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الموضوع: Can you write a story?

  1. #26
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية اسيــ حبه ــرة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    ..My Ro0om::..
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    "red indian" , it's correct
    I never heard native speakers say it
    I thought it was wrong

    sorry Special Miss :D

    I'd be delighted if you'd send me your work. I'm sure it'll be great just like you
    ohhh sweety, I'll be happy to do so.. but I'm so lazy now to complete my story
    maybe after I finish my college I'll get more time for it

    Since I've started writing this story, You've been there to read every line and tell me how much you've enjoyed it. I thank you so much for your lovely words
    don't mention it.. I was happy to read them.. such talent CAN'T go unnoticed
    u deserve it

    my sincere wishes


  2. #27
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    [:Hi again, everone
    I've been so glad with your responses that I felt tempted to send you another part of my story, knowing that someday I'll read yours.
    I hope you don't get bored. I told you that I'm not good in writing SHORT stories because whenever I want to end it, I feel that there are more things to add. Here's the new part. I hope that you like it:

    [LEFT] Richy did not have any appetite for food that day. Usually, he used to eat what was enough to keep him alive. He was used to eating alone in his room where Mrs.Slim brought him the meals. But it was different on that day. Richy was so angry that he did not touch his food and he did not want to talk to anyone. It was simply because he believed that no one could understand him. He did not know that the servents in the house were worried about him. He did not know that they liked him very much because of his gentle, good treatment to them. They were too busy worrying to pay attention to Jimmy. The little devil sneaked into the kitchen where he found a pie which the cook had made for dessert. He wasn't able to defeat the temptation of the big, good smelling cherry pie and that is why the plate was empty when the cook returned to have a look at his pie. Jimmy became sick after over felling his stomach with the pie and this caused his father to be worried. "I can't believe this, sir!" said Mrs.Slim. "You've never felt worried about Master Richard like this".
    "Why should I?! If you want me to worry about him, I'll be worried continuously for the rest of his life".
    "At least, he doesn’t give me much trouble like Jimmy does. He didn’t stop whining and acting like a baby. Richy never makes a sound, but lies quietly in his bed".
    "That’s because he is used to the pain, Mrs.Slim".
    "Any way, sir, these exciting events made me forget to give you this letter", she said, handing him a letter."It has arrived this morning".
    Mr.Harder opened the letter and read it. No longer had he finished reading it, he gave a loud cry. "Heavens! Aunt Martha is coming for a visit next week".
    "Well, I'm glad. Richy will be so happy".
    "Why should she come now? I didn’t expect her to come back since the fight we had last year".
    "Sir, the cause of that fight was very silly and and I'm sure that Mrs.Clame was kind enough to forget all about it".
    "Silly! What is silly about my son's behaviour!? She fought with me because she thought that I can’t be a good father for Jim. She thought that I caused him to have very shameful attitudes".
    "But Jimmy was guilty, sir. What he had done was horrible, you know".
    "No, it wasn’t. She couldn’t take the lad's joke properly".
    "Joke! Do you call putting a snake in the lady's dress a joke, sir?! The poor woman nearly died of fear!"
    "Enough of that, Mrs.Slim", cried Mr.Harder, feeling tired of speaking of the subject and maybe he did not want to discuss the matter because he did not find a convencing reason to defend his son with. "Make everything ready to greet the lady. I don’t want to hear any complaints from her". He was interrupted by Barry who told him that Mr.Tomson, the owner of the neibouring farm, was demanding to see him. Mr.Harder went out to find out what the man wanted, hoping that it wasn’t another complaint of his son. As he stepped out to see Mr.Tomson, he cried: "Whatever it is, Jim didn’t do it!"
    "Why don’t you ask about the matter befor defending your son, Mr.Harder?" asked Mr.Tomson angerly while showing a number of broken eggs.
    "You can't assume that Jim did this", said Mr.Harder, confidently.
    "And why is that?"
    "Because Jim is in his bed right now and he is not feeling well".
    "But I assume your son was wearing brown pants, wasn’t he?"
    "What does this prove?" Mr.Harder was astonished when Mr.Tomson pulled a piece of brown cloth out of his pocket.
    "My dog was able to bite this of the boy's pants as he was trying to escape", said Mr.Tomson, patting his dog's head.
    "But you can't prove that it belongs to Jim!" As soon as Mr.Harder finished his sentence, Mr.Tomson's dog began parking at something hanging from the tree next to them. The two men looked up and were surprised to see Jimmy hanging from a branch. He was trying to sneek into his room through the window near the branch. When Mr.Harder saw that there was a piece of cloth torn of Jim's brown pants, his ears became red with anger and imbarressment.
    "Does this mean that I can save you the trouble of climbing the tree after me and climb down?" grinned Jimmy.
    "What an unusual kind of fruit your trees produce, Mr.Harder!" laughed Mr.Tomson.

