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الموضوع: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

  1. #76
    انجليزي خبير الصورة الرمزية بانا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2005
    المدينة يا بعد حي
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    الله يستر مقابلتي السبت ومش عارفة الطريقة
    يارب هونها علي وعلى باقي المرشحات
    إذا لم تشعر بالألم فلن تحقق النصر
    وإذا لم تعاني من الشوك فلن تضع تاجاً
    وإذا لم تذق طعم المرارة فلن تعرف طعم المجد
    وإذا لم تتحمل المحن فلن تحصل على مكافأت
    الخيرة فيما تكره اكثر منها فيما تحب وانت لا تدري بالعواقب وكم من نعمة
    في طي نقمة ومن خير في جلباب شر

  2. #77
    انجليزي مبدع الصورة الرمزية M a Y a
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010
    مدينة الاحلام
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    بنات الحين هم نزلوا ورقة الكشف في تكامل

    يعني اقدر اسوي الكشف في منطقتي
    واذا جت المقابله ان شاء الله اعطيهم الورقه وانفك من الروحات والجيات او لا
    أستغفر الله
    سبحان الله والحمد لله ولاإله إلا الله والله أكبر و لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله
    اللهم فرّج همي واغفر لي وحققي احلامي وارزقني إنك الحي القيوم

  3. #78
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    الله يعطيكم العافية ياااارب ويسهلها علينا باذن الله

  4. #79
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    بنات ليش مارديتوا علــــــــــــيا ،،،

    انا متخوفه كثير الله يستر ،،، الي عندها مقابلة بالمهد ترد علي تقولي ايش طبيعة اسئلة المقابلة ؟

  5. #80
    انجليزي مبدع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...


    غالبا طبيعة المقابلة وحدة احرصي على المعلومات الضرورية

    والله يوفقنا
    يوما ما سيركض الحظ حافيا ... على شواطى أقداري

  6. #81
    مميز الصورة الرمزية لغة العيون
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    في قلب زوجي
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    الاستعداد لمقابلة الانجليزي ( بدون ردود) - منتديات حلول البطالة Unemployment Solutions - http://www.btalah.com/showthread.php?t=429602

    بنات كل اللي تبونه هنا
    لا يفوتكم
    حبايبي ك انسخوه والصقوه هنا ياليت تساعدوني
    انا حاولت ماقدرت احمل المواضيع عالجوال لانو في برامج ناقصه عندي
    ياليت تنزلوه هنا يعني فقط تفتحي الرابط وتنسخي اللي فيه وتحطيه هنا
    ولكم دعوه الله يجزاااااكم خير

    كم مرة استغفرت الله في اليوم؟

    استغفر الله العظيم الذي لااله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
    لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين


  7. #82
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    How to teach Grammar

    1- The deductive approach it's a traditional style of teaching. We start logically. We present the definitions then rules then we give the examples. . In this approach, the teacher is the center of the class and responsible for the presentation and explanation of the new material.
    For example, present perfect, the teacher would begin the lesson by saying, "Today we are going to learn how to use the present perfect structure". Then, He presents the rules of the present perfect structure S+HAVE OR HAS+P.P then gives the examples.

    2- The inductive approach it's a modern style of teaching. The teacher introduces the rules by presenting the examples. Also encourages the students to concentrate on the examples to realize the rules.
    For example, comparative form, the teacher would begin the lesson by drawing a man on the board and saying, "This is Jim. He is tall." Then, the teacher would draw another taller man next to the first one saying, "This is Bill. He is taller than Jim." The teacher would then provide many examples using students and real objects from the classroom, to create an understanding of the use of the structure.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شَهْقَة شَجَن ; 26-05-2012 الساعة 01:08 PM
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  8. #83
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    How to teach Listening


    The teacher’s task is to provide opportunities for the students to listen to living English used in everyday situations such as : in shops, restaurants…
    Notice: You must train your students to listen to & understand speech of native speakers of English.
    1- Pre-listening:
    Set the scene (general description of the theme) and preview the vocabulary needed.
    a- Set a task ( questions in WRITTEN FORM to help them focus on the content) .
    b- play the cassette. They have to listen for a specific purpose.
    c- Re-play the cassette to answer the questions.
    Multiple choice questions and - True / False - statements could be given or
    a discussion could be conducted.

