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الموضوع: trifles

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى


    "Trifles" by Susan Glaspell (1916)
    Scene: The kitchen in the now abandoned farmhouse of John Wright, a gloomy kitchen, and left without having been put in order--unwashed pans under the sink, a loaf of bread outside the breadbox, a dish towel on the table--other signs of incompleted work. At the rear the outer door opens,and the Sheriff comes in, followed by the county Attorney and Hale. The Sheriff and Hale are men in middle life, the county Attorney is a young man; all are much bundled up and go at once to the stove. They are followed by the two women--the Sheriff's Wife first; she is a slight wiry woman, a thin nervous face. Mrs. Hale is larger and would ordinarily be called more comfortable looking, but she is disturbed now and looks fearfully about as she enters. The women have come in slowly and stand close together near the door.
    COUNTY ATTORNEY (rubbing his hands). This feels good. Come up to the fire, ladies.

    MRS. PETERS (after taking a step forward). I'm not--cold.

    SHERIFF (unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove as if to the beginning of official business). Now, Mr. Hale, before we move things about, you explain to Mr. Henderson just what you saw when you came here yesterday morning.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. By the way, has anything been moved? Are things just as you left them yesterday?

    SHERIFF (looking about). It's just the same. When it dropped below zer0 last night, I thought I'd better send Frank out this morning to make a fire for us--no use getting pneumonia with a big case on; but I told him not to touch anything except the stove--and you know Frank.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Somebody should have been left here yesterday.

    SHERIFF. Oh--yesterday. When I had to send Frank to Morris Center for that man who went crazy--I want you to know I had my hands full yesterday. I knew you could get back from Omaha by today, and as long as I went over everything here myself-

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Well, Mr. Hale, tell just what happened when you came here yesterday morning.

    HALE. Harry and I had started to town with a load of potatoes. We came along the road from my place; and as I got here, I said, "I'm going to see if I can't get John Wright to go in with me on a party telephone." I spoke to Wright about it once before, and he put me off, saying folks talked too much anyway, and all he asked was peace and quiet--I guess you know about how much he talked himself; but I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife, though I said to Harry that I didn't know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John--

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Let's talk about that later, Mr. Hale. I do want to talk about that, but tell now just what happened when you got to the house.

    HALE. I didn't hear or see anything; I knocked at the door, and still it was all quiet inside. I knew they must be up, it was past eight o'clock. so I knocked again, and I thought I heard somebody say, "Come in." I wasn't sure, I'm not sure yet, but I opened the door--this door (indicating the door by which the two women are still standing), and there in that rocker-- (pointing to it) sat Mrs. Wright. (They all look at the rocker.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. What--was she doing?

    HALE. She was rockin' back and forth. She had her apron in her hand and was kind of--pleating it.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. And how did she--look?

    HALE. Well, she looked queer.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. How do you mean--queer?

    HALE. Well, as if she didn't know what she was going to do next. And kind of done up.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. How did she seem to feel about your coming?

    HALE. Why, I don't think she minded--one way or other. She didn't pay much attention. I said, "How do, Mrs. Wright, it's cold, ain't it?" And she said, "Is it?"--and went on kind of pleating at her apron. Well, I was surprised; she didn't ask me to come up to the stove, or to set down, but just sat there, not even looking at me, so I said, "I want to see John." And then she--laughed. I guess you would call it a laugh. I thought of Harry and the team outside, so I said a little sharp:"Can't I see John?" "No," she says, kind o' dull like. "Ain't he home?" says I. "Yes," says she, "he's home." "Then why can't I see him?" I asked her, out of patience. "'Cause he's dead," says she. "Dead?" says I. She just nodded her head, not getting a bit excited, but rockin' back and forth. "Why--where is he?" says I, not knowing what to say. She just pointed upstairs--like that (himself pointing to the room above). I got up, with the idea of going up there. I talked from there to here--then I says, "Why, what did he die of?" "He died of a rope around his neck," says she, and just went on pleatin' at her apron. Well, I went out and called Harry. I thought I might--need help. We went upstairs, and there he was lying'--

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. I think I'd rather have you go into that upstairs, where you can point in all out. Just go on now with the rest of the story.

