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الموضوع: طلب مقالة انجليزية

  1. #1
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية انجليش وبس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    طلب مقالة انجليزية

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    غبت فترة طويلة جداً
    مشاغل الدراسة والحياة
    أنا بحاجة ماسة لمساعدتكم
    وأرجو اخذها بعين الاعتبار

    بدي مقالتين كل وحدة مكونة من صفحتين عن هادا الموضوع

    ياريت المساعدة بدي اياها غداً

    the romantic period has affected by spirit of liberation raging in Europe
    discuss with citing this change and its impact on Romantic??????

    write an essay about the modern novel and how far it is succeeded in depicting the reality of 20th century ????

    ياريت على شكل essay

    ياريت بسرعة جداً
    ولكم جزيل الشكر والاحترام
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة M.o_o.N ; 19-12-2009 الساعة 05:09 PM سبب آخر: الرجاء الاطلاع على قوانين منتدى الطلبات

    لا تحزن معاك الله يا أعظم شعب .. لا تحزن بعون الله يهون الصعب

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية

    Romantic period


    The Romantic Era


    The Romantic Era

    (1850 - 1920 C.E.)

    The Romantic era was a period of great change and emancipation. While the Classical era had strict laws of balance and restraint, the Romantic era moved away from that by allowing artistic freedom, experimentation, and creativity. The music of this time period was very expressive, and melody became the dominant feature. Composers even used this expressive means to display nationalism . This became a driving force in the late Romantic period, as composers used elements of folk music to express their cultural identity.

    As in any time of change, new musical techniques came about to fit in with the current trends. Composers began to experiment with length of compositions, new harmonies, and tonal relationships. Additionally, there was the increased use of dissonance and extended use of chromaticism . Another important feature of Romantic music was the use of color. While new instruments were constantly being added to the orchestra, composers also tried to get new or different sounds out of the instruments already in use.

    One of the new forms was the symphonic poem , which was an orchestral work that portrayed a story or had some kind of literary or artistic background to it. Another was the art song , which was a vocal musical work with tremendous emphasis placed on the text or the symbolical meanings of words within the text. Likewise, opera became increasingly popular, as it continued to musically tell a story and to express the issues of the day. Some of the themes that composers wrote about were the escape from political oppression, the fates of national or religious groups, and the events which were taking place in far off settings or exotic climates. This allowed an element of fantasy to be used by composers.

    During the Romantic period, the virtuoso began to be focused. Exceptionally gifted performers - pianists, violinists, and singers -- became enormously popular. Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist/composer, reportedly played with such passion and intensity that women in the audience would faint. Most composers were also virtuoso performers; it was inevitable that the music they wrote would be extremely challenging to play.

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية

    The Early Twentieth Century Novel


    What is a Novel? Realism and Modernity

    A literary genre as not a timelessly existing template that writers can adopt at will in order to express their thoughts. A genre evolves with the works themselves providing the writer with a conventional literary history, the forms of which can be developed, extended, hybridised with others, subverted or parodied, but rarely invented out of the blue, as if there had been no precursors or precedents.

    The novel form as we know it emerged in the early part of the eighteenth century with three writers, apparently working independently, who produced the first great examples of a genre that was to dominate literature throughout the century that followed, the long nineteenth century, into a modernist era, whose writers would almost, apparently deliberately, destroy it.

    Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, and Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones, each in slightly different ways, determined how the form was to develop. The key word is realism.

    The Modern Novel (after the 1890s)

    On or about December 1910

    “On or about December 1910 human nature changed” Virginia Woolf. The first British exhibition of Post-Impressionism

    Blast: 1914 (vorticism and synaesthesia).

    The Great War and its devastations.

    The novel, once the ideal “formless” form for capturing impressions of a world built on apparently stable foundations (captured by the exquisite prose of e.g., Henry James), looks to 1) symbolist principles and 2) modernised mythologies, i.e., an intensified aesthetic, to capture the shifting and fundamentally symbolic nature of human experience. Realism is allied to symbolism and mythology in a brand new hybrid form exemplified by Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, Wyndham Lewis and James Joyce. In a trend begun by Henry James, numerous stories and novels feature artists and/or writers as main protagonsists.

    Landmarks (historical, intellectual, aesthetic):

    1890s: Henry James and H. G. Wells: London contra Oxbridge (the stuffy centres of traditional learning): “Wells was typical of the young men to whom Oxford and Cambridge meant Latin and Greek, obscurantism and reaction, where London meant science, a cheap education, and falling class barriers. Young men like Wells looked to science to transform the world--Wells’s youth was the time of the first telephones, gramophones and automobiles [...] Men were dreaming of the possibility of heavier-than-air flying machines; science was going to transform the world.” G. S. Frazer 1964, 74-5.

    James and the art of the novelist: “The task of the novelist in our century has been to recognise that a high civilisation, whose stability James took for granted, though he knew that it was built on oppression and exhibited innumerable moral flaws, is not stable. The novelist must recognise that the foundations of the world he walks are dangerously shifting, that we are living in a world of rapid and disturbing change, so that we can neither say with certainty when some new pattern of relative stability will emerge, nor what sort of pattern it might be. Yet the task of the novelist also, since the human heart hungers after permanence, is to project some image of permanence and to give the novel a coherence that life at large does not obviously posses.” Frazer, 78.

