النتائج 1 إلى 8 من 8

الموضوع: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    السلام عليكم
    فرجوها علي جعلكم للجنة عندي بكره درس قرامر يونت 10 لسون 3 كيف اشرحلهم القرااااامر مو عارفة
    الفرق بين should و whould
    كيف السؤال وكيف بالضبط الاجابة عليها بليييييييييييييييز ساعدوني ياجماعه لها داعي في ظهر الغيب

  2. #2
    انجليزي مبدع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    أثناء بحثي ف المنتدى
    وجدت هذا الموضوع للعضو راجي خير

    أتمنى يفيدك

    اولا: تسمى هذه القاعدة :Modal Verbs of Probability
    وهي عشرة افعال ناقصة
    can could
    may might
    shall should
    will would
    must ought to

    ثانيا: تنقسم بحسب الزمن الى ماضي و مضارع و مستقبل

    ثالثا: لكل واحد منها استخدام او اكثر حسب قصد المتكلم

    يعني قاعدة معقدة فعلا. وتحتاج الى عرض جيد وتدرج في العرض وهذا لم يحدث في الكتاب بل عرضت عرضا سيئا جدا كباقي القواعد. مع العلم اني ارى انها قاعدة دقيقة في الفهم وكان من الأولى شرح القواعد الأهم.

    هذه مقدمة لابد منها و عفوا للاطالة.

    الجواب الأول :
    الفرق بين would و should في السؤال ( لان لهما معاني مختلفة في الجملة )

    should = When used in questions, should asks if an obligation exists.
    لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك.............?
    would = if an obligation exists with a polite request
    صيغة مؤدبة لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك.............?

    ( الصيغتان لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك .......؟ لكن would صيغة مؤدبة .)

    علما ان لهما في السؤال معاني اخرى لكن الكتاب اراد شرح عندما يكونان بصيغة الاجبار و الالزام فقط (obligation expressing )

    جواب السؤال الثاني عن الوورك بوك صفحة 9:

    1- بالنسبة كيف تعرفين العادات بالبحث و التقصي ( هم يريدون الطلاب يبحثون عن عادات الدول هاذي )
    2- هنا would في الجملة تستخدم عنما تكوني غير متأكدة من هاذي العادة.
    و should اذا كنتي متأكدة .

    تنبيه مهم متى نستخدم احد هذه الأفعال الناقصة ؟
    حسب النية المتكلم التي يريد التعبير عنها.

    اذا كنت متأكد تقول should
    اذا ما كنت متأكد تقول would يعني هي تعتمد على نية المتكلم وهذا شيء مهم جدا.

    فلو كنت متأكد فسوف اضع should لها جميعا............ او would اذا كنت ماني متأكد من هاذي العادة.

    3- بالنسبة لcan لهاعدة معاني في الجملة 1- لتعبير عن الاستطاعة مثل: .Tom can help you
    2- لتعبير عن الاحتمالية و الامكانية ( مثل would ) مثل Wild animals can be dangerous
    اي ان استخدامها يعتمد على نية المتكلم وش يبغى يقول .

    3- هذا التمرين راح اقول لطلاب يستخدمو مع العادات الي يعرفوها و متأكدين منها should و يستخدمو مع العادات الي ما يعرفونها و ماهم متأكدين منها would

    وهنالك العديد من التمارين المعقدة التي يجب ان نحذف بعضها و نعوض الطلاب بتمارين تحقق الهدف و لكن بأسلوب و اضح و سهل .

    و زيادة للفائدة

    English verbs ~ Modal verbs

    Modal verbs, also called modal auxiliaries or simply modals, are a type of auxiliary verb or helping verb. English has ten modal verbs:

    can could
    may might
    shall should
    will would
    must ought to

    Modals express the mood a verb, such as ability, possibility, necessity, or another condition. They are used with a main verb to form a sentence or a question. Modals are not conjugated, have no tense, and cannot be used without a main verb.

    When used with modal verbs (except ought), main verbs always remain in the infinitive without to.

    In a statement the word order is subject + modal + main verb.

    subject modal main verb
    They can come.
    Mike should walk.

    In questions, the word order changes to modal + subject + main verb.

    yes-no questions
    modal subject main verb
    Can they come?
    Should Mike drive?

    wh- questions
    wh- word modal subject main verb
    When can they come?
    How could he know?


    The modal can indicates possibility or ability:

    Tom can help you.
    Wild animals can be dangerous.

    Dining out can be costly.
    In questions, the modal can requests permission to do something or to ask about possibilities:

    Can I help you?
    Can Mike come over for dinner?