    HALE. Well, my first thought was to get that rope off. I looked...(Stops, his face twitches.)...but Harry, he went up to him, and he said, "No, he's dead all right, and we'd better not touch anything." So we went back downstairs. She was still sitting that same way. "Has anybody been notified?" I asked." "No," says she, unconcerned. "Who did this, Mrs. Wright?" said Harry. He said it business-like--and she stopped pleatin' of her apron. "I don't know," she says. "You don't know?" says Harry. "No," says she, "Weren't you sleepin' in the bed with him?" says Harry. "Yes," says she, "but I was on the inside." "Somebody slipped a rope round his neck and strangled him, and you didn't wake up?" says Harry. "I didn't wake up," she said after him. We must 'a looked as if we didn't see how that could be, for after a minute she said, "I sleep sound." Harry was going to ask her more questions, but I said maybe we ought to let her tell her story first to the coroner, or the sheriff, so Harry went fast as he could to Rivers' place, where there's a telephone.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner.

    HALE. she moved from that chair to this over here... (Pointing to a small chair in the corner)...and just sat there with her hand held together and looking down. I got a feeling that I ought to make some conversation, so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to put in a telephone, and at that she started to laugh, and then she stopped and looked at me--scared.

    (The County Attorney, who has had his notebook out, makes a note.) I dunno, maybe it wasn't scared. I wouldn't like to say it was. Soon Harry got back, and then Dr. Lloyd came, and you, Mr. Peters, and so I guess that's all I know that you don't.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. (looking around). I guess we'll go upstairs first--and then out to the barn and around there. (To the Sheriff). You're convinced that there was nothing important here--nothing that would point to any motive?

    SHERIFF. Nothing here but kitchen things.

    (The County Attorney, after again looking around the kitchen, opens the door of a cupboard closet. He gets up on a chair and looks on a shelf. Pulls his hand away, sticky.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Here's a nice mess.
    (The women draw nearer.)

    MRS. PETERS (to the other woman). Oh, her fruit; it did freeze. (To the Lawyer). She worried about that when it turned so cold. She said the fire'd go out and her jars would break.

    SHERIFF. Well, can you beat the women! Held for murder and worryin' about her preserves.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. I guess before we're through she may have something more serious than preserves to worry about.

    HALE. Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.
    (The two women move a little closer together.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (with the gallantry of a young politician). And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend. He goes to the sink, takes dipperful of water form the pail and, pouring it into a basin, washes his hands. Starts to wipe them on the roller towel, turns it for a cleaner place.) Dirty towels! (Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink.) Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?

    MRS. HALE (stiffly). There's a great deal of work to be done on a farm.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. To be sure. And yet... (With a little bow to her.) ...I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels. (He gives it a pull to expose its full length again.)

    MRS. HALE. Those towels get dirty awful quick. Men's hands aren't always as clean as they might be.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Ah, loyal to your sex, I see. But you and Mrs. Wright were neighbors. I suppose you were friends, too.

    MRS. HALE (shaking her head.) I've not seen much of her of late years. I've not been in this house--it's more than a year.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. And why was that? You didn't like her?

    MRS. HALE. I liked her all well enough. Farmers' wives have their hands full, Mr. Henderson. And then--


    MRS. HALE (looking about.) It never seemed a very cheerful place.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. No--it's not cheerful. I shouldn't say she had the homemaking instinct.

    MRS. HALE. Well, I don't know as Wright had, either.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. You mean that they didn't get on very well?

    MRS. HALE. No, I don't mean anything. But I don't think a place'd be any cheerfuller for John Wright's being in it.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. I'd like to talk more of that a little later. I want to get the lay of things upstairs now. (He goes to the left, where three steps lead to a stair door.)

    SHERIFF. I suppose anything Mrs. Peters does'll be all right. She was to take in some clothes for her, you know, and a few little things. We left in such a hurry yesterday.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Yes, but I would like to see what you take, Mrs. Peters, and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us.

    MRS. PETERS. Yes, Mr. Henderson.
    (The women listen to the men's steps on the stairs, then look about the kitchen.)

    MRS. HALE. I'd hate to have men coming into my kitchen, snooping around and criticizing. (She arranges the pans under sink which the Lawyer had shoved out of place.)

    MRS. PETERS. Of course it's no more than their duty.