    A lot of practice in LISTENING is needed so the students can…
    a- distinguish sounds, words & structure.
    b- associate meanings with sounds.
    c- understand conversational English in all kinds of speech situations.
    d- understand & take notes of information.

    1- Listening for drawing :

    Ask your students to draw figures and objects in order to produce a particular picture. When they finish they can compare their drawings with the original one that you have previously prepared.

    2- Listening to a short interview :

    Ask your students to work in pairs and answer some written questions after listening to the interview twice. They can use their own sentences to suggest other questions and answers for a similar interview.

    3- listening for sounds and letters :

    Ask your students to listen and circle the letters or words for the sounds they hear.

    4- rearranging a picture story:

    Give your students the scrambled picture story, then ask them to listen to the story and put the pictures in their correct order.
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  9. #84
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    How To Teach Vocabulary

    Sometimes a student CAN’T EXPRESS herself in English
    if she CAN’T FIND the words she needs.
    OR if the word she chooses DOSEN’T FIT in the language situation she is involved in.

    Such problems and many others are the results of bad vocabulary teaching.

    Your aim is that your students will be able to ….
    * recognize the word, recall it, relate it to an appropriate object or concept.
    * use the word in an appropriate grammatical form,
    * pronounce and spell the word correctly.
    And finally…* use it correctly in her written and spoken language.

    * Demonstrating the words using real objects or acting ( using body language)
    * Visual aids ( photos, drawing, slides, video films …)
    * Explaining the words by describing and defining objects or giving synonyms & antonyms.
    * Making a meaning bridge between English & Arabic.

    Sugar Tomatoes
    Lemon Potatoes

    Avoid TRANSLATION and never spend too much time on English meaning of such words.

    Do’s Don’ts

    *Use real objects around you at school
    or at home OR draw or print pictures
    from CDs or clipart sites.**

    *Use instructions in English accompanied
    with adverbs e.g. (write quickly).

    *Introduce new vocabulary in context.

    *Use the new vocabulary in your lessons.

    *Be sure that you checked the pronunciation
    of the new vocabulary.(There are CD’s
    that can help you.) **

    * Direct connection using real objects or pictures for concrete objects in the classroom or school environment e.g. (pencil, door ..)
    * Acting items involving movement e.g.(walking, writing…)

    *Describing and defining words or deducing the meaning from context.
    *Giving synonyms ( lorry = truck ) or antonyms ( stand up X sit down )
    * Collocation e.g. water (water tap – water tower – water pump – water cycle)
    It is the ways words combine to produce natural-sound speech of writing.
    Visual Aids:
    Using photographs, drawings, maps, slides, transparencies, video films, CDs **

    • Show the objects without any writing.
    • Say the word for each one aloud.
    • Show the mouth movement in saying the words.
    • Point to the objects randomly and ask the students to tell you the words.
    • Show the written forms on the board and get the students to
    relate the objects to the words.

    1- Jumbled letters:
    Each team (or pair)is given letter cards. They should arrange the letters to form a certain word.
    2- The odd word:
    Each team takes out the odd word out of a group of words . e.g.
    (table , chair , desk , cup , sofa )
    3- Letter X:
    Students are asked to write as many words as they can starting with a specific letter.
    4- My Happy Pie:
    The inside circle is for the words you want to get examples on . e.g (Furniture). In the pieces of the pie students can
    come out and write examples like (bed, sofa…)

    (It can be drawn and covered with plastic to write & erase)

    *For other games this book would be of great help:
    (Language Teaching Games) by …. Lee,W.R.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شَهْقَة شَجَن ; 26-05-2012 الساعة 02:49 PM
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  10. #85
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    Reading Comprehension

    A well chosen passage is one of general interest to all students.
    It may include a few new vocabulary and idiomatic usage.
    It should be suitable to the students’ age and language level.

    A) Pre-reading:

    1- Discussing pictures, title, subtitles.(try to explain most of the new words)
    -Don’t present all the words. They can guess the meaning from the context-

    2- Skimming for general information & scanning for certain information such as : numbers – names …
    -Don’t explain the whole passage and kill students’ interest instead of arousing it-

    3- Write the questions and let the students read
    them making sure that they understand them.
    –they should read for a certain aim –
    Note: the questions should test students’ understanding.
    * Questions on the passage shouldn’t lead to copying of whole sentences.
    * Questions shouldn’t test anything not mentioned in the passage.
    * Questions should test comprehension and involve critical thinking.