    Aunt Martha

    Martha Clame was Mr.Harder's aunt, his mother's sister, whom he always thought about as a troublesome person. He hated her long lectures about good management and fatherhood. Aunt Martha was so fond of Richy and thought of him as a very bright lad. On the other hand she was rather strict with Jimmy who hated her visits. That was his reason for trying to get rid of her whenever she paid them a visit.
    It was the day of Aunt Martha's arrival. Everything was ready. The house was so clean that everything in it shone, flowers were put in each room and Jimmy was told a hundred times to behave. Richy was so excited that he asked Mrs.Slim to allow him to greet Aunt Martha out side but Mrs.Slim ,who was concerned with his delecate health, allowed him only to greet her at the door step. Aunt Martha arrived to find everyone waiting for her."Why, Richard! You look as bright as ever", she told Richy as she gave him a hug and a kiss on his forehead. "It's good to see you again, Aunt Martha", greeted Mr.Harder. "Don’t lie to me, now, John", she replied. "I know that you're not happy to see me but I had to come back to see what you’ve been doing wrong without my advice. And where is the little divel whom you’ve created. Jim, move a way from those curtains", she said as she walked to the curtains at the end of the room and opened them to find Jimmy hiding behind them. "Now, is this a proper way to meet your Aunt Martha?" she said, hugging him.
    Although Aunt Martha was tired from the long journy, she prefered to sit alittle with the boys befor going to rest in her room. She, for the hundredth time, reminded Mr.Harder of how well he used to behave when she was incharge of the house during his parents' usual absence. Oh, how much Mr.Harder hated this topic to be told infront of his sons, especially when she told about the many times she spanked him. He was so glad when she went to her room, leaving him in peace. Jimmy did not like her visits either and planned a warm welcome to please his Aunt Martha. He knew that his Aunt Martha loved frogs. In fact, she loved them so much that whenever she saw one of them, the house would echo her loud scream which could be heard for miles. That is why he went out before dinner time to bring the precious gift for Aunt Martha.
    At supper time, it was surprising to find Jimmy sitting in his place at the table without troubling anyone to search for him as usual. "Well, I consider this an improvement, Jim", said Aunt Martha as she sat to have dinner. "John", she called Mr.Harder. "I think I told you to make Richard have his dinner in the dining room. I don’t know how hard hearted you are to let your son have his supper alone". Richy was brought down and was seated in a seat next to Aunt Martha. The servents served the plates, covered as Aunt Martha had ordered. "Well, Jim", she said to Jimmy. "I can notice some improvement in your behaviour. You didn’t tear up your shirt as usual".
    "I m not sure about this, Aunt Martha", said Richy in a calm voice.
    "What do you mean, Richard?", she asked.
    "The thread used in his sleave was white in the morning. I don’t know how it turned blue in the evening, Aunt Martha".
    "Why, Jim!" cried Aunt Martha. "You've sewn it again, didn’t you?! You're as clumsy as ever".
    O, how much Jimmy wished that he had put the frog in Richy's plate instead of Aunt Martha's but the loud scream which Aunt Martha gave made him feel better.
    "Jim!" cried Aunt Martha, angerly. "You won't have any supper tonight!"
    "But this is unfair, Aunt Martha!" cried Mr.Harder. "You punish the boy instead of rewarding him for sewing his shirt to please you!"
    "What are you saying, John?! When will you stop defending your son's mistakes?"
    "But it is Richard who should be punished for telling on his brother".
    "You can't prevent the boy from eating! He is barely alive".
    "It's alright. I expect him to die, any way".
    Those words were the last straw which broke the mule's back. Richard couldn’t indure his father's hard words any more. He wanted to leave his chair to mount his wheel-chair and leave the room. But, since his legs were so weak to carry him, he fell to the floor. Jimmy harried to help him up but as he touched his hand, Richy gave a loud cry of anger. "Leave me alone!", he cried while pulling his hand away from Jimmy's. He tried to get up several times before the servents put him in his wheel-chair. Richard felt weak and useless but there was another feeling which was so fearful to him. He felt dead.
    "Jim", Aunt Martha said, standing up. "I want to see you in the liberary when you finish your supper". Jimmy knew very well that Aunt Martha will scold him because of his behaviour but he also knew that she will be very angry with him if he didn’t go to see her as she asked. He went into the liberary to find Aunt Martha standing infront of the fire place."Sit down, Jim", she told him, pointing to a chair in the middle of the room. "Listen to me carefully, Jim", she said as she turned to face him, giving her back to the fire place. "I want you to know that I don’t like the way you behave. You must put in your tiny, little head that life is not a place for fun only. You must work on improving your behaviour and your lessons in order to be a gentle man and be able to go to one of the best schools". Aunt Martha was busy talking to the boy that she did not notice that her long skirt had cought fire.
    "Aunt Martha!" interrupted Jimmy.
    "Now, Jim!" she said, angerly. "You know it isn't polite to interrupt people".
    "But, Aunt Martha..."
    "Jim, how impolite of you!" cried Aunt Martha, feeling her anger increasing. But her anger turned into fear when she smilled something burning and turned around to find her skirt on fire. Jim laughed and laughed, watching his aunt running about the room, screaming at the top of her lungs. The servents rushed into the room to know the cause of the horrible screams and were shocked to see Aunt Martha jumping around the room while Jimmy was laughing hystorically at the situation. "Heavens! Somebody, bring some water!" cried Aunt Martha. It was Mrs.Slim who brought a pocket of water and boured it on Aunt Martha. Jimmy fell to the floor, laughing so hard that his eyes were full of tears. Aunt Martha stood, glaring at him in innormous anger.
    "Why didn’t you warn me, Jim?" she asked him, angerly when he calmed down and was able to sit in his seat again.
    "I tried, Aunt Martha", he said with a big smile on his face. "But you said that I shouldn’t intrrupt people when they are talking".
    Aunt Martha had nothing to say.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة special miss ; 28-04-2009 الساعة 07:55 PM
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  3. #28
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية BloumagrieT
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    special miss