    Who can answer the next question?
    When can we get back the results?


    Could indicates possibility or ability in the past:

    I could have told you that.
    It could have been a disaster.

    When I was young, I could run very fast.

    Could speculates about future posibilities. In the following examples could and might are synonomous.

    It could / might rain tonight.

    That could / might be dangerous.

    In yes-no questions, could speculates about present posibilities:

    Could she be the murderer?
    Could this be a mistake?

    It can also make a request. In these examples could and can are synonomous, but could is more polite.

    Could / Can you open your window?
    Could / Can you help me move this sofa?

    Could indicates an option:

    We could go see a movie.
    I could become a doctor.

    The modal could is also used to form the conditional. The conditional contains an if clause and a result clause. Could is placed in the result clause.

    In these examples, could expresses hypothetical situations:

    If I had time, I could play tennis with you.
    We could study together, if you want to.

    If it weren't raining, we could go on a picnic.
    Could mentions something that didn't happen because a certain condition was not met:

    If we had left sooner, we could have taken the train.
    I could have passed the exam if I had studied more.

    I'm glad we took umbrellas. We could have gotten soaked.

    Shall and Will

    The modals shall/will + main verb are used to create future tenses. These modals indicate an intention or an action that is expected to happen in the future.

    When used in statements, there is no difference in meaning between these two modals; however, shall is rarely used in American English.

    I will / shall close the door for you.
    Tom will / shall meet us at the train station.

    They will / shall leave tomorrow at 8:00.
    In wh- questions, shall and will ask about options.

    Who will / shall drive the car?
    When will / shall I see you again?

    How will / shall you get here?
    What time will / shall we meet?

    In yes-no questions, shall and will have different meanings.

    Will asks a favor.

    Will / Shall you turn off the TV?

    Will / Shall you stop whining?

    Will / Shall you go with me?

    Will also asks for information or knowledge about somebody or something.

    Will / Shall Tom ever pay you back?

    Will / Shall Mars be visited by humans within twenty years?

    Will / Shall you be finished soon?

    Shall asks about a preference. In these examples, shall and should are synonomous. In American English, shall is rarely used; when it is, it's only in the first person singular and plural.

    Should / Shall I close the door?
    Should / Shall he close the door?

    Should / Shall they come back later?

    Should / Shall Tom bring food to the party?

    Should / Shall we stay here?

    May and Might

    The modals may and might indicate an uncertain future action. These two modals are synonymous.

    I may / might go to the park, or I may / might stay home.
    This may / might be a bad idea.

    It may / might rain tonight.
    iMay or can gives instructions or permission.

    You may / can now board the airplane.
    You may / can begin the exam in ten minutes.

    In yes-no questions that make a request, you can use may or can. May is more polite.

    May / Can I see your driver's license?

    May / Can we have some more water, please?

    You can might in place of may or can, but this is extremely rare in American English.

    May / Can / Might I be of some assistance?
    May / Can / Might we offer you a suggestion?


    The modal must indicates an obligation.

    You must see this movie.
    Tom must see a doctor immediately.

    Must also indicates an assumption or probability.

    My watch must be broken.
    He must have done that before moving to Spain.

    In wh- questions, must is an obligation and can be replaced with the modal should. In American English, should is much more common in these types of questions.

    When should / must we be there?
    Who should / must I talk to?

    Must can sometimes form rhetorical questions, when you want the person to stop doing something.

    Must you make so much noise? = Please be quiet.

    Must he ask so many questions? = I hope he stops asking questions.

    Should and Ought (to)

    The modals should and ought to indicate an obligation. These two modals are synonymous.

    You should / ought to call your mother.
    I should / ought to go home now.

    When used in questions, should asks if an obligation exists. Ought is never used in questions in American English.

    Should he call her?
    Should we pay now?

    When should we leave?
    What should I wear?


    Would followed by like is a polite way of stating a preference.

    I would like white wine with my fish.
    We would like a room with a view.

    In questions, would + subject + like is a polite request for a choice to be made.

    Would you like soup or salad with your meal?
    Where would you like to eat dinner?

    When would Tom like this delivered?
    Would can make a request sound more polite.

    Come here! Would you come here?
    Stop making that noise! Would you stop making that noise?

    Would explains an action as a result of a supposed or real condition.

    I would go with you if I didn't have to work.
    If I had not had to work, I would have gone with you.

    She would be surprised if you came to the party.

    Tom would drive, but he doesn't have a license.

    Would introduces habitual actions in the past.

