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الموضوع: كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

  1. #1
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Awt12 كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    اللام عليكم ورحمة الله..

    تحيه طيبه وبعد,’

    اشتركت في منتديات كثيره.. لاجل اللغه الانجليزيه..

    كي أستفيد, واسأل واناقش..

    لكن للأسف الكثير منهم مجرد اسماء او مواضيع قليلة الفائده..

    ونادرا مايقدمون المساعده..

    اتمنى ان يكون هذا المنتدى مختلفا.. و قد لفت نظري.. اسماء المنتديات, وترتيبها وتقسيمها بشكل مرتب وجميل..

    دعواتي لكم بالتوفيق..

    في كليتي الجميله. يطلب مننا دكتور كتابة مقال كل اسبوع..

    فقط يعطينا العنوان, وللأسف فأنا غير جيده في كتابة المقال (التعبير).. فأرجو منكم المساعده

    وهذا طلبه لهذا الأسبوع:

    tell the story of an accassion on which you lost an object . Explain how it was lost then how it was recover..

    اتمنى ان القى تجاوبا..

    فعلى المواضيع درجات المشاركه وهي:/ 10 درجات..

    وهي ترفع المعدل بالطبع..

    في الفصل الأول نجحت بتقدير ( جيد)

    واتمنى ان ارفع معدلي هذا الترم..

    المقال عباره عن 4-5 قطع..

    وانا سأوحاول ان اكتب مثله او استفيد منه بجمل او فقرات..

    وفقكم الله

  2. #2
    رحمها الله الصورة الرمزية الغزاله
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    حياك الله
    الله يوفقك
    وبحاول اساعدك بالي اقدر عليه

    وعقبال مايرتفع معدلك
    متى تريدينه

  3. #3
    كبار الشخصيات الصورة الرمزية nosa
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    يارب يسعد ايامك ياغزالتي
    الله لا يجعل لك بضيقة ابدا
    الله يحفظك ولا يحرمنا منك ياقلبي

  4. #4
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

    اختي (الغزاله) احتريك.. انا احتاجه اليوم

    وربي يسلم الأيادي..

    اختاري اي فكره بسيطه وحلوه ..


  5. #5
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    اللام عليكم ورحمة الله


    منتدى لغه انجليزيه. وماحد رد علي؟؟

    ماحد يفرج كربة مسلمه؟؟؟؟


    رجااء ابي شي اليووم

  6. #6
    انجليزي فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    كربه مسلم اجتهد
    وراح تلقى جهدك مو اهم شيء المعدل
    اهم شيء انك تحب الماده وتستوعبها
    وش الفايده اذا خذيت معدل وانت ماتعرف تكتب مقال
    اكتب مره مرتين ثلاث وان شاء الله مليوون مره
    بس لاتاخذ شيء انت ماتستحقه
    تعبك ومجهودك راح يبان عليك
    وانسى طاري المعدل التوووفيق من عند الله
    ولا تكتب اي مقال الا بيدك انت لانك انت المستفيد الاول
    والاخير ولو اتكلم من هنا للبكره ماراح اخلص حكي
    اتمنى تكون فهمتني

  7. #7
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله..


    لاتظلمينـي.. وانا على فكره (بنت)

    انا حاولت, وكتبت مواضيع لكن كنت اخذ -مقبول- لأن الدكتور يبيها بشكل عالي جدا وراقي..

    وانا مااخذ القطعه وانسخها زي ماهي..

    اخذ منها أفكار.. اغير فيهـا , وابذل جهد

    لكن عالأقل يكون (form) صحيح وواثقه منـه..

    انا ماطلبت المساعده كسلا او اتكالا.. لكن لخبرة غيري بالكتابه وتمكنهم كنت اتمنى مساعدتهم

    لكن للأسف..

    اكتشفت ان حتى اللي ربي مان عليه باللغه الممتازه يبخل على غيره بالكثيـر..

    ليش أجل الناس تسجل بمنتديات دام ماتفيد بعضها البعض؟؟؟

    ووانا كلما دخلت منتدى وفيه طلب مساعده احاول اساعد بأقصى شي ممكن..

    جزاك الله خير وماتقصريــن..