    eww ^^

    It's a lovely part and funny part!!

    I really enjoyed it..

    Mr. Harder is really hateful and cruel!!

    How could he say such thing about his son

    "It's alright. I expect him to die, any way".

    I felt so sorry for Richy.. I won't blame him if he truns out to an evil person..

    I loved Jimmy though he is a nughty and carefree but he is really funny and he cares

    so much about his brother..

    Aunt Martha is funny and she'll go totally banana because of jimmy..


    I loved the fire scene so much .. It's helarious..

    Keep it up sweetie.. I'll be waiting for the next part..


    أســـ حبه ـــــيرة

    It'll be my pleasure if you check this link

    Red Indian

    The word is correct but it's considered offensive that's why you don't hear native speakers use it..

    Have a nice day every one


    " اللهم استعملني في طاعتك "


    أستغفر الله العظيم التواب الرحيم لذنبي
    وللمسلمين والمسلمات و المؤمنين والمؤمنات
    الأحياء منهم والأموات إلى يوم الدين

  4. #29
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Dear, SoOoSoOo
    Thanks for your lovely lines. I'm really really happy that you've liked the story.
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  5. #30
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية اسيــ حبه ــرة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    ..My Ro0om::..
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Thank you for clarifying things Soso


    Special Miss

    at this point, I'll repeat

    Well done

    Jimmy is so much like nowadays children
    like when he said

    "I tried, Aunt Martha", he said with a big smile on his face. "But you said that I shouldn’t intrrupt people when they are talking".
    u don't know how much I laughed..

    very well indeed

    another thing, this story seems so much similar to Huckleberry Fin story
    if u have read it..


