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الموضوع: a story by : Try

  1. #1
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    a story by : Try

    I have written this story three or four years ago
    so if is there any grammar mistakes plz never mention it looooooool

    here you'll find the same story in Arabic

    it was late night .

    When I was walking through the streets, I was thinking of what to buy !
    I tried to remember what my mother told me to buy, damn !! she will got angry if I came home without what she asked me to get !

    In my way, and while I was reminding what to buy …
    I passed by some kind of truck it is a " jeep" I guess !

    but apparently it was moving.

    The car was moving !!!!! Do you read me??? the car was moving slowly from right to left and the other way around !!!

    Nobody were there no one in the street except myself !! Also, the street was dark and no lamps were there

    which makes it terrifying me before that shit started to move !

    So, my heart starts his job beating at a high level ! so strong too hard !! trembling
    Actually, it was a terrible situation because, I still at the beginning of the street and there is a long journey I have to do a crossing that evil street and to go through it !

    I dare to give a step after step and the car still silent no sounds no moving

    For the Eleventh step, or say so, I felt as the car revert to move again but, this time sound comes out sound like a moaning so I give my feet a little bit of courageous and weeeeeeeer foreerra ! running through the
    street as a crazy guy

    .By the End of the street I felt save I felt ok ! everything is all right except the money !
    I have lost my mother's money in that evil street I won't come back to it again
    Will at least this night !


    coming back home imagine the situation you will laugh at me !! but I won't talk any further…

    next day , afternoon :.

    the next day in a daylight I returned to that street. Of course I have company this time, the people around me I talk to this I talk to that.. everything is ok !
    So now I can check out this scary car and scary street !
    Therefore, I watched that car which made me terrifying
    last night ! in fact I gave it a glance no more ! I dare not to get near from it
    Anyway, it is still there ! I wonder who is the owner of it, and why he parks it there with no cars !
    I asked some of my friends to help me waiting for anyone to come and drive this horrible car !



    5 minutes later,
    He " my friend" tells me : why you want to wait for this car ?
    I've got astonished what to say to him !
    suddenly I found something !
    I said to him : yes I'm waiting for this car in order to know it belongs to who ?
    what a smart answer huh !
    He fires me another stupid question by saying: why you want to see its owner do you have anything to say to him ??
    Well ! what to say now if I answered him again he won't stop questioning ! so I totally ignored him!
    He return with the same question ! now I answered him in abridgment saying !
    If you want to wait with me please keep silent otherwise, you can go !
    He gives a strong react by saying
    What a stupidity from you dear liquid milk !!
    do you think I'm a fool one to be led by the nose
    to the hell dear to the hell ( or say so !
    I said thank you ( yejee menak Akthar !
    I continued waiting for any clue that might help me know what makes that car moving last night but unconsciously, I walked and have looked at the ground searching for the money I have lost last night and I forgot that it was afternoon and people can't left such 50 riyals dancing on the floor!
    All the morning !!
    do you think so !!
    After one completely slowly and wearily hour I decided to return to the same street at night but first, I will search for a new friend to help me instead of that angry one.
    It will be a crazy night I will take my weapon which include
    5 RBGs , 21 stinger missiles , 10 grenades and 15 c4
    With a stench from my back

    End of part 1.
    الحساب الأول وهو خاص بمادة اللغة الانجليزية
    الحساب الثاني وهو ايضاً مكمل للغة الانجليزية مع بعض الخلفيات
    والملفات العربية الطيبة وبرنامج نور على الدرب لأبن باز رحمه الله
    والحساب الثالث والاخير هو حساب اسلامي عام

    واجمل المنى للجميع [/MARK]

  2. #2
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Meant To be
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    DaRknEsS of NoWhErE
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try


    The same old story that I will never forget, but this time in English

    Bloody hell, what a story, you know what brother, I feel like I love it this time in contrary with the one written in Arabic

    I like the way you used the suitable words here,with those weapons, you remind me with that game called " Metal Gear " you know me well that I loved it so much it's been more than 5 years man

    Anyway, As you mentioned above about the grammatical mistakes, needless to mention'em

    Go ahead man for the 2nd part, we'll be waiting you

    Wish you best of luck

    I'm sorry all,

    I had to leave .....

    Uncertain time ,,, MNBA!!!


  3. #3
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Samaya
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    Still Flying
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    Hi brother ,,,,Good morning

    You have a nice story

    but ( if you don't mind(

    I think the word
    not good for us to use it as a muslims

    Try To Reach
    I hope the happiness is your road
    اللهم ياودوود ياذا العرش المجيييد يافعال لما تريد
    اسالك بعزك الذي لا يرام وبملكك الذي لايضام
    وبنورك الذي ملأ اركان عرشك
    ان تشفي والدتي وتذهب عنها ما ألمها00اللهم اشفها 00 اللهم اشفها00 اللهم اشفها 00
    اللهم يااامغيث اغثها ..... اللهم يااامغيث اغثها ......
    ... اللهم يااامغيث اغثها ...

