اختباري المتواضع الغير متضمن لمهارة الكتابة ... على الاقل حتى يأتي درس كتابة يمكن للطالب ان يطلق العنان لبنكه اللغوي...

Exam 1 الاسم / الصف 1 ث ( )
1) Read the paragraph, then answer the questions:
The Unification of Saudi Arabia
King Abdul-Aziz, a gifted leader and dedicated warrior for the cause of Islam, was responsible for the legendary even that marked the beginning of modern Saudi Arabia. In 1902, he regained Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak Fortress, and established his headquarters in the city. He expanded Saudi Arabia to include all of Hijaz, Makkah and Madinah united all tribes into one nation. On September 23, 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established, as a unified Islamic state, with Arabic as the national language and the Holy Qur'an as its constitution.
Choose the correct answer:
a) King Abdul-aziz had united the kingdom for the cause of : ( Islam – Masmak – Hijaz )
b) The official language of Saudi Arabia is : ( English – Arabic – Spanish )
c) " beat" means : ( lose – die – win over )
Decide if the sentence is True ( T ) or False ( F ) :
a) Qur'an is the most important book on the land of Saudi Arabia. ( )
b) The national day is the 23 of July of every year. ( )
c) "dedicated warrior" means to fight again and again in order to win. ( )
2) Match the suitable words between A and B
1- economy 3 a lot of people
2- traffic __ a lot of cars
3- overpopulation __ money
3) Do as shown between brackets:
a) My brother ( lives – lived – is living ) with me until he is grown up. ( Choose )
b) jack decided to fly to london. ( rewrite with capitals )
c) The city ( has wanted – has want – want ) a park for years. ( choose )
d) Manal ( doesn’t made – doesn’t make – don’t make ) models every year. ( choose )