السلام عليكم أرجو المساعدة طلب منا الدكتور في الجامعة عمل إنتر فيو وعليه نصف درجة الميجر بشرط أن يكون خلي من الأخطاء الإملائية والقواعدية ولق كتبت هذه المقابلة أرجو من أهل التخصص التعديل إذا وجد خطء المطلوب مني تسليمها يوم السبت ولكم مني جزيل الشكر والعرفان

I've interviewed Mr. Alaa Al-Ghamdi, who I met him in the classroom ENGL 102 (The short composition ). I Began the interview by asking the usual questions ,What's your name ? He answered my question "My name is Alaa Al-Ghamdi". Where do you come from? I asked him, He answered my question " I come from Jeddah city ". He replied to me when I asked him" When do you come to Yanbu University College ?", "I come to Yanbu University College Two years ago. He answered " I'm reading when I have time and I like sea sport Like diving and fishing and skiing " When I asked him about his hobbies . After our tea, I've asked him too Remained me how do we mate? He laughed out loud then he answered my question " We met in English class and we have near seat it the front of class, ( hhhhhhhhh) We are the best student in the class ". After I asked him about using of technology he answered me " I use technology in all my life in home in car in boat every wear " . Then we talked a little about using of I pad " I use I pad, it gives me I lot of ideas like translations and eBooks and notebooks " he told me that . I asked him if somebody tells him about this technology our he discovered it by himself he answered me " I discover it by myself and my father because he is an engineer he pouch me into technology life ". I think Alaa is good man and I advising him to learn more about technology because it makes life easier .