    B) While Reading:

    Students read the passage silently to find answers to the questions
    Note : Time is important (set specific time and stop them when time is over)

    C)Answering questions:

    When time is over, stop the students. Then ask them to answer the questions.

    D) Post Reading - Application:

    You can ask for more details or do a ( T ) or ( F ) or a multiple choice question …etc.

    * To save time and effort you can write your questions on an extra board before the class.

    * Enlarge the passage and cover it with plastic to get the girls to come out & mark the places of answers and vocabulary.

    * Instead of asking typical questions about the passage …Use concept maps - for the main ideas of the passage - for groups to fill in and a representative of each group can come out to discuss it.

    A- B-

    E) Homework:

    Be creative in the homework
    (don’t give them the same questions done in the class).
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  11. #86
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    During composition lessons:
    1- Write a topic sentence to be discussed.
    2- During discussion the main ideas should be concluded and written down.
    3- Each student will rewrite those ideas in her own words and point of view.
    Note:They should have the composition completed in the class.

    1-Give concrete topics such as
    (A good friend)
    2- Be specific and give topics such as ( Living on other planets – The university I’ll choose)
    3- Give the students a chance
    to form their own sentences freely
    (using their own words) after giving
    them the necessary information.
    4- Use new techniques such as(mapping)
    to compare two things.


    5- Give fairly related subjects.
    Be creative

    1- Don’t give abstract topics such as (Hope - Freedom) for beginners.
    2- Don’t give general topics such as
    (Space – Universities)
    3- Don’t use the substitution drills such as (King Abdul Aziz University was established in Jeddah)– change using: - King Saud ,Riyadh -
    4- Don’t stick to the traditional way
    Like: use these guide words to write about….
    5- Don’t stick to the book’s subjects.

    · Use – answer the questions - to which would form a paragraph
    or -jumbled sentences – to be re-arranged to form a good paragraph
    for beginners ONLY.
    Let your students feel free to express their ideas (Don’t interfere)
    as long as they are not illegal or prohibited.


    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  12. #87
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    Why do you NEED to plan your lesson ??
    (imagine a surgery done without “preparation” e.g. lab tests , X-rays …etc.)
    The same would happen if you don’t prepare your lesson !!

    When you prepare your lesson…….

    * organize your ideas.
    * identify the aims and the language content of the
    You should

    lesson by the help of the teacher’s book.
    * form your objectives correctly.
    * manage your time.
    * select the suitable instructional aids.
    * move from one step to another systematically.
    * distinguish the various stages of the lesson
    and how they relate to one another.
    * decide what to do at each stage.

    Therefore you’ll feel self-confident and you’ll gain
    your students’trust & respect.

    revents oor resentation .

    roper reparation


    rovides erfect erformance
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  13. #88
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    A lesson with an introduction

    A lesson without an introduction




    Your introduction is the ENTRANCE to the new lesson.

    You should prepare the introduction to any lesson in advance.

    You can

    1) Connect the new lesson with the previous one.


    2)Deal directly with the new lesson using ……

    1) Brain Storming:
    If you can expect certain questions or difficulties that your students may raise, you can write them down and use them as “Brain Storming Questions

    2) General Aids:
    You may use some aids in the shape of posters, hangings, pictures or other audio-visual aids to allow a variety of responses and to evoke discussion.

    Give clues to motivate your students to ask questions that you have already prepared.


    Don’t spend a long time on the revision and the introduction of your lesson (not more than 10 minutes)
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  14. #89
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    What is a behavioral objective?
    It’s a statement of what your students will be able to do…
    …by the end of the lesson.
    It’s not what you are going to do.
    How do you write a behavioral objective?
    Use action verbs to describe the acts of the student by the end of the lesson.
    Bloom’s Verbs



    give examples

    How to form your behavioral objectives?

    A behavioral objective tells you ….

    1- Who will perform the behavior.
    2-The behavior (action) performed.
    3-The standard of performance.
    4-The conditions.

    The students will be able to answer at least 3 questions after reading the passage silently.

    From THE OBJECTIVES the lesson plan will begin

    to take its shape in your mind.

    Q) How can I make sure that I’ve formed my objective correctly ?

