supermarket in Riyadh .It is owned 100% by saudi .It has an area of 1600 square meters.It has a parking space for 300 cars.There are about 24 hours a day .It only shuts a prayer times.The supermarket bakes its own braed.

    King Faisal Spcialist Hospital

    The King Faisal Spicialist Hospital is in Riyadh .It has an area of one million square metres.It is run by the Saudi government for the people of Saudia.

    The main builiding was established in 1975A.D. by King Khaled.It has 362 beds in private rooms.It is decorated with fountains,pools and plants.It has the most modern medical equiopment and computer technology in order to fight cancer.
    The Expansion builiding was opened in 1958 AD by King Fahd.It covers an area of 42,000 square metres.It is for out-patients.

    In 1985, the hospital was visited by 10,000 in patients and 240,000 ourt patient.



    Color or colour[1] is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, blue and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.
    Typically, only features of the composition of light that are detectable by humans (wavelength spectrum from 380 nm to 740 nm, roughly) are included, thereby objectively relating the psychological phenomenon of color to its physical specification. Because perception of color stems from the varying sensitivity of different types of cone cells in the retina to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. These physical or physiological quantifications of color, however, do not fully explain the psychophysical perception of color appearance.
    The science of color is sometimes called chromatics. It includes the perception of color by the human eye and brain, the origin of color in materials, color theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what we commonly refer to simply as light).



    Peach <<الخوخ

    Peach one of the two types with the benefits of the delicious fruit dried Kthirpvakhawk

    Protects against: heart disease, osteoporosis and constipation
    Peach realize its benefits Eklu alleviate constipation because it contains a high amount of fiber that also protect against heart disease and reduce the amount of cholesterol and prevent the oxidation of LDL. U.S. study revealed that eating 10 to 12 peaches tablets every day may prevent the osteoporosis causes of the decline in the amount of estrogen.
    Here, pictures of the peach flesh before:
    In addition, the peach article contains boron, which helps the body absorb calcium to keep bones strong

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    اول برزنتيشن عن مميزات النفق Subway trains OR underground trains
    Hi, good morning everyone, how are you today? thank you for coming, I'm (your name), what I want to do this morning is to tell you about the benefits of underground trains especially for Kuwait and I'll show you some pictures of subways or underground trains, so I hope you will enjoy it and if you have any questions don't be shy to ask, I'll be very happy to answer them all.
    Subways are railways built underground. The subway is a proven technology used in many cities around the world. The most famous subways include New York City, London, Paris, Tokyo and Boston. The majority of underground train systems are for community transportation. The big problem with subways that in today's economic environment, it costs too much to build them so most of the cities that have underground trains built them many years ago when construction costs were much lower. Subways and underground trains help in many ways and they are the best solution for cities with a high population or high land value. Also, many people prefer to use the subway rather than drive because they can move quickly between the different parts of the city. For another thing, because of the high population in Kuwait, the numbers of cars increasing which leads to increase traffic jam problems all the time. So, the underground train is the best way to solve this problem because it helps to reduce traffic and to save time and effort. In addition, it helps people to reach their destiny in a very easy way and in a short time without facing any traffic in the road.
    Finally, we can understand that traffic jam is a very big problem in Kuwait which needs support from the government to find many ways and solutions to solve this problem. In my opinion, I think that underground trains are the best mode of high-speed system and it's a very helpful technique which helps in solving this problem so that the traffic will decrease in this high population state. Thank you for listening and now if you have questions I'm ready to answer them all .

    وهذا الثاني عن منزل الاحلام Dreaming house
    Hi good morning everyone , thank you for coming, I' m (your name) , and these are my friends , reem and hajer, today we will talk about the home of dream in future , I hope you'll enjoy it I'll leave you now with Hajer to tell more about it . and if you have any questions don't be shy to ask we'll be happy to answer them all.
    The house of my dreams reflected who I was becoming. For the psychologist Carl Jung, building a house was a symbol of building a self.
    Imagine if you could have any house you wanted. Money is no object. You can place the house anywhere in the world (or off it) and you can build the house from any materials you wish.
    What would that house look like? What would be the color and ****ure of the walls, the shape of the rooms, the quality of the light?
    When I was a child, I dreamed of a house shaped like a doughnut. Rooms would be arranged in a ring around a central courtyard, and the courtyard would have a glass roof, a steamy climate, and exotic tropical birds. All windows in this house would look inward at the courtyard. No windows would look outward at the exterior world. This was an introverted, perhaps egotistical, house.
    For the psychologist Carl Jung, building a house was a symbol of building a self. In his autobiographical Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung described the gradual evolution of his home on Lake Zurich. Jung spent more than thirty years building this castle-like structure, and he believed that the towers and annexes represented his psyche.
    Clare Cooper Marcus, a Professor of Architecture at the University of California in Berkeley, has written extensively about the relationship between dwellings and the people who occupy them. Her book House as a Mirror of Self explores the meaning of "Home" as a place of self-expression, as a place of nurturance, and as a place of sociability. Marcus spent years looking at people's drawings of memorable childhood places, and her book draws on Jungian concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes.
    If the houses we live in are so significant, what about the houses we imagine? What do our wishes say about who we are?

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    Television is agood means of fun and small village.Television plays agreat part in our life.It is the outcome of modern science and tachnology.It has become agood means of communication and interinment.Through television,we get attached.We get attached to the world.It makes the world asmall village,Thanked to television,We can get in touch with to date current events all over the word television has also become a useful educational mesns we use it in scools and universities to make useful programs for ouir students.But television is a double edge weapon.It can waste our time of is misused.It can harm our eyes and skins due to the ultra violet rays it produces it can also show bad and undesirble programs wich are against our valuse and traditions.To use T.V logically and resonanly to get the almost benefil.

    UAE. The United States of the Gulf which states that if I went out to enjoy it. UAE and many good people there and many of them good qualities and ornamental objects. Characterized Emirates lute, and they want many things. The people of the State of Kuwait loves Emirates often because there has a beautiful markets and festivals and places of entertainment. Disregarding linked with Kuwait than things, but I can enumerate it many. and I better to go in vacation time.

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    The English language
    English language useful and easy life. And I love the English language, because they help us in many things. Including : If we went to the foreign language often tells us to understand and talk with them. English-language became the first world and the most widespread in the world. And-English language of science and scientific research. And a lot of things. There is also a lot of interest for the English language is :-a reply to the campaigns of distortion through the use of language. B-refute misconceptions and misperceptions about Arabs and Arab-Islamic culture. C-use of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Finally d learning English helps in raising a good citizen who defends the values and ideals of the nation, and religion.