  4. #4
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية القلب الساهي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    مملكة ابومتعب
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    asalam alikom
    so nice story
    and we will be wite for part 2

    thanks alot

    اللهم أرزقني ووالدي الأنـــس بقربك ,,,,,,

    سبحان الله عدد ماكان وعدد مايكون ,,

  5. #5
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية enigma
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    You haven't changed much you had the same sense of humer of TTR that we know now

    Lovely and funny story

    Waiting to know what happened next
    عفوا ......!!

    حتى صمت العالم تبدد .......!!

    إلا صمتي في كل حين يتجدد .......!!

  6. #6
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Just.4.ur.iz
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2006
    قلب أمي
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    nice story

    waiting for the next part

    أستغفر الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه
    عدد ماكان وعدد ما يكون وعدد الحركات والسكنات

  7. #7
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Meant To be مشاهدة المشاركة

    The same old story that I will never forget, but this time in English

    Bloody hell, what a story, you know what brother, I feel like I love it this time in contrary with the one written in Arabic

    I like the way you used the suitable words here,with those weapons, you remind me with that game called " Metal Gear " you know me well that I loved it so much it's been more than 5 years man

    Anyway, As you mentioned above about the grammatical mistakes, needless to mention'em

    Go ahead man for the 2nd part, we'll be waiting you

    Wish you best of luck
    yes it is

    Meant To Be

    looooooooooool you never like me in arabic too

    you prefer to talk with me in English more than Arabic but look i do NOT

    i do See nothing like Arabic

    Arabic is the most expressional language ever

    and you thin *** hehehehe go to your friend that Chrise or i don't know

    or you know go to that old briotish woman hehehehehehe

    you 'd kill me now

    anyway go go


  8. #8
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Samaya مشاهدة المشاركة
    Hi brother ,,,,Good morning

    You have a nice story

    but ( if you don't mind(

    I think the word
    not good for us to use it as a muslims

    Try To Reach
    I hope the happiness is your road
    yeah sister you are right
    but there are many words nowadays you can't tell one from another either if that is wrong or this
    actually no need for debate

    here we go : I ask Allah forgiveness for me and you and all muslims

    and i wish for you what you wish to me

    stay near

  9. #9
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة القلب الساهي مشاهدة المشاركة
    asalam alikom
    so nice story
    and we will be wite for part 2

    thanks alot

    Wa Alycom As-Salam Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuh dear Sir

    you are the nice one

    thank you

    and be close

  10. #10
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة enigma مشاهدة المشاركة
    You haven't changed much you had the same sense of humer of TTR that we know now

    Lovely and funny story

    Waiting to know what happened next

    good then sister and thank God
    i'm the same one as before

    and look thats because of you

    honey always drops honey

  11. #11
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Just.4.ur.iz مشاهدة المشاركة
    nice story

    waiting for the next part
    Just.4.MY .iz

    thank you sister
    and you are welcome on abroad

    H.E.A.V.E.N. for yoy

  12. #12
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    I don't believe , it's the same story we've read in Al Isteraha

    I remeber I laughed so much on that story

    Wait a minute

    Isn't there a part missing

    I think you wrote someting about going back home but you didn't mention it here


    I really enjoyed reading it again

    When I read the title, I said

    "here is TTR , let me start by reading his story for he knows how to draw the smile on our face "


    Thanks alot , dear brother

    Wish u the best with your preparations

  13. #13
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Aseel مشاهدة المشاركة
    I don't believe , it's the same story we've read in Al Isteraha

    I remeber I laughed so much on that story

    Wait a minute

    Isn't there a part missing

    I think you wrote someting about going back home but you didn't mention it here


    I really enjoyed reading it again

    When I read the title, I said

    "here is TTR , let me start by reading his story for he knows how to draw the smile on our face "


    Thanks alot , dear brother

    Wish u the best with your preparations

    all smiles are flying around here


    Welcome back sis

    never feel disappointed cause of some stupid people
    we have many these days they are acting before thinking

    come on sis we can never work in here and you are not around

    welcome and happy staying



  14. #14
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Try To Reach مشاهدة المشاركة

    all smiles are flying around here


    Welcome back sis

    never feel disappointed cause of some stupid people
    we have many these days they are acting before thinking

    come on sis we can never work in here and you are not around

    welcome and happy staying



    Seems you know well what's going on with me :)

    you know

    I'm so lucky to have such a brother here :)

    Best of luck ever

  15. #15
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try


    you just noticed it

    this injustice Aseel


    just kidding sis let's be more optimistic

    stay near sister

  16. #16
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    Sorry for late every one but i have many things to do these days


