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الموضوع: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  1. #76
    انجليزي خبير
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2009
    saudi arabia , Riyadh
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  2. #77
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    30 رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  3. #78
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    يعطيك العافية ساعدونا

  4. #79
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    جزاك الله الف خير

  5. #80
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  6. #81
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    مشكووور وماقصرت

  7. #82
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    الله يعيطك العافيه

  8. #83
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    تسسلم الايادي على هذا العمل الرائع
    بآرك الله فيـــــــــــك

  9. #84
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Thumbs up رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    بارك الله فيك ويسر اموركم

  10. #85
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    دعوني اري العمل اولا ثم اقوم بالشكر وعموما شكرا مقدما

  11. #86
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    ويعطيك الف عافيه

  12. #87
    مميز الصورة الرمزية teach me2007
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    الم وامل
    لقاء وفراق
    دمعة وابتسامة
    مسرة وشقاء
    نجتمع دوما لنفترق
    هكذا هي الحياة ....!

  13. #88
    انجليزي فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    تسلم الأيادى ويسلم إبداعها

  14. #89
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Horizon
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    أغلـ بقاع ــ العالم ــى
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  15. #90
    مشرفة منتدى الصف الثاني ثانوي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    الله يعطيك العافية

  16. #91
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  17. #92
    انجليزي فعال
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  18. #93
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  19. #94
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  20. #95
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    جزاك الله كل خير وبارك الله فيك وهذه مشاركة اتمنى تفيد الجمبع وللعلم تراه منقول جزى الله من قام عليه خير الجزاء

    المملكة العربية السعودية
    وزارة التربية والتعليم
    الإدارة العامة للتربية والتعليم بالباحة

    للصف الثالث الثانوي
    الفصل الدراسي الأول

    عبدالله سعيد الغامدي

    Unit 1

    A-PUNCTUATION علامات الترقيم
    1-Capital Letters:1-الحروف الكبيرة
    1-The first letter at the beginning of the sentnece الحرف الأول في الجملة ,such as:
    Fresh water can be drunk. It is found in rain.
    2- The first letter of people’s names أسماء الناس ,such as:
    Ahmad Al-Ali.
    3- The first letter of people’s title ألقاب الناس ,such as:
    King Abdul Aziz.[ Prince…/Doctor…/Mr. …/Mrs. …]بشرط أن يأتي بعدها اسم شخص.
    4- The first letter of languages اللغات and nationalities الجنسية such as:
    Arabic اللغة العربية – English الإنجليزية/إنجليزي – Japanese اليابانية/ياباني – French الفرنسية/فرنسي – Italian الإيطالية/إيطالي.
    5- The first letter of the name of palces أسماء الأماكن such as:
    The Tigris River نهر دجلة - England- King Fahad Street.
    6- The first letter of the title of book or subject عنوان كتاب أو موضوع, such as:
    The Modern Saudi Postal Service.
    7-The first letter of the months, such as:
    January – February – March – April …etc.
    8- The first letter of the days of the week, suah as:
    Saturdy- Sunday- Monday- Tuesday …etc.
    9-The word [ I ] ضميرالمتكلم مهما كان موقعه في الجملة.

    2-Full Stops:النقطة
    1-At the end of the sentenece:
    Fresh water can be drunk. Salt water cannot be drunk.
    2-After abbreviations بعد الإختصارات :
    e.g. / Mr. / Mrs.
    3-With (a.m.) and (p.m.).

    3-Writing Lists:كتابة قائمة
    I am goint to buy apples, bananas, oranges and dates.


    ⅓: one third. or a third
    ⅔:two thirds
    ⅛:one eighth or an eighth
    ⅜:three eighths
    وهكذا أي عدد كسري ماعدا النصف والربع والثلاثة أرباع فنقول:
    ½: one half or a half.
    ¼: one quarter or a quarter.
    ¾: three quarters

    Helping Verbs & Main Verbs:
    What has he written?
    How can you spell “conservation” ?
    What should they play?
    نلاحظ أن has , can , should أفعال مساعدة ووضعناها قبل الفاعل. وهناك أفعال مساعدة قد تأتي أفعال أساسية مثل Verb to Be و Verb to Do و Verb to Have فإذا لم يكن هناك فعل في الإستفهام فإنها أفعال أساسية مثل:
    Verb to Be وهي [ am , is , are , was , were ]:
    How is he now?
    What will you be in the future?
    Where they have been?
    فـ is و be و been هنا أفعال أساسية لأنه لم يأتي بعدها فعل.
    Verb to Do وهي [do , does , did ]:
    What do you do?
    What will they do?
    What has he done?
    What is she doing?
    Verb to Have وهي [ have , has , had ]:
    What does he have?
    What did they have?
    What have they had?

    Word Study:
    1. demand : a need for something
    2. fraction : a part of whole.
    3. mistake : something not correct
    4. unusable : cannot be used.

    1. Nearly ………….. of the world is covered by water .
    (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 50% (d) 75%
    2. We cannot drink sea water because it is ……………..
    (a) too much (b) remote (c) fresh (d) salty
    3. About 80% of the rain in the world falls on ……………
    (a) the desert (b) continents (c) the sea (d) land
    4. About ……………… of the rain falls on land
    (a) one-fifth (b) a quarter (c) a third (d) a half
    5. The largest source of fresh water in the world is in …………….
    (a) the sea (b) Antarctica (c) rivers (d) the Pacific Ocean
    6. Water in Antarctica is …………..
    (a) salty (b) usable (c) unusable (d) precious
    7. Drinking uses a …………… percentage of fresh water .
    (a) small (b) large (c) big (d) huge
    8. The fresh water in Antarctica cannot be used because it is …………….
    (a) too much (b) too little (c) remote (d) salty
    9. It takes 20 tons of water to make 1 ton of ……………
    (a) electricity (b) bread (c) steel (d) petrol
    10. It takes ………… kilos of water to make four kilos of bread .
    (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
    11. …………. is used for drinking, washing, cooking, farming and in industry .
    (a) Ink (b) Water (c) Ice (d) Snow
    12. There is a big …………. for fresh water in the desert .
    (a) sea (b) average (c) mistake (d) demand

    Correcting mistakes :
    The heat of the sun evaporates seawater. Tiny drops rise into the sky. They form
    clouds. when they grow too heavy, rain falls. Some of the rain goes to the sea.
    Some goes underground. Water is used in oases wells and bore-holes. It is used
    for drinking, washing, cultivation and irrigation of crops

    Unit 2

    1-Adding (s)للفعل: s إضافة
    play → plays / enjoy → enjoys

    fly → flies / carry → carries

    go → goes / watch → watches / crash → crashes / cross → crosses

    Arive → arrives / eat → eats / grow → grows
    2-Adding (ed):
    use → used / smile → smiled
    play → played

    study → studied / carry → carried

    stop → stopped / travel → travelled.

    Clean → cleaned / finish → finished.
    3-Adding ( ing ):
    take → taking / give → giving / write → writing

    stop → stopping / get → getting / swim → swimming

    go → going / laugh → laughing

    Asking Questions
    1-Yes/ No Questions:
    He is reading a book.
    تصبح: Is he reading a book?

    He goes to school evryday.
    They played football.

    Does he go to school everyday?
    Did they play football?

    2-Wh- Questions:
    He is playing football.
    Wh- + H.V. + S. + V?
    What is he playing?
    He goes to school.
    Where does he go to?
    They played football.
    What did they play?

    Ahmad is flying to Jeddah.
    Wh- + ……………………………..?
    Who is flying to Jeddah?
    Ali attends Secondary School.
    Who attends Secondary School?
    Fahd played tennis.
    Who played tennis?
    Water is used for drinking.
    What is used for drinking?
    Three quarters of the world is covered by water?
    How much of the world is covered by water?

    1. Men who hunt or fish without permission are called …………..
    (a) poachers (b) wardens (c) reporters (d) species
    2. ………….. means protecting the environment .
    (a) Cultivation (b) Conversation (c) Conservation (d) Irrigation
    3. ………….. cause the extinction of animals and plants on earth .
    (a) Animals (b) Insects (c) Scientists (d) Men
    4. The main reason for animal and plant extinction is …………..
    (a) cultivation (b) plantation (c) deforestation (d) cooperation
    5. Cutting down forests causes …………..
    (a) conservation (b) pollution (c) deforestation (d) extinction
    6. Deforestation means …………..
    (a) cutting down forests (b) hunting (c) fishing (d) preventing rainwater
    7. ………….. can be made from wild plants .
    (a) Deforestation (b) Conservation (c) Insects (d) Medicines
    8. The ………….. originally exists in the Arabian Peninsula .
    (a) whale (b) oryx (c) elephant (d) white rhinoceros
    9. A large area full of trees is often called …………..
    (a) forest (b) fertilizer (c) planet (d) insect

    Word Study:
    1. deforestation : destroying forests.
    2. Guatemala : a country in Central America.
    3. prohibit : not allow.
    4. visible : able to be seen.

    Correcting mistakes:
    Scientists still do not know exactly How many animal and plant species exist 1.
    on our planet they guess that there may be between 5 million and 30 million . 2.
    Only 1.7 million of them have been identifyed and described . Scientists think 3.
    that man causes the extinction of about ,100 animal and plant species every day. 4.

    Unit 3

    Connectors أدوات الربط
    1-We can join sentences like this:
    Ahmad is 16. He likes apples.
    Ahmad is 16 and he likes apples.

    Flying is enjoyable. It is expensive.
    Flying is enjoyable but it is expensive.

    Ahmad likes apples. He does not like bananas.
    Ahmad likes apples but he does not like bananas.

    2-We cannot join sentences like this:
    Khaled is 16. Ahmad likes apples.


    1-Questions that expect the answer No:
    You don't come from Saudi Arabia, do you? - No, I don't.
    He doesn't like ice cream, does he? - No, he doesn't.

    2-The Past Continuous Tense:
    S. + was (or were) + V-ing .
    I was flying to Dubai when I met a friend.

    Word Study:
    1. acquire : get.
    2. aircraft : a machine which flies.
    3. continually : very often/ repeated many times.
    4. jet : a kind of engine.

    1. One disadvantage of air travel is that it is …………..
    (a) enjoyable (b) fast (c) expensive (d) comfortable
    2. The first airplane in Saudi Arabia was ………….. to King Abdul Aziz .
    (a) sold (b) produced (c) lent (d) given
    3. The first Saudi plane was a ………….. . It was given to King Abdul Aziz in 1945 .
    (a) Douglas DC-3 (b) Boeing 720 Bs (c) TriStar (d) helicopter
    4. The first Saudi fleet consisted of ………….. planes .
    (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
    5. ………….. used the first Saudi planes .
    (a) Government officials (b) All people (c) Travellers (d) Merchants
    6. King ………….. established the National Airline .
    (a) Abdul Aziz (b) Saud (c) Faisal (d) Khaled
    7. ………….. was Saudia’s headquarters .
    (a) Riyadh (b) Jeddah (c) Dhahran (d) Madinah
    8. The headquarters of Saudia airlines is located in …………. .
    (a) Dhahran (b) Riyadh (c) Jeddah (d) Abha
    9. In 1962, the flight time between Jeddah and Riyadh was reduced because …………..
    (a) air fares were reduced by 25% (b) the name of the airline had been changed
    (c) more airfields were built (d) the jet service was introduced
    10. TriStar, Airbus and Boeing 747 are three wide-bodied …………..
    (a) planes (b) ships (c) buses (d) jets
    11. Saudia has more than ………….. planes now .
    (a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200
    12. Air travel in the Kingdom increased in 1985 because …………..
    (a) air fares were reduced by 25% (b) the name of the airline had been changed
    (c) more airfields were built (d) the jet service was introduced
    13. More than one million .………….. fly the route from Riyadh to Jeddah every year .
    (a) planes (b) air fares (c) passengers (d) flights
    14. She got onto the bus and paid the .…………..
    (a) fare (b) fair (c) faith (d) fear

    Correcting mistakes:
    Islam is based on five beliefs. These are called The Five Pillars of Islam. The first
    Belief is that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His
    messenger. The second is that a Muslim must pray five times a day. The third is that a
    Muslim must give Zakat. The fourth is fasting of Ramadan.

    Unit 4

    More about Punctuations
    1- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Japan, China and India are all in Asia.
    2- In 1987,/ Finally,/ Later,/ Next,/ After that,/ First,
    3- Yes, he is. / No, he does not.
    4- Although / When / After / If:
    If you eat too much, you will become fat.
    After they break their fast, they pray.
    5- I like apples and I like oranges, too.
    6- He likes apples, doesn't he?
    7- 2,333,555/ 1,000
    8- Yours faithfully, / Dear Sir, .

    Articles الأدوات
    1- a and an:
    This is an eraser.

    This is a book. / It is a cat.

    2- the :
    the books - the table - the water - the pens .:
    1- I saw a bag. The bag was heavy.
    2- I go to the airport. ( There is only one airport )
    3- He joined the queue at the check-in counter.
    4- The sun rises in the east.
    5- This is the first ( last ) one.

    Word Study:
    1. bit : a little.
    2. cannon : a large , heavy gun.
    3. go off : shoot.
    4. equal : the same.

    1. Islam is based on five beliefs called “ The Five ………….. of Islam “ .
    (a) Prayers (b) Pillars (c) Stones (d) Towers
    2. Ramadan is the ninth ………….. in the Islamic calendar .
    (a) day (b) week (c) month (d) year
    3. Fasting Ramadan is the ………….. pillar of Islam .
    (a) second (b) third (c) fourth (d) fifth
    4. Ramadan is important in the life of …………..
    (a) Muslims (b) Christians (c) non-Muslims (d) westerners
    5. Fasting Ramadan ………….. a Muslim
    (a) excuses (b) shares (c) reveals (d) strengthens
    6. Fasting helps Muslims …………..
    (a) to increase their self control (b) to perform the Hajj at Makkah
    (c) not to feel the pain of hunger (d) to pray five times a day
    7. In Ramadan , all adult Muslims must fast during the ………….. hours .
    (a) night (b) morning (c) evening (d) daylight
    8. Women who are expecting a baby are excused from …………..
    (a) praying five times a day (b) giving Zakat
    (c) fasting Ramadan (d) doing good deeds
    9. People who are ill are excused from …………..
    (a) giving Zakat (b) praying five times (c) celebrating Eid (d) fasting Ramadan
    10. Travellers are excused from …………..
    (a) praying (b) fasting (c) eating (d) drinking
    11. Old and sick people, travellers and women who are expecting a baby are excused from ……
    (a) fasting Ramadan (b) celebrating Eid
    (c) giving Zakat (d) praying five times a day
    12.The exact time of . ………….. is important in Ramadan .
    (a) self control (b) working hours (c) sunset (d) dark
    13. In Ramadan , Muslims break their fast …………..
    (a) at sunset (b) at dawn (c) at sunrise (d) in the morning
    14.Working hours are changed in Ramadan in order to ………. the Islamic duties of the Holy Month.
    (a) celebrate (b) focus on (c) nurse (d) reveal
    15. ………….. knows exactly which night in Ramadan is Lailatul Qadr .
    (a) Each Muslim (b) Everyone (c) No one (d) A Muslim
    16. Immediately after the last day of Ramadan , all Muslims celebrate …………..
    (a) Eid Al-Fitr (b) Al-Hajj (c) Eid Al-Adha (d) the Holy Month of Ramadan
    17. Muslim children ………….. during Eid Al-Fitr .
    (a) can fast (b) receive gifts (c) go to school (d) receive alms
    18. The Holy Qur’an was revealed in …………..
    (a) Eid Al-Fitr (b) Al-Hajj (c) Eid Al-Adha (d) the Holy Month of Ramadan

    Correcting mistakes:
    Ramadan customs are very special. Many Muslims prefer to change working hours so that they can focus on the Islamic dutyes of the Holy Month. At sunset, a cannon goes off and people break their fast with dates and water. then, they go to the mosque for the sunset prayer

    Unit 5


    1-Apostrophes: الفاصلة العلوية
    1- Possessive:
    This is Ahmad's book.
    Mars's atmosphere

    These are the boys' books.
    2- Abbreviation:
    It's hot today. [ It is hot]
    It's been here already. [ It has been ]

    * Its / It's :
    Earth orbits its sun

    2-Plural: الجمع
    1- book → books / car → cars
    2- potato → potatoes/ class → classes/ watch → watches/ dish → dishes/ box → boxes.
    3- wolf → wolves/ wife → wives.
    4- boy → boys

    family → families/ library → libraries/ party → parties.

    Irregular Plurals:
    man → men / woman → women
    fish → fish / sheep → sheep
    foot → feet / tooth → teeth

    The Present Simple Tense:الزمن الحاضر البسيط

    S. + V. + O. + C.
    They go to school everyday.

    He visits his uncle.

    He is a student.

    They have good times. / He has a car.

    They do not go to school.
    He does not visit his uncle.
    They do not have good times.
    He does not have any car.
    He is not a student.

    Do they go to school?
    Does he visit his uncle?
    Do they have good times?
    Does he have any car?

    Is he a student?

    Question inside Question سؤال ضمن سؤال

    1- Does life exist on other planets? + Do you know?
    Do you know that life exists on other planets?

    2- What is the time? +Can you tell me?
    Can you tell me what the time is?

    3- What does a satellite do? + This student cannot explain...
    This student cannot explain what a satellite does.

    4- Why does Earth's crust move? + Tell me .
    Tell me why Earth's crust moves.

    Word Study:
    1. complete : full; whole.
    2. exist : be; live.
    3. hard : solid; not easy to break.
    4. universe : everywhere; including everyone.

    1. The sun is a …………..
    (a) planet (b) star (c) satellite (d) galaxy
    2. The Earth is a …………..
    (a) planet (b) star (c) satellite (d) galaxy
    3. Uranus is a ………….. .
    (a) moon (b) planet (c) plant (d) star
    4. The Earth is the ………….. planet in the Solar System .
    (a) last (b) first (c) second (d) third
    5. The Earth does not …………..
    (a) orbit a star (b) have a moon (c) radiate light (d) reflect light
    6. There is only one ………….. in the Solar System .
    (a) planet (b) star (c) satellite (d) galaxy
    7. The Solar System consists of the sun and nine …………..
    (a) galaxies (b) stars (c) satellites (d) planets
    8. A galaxy is a large group of …………..
    (a) planets (b) stars (c) satellites (d) scientists
    9. Stars are not as ………….. as the moon .
    (a) bright (b) large (c) far away (d) nearer
    10. Outer planets are ………….. .
    (a) solid (b) unique (c) nearer to us (d) balls of gases
    11. Inner planets have ………….. surfaces
    (a) nearer (b) solid (c) unique (d) soft
    12. Mars is ………….. the Earth .
    (a) smaller than (b) larger than (c) not as small as (d) as big as
    13. Earth makes a complete orbit of the sun during ………….. days
    (a) 365 (b) 24 (c) 12,700 (d) 12
    14. The earth’s axis is not ………….. .
    (a) titled (b) vertical (c) unique (d) stationary
    15. The Earth’s hard surface is …………..
    (a) stationary (b) vertical (c) moving very quickly (d) moving very slowly
    16. ………….. is unique because it has life on it .
    (a) Earth (b) Jupiter (c) Moon (d) Galaxy

    Correcting mistakes:
    The Planet earth
    Nine planets orbit the sun. Earth is the third of the inner ones. It is
    150000000 kilometres from the sun. Its diameter is about 12,100
    kilometres. There are 365 dayies in a year on Earth. A day lasts 24
    hours. Earth s axis is not vertical. It is tilted at an angle of 23°. The
    Average temperature on Earth is 12° C.

    Unit 6

    Lesson 2
    Shorting Sentences with "and", "but" or "or":
    Flying is enjoyable. It saves time.
    Flying is enjoyable and it saves time
    Flying is enjoyable. It is dangerous.
    Flying is enjoyable but it is dangerous.
    You can travel to Egypt by plane. You can travel to Egypt by boat.
    You can travel to Egypt by plane or you can travel to Egypt by boat.

    Flying is enjoyable and saves time
    Flying is enjoyable but dangerous.
    You can travel to Egypt by plane or by boat.

    Word Study:
    1. dozen : twelve.
    2. enormous : huge.
    3. needy : poor.
    4. fortunately : happily.