  6. #31
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    [CENTER]Thanks a lot, my dear friend
    You don't know how happy I become when you shine upon my pages>
    I really didn't notice the similarity between Jimmy and Huck until you mentioned it ti me.
    I actually wanted to make Jimmy as naughty as I used to be when I was his age.
    (You don't want to know what I'd done :smile (98 ):
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  7. #32
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    [SIZE="5"]Hi again, everyone
    How are you all doing?
    I told you before that I'm not really good in writing short stories. So I have more things to add , if it's all right with you.
    This is the new part

    I hope you all like it

    The First Guests

    "I believe that your house does not see the sight of people very often, John", said Aunt Martha who sat nitting by the fire while gazing at Mr.Harder. Mr.Harder, who was sitting in the opposite sofa, seemed like a child compared to the woman with the strong tone.
    "Who needs people, Aunt Martha?" he answered impatiantly.
    "No wonder that you have such an annoying son who doesn’t know a thing about the proper hospitality".
    "Well, I know that Richard can be a little bit dull but ..."
    "It's Jim whom I'm speaking about, you silly man!" she shouted, impatiantly. "And don’t you try to defend the young devil. I came up with a decission and don’t try to stop me. I'm inviting some people to spend some days with us".
    "What!" shouted Mr.Harder, pushing himself of the sofa. "How could you do this to me, Aunt Martha? You know very well that I don’t get along with the type of people you like".
    "You never learned how to behave in a good manner, John. You've always went astray and I don’t want the same to happen to your sons. I made a mistake when I left you and the boys alone but I won't do it again".
    "But, Aunt Martha ..."
    "I've already written to Mr.Sanders and invited him and his family to come and spend a couple of days here".
    "You mean that Mr.James Sanders, the owner of Drairy Lawn, is coming here!?" asked Mr.Harder with a gleam of interest in his eyes.
    "Yes, and I know what you're thinking. He is the owner of a great fortune since his company is doing a great progress in buisness and commerce. I know you're longing for a good buisness with the man but this visit is a chance for the boys to mingle in another kind of social practise. Mr.Sanders has come with his family from London to spend the vacation here. I've met them many times and you know that I and his wife are good friends. So, I want no word from you against this visit and I'll make the proper preparations for it".
    For the following days, Aunt Martha had been busy making everything ready to receive the guests. She did not forget to talk to the boys about the good hospitality and the fine behaviour. She did not find much trouble with Richy but Jimmy was a creature who could not be trusted. He had his own ideas of the new visiters. It would have been alright if Mr.Sanders had sons instead of daughters. Jimmy, who was famouse of being a girls' hater, thought that it is horrible to indure two girls in the house and he became very upset.
    On the day before the Sanders' arrival, Jimmy managed to escape from Aunt Martha's long lectures on proper hospitality and ran of to meet his friends.
    "I believe you must be very upset about those guests, aren't you?" asked Tom Telney.
    "You can't imagine! This Aunt Martha of mine messes everything. Now, our plans to spend a week in our hide-out are ruined".
    The boys were gothered in their hide-out which was a little cottage they have built under a thick cover of bushes. The little hide-out stood near a little stream and the bushes which covered the hide-out were full of fresh barries.
    "I don’t think that being around girls could be bad at all!" said Tom as a sly smile spread across his face. The boys opened their eyes and mouths wide in astonishment. They were speechless. Is this Tom, the most famous girls' hater, speaking?
    "I don’t believe you're saying this, Tom!" Larry said as he removed a cover of leaves and little branshes from a little hole next to him. Out of the hole, he fetched a glass jar full of biscuits, cookies, and sweets. Looks like the barries were not enough to satisfy the boys. So, they made an oath to save the candy they get in the secret jar so that they could share it during their meetings.
    "It's more horrible to hear you say such a thing, Tom ", cried Ben as he reached for a cookie.
    "What are you thinking, Tom?" asked Jimmy. "I know that you have an idea whenever you say an unusual thing".
    "I like your brightness, Jimmy", Tom mumbled as he stuffed his mouth with sweets. "If you can't tolerate the girls, use them for fun. This is the use of them anyway".
    "Yes!" cried Ben. "You could scare them to death".
    "I bet it will be more fun than scaring that old aunt of yours", laughed Larry.
    "You re right!" cried Jimmy, joyfully. "Why didn’t I think of that?!"
    "Maybe because you stayed with that no good brother of yours for too much", said Tom.
    "Don’t talk of him that way!" Jimmy said, angerly. "You know how much I dislike ill talking about Richy".
    "But, Jimmy, he can't do anything. He can't ride horses the way you do, he can't play baseball, and he can't climb trees ..." said Larry.
    "I bet he can't even walk out of his room, can he, Jimmy?" teased Ben.
    "Enough of his brother!" cried Tom when he saw how red Jimmy's face became because of anger.
    "But this no good brother of mine", began Jimmy. "is smart. He reads a lot. He is good in history, mathematics, and even in geography although he doesn’t go to school. You aren't good in any of these things. Isn't this right, Tom?"
    Tom and the boys sat silently. They could've started a fight with Jimmy but they knew how furious Jimmy could be when he gets angry. Larry, who was the biggest boy among them, couldn’t forget the pain which Jimmy caused him when he punched him on his face and broke two of his teeth. They knew very well that it was difficult to calm Jimmy down when he was angry.
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  8. #33
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية BloumagrieT
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    special miss