    MRS. HALE. Duty's all right, but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make the fire might have got a little of this on. (Gives the roller towel a pull.) Wish I'd thought of that sooner. Seems mean to talk about her for not having things slicked up when she had to come away in such a hurry.

    MRS. PETERS. (who has gone to a small table in the left rear corner of the room, and lifted on end of a towel that covers a pan). She had bread set. (Stands still.)

    MRS. HALE (eyes fixed on a loaf of bread beside the breadbox, which is on a low shelf at the other side of the room. Moves slowly toward it.)she was going to put this in there. (Picks up loaf, then abruptly drops it. In a manner of returning to familiar things.) It's a shame about her fruit. I wonder if it's all gone. (Gets up on the chair and looks.) I think there's some here that's all right, Mrs. Peters. Yes--here; (Holding it toward the window.) This is cherries, too. (Looking again.) I declare I believe that's the only one. (Gets down, bottle in her hand. Goes to the sink and wipes it off on the outside.) She'll feel awful bad after all her hard work in the hot weather. I remember the afternoon I put up my cherries last summer.
    (She puts the bottle on the big kitchen table, center of the room, front table. With a sigh, is about to sit down in the rocking chair. Before she is seated realizes what chair it is; with a slow look at it, steps back. The chair, which she has touched, rocks back and forth.)

    MRS. PETERS. Well, I must get those things from the front room closet. [She goes to the door at the right, but after looking into the other room, steps back.] You coming with me, Mrs. Hale? You could help me carry them. (They go into the other room; reappear, Mrs. Peters carrying a dress and skirt, Mrs. Hale following with a pair of shoes.)

    MRS. PETERS. My, it's cold in there. (She puts the cloth on the big table, and hurries to the stove.)

    MRS HALE (examining the skirt). Wright was close. I think maybe that's why she kept so much to herself. She didn't even belong to the Ladies' Aid. I suppose she felt she couldn't do her part, and then you don't enjoy things when you feel shabby. She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was MInnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir. But that--oh, that was thirty years ago. This all you was to take?

    MRS. PETERS. She said she wanted an apron. Funny thing to want, for there isn't much to get you dirty in jail, goodness knows. But I suppose just to make her feel more natural. She said they was in the top drawer in this cupboard. Yes, here. And then her little shawl that always hung behind the door. (Opens stair door and looks.) Yes, here it is. (Quickly shuts door leading upstairs..)

    MRS. HALE (abruptly moving toward her.) Mrs. Peters?

    MRS. PETERS. Do you think she did it?

    MRS. PETERS (in a frightened voice.) Oh, I don't know.

    MRS. HALE. Well, I don't think she did. Asking for an apron and her little shawl. Worrying about her fruit.

    MRS. PETERS (starts to speak, glances up, where footsteps are heard in the room above. In a low voice.) Mrs. Peters says it looks bad for her. Mr. Henderson is awful sarcastic in speech, and he'll make fun of her sayin' she didn't wake up.

    MRS. HALE. Well, I guess John Wright didn't wake when they was slipping that rope under his neck.

    MRS. PETERS. No, it's strange. It must have been done awful crafty and still. They say it was such a --funny way to kill a man, rigging it all up like that.

    MRS. HALE. That's just what Mr. Hale said. There was a gun in the house. He says that's what he can't understand.

    MRS. PETERS. Mr. Henderson said coming out that what was needed for the case was a motive; something to show anger or--sudden feeling.

    MRS. HALE (who is standing by the table). Well, I don't see any signs of anger around here. (she puts her hand on the dish towel which lies on the table, stands looking down at the table, one half of which is clean, the other half messy.) It's wiped here. (Makes a move as if to finish work, then turns and looks at loaf of bread outside the breadbox. Drops towel. In that voice of coming back to familiar things. ) Wonder how they are finding things upstairs? I hope she had it a little more there. You know, it seems kind of sneaking. Locking her up in town and then coming out here and trying to get her own house to turn against her!

    MRS. PETERS. But, Mrs. Hale, the law is the law.

    MRS. HALE. I s'pose 'tis. (Unbuttoning her coat.) Better loosen up your things, Mrs. Peters. You won't feel them when you go out. (Mrs. Peters takes off her fur tippet, goes to hang it on hook at the back of room, stands looking at the under part of the small corner table.)