    بالتوفيق للكل,’

  8. #8
    انجليزي فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    ياختي مو بخل بالمساعده بس انا ابيك انتي تعتمدين على نفسك
    اذا احد ساعدك الحين تبين الي يساعدك بالاختبار
    فاحوالي انتي مادامها على عشر درجات احسن من سبعين درجه
    وتوكلي على ربك مو على الناااااااااااااس ولا تخافين ترا انا سنه ثاني
    وان شاء الله تبدعين بمقالك ولاتخافين ماعليك انتي سوي الي عليك واكتبي
    واجتهدي وكل واحد وجهده

  9. #9
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    زخة مطر

    يالغالية مو مسألة محد يبي يساعد أو غيرها


    أكيد غزالة انشغلت بشي

    وثانيا ونتر بيبر كلامها صحيح يالغالية

    لو تعودتي أحد يكتب عنك ماراح تقدري تطوري من نفسك

    أنا عندي اقتراح أحسن بكثير

    وش رايك انت بنفسك تكتبين المقالة وتجي تعرضيها هنا قبل لا تسلميها

    منها نوجهك للأخطاء وننصحك صدقيني كذا أحسن بكثير

    تدرين ليش لأن الكل يتعلم من أخطائه وشي انت سويتيه وصححتيه لا يمكن انك تنسينه صح

    يارب مايكون كلامي ثقيل عليك


  10. #10
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    يعطيكم العافيه..

    اسفه ان أخطيت بس كنت متنرفزه, ومتوتره..

    ان شاءالله بكتب وبعرضه عليكم

    بليز شيكوا على الموضوع بين فتره واخرى

    ربي يسلمكم

  11. #11
    انجليزي خبير الصورة الرمزية معلمة انقلش
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006
    far away
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    [glow="cc3399"]ننتظرك اختي العزيزه[/glow]

  12. #12
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    ننتظرك يالغلا

  13. #13
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    السلام عليكم

    وهذا موضوعـي.. عن رحله أتمناها.. ودوله نتمنـى زيارتهــا

    اتمنى التصحيح .....
    GGIImagery trip
    As a human being I have sense of exploration of different places and people. For that, I like traveling so much. so, if there is some one offered a free trip for a month to any place in the world. I will be confuse which country I have to choose! But according to what my friend told me about her trip to England especially for London.

    My friend told me that "London, which it is called Fog City, and"The Green City,"
    has about 143 registered parks and gardens but the most beautiful one is (Hude Park) where to you see large spots of green grass and lovely lake where some beautiful ducks swim in, and they are fed by visitors. You can get a boat and go through the water in romantic trip.
    Wow, it a fantastic place.

    She said too:London has especial public transports such as, Routemaster bus is
    a model of red double - Decker bus, and taxi cars which have conjunct color that is black. Now there are appear anther cars which their color bink "just for women"it is a strange thing.And it has another mean of transportation which we don’t have in our country,it is the underground.

    When I ask her about shopping she said"In London the famous street(Oxford Street) where is about 300 shops and large number of malls. Also, if you go to London don’t miss going to a famous river passed through the city it is called The ThamesRiver. you can see the bridge of London.
    and there are so much historical places and museums. The most exacting one is Madame Tussauds which is a wax museum.And don’t forget
    The Clock Tour or Big Ben it the largest clock face in the world.

    Now,Iam interesting to go there bur unfortunately,it is stil dream.

  14. #14
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    Imaginary trip

    As a human being I have sense of exploration for different places and people. Therefore, I like traveling so much. If some one offers me a free trip to any place in the world, I think I’ll be confused about which country to choose. However, I may decide to visit London because my friend has told me a lot about her exciting trip to London.

    She told me that London, which it is called Fog City and The Green City,
    has about 143 registered parks and gardens. The most beautiful one is the Hyde Park where you can see large spots of green grass. There is also a lake where some beautiful ducks swim in, and they are fed by visitors. People can enjoy a romantic boat trip in that lake.
    Wow, it is a fantastic place.

    She also told me about the public transportation in London such as the Route master bus, which is
    a model of red double - Decker bus. Taxi cars are usually black. Now , they’ve come up with another color which is pink and those pink cars are just for women. Another means of transportation is the underground tube ‘train”, which is not available in our country.
    When I asked her about shopping, she said that Oxford Street is the most famous one for shopping. There is about 300 shops and large number of malls. There is also this famous river, Thames. When going on a river trip, people can see the bridge of London and London Eye.
    There are so many historical places and museums. The most exciting one is Madame Tussauds, which is a wax museum .And don’t forget
    The Clock Tower or Big Ben. It the largest clock in the world.

    Now, Iam really interested to go there. Unfortunately, it is still a dream but it may come true one day.

    ان شاء الله أكون افدتك .. ماحاولت اغير كثير من جملك حاولت قدر المستطاع إني اخليها بصياغتك

    بس أضفت كم شي عن لندن بحكم انها من الاماكن اللي أحب ازورها .. لوول

    أحلى شي بموضوعك انك رجعتيني لرحلتي الاخيرة بلندن وبالذات بالهايد بارك كأنك توصفينا هههه

    بالتوفيق يالغلا
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Aseel ; 19-03-2007 الساعة 05:24 PM

  15. #15
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    السلام عليكـم.. يعطيك العافيــــــه..

    ربي يسلم ايدياتك يالغلا..

    فعلا على وعدك..

    مش عارفه كيف أشكرك..