    A)Turn it into an exercise, if it makes sense then it’s correct.
    S.W.A.T. {
    - Form 3 sentences using the past tense.
    EX. Form 3 sentences …..R

    S.W.A.T. …
    - Understand the verbs in the past tense.
    EX. Understand the verbs… Q

    1) State your objective that shows pupils performance.
    e.g. S.W.A .T. spell the new words.
    2) Use one verb in each objective.
    e.g. a) S.W.A .T. read at least 4 new words.
    b) S.W.A .T. write
    3) Use action verbs that can be measured and observed.
    e.g. a) S.W.A .T. form at least three sentences using the present perfect tense correctly.
    b) S.W.A .T. rearrange two scrambled sentences.
    4) For silent reading the objectives should be formed as follows....
    e.g. S.W.A .T. answer at least 3 questions after reading the passage silently.
    5)For listening lessons the objectives should be formed as follows…
    {S.W.A.T. =(Students Will be Able To)

    e.g. S.W.A .T. answer at least 2 questions after listening to a conversation….

    1) Don’t state your objective to
    show your performance
    e.g. …..dictate the new words.
    2) Don’t use two verbs in one objective
    e.g. S.W.A.T. read & write at least 4 new words..
    3) Don’t use verbs that can’t be measured or observed. e.g. (know, understand, learn, practice)
    e.g. a) S.W.A.T. learn the present perfect tense.
    b) S.W.A.T. understand the new words.

    4) Don’t form the objectives for silent reading as follows....
    e.g. S.W.A.T. read the passage silently.

    5) Don’t form the objectives for listening lessons as follows…
    e.g. S.W.A.T. listen to a conversation

    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  15. #90
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    They help to make the language used in the class more real and alive.
    They also save your time and effort.

    1- Visual aids:
    (chalkboard, pictures, posters, drawings, charts, maps, real objects, cloth & magnetic boards, film strips, projectors and slides)
    2- Aural aids:
    ( radio programmes, taped materials and the language laboratory )
    3- Audio-Visual aids:
    ( films, video-tapes, television and computer )
    4- Language games:
    ( card games, board games and paper & pencil games )
    Make sure that your aid has
    no mistakes
    ( spelling, structure….)

    a- be suitable for the teaching objectives.
    b- be related to the text material or class work.
    c- simplify the learning process.
    d- present one point at a time.
    e- be colourful, attractive and of appropriate size .
    f- motivate the students to practice the language individually,
    in pairs or in groups.
    g- be easy to use or operate.


    1- The Chalkboard and White Board:
    It can be used for many purposes such as :
    1- Writing( new vocabulary and their meanings, presenting grammatical structures, questions, homework assignments ….)
    2- Demonstrating model handwriting,
    3- Drawing ( shapes, sketches, stick figures )
    4- Asking students to write words or sentences.
    1- Don’t overcrowd the board.
    2- Divide the board into sections.
    3- Writing should be clear and neat.
    4- Don’t jump from one side to another.
    5- Use the coloured chalk effectively not for mere decoration.
    6- Write heavily with large and clear letters that every student in the classroom can see easily.
    Don’t forget to rub off notes , worked examples and unwanted materials.
    The white board may also be used as a screen for overhead projectors.
    Note:Students can have their own personal boards (A4 size) or the plastic back cover of their notebooks to practice writing, spelling….

    2- The Magnet Board and Flannel Board:

    * Aids, pictures or cut-outs can be added and removed as wanted and they can easily be moved about the board.
    * The order of the pictures or cut-outs can be varied. It can be used for telling a story in order.
    * It can be used for playing games e.g. a large figure of a human body can be put together by students. A cut out of a plate can be placed and a fork and spoon can be placed by students according to instructions.


    3- Pictures and blackboard drawings:
    They are used to …
    * teach new words.
    * increase the interest of a lesson.
    * introduce some reading passages.
    * provide a topic for a composition.
    * develop listening comprehension.
    * supply situations for grammatical structures.
    * understand some cultures of English language speakers.
    Magazines are full of useful and colourful pictures.

    1- Pictures can be drawn (not only photos or printed pictures)
    2- Pictures should be well selected, simple, clear and big enough for every one to see.
    3- You can draw a simple figure for real people ( stick figures)***
    4- Drawing should only show the most important details.
    (It’s important to draw quickly)

    * When the thing itself is available e.g. pen, door…,
    there is no need for a picture.
    * There are names of CDs & websites that provide
    you with pictures. ( p 38 )

    ***A word on stick figures:{ + + } =

    Stick figures are a simplification of real figures into lines or sticks and geometric shapes. You can use them to teach grammar, reading , composition and dialogue.