    MRS. PETERS. She was piecing a quilt. (She brings the large sewing basket, and they look at the bright pieces.)

    MRS. HALE. It's log cabin pattern. Pretty, isn't it? I wonder if she was goin' to quilt or just knot it? (Footsteps have been heard coming down the stairs. The Sheriff enters, followed by Hale and the County Attorney.)

    SHERIFF. They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it. (The men laugh, the women look abashed.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (rubbing his hands over the stove). Frank's fire didn't do much up there, did it? Well, let's go out to the barn and get that cleared up. (The men go outside.)

    MRS. HALE (resentfully). I don't know as there's anything so strange, our takin' up our time with little things while we're waiting for them to get the evidence. (She sits down at the big table, smoothing out a block with decision.) I don't see as it's anything to laugh about.

    MRS. PETERS. (apologetically). Of course they've got awful important things on their minds. (Pulls up a chair and joins Mrs. Hale at the table.)

    MRS. HALE (examining another block.) Mrs. Peters, look at this one. Here, this is the one she was working on, and look at the sewing! All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It's all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didn't know what she was about! (After she has said this, they look at each other, then start to glance back at the door. After an instant Mrs. Hale has pulled at a knot and ripped the sewing.)

    MRS. PETERS. Oh, what are you doing, Mrs. Hale?

    MRS. HALE (mildly). Just pulling out a stitch or two that's not sewed very good. (Threading a needle). Bad sewing always made me fidgety.

    MRS. PETERS. (nervously). I don't think we ought to touch things.

    MRS. HALE. I'll just finish up this end. (Suddenly stopping and leaning forward.) Mrs. Peters?

    MRS. PETERS. Yes, Mrs. Hale?

    MRS. HALE. What do you suppose she was so nervous about?

    MRS. PETERS. Oh--I don't know. I don't know as she was nervous. I sometimes sew awful queer when I'm just tired. (Mrs. Hale starts to say something looks at Mrs. Peters, then goes on sewing.) Well, I must get these things wrapped up. They may be through sooner than we think. (Putting apron and other things together.) I wonder where I can find a piece of paper, and string.

    MRS. HALE. In that cupboard, maybe.

    MRS. PETER. (looking in cupboard). Why, here's a birdcage. (Holds it up.) Did she have a bird, Mrs. Hale?

    MRS. HALE. Why, I don't know whether she did or not--I've not been here for so long. There was a man around last year selling canaries cheap, but I don't know as she took one; maybe she did. She used to sing real pretty herself.

    MRS. PETERS. (glancing around). Seems funny to think of a bird here. But she must have had one, or why should she have a cage? I wonder what happened to it?

    MRS. HALE. I s'pose maybe the cat got it.

    MRS. PETERS. No, she didn't have a cat. She's got that feeling some people have about cats--being afraid of them. My cat got in her room, and she was real upset and asked me to take it out.

    MRS. HALE. My sister Bessie was like that. Queer, ain't it?

    MRS. PETERS. (examining the cage). Why, look at this door. It's broke. One hinge is pulled apart.

    MRS. HALE. (looking, too.) Looks as if someone must have been rough with it.

    MRS. PETERS. Why, yes. (she brings the cage forward and puts it on the table.)

    MRS. HALE. I wish if they're going to find any evidence they'd be about it. I don't like this place.

    MRS. PETERS. But I'm awful glad you came with me, Mrs. Hale. It would be lonesome of me sitting here alone.

    MRS. HALE. It would, wouldn't it? (Dropping her sewing). But I tell you what I do wish, Mrs. Peters. I wish I had come over sometimes she was here. I-- (Looking around the room.)--wish I had.

    MRS. PETERS. But of course you were awful busy, Mrs. Hale---your house and your children.

    MRS. HALE. I could've come. I stayed away because it weren't cheerful--and that's why I ought to have come. I--I've never liked this place. Maybe because it's down in a hollow, and you don't see the road. I dunno what it is, but it's a lonesome place and always was. I wish I had come over to see Minnie Foster sometimes. I can see now--(Shakes her head.)

    MRS. PETERS. Well, you mustn't reproach yourself, Mrs. Hale. Somehow we just don't see how it is with other folks until--something comes up.

    MRS. HALE. Not having children makes less work--but it makes a quiet house, and Wright out to work all day, and no company when he did come in. Did you know John Wright, Mrs. Peters?