    مش مشكله اذا حذفتي جمل , وأضفتتـي.. بالعكس

    انا ابغى أستفيد.. وتصير القطعه تمام التمام

    الف شكر لك

  16. #16
    انجليزي فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    ماقصرت اسيل والله يعافيها
    وقريت موضوعك وانا مو مؤهله اني اصحح لاني ام الغلطات
    اذا تخرجت صححت لك على خير ان شاء الله والله يوووفقك زخه مطر
    وانا هذا الي ابيه انك تكونين بها الطريقه
    واتمنى انك مازعلتي من اختك
    winter paper

  17. #17
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    العفو يالغلا

    بس ترى توني أنتبه ان كلمتين سقطوا سهوا أثناء الكتابة فحطيتهم لك


  18. #18
    انجليزي خبير الصورة الرمزية معلمة انقلش
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006
    far away
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    [GLOW="FF0066"]بصراحه موضوع جميل ماشالله اختي زخه مطر وكلام منمق حلو وماقصرت معاكي اختي اسيييييل ماشالله keep going[/GLOW]

  19. #19
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    السلام عليكم..

    عندنا موضوع غريب.. وهو الكتابه عن crime

    يعني عندنا تطبيق عملي, واختبارات.. وفوقعا واجبات صعبه!!

    مين عندها فكره أو مقال يتكلم عن جريمه؟

    ممكن تساعدني فيه؟؟

    لأن الصراحه مثل ماانتوا شايفين الموضوع ماهو عادي, ولا متداول! وله مصطلحاته الخاصه ولغته كمان

    ممكن تفيدوني؟

    بأي قطعه جاهزه من جريده أو موقع

    ربي يوفقكم..

  20. #20
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية Aseel
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    ذا الرابط ممكن يفيدك


  21. #21
    رحمها الله الصورة الرمزية الغزاله
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    حياك الله

    موضوع الجريمة
    تعريف الجريمة

    انواع الجرائم
    وذكر بعض الجرائم في وقتنا الحاضر
    ومعالجة الجريمة

    A crime is an act that violates a political, religious, or moral command considered important in protecting the interests of the State or the welfare of its citizens or subjects
    There are several possible reasons for criminalization:

    Criminalization might be intended as a pre-emptive, harm-reduction device, using the threat of punishment as a deterrent to those proposing to engage in the behavior causing harm. The State becomes involved because they usually believe costs of not criminalizing (i.e. allowing the harms to continue unabated) outweigh the costs of criminalizing it (i.e. restricting individual liberty in order to minimize harm to others).
    Criminalization may provide future harm reduction even after a crime, assuming those incarcerated for committing crimes are more likely to cause harm in the future.
    Criminalization might be intended as a way to make potential criminal pay for their crimes. In this case, criminalization is a way to set the price that one must pay (to society) for certain actions that are considered detrimental to society as a whole. In this sense criminalization can be viewed as nothing more than State-sanctioned revenge.
    The process of criminalization is controlled by the State because:

    Even if the victims recognize that they are victims, they may not have the resources to investigate and seek legal redress for the injuries suffered: the enforcers formally appointed by the State have the expertise and the resources.
    The victims may only want compensation for the injuries suffered, while being indifferent to a possible desire for deterrence: see Polinsky & Shavell (1997) on the fundamental divergence between the private and the social motivation for using the legal system.
    Victims or witnesses of crimes might be deterred from taking any action if they fear retaliation. Even in policed societies, fear may inhibit reporting or co-operation in a trial.
    Victims do not have economies of scale to administer a penal system, let alone collect any fines levied by a court (see Polinsky (1980) on the enforcement of fines). Garoupa & Klerman (2002) warn that a rent-seeking government's primary motivation is to maximize revenue and so, if offenders have sufficient wealth, a rent-seeking government is more aggressive than a social-welfare-maximizing government in enforcing laws against minor crimes (usually with a fixed penalty such as parking and routine traffic violations), but more lax in enforcing laws against major crimes.
    The victims may be incapacitated or dead as a result of the crime.

    [edit] History
    The first civilizations had codes of law, containing both civil and penal rules mixed together, though these codes were not always recorded. According to Oppenheim (1964), the first known written codes were produced by the Sumerians, and it was probably their king Ur-Nammu (who ruled over Ur in the 21st century BC) who acted as the first legislator, creating a formal system in thirty-two articles. The Sumerians later issued other codes including the "code of Lipit-Istar" (last king of the 3rd dynasty of Ur, Isin - 20th century BC). This code contains some fifty articles and has been reconstructed by the comparison among several sources. Kramer (1971: 4) adds a further element: "The Sumerian was deeply conscious of his personal rights and resented any encroachment on them, whether by his King, his superior, or his equal. No wonder that the Sumerians were the first to compile laws and law codes."

