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الموضوع: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Sm156 تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    ضروري ابي تحليل رواية cat the rain

    ابي مختصر وقود
    تكفون انا باقيه في هذي المواد
    وياليت الي تعرف توصلي كيف افهم وشلون اذاكر علشان اعرف اتكتب في الكوز
    انا فاهمه الروايه وعارفة ترجمتها بس ماعرف اكتب
    ساعدوني بليز

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    check here dear


    cat in the rain

    1= شخصيه الزوجه

    the wife is very nice lady , she is sensitive and kind person. she love cats and love taking car of cute pets. she act like kids some times like when she said::
    I want a cat,” she said, “I want a cat. I want a cat now****

    2= العلاقه بين الرجل وزوجته

    they are a nice couple who care about each other and you can feel the love between them from the beganning of the story

    3= الفكره العامه للقصه (( Them ))

    the nice feelings toward pets"the kitten"
    treat people nice and they will treat you better
    a women should trust herself

    i believe that the theme is ,, being importance is what human being want wiether thay er men or women.. that is ,, throughout the story, its obviouse to notice that the husband is controling his wife ,, she is not that important to him although his words show that,, she felt the importance from the hotelkeeper, thats why she felt so different and she loved him. simply coz humen in general love to be treated with much respect and freedom

    woman personality ,,,
    from the first line u can see that the woman is so much depresed . although she is in a nice twon ,, she has the view of the garden as well as the sea ,, but still she feels like a presioner in herself,, she imagined herself like a cat in the rain ,, she wanted to free the cat as well as herself from being controled,
    she wanted to change when she told her husband about all the things she wishes for.


    for the relationship ,,

    although the husbands words show so much care and love ,, but the actions er not.. he ignored her speech most of the time she spoke to him ,, he keeps controlling, ignoring her desires, wishes and hopes ..
    she even loved the hotelkeeper coz of what he showed her ,, she liked him coz he respected her and treated her like a human who needs to be listened to. she desperatly wants that from her husband ,,

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    cat in the rain

    بقول لك القصصصه بآختصصصصار ... ؛<<

    القصصصه تتكلم عن الزوجه الأمريكه وزوجهاا .. أنهم كاانووو في فندق بإطاالياا .. وكاان يقضضون العطله هوٍنيك
    فكان زوجهاا داايم مسستلقي على السسرير ويقراا الجريده .. ومو معطيهاا وجهه ولا يهتهم لهاا ولا يسسسمع وشو تققول <<
    يعني بآختصصصار معطيهاا أقووى أشششكل >>
    المهم كاان الوقت ممطر .. وهي كاانت تنااظر من الدريششه >> الناافذه << المهم
    ششافت بسسه << قطه << وقاالت أبيهاا !!
    وقاالت لزوجهاا
    المهم زوجها قاال لها روحي .. بس لا تتبليين @@
    المهم يوووم أنزلت تحت بالفندق شششافت راااجل @@ ذا الرجااال أنحى لهاا أحترااماا لهاا @@
    وكاانت المسساافه بينه وبينهاا بعييده
    هي أسستاانسسست من ذا الشششئ وحسست أنها مهمه وأنهاا شئ بالحيااه هع
    المهم وهي طاالعه تبي تجيبب القطه الي تختبئ تحت الطااوله في الحديقه المقاابله للفندق @@
    تجي ششغاله من ورااهاا وتفتح لهاا المظله >>
    وقااالت الششغاله أنوو الرجل الماالك للفندق هو الي أرسسلني لك @@ وقاال أفتحي لها المظلله
    الزبده يووم طلعت تدورهاا ما لقتهاا @@
    طلعت بعديين فوووق .. عن زوجهاا وسأألهاا عن القطه قاالت أنها رااحت ما لقتهاا
    رجع زوجهاا لقرااءه وهو منسسسدح
    وقاامت هي تناااظر بالمرايه .. وتقول أبي ششعري يطووول .. بسسرعه ويصير نااعم وأربطه على وراا
    وأبي القطه تكووون لي ..
    وأبي طاااوله وصصحون من فضضضه
    وأبي ششموع عليهاا
    وأبي الفصصصل دااييم يكووون ربيع ما يتغير
    الزبده قاامت تتمنى أشششياء مسستحيله المهم زوجها مو معطيهاا وجهه برضووو
    وقاال لها shut up !!
    المهم أنقهرت الزووجه وسكتت !!
    فجأه الإ البااب يندق إلى فيه على البااب الششغاله وجاايبه لها القطوووه
    وقالت لها الششغاله الققطوووه ذي من الرجل الماالك !!


    الأسئئئله عليهاا @@
    ليش أعجبت الحرمه بالرجل المالك !!
    وشو الفرق بين الرجل الماالك وزوجهاا !!
    ووأكتبي عن شششخصصيه ذي الزوجه !!
    الي هي أنها أناانيه وأنها حركااتها طفوووليه .. ألخ !!
    وفي theme !! الي هي موضوع القصصه أو الفكره @@ !!
    الي هي the wife doesn`t satisfied about her life with her husband
    وبسس هذاا الي فااكرته

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    Cat in the Rain


    Only two Americans are in the hotel. Their room faces the sea, a public garden, and a war monument. Many Italians come from far away to see the monument. That day, it is raining, and the American wife is looking out the window. She sees a cat under a table that is trying to keep dry. She tells her husband that she is going to get it. He tells her not to get wet. Downstairs, she is greeted by the hotel operator, whose seriousness and willingness to please she adores. When she goes outside, he sends a maid after her with an umbrella. She does not find the cat. She goes back upstairs feeling sad. She asks her husband if she should grow her hair out. He says that he likes it the way that it is. She decides that she wants a bun at the back of her neck, and a cat to stroke, and a table with her own silver, and some new clothing. He tells her to shut up and to find a book to read. She says that she still wants a cat. Just then, someone knocks at the door. It is the maid. She has brought up a cat, at the request of the hotel operator.