    You're so special indeed

    This shows how much Jimmy loves his brother, Richy.

    It's short but good enough dear

    I'll be waiting for the next part.. There'll be more action in it..

    I don't know but we and little Jimmy shouldn't under estimate girls



    " اللهم استعملني في طاعتك "


    أستغفر الله العظيم التواب الرحيم لذنبي
    وللمسلمين والمسلمات و المؤمنين والمؤمنات
    الأحياء منهم والأموات إلى يوم الدين

  9. #34
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    [CENTER]Dear, SoOoSoOo
    Thanks a lot for your beautiful lines.
    I'm really encouraged to write more and more.
    The next part is coming soon....
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  10. #35
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Wow thats soOoOOo great huny

    you just reminded me with my own stories lol

    check them out and tell me what do u think all???



    have a good time ^_^

  11. #36
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    wo0o0w it's a good idea

    keep going

    i'll try to write short story

    thank you
    miss special

  12. #37
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Thanks a lot, everybody for the beautiful responses.
    I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be here for some time because of mysickness
    but I'll try to make up for that

    The First Meeting

    "Morning at last! I thought it will never stop raining. I've heared Mrs.Slim once saying that if it rained for a whole night, it is a sign of bad luck. Maybe my father is going to do something bad to me to embarress infront of his guests whom are supposed to arrive today. They will surely hate me just like my father. That’s what I'm used to. But Barry said once that raining for a whole night is a sign of good luck. Maybe I could be lucky for once in my life and my father will leave me alone. Jimmy got depressed when he knew that the Sanders have no sons to play with, but he got over it when Tom Telney told him that it is even better because he will have the chance to bully the two girls. I don’t like Tom. He is very mean. He saw me only once when I was reading by my window and he laughed at me. He even called me little Miss Richy. I think that Jimmy likes him because he is the rudest and toughest boy around. I think that he didn’t notice his big belly, his square shaped head or his nose which is similar to that of a pig".
    Richy lay still in bed. He had no desire of getting up or having breakfast. He looked towards the window which hid behind the curtains. If only he could walk to the window to open it and feel the morning breez touching his pale cheeks. It was no use of wishing for all this. All what Richy was able to do was to climb into his wheel-chair, which was next to him, and turn its wheels to move towards the window. As he drew the curtains and let the lights of dawn slip into his room. He took a look outside, into the garden. There, something made him have another closer look. He had read so many fairy tails. One of them was about Snow White, a princess whom he thought of as a vision and a non-real beautiful heroine. But there she was, sitting by the white flower bushes with a white flower in her hand. Her hair was long, thick, shiny and as dark as the night. She looked up. Her eyes were wide and dark, but they shone with pleasure and excitement. Her mouth curved into a little smile when she saw the boy but her smile was enough to incourage him to move a way from the window. He backed away and headed for the door to call one of the servents. It was time to wash and meet the Sanders.
    "Do you think that they’ll like me, Mrs.Slim?" Richy asked Mrs.Slim while she was combing his golden hair.
    "Of course, they will. You're smart and you know how to behave you're self very well".
    "Don’t you think that my father will embaress me infront of them?"
    "You must be sure of yourself, son, and nothing your father does will affect you".
    "Who was the girl sitting in the garden this morning?"
    "Which one?"
    "She has dark hair and dark eyes, and she looks like little Snow White".
    "Ah! You mean little miss Abbigale. She is a nice little angle. I liked her from the moment I saw her stepping out of the carriage with that delightful smile on her face".
    "She sounds like a nice person".
    "O, wait until you meet her, lad".
    "What about Mr. and Mrs.Sanders? Are they as nice as Abbigale?"
    "I think they are. I didn’t speak to them but I don’t like their snobby, light headed daughter".
    "Who is she?"
    "Her name is Lucy. She is beautiful but too cold for a young child like herself. You take one look at her and you think that she is no child at all but a grown up lady. Yet, her snobish behaviour makes her less glamorous".