    Let's summarize what we have in the first part in these points


    [FRAME="11 70"]

    It was about a small journey to the grocery.
    And while I was walking through a strange street .
    I passed by a truck , but incidentally this truck has moved
    I got surprised what to do until I run away head over heels
    But I lost my mother money
    So I have to come back again to the same street
    I gave it one try and we will see in this part the new things
    Be happy and terrified with me here


    As I mentioned up there I have to come back to that street again
    But the problem was about the friend that supposed to help me in doing this panic trip at midnight were nobody can be there

    In Al Ghamdy mosque
    At El-Isha'a prayer

    I have prayed next to an old and trustworthy friend . After the prayer I have sat at the back waiting for everybody to leave and then, I can have a small dialogue with my friend .
    He was Ibrahim . not everybody have left the mosgue but there was few of African elder people so I dare to get near from him he understands that I was meaning him So he said to me before I said even a word ! : How are you dear Abdulaziz How is your college ?
    I said everything is Ok al Hamud Lellah how about you … and you know the rest of our greeting rubbish words !!!!!!

    We have talked for 10 minutes or maybe more until he sat calm for seconds and I have make use of these seconds enough to fire him with my subject…. At the end he agreed to have a walk with me at mid night and offers me a nice dinner in the near restaurant it was about
    masoop you see I'm lucky
    Four hours and the midnights comes to appear in an ugly and dismay

    I have to carry my Weapons as I said before but I have got nothing to be carried except that I should wear a light clothes that I can rush away speeeeeeeedly !! in case sth wrong happened .

    I said to my mother my father my brothers and sisters farewell to you I may not come again !! (as I'm planning to go to war )
    I have just remembered a nice poem that describes this situation very well
    : It says

    He has taken up his two little babies,
    Kissed them baith cheek and chain
    "O fair ye weel, myain two babes,
    For I'll never see you again

    I called my friend Ibrahim and he is waiting for me already at the same street. I aimed at that street to chick with him anything new ! in my way to the street I passed by friends

    they invited me to sit with them but I gave them a quick excuse and complete walking …. Until I arrived to the street I have found everything quite calm as a silence of graves I looked at the place that the car usually parked in but I saw nothing my friend call upon me so I
    : came to him and we have this dialogue

    Ibrahim: yes dear how is you?
    Me: everthing is ok ( kolo tamam )
    Ibrahim: I saw nothing your car doesn't come
    Me: well I don't know
    Ibrahim: should we wait
    Me: as you like
    Ibrahim: well let's take a hike and come again
    Me: good idea come on

    We walk in the streets for 15 minutes or more and then we said that we will go home but before that we have to return to the street first !
    We reached the street around 1 past 15 but unexpectedly we found the car and we found it parking in the middle of the street near the wall of
    the school

    My friend said we should hide now and see your claim !!
    I said that’s good let's do it we have to conceal our self that no body can sees us

    Minutes and Minutes waiting in a cold street and suddenly we glance a light a very light light coming from the car it seems to be a light of phone mobile ….

    The light was as speed as a gleam that we were not sure if it is true but the existence of the car itself leaves no doubts about it especially with the sudden movement that was before

    So we continued waiting and my friend Ibrahim said that if there is somebody in the car we should look for him instead of the foolish waiting that lead to nothing but the escape of that unknown person !!
    He my friend dares to get near from the car and checks it out from a very near distance and then he cried out that there are two people in
    the car he beating at the car so hard and…..

    I came to him and see that there is a boy with his girlfriend inside the car ( what a shameful place ) I got embarrassed and stayed calm
    while my friend Ibrahim is shouting, screaming and striking against the car to be opened but the boy inside the car was really smart that he closed the doors before he start doing his chit

    Everything were in seconds and the boy turn on his engine and run away
    we lost him we don't know who is he but all what we know is the palette number .

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Try To Reach ; 13-06-2007 الساعة 09:50 PM

  17. #17
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    wow thanks
    i didn't read it before
    its really intresting
    i couldn't stop reading till the end
    really its great and ur grammar is good either
    thanx alot
    plz keep writing such stories

  18. #18
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Try To Reach
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2006
    J e d d a h
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : a story by : Try

    you are welcome sister

    and thanx a lot

    Glad you like it

    best wishes

    الحساب الأول وهو خاص بمادة اللغة الانجليزية
    الحساب الثاني وهو ايضاً مكمل للغة الانجليزية مع بعض الخلفيات
    والملفات العربية الطيبة وبرنامج نور على الدرب لأبن باز رحمه الله
    والحساب الثالث والاخير هو حساب اسلامي عام

    واجمل المنى للجميع [/MARK]

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. Try to serve your Religion
    بواسطة ميس في المنتدى English Club
    مشاركات: 18
    آخر مشاركة: 12-12-2005, 08:35 PM


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