    In Babylon, Driver and Mills (1952-55) and Skaist (1994) describe the successive legal codes, including the code of Hammurabi (one of the richest of ancient times), which reflected society's belief that law was derived from the will of the gods (see Babylonian law). Many of the States at this time were theocratic, and their codes of conduct were religious in origin or reference.

    Maine (1861) studied the ancient codes and failed to find any criminal law in the modern sense of the word. While modern systems distinguish between offences against the "State" or "Community", and offences against the "Individual", what was termed the penal law of ancient communities was not the law of "Crimes" (crimina); it was the law of "Wrongs" (delicta). Thus, the Hellenic laws (see Gagarin: 1986; and Garner: 1987) treated all forms of theft, assault, rape, and murder as private wrongs, and action for enforcement was up to the victim or their survivors (which was a challenge in that although there was law, there were no formalized courts in the earliest system). It was the Romans who systematized law and exported it to their Empire. Again, the initial rules of Roman Law were that assaults were a matter of private compensation. The significant Roman Law concept was of dominion (see Daube: 1969). The pater familias was in possession of all the family and its property (including slaves). Hence, interference with any property was enforced by the pater. The Commentaries of Gaius on the Twelve Tables treated furtum (modern theft) as if it was a tort. Similarly, assault and violent robbery were allied with trespass as to the pater's property (so, for example, the rape of a slave would be the subject of compensation to the pater as having trespassed on his "property") and breach of such laws created a vinculum juris (an obligation of law) that could only be discharged by the payment of monetary compensation (modern damages). Similarly, in the consolidated Teutonic Laws of the Germanic tribes (see Guterman: 1990), there was a complex system of money compensations for what would now be considered the complete range of criminal offences against the person from murder down.

    Even though Rome abandoned England sometime around 400 AD, the Germanic mercenaries who had largely been enforcing the Roman occupation, stayed on and continued to use a mixture of Roman and Teutonic Law, with much written down by the early Anglo-Saxon Kings (see Attenborough: 1963). But, it was not until a more unified Kingdom emerged following the Norman invasion and the King was attempting to assert power over the land and its peoples, that the modern concept emerged, namely that a crime is not only an offence against the "individual", it is also a wrong against the "State" (see Kern: 1948; Blythe: 1992; and Pennington: 1993.). This is a common law idea and the earliest conception of a criminal act involved events of such major significance that the "State" had to usurp the usual functions of the civil tribunals and direct a special law or privilegium against the perpetrator. All the earliest criminal trials were wholly extraordinary and arbitrary without any settled law to apply, whereas the civil delictual law was highly developed and consistent in its operation (except where the King wanted to raise money by selling a new form of Writ). The development of the idea that it is the "State" dispensing justice in a court only emerges in parallel with or after the emergence of the concept of sovereignty.

    In continental Europe, Vinogradoff (1909) reports the persistence of Roman Law, but with a stronger influence from the Church (see Tierney: 1964, 1979). Coupled with the more diffuse political structure based on smaller State units, rather different legal traditions emerged, remaining more strongly rooted in Roman jurisprudence modified to meet the prevailing political climate. In Scandinavia, the effect of Roman law was not felt until the 17th century, and the courts grew out of the things, which were the assemblies of the people. The cases were decided by the people (usually largest freeholders dominating) which later gradually transformed into a system of a royal judge nominating a number of most esteemed men of the parish as his board, fulfilling the function of "the people" of yore.

    From the Hellenic system onwards, the policy rationale for requiring the payment of monetary compensation for wrongs committed has been to avoid feuding between clans and families (note the concept of pater familias as a unifying factor in extended kin groups, and the later practice of wergild in this context). If families' feelings could be mollified by compensation, this would help to keep the peace. On the other hand, the threat of feudal warfare was played down also by the institution of oaths. Both in archaic Greece and in medieval Scandinavia, the accused was released if he could get a sufficient number of male relatives to swear him unguilty. This may be compared with the United Nations Security Council where the veto power of the permanent members ensures that the organization is not drawn into crises where it could not enforce its decisions. These means of restraining private feuds did not always work or prevented the fulfillment of justice but, in the earliest times, the "States" were not prepared to provide an independent police force. Thus, criminal law grew out of what is now tort and, in real terms, many acts and omissions that are classified as crimes overlap civil law concepts
    Crime types
    Crime is generally classified into categories, including violent crime, property crime, and public order crime

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  22. #22
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : كيف هي موهبتكم في الكتابه؟؟..help

    جزاكم الله خير..

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  1. كيف تطور ::الأستماع & المحادثه::القراءه::الكتابه:: ((المهارات الأربع))
    بواسطة فـيصـل في المنتدى منتدى تعليم اللغة الانجليزية
    مشاركات: 460
    آخر مشاركة: 14-12-2017, 03:07 AM


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