    Richy was helped by two servents to get downstairs. As the wheels of his chair roled into the guest room, where everyone gothered, Richy had a look around the room. His father was busy having what seemed a delightful conversation with Mr.Sanders while Aunt Martha and Mrs.Sanders were busy talking about how fashionable a person could become in a city like Paris. But where was Jimmy? O, there he was, sneeking from behind a sofa in which sat a little girl with curls of golden hair. She sat quietly, gazing at the fire place. She didn’t stay like this for long because she gave a cry and jumped in horror when Jimmy threw a little kitten into her lab. "How could you!?" she cried. "How could you throw such an ugly, dirty creature like this on me? Aren't you afraid of of catching a dreadful disease by merely touching it?" Her green eyes flashed in anger and her ears turned red.
    "Oh, you can't say such things, Lucy", said Abbigale, who moved towards the little creature and took it in her hands. "It is so adorable and cute that no one could say that it could cause any harm".
    "Then, make your hands dirty if you want to", Lucy said angerly. "But I'm not touching this thing. It could spoil my dress".
    Abbigale said nothing, but carried the kitten and walked away from Lucy. "She is really nice", thought Richy. "I wonder if she will like me as she liked the little animal". His thoughts were interrupted by someone calling for him. "Young man!" called Mr.Sanders. "You must be Richard. Mrs.Clame told us lots about you". He walked to Richy and gave him his hand. "I'm very glad to meet you".
    "I'm very glad to meet you as well, sir", said Richy as he took Mr.Sanders's hand.
    "Why, you've got a handsome son here, Mr.Harder", Mr.Sanders told Mr.Harder.
    "He sure does", said Mrs.Sanders, in a snobish tone, as she walked towards them. "He is charming, dear Mrs.Clame. He is just the way you described him".
    "It’s a shame he is weak", said Lucy coldly while she remained in her place in the sofa. Richy looked at her but she looked away from him arrogantly. Richy was invited into the room to have a good time with the other children. It was nice of Mr.Sanders to push his wheel-chair to a corner where the children gothered. As soon as the children were left alone, Jimmy pulled one of Lucy's golden curls and ran a way while she cried in anger, but soon regained her calmness and sat quietly. She didn’t even look at Richy and this made him feel a good need for crying. It was true that Lucy wasn’t nice. It was true that she was scornful and proud, but she was also very beautiful. She had something in her that made people like her.
    "My name is Abbigale", Abbigale told Richy, as she took his hand in hers. "But you may call me Abby".
    "And it would be better if you would call me Richy".
    "Your father doesn’t call you Richy".
    "Does your father call you Abby?"
    "Neither does he or my Mama ".
    "You are different from Lucy. You are much nicer".
    "And you are nicer than Jimmy. You don’t hate girls like him. He said that he hates girls. You are not like him".
    By lunch time time, Abby and Richy became good friends. When the two families sat together to have lunch, Richy was able to absorve the Sanders more closely. Mr.Sanders was quite a fat man with a round face and it was easy to recognize the wisps of grey hair on his head. But Richy liked his jolly smile and relaxed expression. Mrs.Sanders was rather a thin woman but she was beautiful. Richy figured that Lucy must have inhereted her mother's green eyes although Lucy's eyes were more attractive. Then, he had a look at Lucy. She was very beautiful. She looked like a little doll with her shiny, golden curls and her wide, green eyes which were framed by her long eye-lashes. But her behaviour was not that of a little girl but that of a proud young lady. When Richy turned towards Abby, he saw that she was so unlike her sister. It was true that Abby wasn’t stunningly beautiful like Lucy, but Richy considered her very beautiful with her rosy cheeks and her dark, thick hair which shone in the light of the lamps. What made Abby more beautiful was her nice attitude towards everyone. As they all finished their lunch, Richy moved the wheels of his chair to move to the liberary and sit in his usual solitude when he felt someone pulling his chair. "Don’t you like to go out to the gardens with me, Richy?" Abby asked him. "I'd like to see your flowers".
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  13. #38
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية BloumagrieT
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    special miss