    When you draw the face and body make it clear that it’s a male or a female and use eyes, eyebrows and mouth to create moods and expressions. Also apply action and include facial expressions to stress the action. You can draw animals and things as well.

    4- Puppets:
    There are glove puppets as well as finger puppets.
    They can be used for dialogues effectively.

    You can draw a face on a piece of cardboard (or a paper plate) and decorate it with wool and buttons… and cut it.
    * Don’t forget to make a holder.

    5- Charts:

    A good chart must be large enough to be seen by all students in the classroom. It also must be clear and neat (attractive).

    Hanging the wall charts on the wall reinforces
    the information of the lessons.
    Using charts made by students themselves
    (in a workshop)is one application of the theory
    of (Learning By Doing)

    The Pocket Chart….
    It’s a devise for dramatizing word order by taking word cards and pinning them in rows of narrow pockets.














    6- Cards: Flash Cards

    Flash cards train students to widen their eye span by urging them to catch large reading units at a glance and it speeds up students’ reading by showing them a card for a few seconds.
    Motivation Attention Learning

    Word Cards

    Word cards make the learners read for information.
    For example:
    a- Read’n Choose :(choosing a word to answer a question)
    e.g.( boat – car – taxi – lorry – plane ).
    You ask: Which travels in the air? (plane)
    b- Odd Word Out:(choosing a word that doesn’t belong)
    e.g. (hotel – house – post office – radio – restaurant – supermarket)
    * radio is not a building.
    c- Wh-questions:(forming a question on a passage)

    e.g. Who ?- if it’s picked students should form a question using it.

    d- Sentence Cards:(forming sentences from scrambled words)
    Also used for substitution drills or practicing grammatical points.
    You can make word cards from sheets of A4 paper folded in half so they can stand on a table.
    You can hang cards along a string on the board.
    You can attach them on magnet boards (some boards are magnetic)
    e- Letter Cards:
    Single letters are put on smaller cards to build up words.

    It works great with sounds and spellings e.g.(at – ate )…

    7- The Tape Recorder:

    It’s a good opportunity to hear voices of native speakers of English.

    The recording should be clear, comprehensible and at a normal speed.

    The pauses between items (e.g.question and answer, drills, instructions) should be suitable for correct responses.

    8- The Overhead Projector:

    * Transparencies are used for writing or drawing things to project them onto a screen or a white board or a wall.
    * The overhead projector helps the teacher direct the discussion or activity by pointing to items with a pencil or a long stick without losing control of the class.

    9- Others:

    *The Computeris useful in demonstration, drills and practice.
    * Videotapes can be used for specialized study. The teacher should preview them carefully to check their value and prepare drills & tasks.
    * Games can be useful as students enjoy playing games and respond positively to them. They should be chosen carefully to fulfill your objective. See (Lee, W.R. Language Teaching Games)
    * Realia saves time. Instead of drawing or describing real objects, use the object itself especially if it is available around you or can be carried into the classroom.
    * Look around you ( at home, in the classroom and in the school environment)

    The teacher herself is the best teaching aid.

    Use your voice, body language, gestures and instructions to encourage them to learn and to lovewhat
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  16. #91
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    It is the procedure in which you evaluate your students’ understanding or achievement.

    1- .…answer the question:
    (Are my objectives already fulfilled or not?)
    2- ….take the shape of application
    (questions, exercise, activities, worksheets, group(pair)work.
    3- ….cover every aim written in the lesson plan
    (number of aims = number of questions(exercises)).

    e.g. choose, match, join, correct, fill in the blanks, rearrange, complete, do as shown, put (T) or (F)….

    e.g. making charts, hand crafts, drawing, games, role-play….

    Tell me I’ll forget Show me I’ll remember
    Involve me I’ll learn
    Do you understand?

    Do you have any questions?