    MRS. PETERS. Not to know him; I've seen him in town. They say he was a good man.

    MRS. HALE. Yes--good; he didn't drink, and kept his word as well as most, I guess, and paid his debts. But he was a hard man, Mrs. Peters. Just to pass the time of day with him. (Shivers.) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone. (Pauses, her eye falling on the cage.) I should think she would 'a wanted a bird. But what do you suppose went with it?

    MRS. PETERS. I don't know, unless it got sick and died. (She reaches over and swings the broken door, swings it again; both women watch it.)

    MRS.> HALE. She--come to think of it, she was kind of like a bird herself--real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and--fluttery. How--she--did--change. (Silence; then as if struck by a happy thought and relieved to get back to everyday things.) Tell you what, Mrs. Peters, why don't you take the quilt in with you? It might take up her mind.

    MRS. PETERS. Why, I think that's a real nice idea, Mrs. Hale. There couldn't possible be any objection to it, could there? Now, just what would I take? I wonder if her patches are in here--and her things. (They look in the sewing basket.)

    MRS. HALE. Here's some red. I expect this has got sewing things in it (Brings out a fancy box.) What a pretty box. Looks like something somebody would give you. Maybe her scissors are in here. (Opens box. Suddenly puts her hand to her nose.) Why-- (Mrs. Peters bend nearer, then turns her face away.) There's something wrapped up in this piece of silk.

    MRS. PETERS. Why, this isn't her scissors.

    MRS. HALE (lifting the silk.) Oh, Mrs. Peters--it's-- (Mrs. Peters bend closer.)

    MRS. PETERS. It's the bird.

    MRS. HALE (jumping up.) But, Mrs. Peters--look at it. Its neck! Look at its neck! It's all--other side to.

    MRS. PETERS. Somebody--wrung--its neck.
    (Their eyes meet. A look of growing comprehension of horror. Steps are heard outside. Mrs. Hale slips box under quilt pieces, and sinks into her chair. Enter Sheriff and County Attorney. Mrs. Peters rises.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (as one turning from serious thing to little pleasantries). Well, ladies, have you decided whether she was going to quilt it or knot it?

    MRS. PETERS. We think she was going to--knot it.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. Well, that's interesting, I'm sure. (Seeing the birdcage.) Has the bird flown?

    MRS. HALE (putting more quilt pieces over the box.) We think the--cat got it.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (preoccupied). Is there a cat?
    (Mrs. Hale glances in a quick covert way at Mrs. Peters.

    ) MRS. PETERS. Well, not now. They're superstitious, you know. They leave.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (to Sheriff Peters, continuing an interrupted conversation.) No sign at all of anyone having come from the outside. Their own rope. Now let's go up again and go over it piece by piece. (They start upstairs.) It would have to have been someone who knew just the--
    (Mrs. Peters sits down. The two women sit there not looking at one another, but as if peering into something and at the same time holding back. When they talk now, it is the manner of feeling their way over strange ground, as if afraid of what they are saying, but as if they cannot help saying it.) MRS. HALE. She liked the bird. She was going to bury it in that pretty box.

    MRS. PETERS. (in a whisper). When I was a girl--my kitten--there was a boy took a hatchet, and before my eyes--and before I could get there--(Covers her face an instant.) If they hadn't held me back, I would have-- (Catches herself, looks upstairs, where steps are heard, falters weakly.)--hurt him.

    MRS. HALE (with a slow look around her.) I wonder how it would seem never to have had any children around. (Pause.) No, Wright wouldn't like the bird--a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that, too.

    MRS. PETERS (moving uneasily). We don't know who killed the bird.

    MRS. HALE. I knew John Wright.

    MRS. PETERS. It was an awful thing was done in this house that night, Mrs. Hale. Killing a man while he slept, slipping a rope around his neck that choked the life out of him.

    MRS. HALE. His neck, Choked the life out of him.
    (Her hand goes out and rests on the birdcage.) MRS. PETERS (with a rising voice). We don't know who killed him. We don't know.

    MRS. HALE (her own feeling not interrupted.) If there'd been years and years of nothing, then a bird to sing to you, it would be awful--still, after the bird was still.