    When I was a student, I would go swimming every day.
    When Tom lived in France, he would write me long letters

  3. #3
    انجليزي مبدع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    أثناء بحثي ف المنتدى
    وجدت هذا الموضوع للعضو راجي خير

    أتمنى يفيدك

    اولا: تسمى هذه القاعدة :Modal Verbs of Probability
    وهي عشرة افعال ناقصة
    can could
    may might
    shall should
    will would
    must ought to

    ثانيا: تنقسم بحسب الزمن الى ماضي و مضارع و مستقبل

    ثالثا: لكل واحد منها استخدام او اكثر حسب قصد المتكلم

    يعني قاعدة معقدة فعلا. وتحتاج الى عرض جيد وتدرج في العرض وهذا لم يحدث في الكتاب بل عرضت عرضا سيئا جدا كباقي القواعد. مع العلم اني ارى انها قاعدة دقيقة في الفهم وكان من الأولى شرح القواعد الأهم.

    هذه مقدمة لابد منها و عفوا للاطالة.

    الجواب الأول :
    الفرق بين would و should في السؤال ( لان لهما معاني مختلفة في الجملة )

    should = When used in questions, should asks if an obligation exists.
    لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك.............?
    would = if an obligation exists with a polite request
    صيغة مؤدبة لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك.............?

    ( الصيغتان لسؤال هل يجب علي فعل ذلك .......؟ لكن would صيغة مؤدبة .)

    علما ان لهما في السؤال معاني اخرى لكن الكتاب اراد شرح عندما يكونان بصيغة الاجبار و الالزام فقط (obligation expressing )

    جواب السؤال الثاني عن الوورك بوك صفحة 9:

    1- بالنسبة كيف تعرفين العادات بالبحث و التقصي ( هم يريدون الطلاب يبحثون عن عادات الدول هاذي )
    2- هنا would في الجملة تستخدم عنما تكوني غير متأكدة من هاذي العادة.
    و should اذا كنتي متأكدة .

    تنبيه مهم متى نستخدم احد هذه الأفعال الناقصة ؟
    حسب النية المتكلم التي يريد التعبير عنها.

    اذا كنت متأكد تقول should
    اذا ما كنت متأكد تقول would يعني هي تعتمد على نية المتكلم وهذا شيء مهم جدا.

    فلو كنت متأكد فسوف اضع should لها جميعا............ او would اذا كنت ماني متأكد من هاذي العادة.

    3- بالنسبة لcan لهاعدة معاني في الجملة 1- لتعبير عن الاستطاعة مثل: .Tom can help you
    2- لتعبير عن الاحتمالية و الامكانية ( مثل would ) مثل Wild animals can be dangerous
    اي ان استخدامها يعتمد على نية المتكلم وش يبغى يقول .

    3- هذا التمرين راح اقول لطلاب يستخدمو مع العادات الي يعرفوها و متأكدين منها should و يستخدمو مع العادات الي ما يعرفونها و ماهم متأكدين منها would

    وهنالك العديد من التمارين المعقدة التي يجب ان نحذف بعضها و نعوض الطلاب بتمارين تحقق الهدف و لكن بأسلوب و اضح و سهل .

    و زيادة للفائدة

    English verbs ~ Modal verbs

    Modal verbs, also called modal auxiliaries or simply modals, are a type of auxiliary verb or helping verb. English has ten modal verbs:

    can could
    may might
    shall should
    will would
    must ought to

    Modals express the mood a verb, such as ability, possibility, necessity, or another condition. They are used with a main verb to form a sentence or a question. Modals are not conjugated, have no tense, and cannot be used without a main verb.

    When used with modal verbs (except ought), main verbs always remain in the infinitive without to.

    In a statement the word order is subject + modal + main verb.

    subject modal main verb
    They can come.
    Mike should walk.

    In questions, the word order changes to modal + subject + main verb.

    yes-no questions
    modal subject main verb
    Can they come?
    Should Mike drive?

    wh- questions
    wh- word modal subject main verb
    When can they come?
    How could he know?


    The modal can indicates possibility or ability:

    Tom can help you.
    Wild animals can be dangerous.

    Dining out can be costly.
    In questions, the modal can requests permission to do something or to ask about possibilities:

    Can I help you?
    Can Mike come over for dinner?

    Who can answer the next question?
    When can we get back the results?


    Could indicates possibility or ability in the past:

    I could have told you that.
    It could have been a disaster.

    When I was young, I could run very fast.

    Could speculates about future posibilities. In the following examples could and might are synonomous.

    It could / might rain tonight.

    That could / might be dangerous.

    In yes-no questions, could speculates about present posibilities:

    Could she be the murderer?
    Could this be a mistake?

    It can also make a request. In these examples could and can are synonomous, but could is more polite.