    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  17. #92
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    بلا انتماء على أرض تعلوها سماء
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    لغة العيون

    نزلتها كلها
    بس فيه أشياء بسيطة ناقصة عشان اللصق

    أتمنى أن أكون ساهمت في إفادتكم ...
    "ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة
    وفي الآخرة حسنة
    وقنا عذاب النار "

  18. #93
    انجليزي مبدع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    صبايا ابشركم خلصت مقابلة اليوم والحمدالله كل شيء تماام اولا قالت تحدثي عن نفسك بعدين ماهي طرق التدريس الحديثه وكيف تتصرفي مع الطالبه المزعجه .......واعطتني كتاب وقالت اختاري اي مقطع و وقريت ...........................حاولوا تجمعوا كلمات انجلش طبعا انا توقعت الاسئلة التربويه بالعربي فتلعثمت شوي لما سالتني .............. بس الحمدالله عدت ع خير ............................وبالتوفيق خلوكم بس واثقين واطلعوا من بدري لانها زحمه وترتيب ملف وكمان حللنا اليوم وخلصت الشغلــــــــــــــــه وبالتوفيق دعواتــــــــــــــــــــ كم تكون المدرسه ققريبه وارتـــــــــاح فيها
    اللهم لك الحمد حمدا يكافيء نعمك ويوافي عطائك ويستزيد فضلك ويستمطر رضوانك

  19. #94
    مميز الصورة الرمزية لغة العيون
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    في قلب زوجي
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    شهقه شجن ربي يجزاااااااك الجنه قولي امين
    والله ماقصرتي ياعيوني

    وصباح ماشاء الله مبروك عليك
    منتظرين اجابتك عالاسئله اللي اعطوك بالمقابله
    كم مرة استغفرت الله في اليوم؟

    استغفر الله العظيم الذي لااله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
    لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين


  20. #95
    انجليزي مبدع الصورة الرمزية M a Y a
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010
    مدينة الاحلام
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    الحين هم يسألون الاسئله التربويه بالأنجليزي ؟!
    ماشاء الله تباركـ الله
    لا سهله المقابلات
    أستغفر الله
    سبحان الله والحمد لله ولاإله إلا الله والله أكبر و لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله
    اللهم فرّج همي واغفر لي وحققي احلامي وارزقني إنك الحي القيوم

  21. #96
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    مشكورين اللي ردوا عليا،،،، اسئلة تربوية بالأنجليزي

    الله يستـــــــــر ،،، ضعنــــــــــــا

  22. #97
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    يآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ آآآآآآآآآآرب تسهل علينا

  23. #98
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    صبايا هدا الحكي نقلته لكم وحده كاتبته في منتدى ثاني . الله يجزاها خير ويوفقك الجميع يآآرب ....
    كانت مقابلتها اليوم بالدوادمي

    دخلت للمقابله استاذتين وحده تسأل عربي تربوي ووحده انقلش

    انقلش قالت لي عرفي بنفسك
    كيف تشرحين درس reading
    تفضلين العمل الفردي ولا الجماعي
    وورقة فيها ثلاث فقرات قرامر اقراها واجاوب عليها
    واستراتيجيات التدريس وشرحت وحده منها
    وعن خبرتي بالحاسب وكيف طورت اللغه
    كيف تشوفين نفسك بعد عشر سنوات
    واذا كلفوني بعمل قيادي اوافق ولا لا
    والفرق بين المعلمات قبل والحين

    ولاتخافون يابنات تساهيل كل شي

    للأمانة منقول: http://www.btalah.com/showthread.php...#ixzz1w2NDIB4x

  24. #99
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    بنات انا مقابلتي بكرى ان شاءالله يارب تسهل علينا جميعا بالدوادمي
    .. بس مكتوب لي موعد المقبله ^ م معقوله
    المغرب ... افيدوني الله يسعدكم

  25. #100
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    مشاركة: تجمع للمرشحات الجدد لغه انجليزية 1433بالتوفيق يارب...

    السادسه مساء ؟؟؟

صفحة 4 من 7 الأولىالأولى ... 23456 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. للمرشحات ابتدائي سؤال مهم
    بواسطة طموحي نجاحي في المنتدى دورات اعداد معلمين ومعلمات الانجليزي الجدد
    مشاركات: 12
    آخر مشاركة: 17-07-2012, 05:01 AM
  2. الإحتياج لغه الأنجليزيه
    بواسطة ابوخالد15 في المنتدى منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية العام
    مشاركات: 2
    آخر مشاركة: 17-05-2005, 06:55 PM
  3. استفسار عن لغه المنتدى
    بواسطة Um Ali في المنتدى المنتدى التعليمي العام
    مشاركات: 1
    آخر مشاركة: 30-01-2005, 02:52 AM


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