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    مشكله التلوث البيئي]

    The problem of environmental pollution

    has become a serious threat to mankind b fleeting but threatens the lives of all living organisms and plants It has emerged this problem as a result of the industrial and Els the sovereignty of the population over the years and environment pollution in Maan uh includes extensive pollution of the biosphere Bbah and lead to Tel % pw environmental organisms, such as microbes Bakt Rayya, viruses and fungi that also includes pollution of chemotherapy of the environment and lead to the pollution of the environment sprayings chemicals and gases and waste of factories and many m n chemicals have radioactivity This leads to Tallow radioactivity of the environment



    The mother is not just an amazing women but also a symbol of inspiration

    M..is for the million things she gave me
    O..means only that she's growing old
    T..is for the tears she shed to save me
    H..is for her heart of purest gold
    E..is for her eyes with love - light shining
    R..means right and right she'll always be

    put them altogether , they spell the word ''mother'' the word that means the world to me


    ..هذا برزنتيشن عن الزواج..


    I believe that marriage is the marriage of the best of his past habits, traditions and values of a beautiful and magnificent The marriage in the past between the relatives and friends extends to the week The marriage like this would be without welfare and make people Ampalgh Almers when the bride and thus providing people Almers dowry and marriage starts in the home and entering Almers bride gown simple allegedly theater and color green and important over the head The present Vicuna of marriage Pavkhm and most expensive hotels, the luxurious dinner and very exaggerated and sometimes forced Almers taking a loan to supplement his marriage This past Mayajbene marriage that is simple and not too clear and there is great financial loss as now



    A bee is a flying insect known for collecting pollen, making honey, and stinging things. There are over 20,000 known species of bee. The role of a bee is to pollinate flowering plants, sometimes to make honey. Many types of bees include the honey bee, the bumble bee, killer bee and the stingless bee. Some bees congregate in various communities, and have varying social levels. A bee feeds on nectar and pollen. When a bee pollinates a flower, it carries various forms of pollen in pollen baskets on their legs or abdomen. Bees have two pairs of wings and antennae. Wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets look like bees, but are their own species. Bees tend to live in hives and fill various roles as drone, worker, or queen bee depending on gender and other factors.


    (( العــــــــــدل ))

    Justice basis King

    Governance in Islam is ****d on three fundamental pillars: justice, equality, consultation.

    What is justice?
    Justice is fairness, as you give him, and what it is, many states have come in the Holy Quran ordered justice, and urges him, and calls for adhering to it, God says: ) that God commands justice, charity and deliver the related (] Bees 90 [and the Almighty says : ) That God orders you to judge justly (] women: 58 [.
    The Justice name of Allah, described by the Almighty God and his attributes.

    Types of Justice
    Many types of justice, including:
    (1) justice between the opposing peace be upon him an example in the application of justice, and the two men came from Ansar Echtsman him, asking him to govern them, they tell you the Prophet peace be upon him that it takes the right of his brother, then it takes a piece of fire, two men weep , And the waiver every one of them on the right for his brother.

    (2) justice in the balance and Peck is the bean balance and double, and weighs just said Come ((Establish your weight will lose a portion or balance))

    (3) of Justice with all Muslim people to adjust to the demands of all people, whether Muslims or non-Muslims as God ordered not to reduce people's rights, he says: ) Make Every people in their goods (] poets: 138 [and the Almighty said: ) and penalized in Shannan folk Not modified is closer to piety (] round: 8 [ie: No campaign animosities and discounts for people who had been wronged on, but justice must be with everybody, whether they are friends or enemies.

    (( فضل العدل ))

    Fadl Justice
    * Justice is a great home when God Almighty said The premium that God loves Leased (] rooms: 9 [The Sahaabi Jalil Abu Hurayrah - may Allah be pleased with him - says: the work ahead just grazing the best day of worship in his Abid hundred years.
    * Justice safety of the people in the world, has told one of the kings Russell came to interview Omar bin Khattab, was found asleep under a tree, screamed, How sleep Governor Muslims without guards, and said: Hikmat changed its mind you, Samantha growing by Omar.

    The blending of Justice in Islam
    Stole a woman wanted in Mecca and the Prophet peace be upon him to assess the extent and cut her hand, her family went to Osama bin Zaid, asked him to be accompanied when the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and was the prophet loves Osama great love, when accompanied by Osama for those women Change the face of the prophet peace be upon him, said: intercede to end the limits of God?!. His Prophet - peace be upon him - in public speeches, he said: then it is all of those before you, if they stole them Sharif left him, and if stole them have resided in the weak point, and Im God (a section) if the Fatima bint Mohammed stole the severed hands ] Al-Bukhari [.

    A man came to Egypt from the Omar bin Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him - and told him: "O faithful, we have this issue with Amr Bin Al-Aas, Egypt precedes sit Whip, said to me: I am Akram Akramia. Wrote to Omar ibn Al-Khattab, Amr ibn Al-Aas: If ATTAC written this with you and your son attended, when I attended the Omar bin Khattab Whip men beat the son of Egyptian Amr said to him: give the son of Akramia.

    In the era of Omar bin Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him - hand man of Arab pillow, and went to the pilgrimage, as he roams around the Kaaba, a man stepped on by poor, beatings on his face severe blow, the man went to Omar bin Khattab and complained to him and asked Omar - blessings God him - bringing equation, when Omar was attended by men that the strike on his face as he did with him, said Surprised: Is it, then I'm in that?, Said Omar: Yes, you get only Islam.

    One day disagreed Imam Ali - may Allah be pleased with him - with the Jews in the armor (wearing the robe-Sadr in wars), I went to the judge, and said to him, Imam Ali: The Shield is Jewish, denied the Jewish, said in front of the judge: Do you have witnesses? Imam Ali, said: "Yes, and brought his son Hussein, Hussein has witnessed that this is the shield of his father's coat of arms, but the judge said of the front: Do you have another witness? Imam Ali said: No, the judge ruled that the shield of the Jews, because the Imam Ali was not with him from witnesses However, his son, said the Jewish: the faithful came to me to judge the case to the Muslim faithful and blessings. O God, ratified the faithful, it is a shield of ****ls plucked from the strings you, I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad Messenger of God, Atta Imam Ali Islamic Shield joy.

    As for equality

    The social system in the underlying foundations of Islam and is the first of equality
    That principle came Sharia tolerant Islam and this approach is the author Mohammed peace be upon him.
    And equality is to make all human beings, both in rights and duties may make Islam the basis for differentiation between people is the "piety", he says ((and made you peoples and tribes, Ye Akram God Sunnah))
    This principle of Islamic True, the Islamic regime to announce to humanity in every time and place of full equality between its members and fights - in modern times - such tendencies among some class societies is the so-called conflict class or racial segregation.
    This is clear to us that Islam Club equality because it aims to achieve love between people and then disappear brother and no rancor.