    MRS. PETERS (something within her speaking). I know what stillness is. When we homesteaded in Dakota, and my first baby died--after he was two years old, and me with no other then--

    MRS. HALE (moving). How soon do you suppose they'll be through, looking for evidence?

    MRS. PETERS. I know what stillness is. (Pulling herself back). The law has got to punish crime, Mrs. Hale. MRS. HALE (not as if answering that). I wish you'd seen MInnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang. (A look around the room). Oh, I wish I'd come over here once in a while! That was a crime! That was a crime! Who's going to punish that?

    MRS. Peters (looking upstairs). We mustn't--take on.

    MRS. HALE. I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be--for women. I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things--it's all just a different kind of the same thing. (Brushes her eyes, noticing the bottle of fruit, reaches out for it.) If I was you, I wouldn't tell her her fruit was gone. Tell her it ain't. Tell her it's all right. Take this in to prove it to her. She--she may never know whether it was broke or not.

    MRS. PETERS (takes the bottle, looks about for something to wrap it in; takes petticoat from the clothes brought from the other room, very nervously begins winding this around the bottle. In a false voice). My, it's a good thing the men couldn't hear us. Wouldn't they just laugh! Getting all stirred up over a little thing like a--dead canary. As if that could have anything to do with--with--wouldn't they laugh!
    (The men are heard coming downstairs.) MRS. HALE (under her breath). Maybe they would--maybe they wouldn't.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. No, Peters, it's all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it. But you know juries when it comes to women. If there was some definite thing. Something to show--something to make a story about--a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it.
    (The women's eyes meet for an instant. Enter Hale from outer door.)

    HALE. Well, I've got the team around. Pretty cold out there.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY. I'm going to stay here awhile by myself (To the Sheriff). You can send Frank out for me, can't you? I want to go over everything. I'm not satisfied that we can't do better.

    SHERIFF. Do you want to see what Mrs. Peters is going to take in?
    (The Lawyer goes to the table, picks up the apron, laughs.) COUNTY ATTORNEY. Oh I guess they're not very dangerous things the ladies have picked up. (Moves a few things about, disturbing the quilt pieces which cover the box. Steps back.) No, Mrs. Peters doesn't need supervising. For that matter, a sheriff's wife is married to the law. Ever think of it that way, Mrs. Peters?

    MRS. PETERS. Not--just that way.

    SHERIFF (chuckling). Married to the law. (Moves toward the other room.) I just want you to come in here a minute, George. We ought to take a look at these windows.

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (scoffingly). Oh, windows!

    SHERIFF. We'll be right out, Mr. Hale.
    (Hale goes outside. The Sheriff follows the County Attorney into the other room. Then Mrs. Hale rises, hands tight together, looking intensely at Mrs. Peters, whose eyes take a slow turn, finally meeting Mrs. Hale's. A moment Mrs. Hale holds her, then her own eyes point the way to where the box is concealed. Suddenly Mrs. Peters throws back quilt pieces and tries to put the box in the bag she is wearing. It is too big. She opens box, starts to take the bird out, cannot touch it, goes to pieces, stands there helpless. Sound of a knob turning in the other room. Mrs. Hale snatches the box and puts it in the pocket of her big coat. Enter County Attorney and Sheriff.)

    COUNTY ATTORNEY (facetiously). Well, Henry, at least we found out that she was not going to quilt it. She was going to--what is it you call it, ladies!

    MRS. HALE (her hand against her pocket). We call it--knot it, Mr. Henderson.

  2. #2
    انجليزي مشارك الصورة الرمزية jejysoul
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : trifles

    I copy it to read it later

    thx a lot

  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : trifles

    عندي سوال للي يعرف المسرحيه بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز

    What do you think of the ending? Is it justifiable? How does it fit within the Justice versus Law theme posed by the play? If you don't agree with it, how should you think is should end?