    1. The countries around the Arabian Gulf are very ………….. .
    (a) rich (b) large (c) poor (d) non-Arab
    2. ………….. has made these countries wealthy .
    (a) Industry (b) Sand (c) Oil (d) Agriculture
    3. These countries use their wealth to ………….. industries and ………….. agriculture .
    (a) lend / give (b) pipe / repay
    (c) enable / dig (d) build / improve
    4. Arab Aid is given to ………….. countries in Africa and Asia .
    (a) poorer (b) richer (c) bigger (d) healthier
    5. Arab Aid is the ………….. help given to needy countries .
    (a) high (b) wealthy (c) religious (d) financial
    6. Arab Aid is given by ………….. countries .
    (a) African (b) Gulf (c) Asian (d) All Arab
    7. Gulf countries usually give or ………….. money to poorer countries .
    (a) buy (b) lend (c) help (d) build
    8. Gulf countries include …………..
    (a) Kuwait and Yemen (b) Qatar and Iraq
    (c) U.A.E. and Bahrain (d) Saudi Arabia and Jordan
    9. Arab Aid goes to ………….. countries .
    (a) only Arab (b) only Asian (c) non-Arab (d) Arab and non-Arab
    10. Arab Aid is always going to ………….. countries
    (a) only Arab (b) only Muslim (c) only non-Muslim (d) both Muslim and non-Muslim
    11. Arab Aid is offered to …………..
    (a) Muslims in Saudi Arabia only (b) Muslim and non-Muslim countries
    (c) Muslim countries only (d) non-Muslim countries only
    12. Arab Aid is used to help poorer countries to …………..
    (a) develop themselves (b) give them back (c) lend them to others (d) help other countries
    13. Arab Aid is not always …………..
    (a) wealthy (b) religious (c) high (d) financial
    14. Gulf countries help poor ones in order to ………….. in the Third World .
    (a) make friends (b) make wealth (c) become important (d) get their help
    15. What does Zakat ………….. in English ?
    (a) base (b) face (c) mean (d) mention
    16. In English, Zakat means ………….. .
    (a) fasting (b) alms-giving (c) alms-taking (d) helping each other
    17. Arab Aids are given as a religious duty to the countries who have ………….. we do .
    (a) as much as (b) less than (c) much more than (d) more than
    18. It was an ………….. accident . Thanks to Allah, no one was hurt .
    (a) overdose (b) enormous (c) effort (d) import

    Correcting mistakes:
    The Saudi Fund for Development was established in October 1974 and started
    with $3 billion capital. Since then it has lent money to more than 50 different
    countrys. This money has been spent mostly on transport, power and water
    projects. The borrowers usually have 20 years two repay but they do not have
    to start paying for five years. The Fund has a department which check the
    progress of projects and makes sure they are completed

    Compositions التعابير
    Year introduced by Saudia 1947
    Number of seats 24
    Type of engine 2 propellers
    Wingspan 29 m
    Length 20 m
    Height 5 m
    Routes Jeddah – Riyadh – Hofuf – Dhahran
    Maximum speed 346 km/h
    Flight time from Jeddah to Riyadh 3 hr 30 min
    The Douglas DC-3 in the Service of Saudia

    The Douglas DC-3 was introduced by Saudia in 1947. It was a 24-seat plane driven by two propellers. Its wingspan was twenty-nine metres. It was twenty metres long and five metres high. It flew on the Jeddah to Riyadh to Hofuf to Dhahran route. Its maximum speed was 346 kilometres per hour, so the flight time from Jeddah to Riyadh on the DC-3 was three hours and thirty minutes.

    Position third
    Distance from sun 150 million
    Diameter 12,756
    Years in days 365
    Day twenty-four hours
    Angle of axis About 23°
    Average temperature 12°C
    Life Yes
    The Planet Earth

    Nine planets orbit the sun. Earth is the third of the inner ones. It is about 150 million kilometers from the sun. Its diameter is around 12,750 kilometres. There are 365 days in a year on Earth. A day lasts twenty-four hours. Earth’s axis is not vertical. It is tilted at an angle of about 23°.
    Earth’s average temperature is 12°C. Its atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. It also contains water. Earth has water and ice. Its surface moves very slowly. It is the only planet in the Solar System that has life.

  21. #96
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    D066 رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    جزيت خيرا يااخيتي

  22. #97
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    جزاك الله كل خير

    وسدد على طريق الخير خطاك

    عمل رائع الكثير ومنهم انا في حاجة

    مثل هذه الموضوعات

    لك تحياتي

  23. #98
    انجليزي مبدع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

  24. #99
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  25. #100
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: دفتر ثالث ترم أول مع تدريبات وأقسام مراجعه ومحادثات

    تسلم ايدك ..... مجهود تشكر عليه


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