    The Symbolist Movement (Premature Millenialism--Will-to-power/Will-to-art) There is a tradition, from The German Romantics to the Symbolist movement associated with Arthur Symons and W. B. Yeats, that acknowledges the need apparently felt by human societies, for a mythology that can give structure to human experience (see Symons, The Symbolist Movement in Literature, 1899). In 1800 Frederich Schlegel had said that “modern literature lacks a centre, such as mythology was for the ancients.” Schlegel is writing in an era dominated by the same enlightenment science and scientific realism that was later to so disturb Fedor Dostoevsky as post-enlightenment trends invaded Russian intellectual life in the 1860s. W. B Yeats, at the beginning of the twentieth century, wrote his book called A Vision, in which an alternative mythological system is developed as an attempt to replace the decimated Christian mythology now worthless in the light of evolutionary science and advanced pragmatic philosophies. His short and much quoted poem “The Second Coming” charts the fizzling out of 2000 years of Christianity and hints at the coming new millennial shift that is projected to emerge out of the chaos and anarchy of the present.

    James Joyce and Ulysses. James Joyce’s magnum opus, Ulysses, is signed, “Trieste-Zurich-Paris, 1914-1921,” indicating significantly that this great work had been written during Joyce’s travels across war torn Europe. The novel appropriates its structure from the Homeric epic the Odyssey (Ulysses is the Latin, Roman name for the Greek Odyssey) which tells of the travels and homecoming of the hero Odysseus. Joyce’s book, however covers a few short hours (in over 740 pages) in the lives of his (anti-)heroes. T. S. Eliot: “I hold this book to be the most important expression which the present age has found; it is a book to which we are all indebted and from which none of us can escape.” “Ulysses, Order and Myth” Selected Prose, 175.

    Notice that Eliot calls it “a book” rather than a novel. The following passage explains why: “Mr Joyce’s parallel use of the Odyssey has a great importance. It has the importance of a scientific discovery. No one else has built a novel on such a foundation before: it has never before been necessary. I am not begging the question in calling Ulysses a “novel”; and if you call it an epic it will not matter. If it is not a novel then that is simply because the novel is a form that will no longer serve; it is because the novel, instead of being a form which will no longer serve; it is because the novel, instead of being a form, was simply the expression of n age which had not sufficiently lost all form to feel the need of something stricter. Joyce has written one novel--the Portrait; Wyndam Lewis has written one novel--Tarr. I do not suppose that either of them will ever write another “novel.” The novel ended with Flaubert and with James. It is, I think, Because Joyce and Lewis, being in advance of their time, felt a conscious, or probably unconscious dissatisfaction with the form, that their novels are more formless than those of a dozen clever writers who are unaware of its obsolescence.” (Eliot, 177).

    Modern novel


  4. #4
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية فـيصـل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    my mother's heart
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية

    My sister
    you are so expert really
    thanks alot....keep it up
    من وجد الله فماذا فقد , ومن فقد الله فماذا وجد

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية


    thank you brother
    you would do the same :)

  6. #6
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية انجليش وبس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية


    شكراً جزيل الشكــــــــــــــــر على المجهود الراااائع

    بس بخصوص الموضوع الاول تحدثت باسهاب عن أثر الحرية على العصر الرومانسي في الموسيقى أكتر شي
    كان بدي أنا عن الشعر الرومانسي
    لكن أكيد استفدت كتير من مقالتك شكراً كتير

    المقالة التانية رح ادرسها بعد أيام

    يعطيك ألف عافية

    احترامي وشكري

    لا تحزن معاك الله يا أعظم شعب .. لا تحزن بعون الله يهون الصعب

  7. #7
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية

    لو سمحت يا انجلش وبس هذه الاسئلة طلبهم الدكتور عصام شحادة
    لانو نفس الاسئلة طلبهم منا وبدو المقال يكون دقيق وصحيح
    وفرجانا اليوم مقالات علاماتهم صفر وتنين وخمسة من عشرين
    فهذه الاجوبة صحيحة وكافية ولا كمان من المواقع المقترحة كمان
    فاذا عندك علم باي شئ فيدني ولك جزيل الشكر

  8. #8
    انجليزي فعال الصورة الرمزية انجليش وبس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: طلب مقالة انجليزية

    أهلين أم تيم
    صحيح د. عصام طلب هاي المقالات
    بس طبعاً انا بأضطلع على هاي المقلات وبستفيد منها بالإضافة الي مواقع تانية وكمان كتب مرجعية
    وكله بالأخير طبعاً تصيغيه بأسلوبك الخاص حسب ما فهمتي

    هادا الي بعرفه


    لا تحزن معاك الله يا أعظم شعب .. لا تحزن بعون الله يهون الصعب

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. كيف تكتب مقالة باللغة الانجليزية essay
    بواسطة smartteacher في المنتدى منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية العام
    مشاركات: 4
    آخر مشاركة: 06-04-2006, 06:07 PM


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