    ارجو الرد ألف مبروك .. لقد سعدت بهذا الخبر

  4. #4
    انجليزي مشارك الصورة الرمزية jejysoul
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : trifles

    In Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, the male characters are portrayed as being the more logical, all-knowing gender. It is the men in the play who hold the highest positions, such as the county attorney and sheriff. They value finding the quickest answer to Mr. Wright’s murder. They do not want to waste any time in trying to solve the mystery, and so they overlook important details such as the messy kitchen. They assume that it is more important to evaluate the room where Mr. Wright was killed than to analyze how Mrs. Wright kept her house or the couple’s relationship. In the very beginning of the play, the County Attorney suggests that we “talk about [feelings] later, Mr. Hale” (838).
    The men are portrayed in a more negative manner than the women. Because the women hold back information from the men, it is indicated to the audience that the men do not really care what the women think or how much information they know. Trifles is an attempt by Glaspell to show how women deserve more accreditation from men.
    Works Cited

    The men in this play want to solve the crime quickly. The evidence they put together is all of the obvious things. They do not look into the real meaning of any of the evidence and ignore things that can help them solve the crime. The women on the other hand recognize the small details, for example, the house was left a mess and a quilt was left unfinished. They know more than the men do. The men perceive justice as the murderer getting punished. The women appear to think differently. As for the fact that, they think Mrs. Peters has committed this crime, they try to protect her. I believe they are trying to protect her because men are commonly thought of as superior and women are not treated equal. Mrs. Peters did not have a happy life, and her husband had pushed her to her limit and I believe they all understood that feeling. Justice, in their eyes, was letting Mrs. Peters go free.

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : trifles

    The one act play, Trifles was written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. Glaspell was a reporter from 1899 to 1901 for the Des Moines News. While working for the Des Moines News she covered a murder trial of a farmer's wife in Indianola, Iowa at the turn of the century. It wasn't until 1915 when her and her husband; George Cram Cook founded and opened the Provincetown Playhouse where Mr. Cook suggested Glaspell to write a one act play. The memories of the farmer's wife trial inspired Glaspell to write the play Trifles. Other works from Glaspell include The Inheritors and The Verge, both produced in 1921, Bernice in 1924, and Alison's House in 1930 which was "a play based on Emily Dickinson's life, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1931". (Parrish) Glaspell published her first novel The Glory of the Conquered in 1909 and then published several other books which included, Visioning in 1911, Lifted Masks: Stories in 1912, Fidelity in 1915, The Road to the Temple in 1926, and The Morning Is Near Us in 1940. Earlier works included short stories that appeared in magazines such as Harper's and Ladies' Home Journal.

    Trifles is a play about a murder mystery which includes a farmer named John Wright, his wife Minnie Foster Wright, a Sheriff, a County Attorney, Mr. and Mrs. Hale, and Mrs. Peters, who is the Sheriff's wife. The main character of the play is Mrs. Wright, you never hear directly from Mrs. Wright just briefly in the beginning of the play and then only through the other characters from the play. The play is about the mysterious murder of Mr. Wright. Mrs. Wright becomes somewhat of a suspect in her husband's death after Mr. Hale makes a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Wrights' home. Once Mr. Hale approached the house he notices a very strange behavior in Mrs. Wright where she later tells Mr. Hale after much questioning from Mr. Hale that her husband was dead. Mr. Hale, who is confused and shocked about Mr. Wright's death, asked Mrs. Wright how he died. She tells him that "somebody slipped a rope around his neck and strangled him." (Booth, et al.) Mr. Hale quickly checks upstairs to see if any of what Mrs. Wright was saying was true. Once Mr. Hale sees the dead body of Mr. Wright he quickly leaves and later returns with the Sheriff and the County Attorney. Mr. Hale is then questioned by the County Attorney throughout the play. The Sheriff and the County Attorney neglect certain aspects of clues while they appear to only limit their search to the Farmhouse for any clues in the murder. It is Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters who discover the bits and pieces of evidence that would link Mrs. Wright to the murder of her husband.

    The Characters in the play tell us about Mr. and Mrs. Wright. They tell us that Mr. Wright as a provider who paid his debt and kept up on his financial responsibilities and a man that kept his word. Mr. Wright is also described as a hard man and with inclinations that make you think that he was a difficult person to get along with and was perhaps even controlling with Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Wright is described as a quiet and reserved woman who in her early years was a pretty, cheerful and a talented singer who loved to sing and was in the choir. The characters also tell us that ever since Mrs. Wright was married to Mr. Wright she had changed and was no longer the cheerful woman she once was. She no longer sang in the choir and she withdrew from society and kept to herself. We also hear that Wrights never had any children and the longing for companionship and joy in the home must have been a great desire for Mrs. Wright. This could have lead Mrs. Wright to become depressed and another reason why she withdrew herself from society. The evidence that is discovered from Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters clearly shows us that Mrs. Wright did kill her husband. The play also makes us aware of the differences between men and women during this era and how men are oblivious to the life of a woman. We clearly see this when the highly trained "male" officials were not so keen on searching inside the home for evidence and even at the end of the play when the County Attorney asked the women how did Mrs. Wright plan to finish her quilt and the reply was, while the women were hiding the box that held the dead bird, with a knot they replied. Still, the officials didn't even catch on.