    Interesting title dearest

    I'm free at last to enjoy the part

    You'll hear from me this weekend sweetie


    " اللهم استعملني في طاعتك "


    أستغفر الله العظيم التواب الرحيم لذنبي
    وللمسلمين والمسلمات و المؤمنين والمؤمنات
    الأحياء منهم والأموات إلى يوم الدين

  14. #39
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Good day Miss,
    Thanks for what you issued and really story writing is something special for students as they emblement an d incorporate their skills and imagination. I have a word for you as I tried it and am trying it already . Use
    pictures and get your kids describe them. You can help in many ways to facilitate this process by asking
    yes - no questions or even simple wh-questions or even starting to describe and helping ur kids flow as a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks a gain for what u fired and that's really an interesting and nice topic.
    Sayed El-Bindary , english Mentor.

  15. #40
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية special miss
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    Never Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Thanks a lot, Mr. Sayed for your out-standing opinions
    As a teacher, I value your methods. I am using some of them in the meantime but I will work more on guiding my students through them.
    Tomorrow isn't only another day; it is also another chance!

  16. #41
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية Undercover woman
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    In English land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    When I was young I used to write but I stooped because no one read my stories
    They say it is too long
    now I have new hope
    Thank you
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  17. #42
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    nice story

  18. #43
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية BloumagrieT
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    special miss

    That was a lovely part

    Keep going my dear please

    As I said before lots of change will happen because of the visitors

    I'm waiting for the next part


    " اللهم استعملني في طاعتك "


    أستغفر الله العظيم التواب الرحيم لذنبي
    وللمسلمين والمسلمات و المؤمنين والمؤمنات
    الأحياء منهم والأموات إلى يوم الدين

  19. #44
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية Tiamo
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Can you write a story?

    Hi ..

    great idea .. I love it ..

    Umm I have just wrote paragraph that express my condtion ,, It is story ok?
    but a short story ...

    Two years ago , I said to my mother that I loved girl ... very beautiful girl .. her fairness made her a queen between all girls .She made them very angry cuz she was better than them .. in eveythings

    She was perfect in her .. shape .. heart .. soul ... everything

    I couldn't win on myself so I went to my mother to tell her about the girl ... I wanna marry her .. my mother was happy .. we went to her father .. But he refused me

    I couldn't marry the girl that I wanted oh... I am not lucky any more ...

    do you know who was the girl ?

    the girl was Football >> Go ooooooooout


    Thanks ,

    إذا أردت ان تعيش سعيدا فلا تحلل كل شيء فإن الذين حللوا الألماس وجدوه فحما !!

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