    (( الشورى ))

    As for the Shura

    Shura is to take the opinion of the owners of rights paramount minds and ideas right, and even consulted him prove correct tracking, show him avoid the error, which indicated that the Shura have a great place in our Islamic faith, has called God - the Almighty God and - on behalf of Al-Shura in the Koran.
    And God - the Almighty - Nabih peace be upon him to consult the Muslims and take their opinions, said the Sublime: ) already released and ask forgiveness for them and consulted in the matter (] Al Imran: 159 [

    The Shura in Islam are things that no order from God or the prophet peace be upon him, as it does not Schori with a religious ****, has been the prophet - peace be upon him - a permanent consultation in each of the owners is provided unless it down When the Quran, if there were inspired by God layer prophet - peace be upon him - without delay ...
    The Shura selecting caliphs after the Prophet Muhammad agreement and consensus among Muslims ... and when he Abu Bakr succession, which - from the owners of Muhammad - and the consensus choice of Muslims said the suitor had : "... I wish you knew how Finally, samples and Asat nationalism. .. "

    As for the modesty of the ruling with Saydet
    It is not honest, the positions of the Muslim caliphs at the beginning of the Islamic State:
    * Rumored that Abu Bakr friend - may Allah be pleased with him - was Ihlb sheep for some girls city, when the succession took the girls said: We have now become Khalifa will Ihlb us, but he continued to help them, will not change because of his new ... The Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - he goes to the hut poor elderly woman, Wilkinson had her shack, cleaner, longer dos, which will need.
    * The carrying faithful Omar ibn Al-Khattab - may Allah be pleased with him - flour on his back, and went to the house of a woman does not find food for their children orphans, and lit the fire, remained in promoting food, did not apply himself to eat the children and farms.

    These are the foundations of governance in Islam, where people choose wisely, and Governor demands justice and equality among people

    و هذا المووضوووع عن التوواائم ^_^

    Twins world is full of secrets it's a mystry world. The twins could be two ,three some times four or maybe more . Some people says that there are a strong spiritual relation ship between twins , and it's lead to an inflow of ideas between them . The strangest thing with twins is during pregnancy how can two childs live in the place wich doctors belived it was designed for the growth of one child . Not all twins are similar but there are a difference in form with three quarters of twins in the world . Twins have a united feelings they laugh together , cry together , wear clothes in same time and also feel hungry in same time that would make the mother crazy . Twins are very close from each other . Praise Allah


    و هذا برزنتيشن للبنااات ^_^ << نصاائح للشعر >>>

    حيـــــــــــــــل سهـــــــــــل ما يبيله شي ^_^

    advices to take care of your hair :
    1- Don't brush your hair when it is wet .
    2- Don't wash your hair every day .
    3-It's better to wash your hair every two days .
    4- Always ennd your bath with cold water especially on your hair .
    5- Before you take bath brush your hair .
    6- Don't leave your hair in the sun for a long time especially in summer .
    7- Always keep your brush clean by putting it in warm water for a time .
    8- Change your shampoo from time to time then use the first one which you used before.


    عن خبز الكيك او عمل الكيك

    Baking the cake

    my name is<< ؟؟>> today I will talk about one of my favotite hoppies.it is baking the cake. I can bake chocolate , vanilla and orange cake .Do you want to know how i make chocolate cake?
    I need one cup of flowr, one cup of suggar, 5 egges, one cup of milk one spoon baking powder one spone chocolate powder and one spone vanilla then you mex all thim together and put them in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes i know you will eat the best delicioun cake thanx


    هذا برسنتيشن عن قواعد السعاادة
    ولاتنسون تدعون لي اتوفق بحيااتي

    The Rules of the Happy Life

    Hello! Every body. Today we will talk about the rules of the happy life.

    Remember these five simple rules to be happy:

    1-Free your heart from hatred

    2-Free your mind from worries

    3-Live simply

    4-Give more

    5-Expect less

    No one can go back and make a new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

    God didn't promise days without pain, sun without rain, but God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

    Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Don't stay on the humps too long. Move on!

    When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.

    When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking or something better to give you.

    You can't make someone love you,all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth.

    At the end we wish for all of you a happy life

  18. #18
    مراقب الصورة الرمزية البـارع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    الأخت الفاضلة the sea pearl

    أعجز عن شكرك على هذا الموضوع الموسوعي ,
    والمليء بالكثير من العروض الجميلة..
    والأفكار المفيدة

    بارك الله في جهدك
    سيتم نقل الموضوع وتثبيته في قسم الطلبات الجامعية
    وبانتظار تواصلك بالأعمال الرائعة

  19. #19
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    the sea pearl

    إضافات جدا روعه و راح يدعون لك كثير حبيبتي لأنة موضوع جمع لنا كثير حاجات

    Thanks alot sweety :)

  20. #20
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    أخي البـارع أشكر لك التثبيت وإن شاء الله أكون عند حسن النية
    وحبيبتي Renoa أشكر لك تواجدك وتشجيعك بإستمرار

  21. #21
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    جبت لكم برزنتيشن عن المملكة العربية السعودية

    Saudi Arabia
    Area : 2.149.790 sq km
    population : 21.4 million
    density : 7.9 million sq. km
    capital : Riyadh 1.800.000 people
    most important cities : Jeddah 1.800.000 people, 473.000 people in Mecca Language : Arabic (official) Currency : Saudi riyal

    geographic glance : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies in the bulk of the Arabian peninsula, and consists of narrow valleys on the Red Sea coast (Tihama plains), followed towards the east, mountain ranges stretching along the country (Hijaz and Asir mountains and exceed the maximum height in 2000) then Sohar and rocky plateaus in the center (90% of the surface area), the largest desert in the north and influence the Empty Quarter in the south. As in the east, along the coast of the Arabian Gulf, extends broad coastal plains (Ahsa and Alejaforeh). In November 1986, was launched bridge connecting Saudi Arabia to Bahrain. Change : continental winter cold and summer severe drought (48 degrees Celsius in Riyadh and relative humidity does not exceed 9% in July).

    Agriculture : Agriculture evolved significantly in recent years, a dual nature. There hand, the Bedouin owners productivity and capital very low, on the other hand constructions and modern equipment requiring massive investment. Agriculture uses 95% of the water consumed in the country. The most important agricultural production : 4.75 million tons of cereals (mainly wheat : four million tons, a large section of the countries of the world and to give the Arab States), 548.000 tons of dates, Pandora 390.000 tons, 461.000 tons of watermelons, melons 320.000 tons, 100.000 tons of grapes, onions, potatoes, barley, citrus, fig, white corn, sesame seed. Cattle : 216.000 head of cattle, 419.000 head of beauty, sheep 8.1 million head, Maz 3.4 million head. Fishing 50.000 tons (Pearl). Mineral

    Wealth : The country's wealth of natural gas and oil. The most important resources : the production of 424.7 million tons of oil, gas reserves 35.6 billion tons, natural gas production 35.9 billion cubic meters, reserves 5250 billion cubic meters.

    Industry : Industry is in Saudi Arabia in oil and natural gas : Refining and Petro Chemistry. The most important industrial products : tar cement, steel rods, ethylene, fodder, Gelikul ethylene, Alaetanol industrial Dekloror ethylene, Alstiarin, caustic soda, nitrogen, acid losses, oxygen, Almilamin, and there is also the desalination of sea water and foodstuff industry. Deals on salt from sea water around 100 million square meters of water per year. And this is not the quantity little before the 9500 million cubic meters annually provided by groundwater and consumed by agriculture. In parallel with this witness today Kingdom has grown considerably in the area of agro-food industry and consumer materials, which is based on private capital.

    Ranked in the world : the first in oil production and reserve, fifth in natural gas reserves, 10th in natural gas production, finally, LEADS Saudi Arabia each year, thousands of pilgrims to perform the Hajj in Mecca and Medina, which prompted the state to secure housing, food and medical care, including enough
    to absorb such a large number.

    المملكة العربية السعودية

    المساحة : 2،149،790 كيلومتر مربع
    عدد السكان : 21،4 مليون نسمة
    الكثافة : 7،9 نسمة بالكيلومتر المربع
    العاصمة : الرياض 1،800،000 نسمة
    أهم المدن : جدة 1،800،000 نسمة ، مكة المكرمة 473،000 نسمة
    اللغة : العربية (رسمية)
    العملة : الريال السعودي

    لمحة طبيعية : تقع المملكة العربية السعودية في القسم الاكبر من شبه الجزيرة العربية ، وتتألف من سهول ضيقة على ساحل البحر الاحمر (سهول تهامة)، تليها ، نحو الشرق، سلاسل جبلية تمتد على طول البلاد (جبال الحجاز وعسير ويتعدى اقصى ارتفاعها 2000م) ، ثم صحار وهضاب صخرية في الوسط (90% من المساحة العامة)، أكبرها صحراء النفوذ في الشمال والربع الخالي في الجنوب. أما في الشرق، وعلى طول ساحل الخليج العربي، فتمتد سهول ساحلية واسعة (الاحساء والجافورة). في تشرين الثاني1986 تم تدشين الجسر الذي يربط المملكة العربية السعودية بالبحرين.

    المناخ : قاري، شتاء بارد وصيف شديد الجفاف ( 48 درجة مئوية في الرياض ورطوبة نسبية لا تتعدى 9% في تموز).

    الزراعة : تطورت الزراعة بشكل ملحوظ في السنوات الاخيرة، وهي ذات طبيعة مزدوجة. هناك من جهة ، البدو أصحاب الانتاجية والرأسمالية الضئيلة جدا، ومن جهة أخرى الانشاءات والتجهيزات الحديثة التي استلزمت استثمارات طائلة. تستعمل الزراعة 95% من المياه المستهلكة في البلاد.
    واهم الانتاج الزراعي : حبوب 4،75 مليون طن، ( أهمها القمح: 4 ملايين طن، يصدّر قسم كبير منها الى دول العالم ويعطى قسم الى الدول العربية)، بلح 548،000 طن، بندورة 390،000 طن، بطيخ 461،000 طن، شمام 320،000 طن، عنب 100،000 طن، بصل، بطاطا، شعير، حمضيات، تين، وذرة بيضاء, بزر سمسم.
    ماشية: أبقار 216،000 رأس، جمال 419،000 رأس، أغنام 8،1 مليون رأس، معز 3،4 مليون رأس. صيد الاسماك 50،000 طن (لؤلؤ).
    الثروة المنجمية : تقوم ثروة البلاد على الغاز الطبيعي والنفط. أهم مواردها : إنتاج بترول 424،7 مليون طن، إحتياط 35،6 مليار طن، إنتاج غاز طبيعي 35،9 مليار متر مكعب، احتياط 5250 مليار متر مكعب.

    الصناعة: ترتبط الصناعة في المملكة العربية السعودية بالنفط والغاز الطبيعي: تكرير وبترو كيمياء. وأهم المنتوجات الصناعية: الاسمنت القطران، قضبان الفولاذ، الاثيلين، العلف، جليكول الاثيلين، الايتانول الصناعي، ديكلورور الاثيلين، الستيارين، الصودا الكاوية، الازوت, حمض السيتريك، الاوكسجين، الميلامين، وهناك ايضا تحلية مياه البحر وصناعة المواد الغذائية. يتناول نزع الملح من مياه البحر حوالي 100 مليون متر مربع من الماء في السنة. وليست هذه الكمية بشيء يذكر أمام ال 9500 مليون متر مكعب التي تؤمنها سنويا المياه الجوفية والتي تستهلكها الزراعة. وفي موازاة ذلك تشهد اليوم المملكة نموا كبيرا في مجال الصناعات الزراعية- الغذائية وصناعة المواد الاستهلاكية التي تقوم على رؤوس الاموال الخاصة.

    المرتبة في العالم : الاول في انتاج البترول واحتياطه، الخامس في احتياط الغاز الطبيعي، العاشر في انتاج الغاز الطبيعي، اخيرا، يؤمّ المملكة العربية السعودية سنويا، الوف من الحجاج لاداء فريضة الحج في مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة مما حمل الدولة على تأمين المسكن والمأكل والطبابة، بما يكفي لاستيعاب هذا العدد الضخم.

    ممكن اللي تعمله تجيب صور عن آثار المملكة العربية السعودية وصور عن الكعبة والمساجد وتجيب الزي الرسمي للسعودية بالنسبة للبنات والأولاد
    مثلا تخلي 2 من زميلاتها وحده تلبس ثوب وشماغ والثانية تلبس عباية وغشوه وتشرح عنه
    وتجيب قهوه عربيه و تمر وتمررها على البنات وتقهويهن وتقول إنه هاي عادة الضيافة عندنا بالسعودية اللي تعمل كذا إن شاء الله إنها رح تاخذ الفل مارك لأنها توفر كل شي

  22. #22
    مميز الصورة الرمزية the sea pearl
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    In my husband heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    هذا موضوع برزنتيشن عن " التعلم باللعب للأطفال " طبعا أنا حاطته زي ما هو كل اللي عليكم انكم تختصروا الكلام وتاخذوا المهم

    هل تود اخباري المزيد حول لعب الاطفال ؟
    By: Ask Kytka
    Would you tell me something more about children's toys?
    August 1, 1999

    لعب تعليمية
    Toys that Teach: A Lesson in Reverence, Gratitude and Beauty

    A toy is something your child invests precious time in and in this way it acts as a teacher. The right toy can teach your child to care, to be watchful and conscious, to be careful, to appreciate, to love. In your child�s hands are the keys to learning to be grateful, to appreciate beauty, to have a sense of peace and reverence for life in all its forms� By the same token, the wrong toys can teach your child anger, frustration, disregard, insult and mockery. How many times have you seen this at the community playground? Children mimicking the grotesque objects they have been playing with? Making grimaces and bullying the other children. They are putting out what they have taken in, from their toys.

    What can a plastic contraption possibly teach your child? What lesson is hidden within the action figure? When children have a room full of such toys they are often so overwhelmed, that they choose not to play at all. Grandparents come and say they are spoiled. Oftentimes, when they do choose to play, they play in a very aggressive and destructive manner. They show no sense of love or caring for these toys. They show no gratitude for these toys. These toys which growl at you and make grimaces at you seem to be designed to instill or teach anger, frustration, and hatred. Ask yourself "what does my child get from such a toy?" If you closely observe your child you will discover that their play lasts about 5 minutes at most and they end up being frustrated and overwhelmed. They physically look ill after playing this way, with these toys.

    The reason for this is that children take everything from their play and it becomes a part of who they are and who they are about to become. Children internalize everything from their surroundings. When they are exposed to synthetic and ugly toys, children are at risk of losing their sense of awe, their sense of reverence and beauty. They begin to internalize the messages that these toys put forth: Hit, Stomp, Slam, and Pound, Throw away. Replace. These feelings then grow within our children. Their relationships become "synthetic" and their play grows ugly.

    These children then grow into teenagers who bulldoze through and over their fellow teens. They have grown up to think that just about anything can be replaced. Everything is meant to be handled roughly and without special care. They grow up with fast food and throw away drive-through toys, which mean nothing to them. They blaze through the world without worrying about what gets stepped on or knocked over, believing it can all easily be replaced or that it is the responsibility of everything in their way to be strong enough to last. They break their plastic battery operated gizmos and into the garbage it goes. Sadly, in our mass produced society, it often quickly gets replaced with one exactly like it.

    What does that teach our child?

    Many parents do not realize that the mind of a developing child takes in everything. These toys have very negative impact on our children and their behavior changes from inherently good and loving to bad and spiteful. The young child learns the most when at play. Play is the work of the child and it is through play that the child learns to be an adult. Why then are we not more careful and more aware when we choose our children�s playthings?

    The majority of modern toys do not speak to the soul of the child. In this way they can actually damage the child. They not only rob the child of his/her imagination and sense of wonder, but they create a shell over the child�s heart. The toys of today are "dead". Obviously, they are not beautiful. They have no energy coming from them. They are just� ugly. Don�t our children, who only recently arrived and are still so intertwined with the spiritual world, deserve better?

    In looking at the writings of Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf Schools, we discover that the first seven years of life the child should see and experience the world as a place of goodness. The child in this age group learns primarily through imitation. Teachers trained in the Waldorf Education method are taught to be completely conscious of each and every movement, because they know they child takes it all in � good or bad. Waldorf Kindergartens are places of simple beauty for this reason. Children from ages 7 through the onset of puberty should experience the world as a place of beauty, because through beauty they will gain a reverence for life, which they will carry through to their adult lives. The Waldorf method of education is based completely on these beliefs.

    Children need to have a few simple toys, ones that must be delicately cared for and lovingly attended to. They require toys, which they can wash by their own hand, hang in the air to dry and gently fold. They blossom when playing with toys, which need to be carefully polished, and which can be mended. They thrive when they have toys, which they know they will pass along to their younger siblings. It is through this that they learn to have gratitude, reverence, and a sense of beauty for their environment and surroundings. The majority of modern toys simply do not speak to the soul of the child.

    Which toys do speak to the child? Silks, Woods, Nuts, Shells, Seeds, Stones, Crystals, Leaves, Ribbons and little baskets in which to carry their treasures. These are the types of toys, which speak to the child�s soul. These Natural Wonders instill awe and discovery, magic and wonder in your child. These toys have been created as "one-of-a-kind" treasures. These toys are special and can become just about anything your child imagines them to be.

    Consider pure silk scarves for play. They are delicate and ethereal and they seem to naturally awaken that sense of awareness of beauty and reverence. They awaken the child�s imagination and inspire their creativity. Children appreciate their simplicity, and yet take such wonder in the magic that a simple little cloth can be transformed into so many wonderful things.

    Wood is another example. It comes from a living, growing organism and has so much potential. Has this wood been carved or "decorated" by the creatures of the forest? What sort of tree did this wood come from? Imagine that two pieces of wood will never be exactly the same and your child can feel this and sense it when holding this toy. What a lesson of gratefulness for this piece of wood � which is here play with. What a wonderful discovery when playing outside your child finds this wonderful toy all by him or herself� as it was meant to be! Your child will carry this wood as a parcel, build with it as a block, cradle and hold it as a baby. This piece of wood can be turned into just about anything in the imagination of your child. Perhaps grandfather can carve this little wood into an animal friend, or a gnome to return to the garden.

    Such treasures are not easily replaced. If you are not careful and you break a wooden toy (especially a hand made or found one) it is truly a tragedy because it is a one of a kind. If the child is lucky it can be repaired and will be cared for even more delicately because it has been weakened. Of course, this will make the toy be loved and cherished all the more for the wounds it bears and the effort that went into saving it.

    The children of today have adopted many of their attitudes in life because of the toys they have been surrounded with in their childhood. The mass produced disposable toys of today are wasteful, ugly and harm not only our children but also our environment. They are impersonal and created for one purpose and one purpose only -�to make money for their creators. The next obvious reason is for them to break and be replaced easily, teaching your child to want more�

    Remember, the toy your child is holding is your child�s teacher today. It�s up to you to decide which lesson your child will learn today by the toys you provide.

    what we can teach our children ?
    ماذا نستطيع تعليم اطفالنا ؟

    Title: What we teach our Children
    Author: Andrea Cyrus, Msc.D., Rev., Mht.
    E-mail: mailto:(الرجاء عدم وضع البريد في المشاركات والرسائل الخاصة)
    Copyright: 2005 by Andrea Cyrus
    URL: http://joyfulparenting.truechanges.com/
    URL: http://www.truechanges.com

    Word Count: 377
    Category: Parenting

    What we teach our Children

    I am becoming aware how much influence I have on my children and the children I work with on a daily basis. This is big and true for all of us.

    I teach them even when I am not aware of it, when I simply flow through the house doing what comes next. Each instant I get involved in their business, each instant I talk to them, when I ignore them, as I am living my life, I am teaching.

    What I do and how I respond to my Children, how much I get involved in their life it all makes a difference. The old way of thinking and approaching my children quickly falls away as I witness that as I am fixing their problems I teach them they cant do it on their own.

    Even my 2 year old learns that I am not willing to get involved in her business of not wanting to share or not acquiring a toy back. If I do get involved, what do I teach her?
    Do not I volunteer to be her persoanl, everyday referee? Dont I inquire of to be included in her battles? Do not I tell her that I will fix her problems because she cant? Dont I take the role of judge and prosecutor by building up my mind about what is fair and not fair (even when my own limited perception may not be accurate)?

    If I tell my child that it is not my job to determine who should get the toy, I send her on the way to solve her own problem and to learn from her own mistakes. She learns from her different approaches. She learns about choices.

    You can think that this could never work in your home because you have experienced that things might get out of hand, and kids might easily get physical and violent if you dont get involved.

    Point taken and I have to admit it is harder NOT to get involved than to get involved AT FIRST. There is fear, and a bunch of what ifs
    My biggest what if though would be: What if I prevent my children to learn, to become self-reliant and self-responsible because I let fear get in the way

    Toys that Teach
    العاب تعليمية
    By Anna Mulrine

    Sherra Kerns recalls the day her daughter, then 6 years old, came to her one Saturday to say she wanted to get something from the top shelf of a tall closet. Kerns followed her into the room and sat down in the middle of the floor. She asked her daughter how they were going to tackle the project. “Certainly I didn't want to do something to compromise her safety,” she says.

    She supervised her daughter as she considered using a table as a stepping stool. “I asked her, ‘OK, what's the best way to move it over to the closet? Do you get behind it and shove it, or do you push it?'” Next, they tried a stool. She asked her daughter, “Are you going to fall? Why don't you rock it and see if it's steady?” Kerns and her daughter spent hours on the project. “It's amazing the sense of achievement that kids get from realizing they have created something that makes them a little more autonomous—it's really a feeling of power.”

    Today, Kerns is vice president for innovation and research at Olin College in Needham, Mass., and president elect of ASEE. Through her experience with her daughter, and countless students over the years, Kerns has become convinced that immersing children in the world of engineering should begin at an early age. “I think young children are natural engineers—if you've ever seen a 2 year-old figure out how to reach a countertop to get a cookie. They will move things into place, create structures and piles, test them for stability—it really is an engineering kind of a problem.”

    Kerns believes that toys and tools—whether used in pursuit of countertop cookies, building forts, or playing with silly putty—can stimulate the engineering instinct in children. “In part, our educational system doesn't identify activities as engineering—teachers don't say, ‘Gee, you know what you just did was an engineering kind of a thing. Those abilities aren't always recognized and stimulated in our children.' ”

    Today, however, select programs around the country are showing teachers how to do just that. Mamie Moy is a founder of the SMART (Science and Math Applied Resources for Teachers) program at the University of Houston. Toys, she says, are the key to making science and engineering more approachable—for both students and teachers. “It's science that's being taught with very friendly things,” says Moy, also a professor of chemistry at the university. “You mention toys and they're not afraid of it. Yo-yo's, Slinkys—nobody's afraid of those. You mention a fulcrum, and immediately people freeze.”

    Moy scours dime stores for all sorts of toys and gadgets that she can use in the workshops she runs, which teach teachers how to share science with their students. Recently, she began offering workshops for the parents of elementary and middle schoolers, so they could learn how to get their kids excited about science concepts. “We're always on the lookout for fun, practical things,” she says. To illustrate wave function, for example, she uses Slinkys. “You just wave it, and see how it bobs up and down. That way, you can see wave function. You can make it go as fast as you want to, and make the frequency as great—or as short or long—as you want.”

    Moy also taught her students how to make that 70's toy classic—Shrinky Dinks—and they learned some important science principles in the process. The kids gathered clear, plastic deli trays (“You can use the styrofoam ones, she says, but they're not as dramatic”). They cut flat pieces and measured their surface area and weight. “Then we heat it, it shrinks, and we mass it again. Has it lost any mass? Has the surface area decreased? Then we do the percentage of shrinkage. It's very easy. We use toaster ovens, and we can also ask how much energy we needed to use to shrink it.” Depending on the time of year and season, the shrinky dink science projects also make good gifts—we do Halloween decorations, tree ornaments, mothers day hearts,” she says.

    Likewise, the students play with yo-yo's to learn about spin and mechanics, and silly putty to discuss polymers. “It's not that easy to talk about polymer science,” Moy says. “But we can deal with products that are polymers, and, of course, environmentally, we have a lot of discussion going on with plastics and polymers. What are the benefits? Can we live without plastics? Then we find out our body is just full of polymers—proteins, sugars, carbs, skin—these are all polymers. It's just an understanding of what it is—and what role science plays in their lives.”

    Sometimes, the kids make their own toys—like slime, a combination of Elmer's glue and borax. “When we vary the concentrations of glue, we get different products. If we use it straight out of the container, it's hard and rubbery. If we dilute it, it gets stretchier,” Moy explains. The kids can learn what the limits of dilution are in order to get the slime or whatever we're looking for.” And the best part: the kids get to keep the slime.

    Making their own toys is what it's all about at Smith College's annual KID TOY challenge. The toy and game design program was created by Smith College last year to encourage children's interest in engineering. In June, 243 teams of fifth through eighth graders took part in the competition. “We got together and decided that what would really excite kids about careers in science is not necessarily the real basic fundamentals, but what you could do with science and engineering,” says Domenico Grasso, director of Smith's Picker Engineering Program. “We decided we'd try to excite them by having a toy design competition.”

    For the contest, teams of kids—half of whose members must be girls—partner up with a parent adviser. The toys they created, Grasso says, were nothing short of impressive. One winning toy was called Wet Your Pants, a cross between the game Twister and the electronic game Simon, popular in the 80's. Squares on a stepping pad would light up in different sequences. “You have to step on them—and if you screwed up and missed it, there was an overhead sprinkler system that came on,” Grasso explains. The project brought together solenoid valves, which electrically open and close. Fail to repeat the exact pattern, and the pad sends a message to the computer, and the computer gives instructions to open the valves for an extended period of time. “These were middle school kids, and they were learning about control systems, electrical circuiting—it was a really great experience for them.” Another team created a three-dimensional globe game, complete with hurricanes to blow participants off course.

    The competition, in its second year, is an important component of Smith's engineering program, the only one in the country based at a women's college. “When I was hired as the program's founding director, one of the things I thought of doing was making engineering socially relevant,” Grasso says. The result was the TOY Tech program, which brings Smith undergraduates, through their first year design course, into the classroom to help teachers become comfortable sharing engineering lessons with their kids. “Our students had real clients, and they had to understand the basic science and develop something that would demonstrate that for middle schoolers. It's not just revolving around what they had to teach, but who the recipient would be.”

    To make it fun, some of his students, teaching a lesson on simple machines, organized a tug-of-war contest in which they gave the mechanical advantage—a pulley—to the students. “We'd have one student in middle school against a teacher or a principal of the school. The students would always win—there was no way they could lose—and that lesson really stuck with them.” The Smith students also used Nerf rocket ships to teach propulsion and trajectories. Since its inception, Grasso says, the program “has benefited everyone—the schools, our students—enormously.”

    Miami University in Middletown, Ohio, has seen a decided increase in demand among teachers for programs through its TOYS (Teaching Our Youth Science) program. There, teachers work with K'NEX sets, building toys made up of rods and connectors, to create working models of simple machines. They build ramps and cars to learn the principles of inertia. Attach magnets to toy cars, and they learn about how objects attract and repel each other. Today, the university's Terrific Science program publishes books like “Exploring Energy with Toys,” and “Science Night Family Fun.” They post projects on their Web site, www.terrificscience.org, lessons that describe activities including how to create a snazzy glitter wand and teach kids about solids, liquids, and gases at the same time.

    Head Start

    Recently the toys program began working with preschool teachers, says Susan Gertz who spearheads creative development. It published its first book for kids: Squishy, Squashy Sponges. The book delves into the ways in which preschoolers can use sponges to begin forming ideas about science. “They can learn about how the world works—that materials in your life, like sponges, behave in certain ways, that things are similar in certain ways,” Gertz says. “They might not necessarily understand why it happens, but they learn that we live in a world where things happen—and we're trying to give that some order.”

    < Chris Rogers, professor of mechanical engineering at Tufts University, where he runs the Center for Engineering Education Outreach, finds the developments encouraging. Massachusetts was the first state in the country to require engineering in its elementary and secondary curriculum. The center, now 10 years old, pairs its undergraduate engineering students with elementary school teachers and students. One of their most important teaching toys has long been that childhood staple: Legos. “They're appealing,” Rogers says, “and not nearly as scary as if we're coming in with crescent wrenches.”

    The engineering students and elementary teachers teach students how to build a sturdy wall by having their Lego bricks overlap. Then the students drop their creations from their knees, and see where they break. They also build Lego moon rovers. “They play with the gears and the pulleys, but we're not doing gear ratios, and we're not calling it torque,” explains Merredith Portsmore, the education and technology program manager for the center. “We're just teaching them to look for patterns in relationships—what's better for going up hills, or speeding across the rug?”

    Straws are used to teach kids about fluid mechanics, and transparencies to build miniature greenhouses. Through it all, Rogers says, “What we've found is that engineering problems are a great way to teach in general.” Portsmore says that one of her favorite moments was overhearing first graders arguing. The source of their debate: their Lego cars. “I heard one say, ‘Your car doesn't move because your tires are rubbing against the frame of your car—there's too much friction!'”

    Rogers adds that ensuring the kids graduate without a fear of engineering is the main goal of the center. “If you go to a cocktail party and say that you're an engineer, it's amazing how the conversation ceases,” Rogers says. “Mostly what you'll get is people saying ‘That's way too complicated for me.'”

    Ultimately, as programs show both students and their teachers how toys tie into fundamental engineering concepts, they produce students who not only are not frightened of engineering but who might actually love it.

    Anna Mulrine is a freelance writer based in
    Washington, D.C.

    Toys play a very important role in the life of a child. Playing with toys teaches children how to share, encourages imagination and fun as well as promoting life skills necessary for children's development. Toys can also be a Fun part of every

    اختيار الالعاب المناسبة للطفل

    Look for toys that are age appropriate for the child playing with the toy. *

    Comparison Shop*

    Take into account the child's interests, skills and abilities when choosing toys. *

    Read toy instructions before buying the toy to ensure that instructions are clear and review warnings.

    Inspect the toy thoroughly for quality construction, loose pieces or sharp edges..

    Try to provide children with a variety of toys that encourage different skills. Toys that encourage gross motor skills like reaching, crawling, throwing, catching and physical activity. Small motor skills are promoted by toys that require the use of fingers and hands such as building blocks, colouring with crayons, smaller toys.

    Games and toys that require directions, cooperation and rules are important in learning sharing and social skills.

    Role-playing toys can offer an opportunity to build self-esteem and skills that help children with emotional skills while also teaching them more about people and communication.

    Colouring, reading and craft activities among others will help children advance their reading, creativity and imagination.

    Independence can also be bolstered by choosing some toys that children can play with "all by themselves".

    Have fun with your child, look for toys that you can play with together. This gives you an opportunity to ensure the child plays with the toy appropriately, that the toy is appropriate for the child and learn more about your child's abilities while having fun.

    Toy Suggestions for Children

    Toy Suggestions for 1 to 3 year olds

    Toddlers are active and interested in exploring the world around them. Toys that offer physical play and coordination help encourage their gross motor skills. Small motor skills are stimulated by puzzles, books, and stacking toys. Interest in role playing toys
    and music begins to develop

    Toy Suggestions for 3 to 6 Years

    Preschools begin to engage in social play and start to master the skill of make-believe. Children oft-times develop attachments to special toys. Creative and craft oriented materials enhance small motor skills for this age group as well as laying the groundwork for printing skills. Toys that offer more physical skills are popular.

    Toy Suggestions for 6 to 9 Years

    Play becomes more challenging for school-age children as games, sports and the grown-up world draw their attention. New experiences allow children to expand their knowledge of the workings of adult life and careers of grown-ups. Science, magic and animal life are areas that begin to interest these children.

    Toy Suggestions for 9 to 12 Years

    Team sports, active play, strategic games, detailed arts and crafts and hobbies grab the attention of preteens. As their interests begin to develop, some preteens may choose to dedicate more of their time to specific activities. Computer and handheld games are
    popular with this age group

    الالعاب االبداعية تساعد الاطفال على النمو

    Marilyn Lopes
    Extension Specialist, Family Life Education
    Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
    University of Massachusetts

    Copyright/Access Information

    Every child is born with creative potential, but this potential may be stifled if care is not taken to nurture and stimulate creativity. Creativity shows one's uniqueness. It is the individual saying: "I can be; I can do." Isn't this what we want for our children? Creativity is the ability to see things in a new and unusual light, to see problems that no one else may even realize exist, and then come up with new, unusual, and effective solutions to these problems.
    طرق لتقوية الابداع لدى الاطفال
    Relax the controls. Adults who constantly exert supervision and control diminish the spontaneity and self-confidence that are essential to the creative spirit.

    Inspire perseverence. All the creative energy in the world is useless if the product is not seen through to completion. Show appreciation for a child's efforts. Suppress the impulse to accomplish tasks for children.

    Tolerate the "offbeat." Let children know that it is not always critical to have the "correct" answer to the problem - that novel, innovative, and unique approaches are valued as well.

    Provide a creative atmosphere. Creative materials should be available to the young child for his use. Some of the basic equipment includes books, records, drawing materials, objects to make sounds with, clay, and blocks. Toys for imagining: Supply preschoolers with unstructured toys and materials. Provide the child with toys that can become a variety of things. Be careful about discouraging daydreaming. Daydreaming is really an imagery process. Some of what goes on in the name of daydreaming is really problem solving.

    Planning and problem-solving. Encourage creative problem solving in a variety of ways. Teach a youngster to look at alternatives, evaluate them, and then decide how to carry them out successfully.

    Offer - but do not pressure. Resist the temptation to overcrowd children with organized activities in an attempt to cultivate their creativity. Allow the child time to be alone to develop the creativity that is innate in all of us.
    العاب ابداعية
    Have the children create a "machine" piece by piece. Some players become parts that move and make noise, while other players operate the machine. Others can then guess what it is. Try making a lawnmower with people as wheels, body, and handle, and have another player push it. Everyone can join in the sound effects as it tackles the lawn. More good objects to role play: eggbeater, record player, garbage disposal, toaster, pencil sharpener, and water fountain.

    Someone starts a story and each person adds a part.

    One of the best ways children have to express themselves is through creative dramatic play. Here they feel free to express their inner feelings. It occurs daily in the lives of young children, as they
    constantly imitate the people, animals, and machines in their world. It helps them understand and deal with the world. Stimulate this spontaneous kind of drama by providing simple props and encouragement.

    Animal Cracker Game - Child chooses one cracker; looks at it; then eats it. Then the child becomes that animal for 1-2 minutes.

    Read a story and then act it out.



    A child can develop and express his or her personality in his own way - pretending to be animals, snowflakes, fairies, giants, snails, mice, etc.

    Role playing family happenings, everyday activities such as a visit to the doctor, store or bank, day care situations, etc., stimulates creative thinking and is a good way to help children see the viewpoints of others, help them explore their own feelings, and handle their emotions.

    The following are some creative play activities that require the use of
    large muscles and help in the development of those muscles:

    Follow the Leader - The leader child moves freely about. He or she may
    imitate animals, hop, skip, or whatever. The others must follow the
    leader and act as the leader does.

    Guess What I Am? - Without saying a word, a child tries to act out the
    movements of some object. Suggestions include an airplane making a
    landing, a rooster strutting around the barnyard, a cement truck dumping
    its load, a clock telling the time of day. The child may think up
    things to do, or the teacher may whisper suggestions.

    Building with Sand, Mud and Clay - Children use large muscles to build
    sand mounds with moats around them. Sand pies and sand forts can be
    built in a sandbox, on a sand table, or at the beach. Children use mud
    to make large structures. Clay is also used to create structures and

    اسئلة مليئة بالابداع لتنمية الطفل
    Ask open-ended questions: Show the child a picture, then ask questions to stimulate and create a thinking atmosphere, for example: What are the people in the picture doing? What are the people saying? What would happen if ...?

    Ask children to use their senses: Young children may often have their creative talents stretched by asking them to use their senses in an unusual way.

    * Have children close their eyes and then guess what you have placed in their hands - a piece of foam rubber, a small rock, etc.
    * Have children close their eyes and guess at what they hear - use such sounds as shuffling cards, jingling coins, rubbing sandpaper, ripping paper, etc.

    Ask children about changes: One way to help children to think more creatively is to ask them to change things to make them the way they would like them to be, for example:

    * What would taste better if it were sweeter?
    * What would be nicer if it were smaller?
    * What would be more fun if it were faster?
    * What would be better if it were quieter?
    * What would be happier if it were bigger?
    * What could be more exciting if it went backwards?

    Ask questions with lots of answers. Any time you ask a child a question which requires a variety of answers, you are aiding creative thinking skills. Here are some examples using the concept of water:

    * What are some of the uses of water?
    * What floats in water?
    * How does water help us?
    * Why is cold water cold?
    * What always stays underwater?
    * What are the different colors that water can be?

    Other concepts: fire, sand, cars, smoke, ice

    Ask "What would happen if..." questions. These questions are fun to ask and allow the children to really use their imaginations. Here are some:

    * What would happen if all the trees in the world were blue?
    * What would happen if all the cars were gone?
    * What would happen if everybody wore the same clothes?
    * What would happen if you could fly?
    * What would happen if no one cleaned the house?

    Ask "In how many different ways..." questions. These questions also extend a child's creative thinking.

    * In how many different ways could a spoon be used?
    * In how many different ways could a button be used?
    * In how many different ways could a string be used?

    الرأي الشخصي ...

    Child Development is important when you are raising your child. As a parent, you feel the need to supply your child or children with toys to help them learn while they are playing. You may also find that playing games and playing with toys along with your child is a good way to foster child development. Child Development is characterized as helping your child grow and develop in a timely manner. A lot of this development comes naturally but you can enhance it by giving your child opportunities, attention and time.

    The best way to ensure that Child Development reaching its full potential is to provide toys geared for educational purposes. This could be as simple as blocks that have different shapes and colors to more complex toys that have some problem solving attached. You can even take the old standby toys and enhance their learning potential too. Imagninary toys, classic toys, crafts, puzzles, outdoor toys and blocks are all wonderful toys to help your child learn how to think, manipulate and develop muscles, and have fun. Give your child a chance to learn with toys and not only will your child develop normally, they may even surprise you in some areas.

    Many toys can help with child development. There are videos designed for interaction with your child and some videos are great. It is more beneficial, though, to get your child out from in front of the televsiion and get their minds activiely involved in what they are doing. And, yes, toys provide that atmosphere. You can't see it happening, but it is. It is important when fostering Child Development to make provide age appropriate toys. They will find more interest in them and you can even go a step above what the toy suggests. You will want to continue updating the toys for child development, as your child grows older but you will find that the most learning that occurs through play is done before school even starts.

    Inevitably your child will develop. They will learn how to eat, sleep and function to get basic needs met. Their minds and body are made that way. Their minds are also made to go further and they are open for learning when they are so young. Think of how a 3 and 4 year old will ask you a hundred times a day the question "why?". Take that intiuitive desir

  23. #23
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية shory
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    جزاك الله كل خير يا قلبي...الكل راح يدعلك ..وربي كنت حااايسه وبمجرد قراتي لكلامك وافكارك الخطيره ارتحت شوي...يسعدك ربي...

    يا عمري موضوعي عن (my dream jop)

    ابغى افكاااااااارك الحلوة والمميزة يا قلبو ...والعبارات الي راح اقولها قبل لا ابدا وعند نهايتي للبريزنتيشن...

  24. #24
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية shory
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    وهذا هو البريزنتيشن حقي ...اذا عندك اي اضافات ..او ملاحظات...

    my dream job

    I have lots of dreams in the future and I'll be happy if it comes true,about my
    dream job.
    Well, to be honest, I do. I would like to be a writer. You can laugh but this is the truth.
    And it's not because of the money or the fame or to be recognised when I walk down the street; it's not about that. I don't care about that. I want to be a writer because I would love to tell stories to people, things that are inside my head, inside my heart.
    When I write, I feel free, I feel extremely good. I abandon my body and I fly, I travel. I travel to the world of my imagination where everything is good. There, in that world, there is no place for mean people or for sadness or for other feelings that are bad for us. Everything is so perfect that we really want to live there.
    I think the reason why there are so many people who don't like writing is because they don't know how to do it.
    When it turns on we can't let it turn off. We have to grab it and work on it. Once we grabbed the idea, other ideas will show up and it becomes easy to write a text or even a book. I believe that's the secret!
    And I'll try to do this everytime I want to write. But I don't believe that I could be a writer in the future. It's very hard to write books with quality.

  25. #25
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Post تبون مواضيع برزنتيشن ..... تفضلوا حياكم .....

    [The subject of envy by ماشاءالله Aliki inchallah AncovSIZE="7"][/SIZE]

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