    Could / Can you open your window?
    Could / Can you help me move this sofa?

    Could indicates an option:

    We could go see a movie.
    I could become a doctor.

    The modal could is also used to form the conditional. The conditional contains an if clause and a result clause. Could is placed in the result clause.

    In these examples, could expresses hypothetical situations:

    If I had time, I could play tennis with you.
    We could study together, if you want to.

    If it weren't raining, we could go on a picnic.
    Could mentions something that didn't happen because a certain condition was not met:

    If we had left sooner, we could have taken the train.
    I could have passed the exam if I had studied more.

    I'm glad we took umbrellas. We could have gotten soaked.

    Shall and Will

    The modals shall/will + main verb are used to create future tenses. These modals indicate an intention or an action that is expected to happen in the future.

    When used in statements, there is no difference in meaning between these two modals; however, shall is rarely used in American English.

    I will / shall close the door for you.
    Tom will / shall meet us at the train station.

    They will / shall leave tomorrow at 8:00.
    In wh- questions, shall and will ask about options.

    Who will / shall drive the car?
    When will / shall I see you again?

    How will / shall you get here?
    What time will / shall we meet?

    In yes-no questions, shall and will have different meanings.

    Will asks a favor.

    Will / Shall you turn off the TV?

    Will / Shall you stop whining?

    Will / Shall you go with me?

    Will also asks for information or knowledge about somebody or something.

    Will / Shall Tom ever pay you back?

    Will / Shall Mars be visited by humans within twenty years?

    Will / Shall you be finished soon?

    Shall asks about a preference. In these examples, shall and should are synonomous. In American English, shall is rarely used; when it is, it's only in the first person singular and plural.

    Should / Shall I close the door?
    Should / Shall he close the door?

    Should / Shall they come back later?

    Should / Shall Tom bring food to the party?

    Should / Shall we stay here?

    May and Might

    The modals may and might indicate an uncertain future action. These two modals are synonymous.

    I may / might go to the park, or I may / might stay home.
    This may / might be a bad idea.

    It may / might rain tonight.
    iMay or can gives instructions or permission.

    You may / can now board the airplane.
    You may / can begin the exam in ten minutes.

    In yes-no questions that make a request, you can use may or can. May is more polite.

    May / Can I see your driver's license?

    May / Can we have some more water, please?

    You can might in place of may or can, but this is extremely rare in American English.

    May / Can / Might I be of some assistance?
    May / Can / Might we offer you a suggestion?


    The modal must indicates an obligation.

    You must see this movie.
    Tom must see a doctor immediately.

    Must also indicates an assumption or probability.

    My watch must be broken.
    He must have done that before moving to Spain.

    In wh- questions, must is an obligation and can be replaced with the modal should. In American English, should is much more common in these types of questions.

    When should / must we be there?
    Who should / must I talk to?

    Must can sometimes form rhetorical questions, when you want the person to stop doing something.

    Must you make so much noise? = Please be quiet.

    Must he ask so many questions? = I hope he stops asking questions.

    Should and Ought (to)

    The modals should and ought to indicate an obligation. These two modals are synonymous.

    You should / ought to call your mother.
    I should / ought to go home now.

    When used in questions, should asks if an obligation exists. Ought is never used in questions in American English.

    Should he call her?
    Should we pay now?

    When should we leave?
    What should I wear?


    Would followed by like is a polite way of stating a preference.

    I would like white wine with my fish.
    We would like a room with a view.

    In questions, would + subject + like is a polite request for a choice to be made.

    Would you like soup or salad with your meal?
    Where would you like to eat dinner?

    When would Tom like this delivered?
    Would can make a request sound more polite.

    Come here! Would you come here?
    Stop making that noise! Would you stop making that noise?

    Would explains an action as a result of a supposed or real condition.

    I would go with you if I didn't have to work.
    If I had not had to work, I would have gone with you.

    She would be surprised if you came to the party.

    Tom would drive, but he doesn't have a license.

    Would introduces habitual actions in the past.