    The American wife expresses a desire for many things in this story. She tells her husband that if she cannot have any fun, then she might as well have things that she wants. In other words, this desire for material goods comes from an inability to acquire intangible goods such as fun and affection. This lack of intimacy is not entirely her husband's fault, of course. She also ignores his compliments.

    This American way, desiring material objects and becoming bored, is contrasted with an Italian way of vacationing. The Italians arrive in the same location to see the war memorial and honor the war dead. They are more involved in the ideas of the place than in owning things from it. In addition, it is a more communal way of living, to honor the sacrifices of others, rather than to stay inside and read.

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    Cat in the Rain, by Ernest Hemingway

    Analysis and symbolism
    In "Cat In The Rain", the American girl's husband treats her with a lack of affection, apathy and indifference. When she starts telling him all the things she desires, he just tells her to shut up. She wasn't asking much, simple things, little things, and most of the times little things are what count most. He thinks she's acting like a spoiled child, he doesn't understand her, and he makes no efforts to make her feel loved, wanted, to make her feel like a real woman.

    She claims to feel like a boy, because she needs physical and emotional attention, which her husband doesn't provide her.

    The hotel keeper was the man who made her feel important, she admires his will to serve her, he gave her the attention she needed and that she's not getting from her husband. In other words, he made her feel like a lady.
    Just like the cat, the American girl feels lonely and she needs to be "pet". She hides from the rain, she tries to keep safe and dry. So, in my opinion, the girl is the cat, her husband is the rain that makes her feel unsafe and unfulfilled, and the hotel keeper is the table under which she hides. She needs someone to hold her, to love her and take care of her, and those are qualities that her husband doesn't have.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    The Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway is a story of an American couple in Italy. Hemingway portrays this couple as having differences of priorities and also a difference in the amount of attention they give to one another. This story takes place over a short few hours, and even though we only know these characters for a brief period of time, we can predict the type of relationship they have. Most likely if we observed George and his wife a week or so from this day, their conversation would not be about a cat, but the underlying causes would be very similar.
    George and his wife (also known as the American girl) are in their hotel room in Italy. George seems very ******* and comfortable sitting on the bed reading. His wife on the other hand gives us the idea that she is very bored, not only in the hotel room, but with their relationship, and herself, her physical appearance especially. Wanting to be anywhere besides stuck in a hotel room do to the rain, the American girl looks out the ******** Outside there is the sea, a public garden, and a war monument. Out in the garden we are also told that there are palm trees and benches for visitors to sit on. The Italians also liked to come and visit this garden because of

    . . .
    The hotel owner then goes on to have a brief conversation with her about the bad weather they are having. By this we again see the hotel owner giving George’s wife the attention she wishes to have from him. George and his wife have forgotten those things, which had brought them together in the first place.

    They walk back to the hotel doors and the maid takes down the umbrella as George’s wife heads back up to her room. As soon as his wife says it was gone and follows by complaining about the poor kitty, he picks the book back up again. Anyone that crossed her path every so slightly and recognized her was noticed and greatly appreciated. His wife complains about her shout boyish haircut, and for once George has been giving her his undivided attention. ”

    We can see from this conversation that George is used to his wife’s unusualiaty and quite bothersome adventures. George also offers his wife help that he knows she will not take, after all he has not intention of getting off the bed to leave his reading. She goes on talking of having her hair long enough to put up in a bun, while a kitty sits on her lap to stroke. The pardone made her feel very small and at the same time really important. “Excuse me, the padrone asked me to bring this for the Signora,” said the maid. These two need to have time with each

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر

    Who are the characters in Cat in the Rain and characterizations?

    The main characters in this Hemingway story are an American couple--George and his unnamed wife--an Italian padrone (hotelkeeper), and a hotel maid. The couple is on vacation in Italy, and they are stuck in their hotel room on a rainy day. George is depicted as indifferent to his wife's needs and desires; she wants to rescue a cat she sees out in the rain, but he makes no move to help her. Instead, he remains lying on the bed as he reads a book. Virtually the only time he pays much attention to her comes when she expresses a desire to grow her hair long so she can wear it in a knot; he prefers that she keep her hair short "like a boy's." The wife is restless and bored. She doesn't want to read; she wants to rescue the cat, which she seems to resemble, because she even says, "It's no fun being a poor kitty out in the rain" after she has made an attempt to retrieve the cat with the assistance of the hotelkeeper who has directed the maid to hold an umbrella to shield the wife from the rain.

    The couple is unhappy, particularly the wife, who expresses a yearning for things feminine (brushing her hair, her own silver, candles, tablecloth) but mostly she wants the cat. It seems she wants something to hold that will respond to her affection because her husband is unresponsive and unattentive. Her litany of desires may even signal a desire for a baby that would also love her, but the possibility of conceiving a child seems remote because George's most direct comments are "Shut up and get something to read" and "I think you think look pretty darn good" in response to her wish to grow out her hair. He is more interested in his book than he is in her. The wife, on the other hand, appreciates the way the hotelkeeper makes her feel important and special. Outside their hotel room, their view includes a war monument, which may represent the subtle battle being waged in their room.

    Hemingway's style is terse and to the point. Easy to read, his writing is often misinterpreted as simple or even simplistic. This writer, however, ascribed to what he called his "iceberg theory" in which he declared seven-eighths of what he meant to convey was beneath the surface, just as the same percentage of an iceberg is submerged. Read the story carefully for clues to the characters.

  7. #7
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: تحليل قصة القطه تحت المطر


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