    When analyzing the play we see that there were several clues that hinted that Mrs. Wright did killed her husband. We noticed that the men in the play were focused on finding clues that they believed would be found in the farmhouse and they neglected searching inside the home for clues, especially when they believed Mrs. Wright was the one who murdered her own husband. Some of the main clues in the play that lead us to believe that Mrs. Wright was the murderer was the uncompleted quilt that both Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Wright had found and how they were trying to figure out if Mrs. Wright was either going to quilt it or knot it. Puzzled by the sudden appearance of a nice and even quilt that seemed to end in a badly stitched quilt gave a big clue to the story and later confirms this at the end of the play when the County Attorney finds out that the quilt Mrs. Wright was working on was going to be knotted. This clearly shows reference and a similarity to a rope that would need to be knotted when someone is going to be hung. A coincident? I would have to say. How else would we explain the nice and neat quilt making to the messing and badly stitched quilt? We can see another connection that Mrs. Wright killed her husband. The play describes Mrs. Wright in her younger years as a cheerful lady that sang in a choir we also see that being married to Mr. Wright who was described as a hard man might have influenced her to become withdrawn from society and having no children must have added loneliness and emptiness in her life. When we hear about the empty canary cage with the broken door this gives us the idea that Mrs. Wright must had purchased a canary and considering that canaries sing this must had been a way for her fulfill her emptiness she was feeling and this bird must had giving her some joy. Considering the fact that she sung and canaries sing also makes a reference that she must had cared a lot about the bird. The empty cage with the broken door gives us the idea that the disappearance of the bird was done forcefully, so we would rule out that the bird died on its own and it makes you think that perhaps Mr. Wright killed the bird because he couldn't handle the singing and for being a hard man the constant singing must had drove him to the point of killing the bird. When Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find the bird in a sewing box and they notice that the birds neck was broken just confirmed to us that Mr. Wright must had been the one to kill the bird. The connection between the empty cage and the sudden mess in the quilt tells us that Mrs. Wright must had been quilting while the bird was singing and that was when Mr. Wright killed the bird and this must had devastated Mrs. Wright to the point that when Mr. Wright went to sleep she then killed him similar to the way he killed her bird. I think that Mrs. Wright was similar to the bird in the cage that she felt trapped and dead and when she killed her husband she freed herself from the death she was living in the care of her husband.

    The characters Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters appeared to have wanted to protect Mrs. Wright by hiding the dead bird and the box which would give the officials a clue and to confirm that Mrs. Wright did murder her husband. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters did reveal some hints to the officials about some of their findings, but the officials didn't seem to take the women serious and completely ignored clues that would had solved the case.

    I do have to say that the play ended without a strong ending. You were left in the mist of guessing if Mrs. Wright was guilty based on the clues that were provided throughout the story. It didn't tell us if Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters ever gave the evidence over to the officials. We are just left guessing that the two women never discussed their findings of the clues and kept what they knew a secret. You had a sense that the women must have caught on that Mrs. Wright did kill her husband and they wanted to protect her, either because she was a lonely, neglected woman trapped in a world that made her a prisoner to her husband. Maybe they felt that she did what she did because her husband made her life miserable and they felt sorry for her and wanted to help her.

    The play has an open ending where you could draw the conclusion yourself. The evidence was there but it made you realize how unimportant women must have been during that era. The play also shows us that even the most reserved, cheerful individual is capable of protecting what they love or anything that gives them a sense of joy and happiness, even if that means killing anyone who destroys that happiness.
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المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. مسرحيه trifles
    بواسطة ROAD ROSE في المنتدى Literature courses
    مشاركات: 9
    آخر مشاركة: 03-01-2010, 05:38 PM


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