    When I was a student, I would go swimming every day.
    When Tom lived in France, he would write me long letters

  4. #4
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    الله يعينك...
    انا بقولك على حسب فهمي وبشكل مختصرررر
    اول شئ قلت اقراو المحادثه قراءة صامته وانا كتبت هذي الجمل واستعنت طبعا بالموقع الله يجزاهم خير
    can i take some flowers
    can i take a gift
    can i bring arabian coffee

    قرأنا المحادثه وشرحت لهم الكلمات الصعبه
    ورددنا وسبيلنق وخلصنا
    بعدين قلت عندما تريدين زيارة صديقة من دولة ثانيه تجهلين عاداتهم وتريدين اخذ هديه راح تقولين ممكن اخذ قهوة عربيه وهكذا تقرين الجمل كلها
    بعدين تقولين يجب ان اسال شخص يفهم هذه العادات
    بعدين تصيرين مجهزة لوحه كاتبه asking about appropriateness
    السؤال عن الملائمة وتشرحين كلمة البروبريتنس بمعنى هل يلائم ويناسب اخذي لها ورود او او الخ
    اوالسؤال يكون اما ب should و would +have to
    وبعدين تكتبين صياغة شود
    should+s (pro+v infinitive
    الغفل في المصدر
    وجيبي مثال
    وبعدين السهم الثاني على وود وحطي الصياغة طبعااا المصدر في كل الحالتين
    الاجابه راح تكون يس اور نو ونسميها expressing obligations
    الي هو التعبير عن الالتزام نعم يلزمك تاخذ هديه او لا يلزمك
    واشرحي لهم بس يس اي ثينك يو شود او نو اثينك شود وقولي اذ ا حابه تكملين كملي واشرحي would be fine or good idea and so on
    واتمنى من كل قلبي لك بالتوفيق
    واتمنى تدعي لي ربي يفرج كربتي لاني في هم مايعلم به الا الله ويعجل لي بالذرية الصالحه

  5. #5
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    همسات النسييييم جعلك للجنة يارب وفقك ربي الله ينورلك دربك يارب
    نورا الفهد فرج الله كربك ونور الله عليك برحمتة ومغفرتة وجعلك من النساء الودود الولود انشاءالله ويرزقك بالذرية الصااااااااااااااالحة عاااجلا غير ااااااجلاااااااا

  6. #6
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    تكفوووووووووووووووون عطونا أمثلة اكثر وتوضيح أحس لى مافهمت وانا بدرسها للبنات الاستاذة

    مافهمت كيف الطالبات !

    بس أبغى أفهمهم بشكل حلو وسهل بس ترني طالبة تطبيق لسى يعني لاشرهون علي واللي

    بيساعدوني هم دعوات وأولها الله يسخركم لي <<من الحين تدعي لنفسها !

  7. #7
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عجيب !! مشاهدة المشاركة
    تكفوووووووووووووووون عطونا أمثلة اكثر وتوضيح أحس لى مافهمت وانا بدرسها للبنات الاستاذة

    مافهمت كيف الطالبات !

    بس أبغى أفهمهم بشكل حلو وسهل بس ترني طالبة تطبيق لسى يعني لاشرهون علي واللي

    بيساعدوني هم دعوات وأولها الله يسخركم لي <<من الحين تدعي لنفسها !
    طالبة انجلش بشري كيف درسك ؟؟
    عجيب كيف مافهمت الشرح واضح ياعمري
    الحين لما تروحين لصديقة اجنبيه وتجهلين عاداتهم ومو عارفه ايش تاخذين لها هديه
    فتسألين أحد والسؤال هنا نسميه السؤال عن الملائمة هلى يلائم ويناسب اني اخذ لها ورود او هديه اااالخ
    صياغته تكون بطريقين اما ب should or would +have to
    e.g should I take a gift?
    would I have to take a gift?
    would+s"pro"+have to+verb infinitive
    يعني الفعل يكون في المصدر وجيبي مثلا في التطبيق مثال وحطي بالفعل اضافه وقولي صححي

    طيب الاجابه وش راح نسميها ؟؟؟
    نسميها expressing obligations
    وهو التعبير عن الالتزام هلى يلزمك او لا يلزمك اذن الاجابه راح تكون يس اور نو
    yes ,i think you should
    no,i donot think you should
    وبالتوفيق يااااارب وطمنينا وش راح يصير معاك

  8. #8
    كبار الشخصيات الصورة الرمزية مهــا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2007
    In my world
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: من فــرج علي مـسلم فـرج الله علـية يــــــوم الـقيـامة

    الله يجزاكم خير جميعاً

    ما قصرتوا والله


    كلما استحدث الله لك نعمة، فليكن همك أن تستحدث له طاعة ...

    ما لا يكون بالله لا يكون .. وما لا يكون لله لا ينفع ولا يدوم ...

    إنما العيش أن لا يبقى منك جارحة إلا وهي تجاذبك إلى طاعة الله ...

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. مساااااااااااااااااعده تكفون والله محتاجتكم الله يفرج علي من بيفرج علي
    بواسطة angil-22 في المنتدى منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية العام
    مشاركات: 4
    آخر مشاركة: 07-11-2009, 03:07 PM


ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك